Holy crap, I'm a Dad!!! *Week 6*

  • Thread starter MadMike'86
Good luck madmike...

You will be the happiest person in the world once he/she pops out.

I know I was and my daughters now 3 and I aint lost the feeling of absolute adoration each and every time I see her. Except when shes broken something, drawn on the walls, kicked the cat, punched my 'nads or been a madam toward me or my wife...

Our second is hopefully going to arrive a couple of weeks after you and your wife have yours. I think my wife is about 10.5wks just now.

Lots of morning sickness and cravings just now...and thats just me!!

I had to suspend all gaming once my daughter was born though, I just couldnt find the time between work and parenting for anything.
Good luck madmike...

You will be the happiest person in the world once he/she pops out.

I know I was and my daughters now 3 and I aint lost the feeling of absolute adoration each and every time I see her. Except when shes broken something, drawn on the walls, kicked the cat, punched my 'nads or been a madam toward me or my wife...

Our second is hopefully going to arrive a couple of weeks after you and your wife have yours. I think my wife is about 10.5wks just now.

Lots of morning sickness and cravings just now...and thats just me!!

I had to suspend all gaming once my daughter was born though, I just couldnt find the time between work and parenting for anything.

You need to take your role as a father into consideration that your leeway should be adapted to demands of your small kids, in order to content them since they sometimes want to play with you and show gratitudes to you as a parent, which will make you more judicious to think about what to prioritize for your children, and be thankful to your family. ;)

Joy accompanies anxiety when you realize that you're soon going to be a parent who's responsible to go around with children to the end(or until they turn an adult age to be independent), whilst being a father gives you a blissful feeling and a hopeful expectation of a better life promised for the future.
Good luck madmike...

You will be the happiest person in the world once he/she pops out.

I know I was and my daughters now 3 and I aint lost the feeling of absolute adoration each and every time I see her. Except when shes broken something, drawn on the walls, kicked the cat, punched my 'nads or been a madam toward me or my wife...

Our second is hopefully going to arrive a couple of weeks after you and your wife have yours. I think my wife is about 10.5wks just now.

Lots of morning sickness and cravings just now...and thats just me!!

I had to suspend all gaming once my daughter was born though, I just couldnt find the time between work and parenting for anything.

Thanks buddy, i'm getting more excited about it now, it's such a buzz when it finally sinks in, can't wait to meet my little one!
Your post made me laugh and squirt beer out my nose so thanks for that! :lol:
Congrats on your second child :cheers:, are you going to find out the sex?

You need to take your role as a father into consideration that your leeway should be adapted to demands of your small kids, in order to content them since they sometimes want to play with you and show gratitudes to you as a parent, which will make you more judicious to think about what to prioritize for your children, and be thankful to your family. ;)

Joy accompanies anxiety when you realize that you're soon going to be a parent who's responsible to go around with children to the end(or until they turn an adult age to be independent), whilst being a father gives you a blissful feeling and a hopeful expectation of a better life promised for the future.

That's pretty deep man, but beautiful...that made me smile and contains good advice, thanks very much! 👍

How is the mother is the mother of the child to be ? :)

Both are well thanks, the wife still gets sick and cranky but is getting better, but both are healthy and i'm most thankfull for that :)
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Your post made me laugh and squirt beer out my nose so thanks for that! :lol:
Congrats on your second child :cheers:, are you going to find out the sex?
lol, sorry about that...should give you a chance to trial some baby wipes though to see which ones are also good for wiping down keyboards!!👍

We didnt find out the sex of our first child, but the midwife was saying 'here she comes, here she comes' during the birth so I knew then...my wife was a bit wasted on gas and air though so she didnt realise until later. The pain probably also had an effect!!

My wife has been to a fortune teller after having problems with the first birth and several problem trying to conceive after the birth who has told her thats its a boy that will be born by ceserean section......

So it will be a girl born naturally then...;)
Week 14


So here we are, wading into the 14th week of pregnancy.

Its been a good week mostly, a couple of arguments, mainly caused by the wifes newly aquired Hormones and my ever present lack of patience....

We had a very nice saturday, she came shopping with me and we were flirting and messing around like a couple of teenagers, it felt great to just be silly and make fun of an otherwise dull routine.

When I look at MrsMad, I see not only the love of my life, but now I also see the mother of my child, and my goodness she's hot 👍

I find myself also thinking more about my future child, thinking about names, what it's personallity will be like ect. I'm growing more and more excited by the day :)

Bring on my child! I'm ready!!

I think....
When I look at MrsMad, I see not only the love of my life, but now I also see the mother of my child, and my goodness she's hot 👍I think....

Part of the reason I'm not jealous.

I know what it's like to look at the missus and think "Holy crap, how did I get so lucky!"

Any cravings for pickled onions and ice cream yet? :yuck:
Men of excellent taste it would seem.

No weird cravings yet, but I sense it's only a matter of time!

My wife just had spontaneous cravings during both pregnancies; we basically did take-out about 5 nights a week, because one minute she'd want pizza, the next minute she'd want burgers, the next...and so forth. She also couldn't stand heavy odors, so cooking and grilling in the house or going out to eat at some places were usually out of the question.
oohhh yeah
Get a paternity test (srs)

You'd be surprised at the statistics on how many guys think they're the father but not.

He's married! What your suggesting is quite :odd:
My wife just had spontaneous cravings during both pregnancies; we basically did take-out about 5 nights a week, because one minute she'd want pizza, the next minute she'd want burgers, the next...and so forth. She also couldn't stand heavy odors, so cooking and grilling in the house or going out to eat at some places were usually out of the question.

Must of cost you a bomb! :eek:

She is getting the scent sensitivity thingymebob, smells like Bananas (which she previously ate all the time) make her sick :lol:

Get a paternity test (srs)

You'd be surprised at the statistics on how many guys think they're the father but not.

Oddly enough I trust my wife and our relationship is rock solid.
When you grow into a man you may one day realise what a real relationship is, although with comments like that I doubt it :dunce:
Must of cost you a bomb! :eek:
Sort of...by the time I was home from work, it was usually around 8:00pm, and I rarely feel like making dinner (let alone cleaning up) after a day's work, and she didn't feel like cooking (she'd tried to a couple times, and the result was mercilessly unfinished every time).

She is getting the scent sensitivity thingymebob, smells like Bananas (which she previously ate all the time) make her sick :lol:
A lot of ladies told me they had that same reaction, so it's fairly common. I've also heard of a handful of over-the-top cravings, some actually to the point of pica. :yuck:

On the other hand, there were also a lot of positives to her pregnancy...besides putting fast-foot joints on speed dial. :sly:
Thanks Pupik, it's good to know 👍

I'm still waiting for these Amazing Hormones to arrive....you know, the ones that turn your gal into a rampant nympho!

Knowing my luck it will go the other way :lol:
She might not have cravings, not all women do. Or, she might flit from one to the next.

I started eating beefburgers several months ago which may seem normal but for someone who couldn't stand beef pre-pregnancy and hadn't touched it in probably 15-20 years this is an odd thing :lol:

I keep having a hankering after diet Coke but am having to limit myself to one can a day because too much caffeine in pregnancy is not a good idea!

BTW - if your missus starts having the desire to suck or chew sponges (you know, like cheap bath sponges) then she's in a fairly large group of pregnant ladies who like to do this! Just remind her not to swallow the chunks ;)

:cheers: Congratz. Those swimmers did their job well, yeah?

And we'll see him/her on GTP in 10 years time (after GT8 is released)! :D

Hope I don't get into trouble for the swimmer statement XD.

... BTW - if your missus starts having the desire to suck or chew sponges ...

Wow, I'm so glad we have an AUP here, and plenty of Moderators to control it. If that was in a public forum with no rules, trolls would have a field day!!
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Dont post daft comments please.....this is a serious thread that other members are interested in.......

My comment wasn't for the purpose of trolling. It was genuine advice that I will follow when I get married. I promised myself to do this after I heard too many horror stories AND reading about it in the newspaper (Vancouver Sun, search it up if you have the time). Basically the article was about a new paternity testing method being developed that would be only ~$50 and would be purchasable at regular drug stores. Basically it was talking about how it would wreck marriages and would do more harm than good (WHAT??? Why would it wreck marriages??? Unless the father wasn't the father...).

Oddly enough, a female wrote that article.
She might not have cravings, not all women do. Or, she might flit from one to the next.

I started eating beefburgers several months ago which may seem normal but for someone who couldn't stand beef pre-pregnancy and hadn't touched it in probably 15-20 years this is an odd thing :lol:

I keep having a hankering after diet Coke but am having to limit myself to one can a day because too much caffeine in pregnancy is not a good idea!

BTW - if your missus starts having the desire to suck or chew sponges (you know, like cheap bath sponges) then she's in a fairly large group of pregnant ladies who like to do this! Just remind her not to swallow the chunks ;)

:lol: How random!

I feel the need to hide my sponge now....:dopey:

I have noticed the last couple of days she has zero appitite which is slightly concerning although not uncommon I believe, hopefully she will start eating properly again soon.

How far along are you now MC?

My comment wasn't for the purpose of trolling. It was genuine advice that I will follow when I get married. I promised myself to do this after I heard too many horror stories AND reading about it in the newspaper (Vancouver Sun, search it up if you have the time). Oddly enough, a female wrote that article.

You can't believe everything you read in the papers mate :sly:

Following that advice will just show your partner you don't trust her, and no trust equals no relationship.
My comment wasn't for the purpose of trolling. It was genuine advice that I will follow when I get married. I promised myself to do this after I heard too many horror stories AND reading about it in the newspaper (Vancouver Sun, search it up if you have the time).

Hopefully, you'd know if he/she's a slut before you get married!

Otherwise, this just sounds like an extension of The Maury Povich/Jerry Springer Show...don't clutter the thread with this.
Magic times! Very happy for you both. :D What colour is the nursery?

Talking of cravings, straight after the birth of our most recent kidlet, Mrs T discovered a craving for Champagne which, rather oddly, hasn't gone yet. Weird and tragic, I know... :odd:
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Wow, we're going to have to start a sweepstake on who's going to pop first! :lol:

Good luck! :)

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