Holy crap, I'm a Dad!!! *Week 6*

  • Thread starter MadMike'86
Strange how a thread about a happy moment (by the way congrats to the Mad family) turns into one about giving up cars on GTPlanet.


Well, I made a thread about pregnancy in a forum dedicated to the worlds greatest driving game series....to expect the conversation to not turn to cars at some point is similar to flicking lit matches at a bucket of petrol and not expecting a fire!

Well, not that strange. MadMike was just saying how he'd be selling his Alfa and myself and others were sympathising with him. We've had kids and been there. :)

Which has sadly now gone! :nervous::nervous::nervous: 👎
Sorry to hear about the Alfa MadMike, bad times.

Still waiting for the missus to pop here, everybody is on egg shells waiting. Phone calls from all family members are becoming a daily occurrence - the wait is ridiculous!

Skyrim is filling the void nicely. It's astounding, breath-taking, epic and overwhelming.
Wait until your sprog arrives, then a whole new kind of astounding, breath-taking, epic and overwhelming turns up! :lol:

...and Skyrim goes back in the box... ;)

The wait is nerve jangling though. :nervous: Good luck.
Week 17


Another week has rolled by, nothing overly exciting to report i'm afraid.
That said, my wife felt the baby move for the first time, which is awesome :)

We brought some baby clothes, we don't know the sex yet but find out on the 8th of December, however our impatience got the better of us and we brought aload of boys clothes :lol: We kept the receipt incase it turns out to be a girl :sly:

I notice the excitement in me building, the wait to know the sex of my child is proving agonising, although no doubt nothing compaired to the wait spunwicked is enduring! :lol:

The Alfa has gone now, and I am now driving a Rover 416 SLI with 166k on the clock! :eek: The first of many sacrifices no doubt.

We still have no boys names yet, its getting to be a joke as we have gone through thousands and just cannot decide! argh! However the girls name is decided so thats a plus.

I have learnt that my child can supposedly hear my voice now...which has inspired me to write a song, I have written many before with varying degrees of success (I am an amature musician) and can't wait to get recording! However I will wait to know the sex before I find out for sure 👍

So, there we go.
We didn't have much trouble choosing names for ours. I think that's because we had some pretty strong candidates before we ever got pregnant and luckily we didn't really clash. My wife chose our son's and I chose our daughters. We agreed that their middle names would have an 'angel' reference, so our son was called Izaak Gabriel and our daughter Fifine (Fifi) Seraphina.

Sorry to hear about the Rover... :( Haven't change your sig yet, I see. Still clinging on!
First of all: Congratulations!!!

Second: Make sure your wife, during the whole pregnancy, has:
- plenty of rest
- does not do anything physically or mentally demanding
- does not watch horror movies or other very exciting movies
- keeps stress-levels to an ABSOLUTE minimum
- maintains a good and rhythmically night rest (make sure to get 8 hours sleep/night) and keep sleep intervals the same
- does not drink much alcohol / smoke / use drugs
- keep her (emotionally) happy (believe me: it will affect certain body features, which may be related with childdevelopment)
- eats very healthy (lots of vegetables and fruits), with meat, grain etc. in the right amounts
- does not listen to 'rough' music (heavy metal or anything that has an 'aggressive'-effect)

I say this with a biological/medical education/background. All in all: maintain a healthy lifestyle, with plenty rest, good food (= healthy, vegetables, fruits), keep stress-levels to a minimum and stay emotionally happy.


I say these as pure tips, and i'm not accountable for any posts i put here. For more information on a healthy lifestyle regarding pregnancy, i suggest you to see a professional and read academically approved books on the subject.
Captain Obvious :D

Just enjoy the ride mate, although I do think buying clothes before you know what your having is a bit over eager! We waited until we knew, good job really as I was banking on a boy but we are having a girl.

It could be today, could be tomorrow, but she's coming.

It gets hard watching your other half try and cope with the last stages of pregnancy. No matter what I do to make her more comfortable, I know its not working. Strange feeling, trying to be helpful but really making no difference.

Fingers crossed she comes before the weekend.
Week 17


Another week has rolled by, nothing overly exciting to report i'm afraid.
That said, my wife felt the baby move for the first time, which is awesome :)

We brought some baby clothes, we don't know the sex yet but find out on the 8th of December, however our impatience got the better of us and we brought aload of boys clothes :lol: We kept the receipt incase it turns out to be a girl :sly:

I notice the excitement in me building, the wait to know the sex of my child is proving agonising, although no doubt nothing compaired to the wait spunwicked is enduring! :lol:

The Alfa has gone now, and I am now driving a Rover 416 SLI with 166k on the clock! :eek: The first of many sacrifices no doubt.

We still have no boys names yet, its getting to be a joke as we have gone through thousands and just cannot decide! argh! However the girls name is decided so thats a plus.

I have learnt that my child can supposedly hear my voice now...which has inspired me to write a song, I have written many before with varying degrees of success (I am an amature musician) and can't wait to get recording! However I will wait to know the sex before I find out for sure 👍

So, there we go.

So she's just starting to get the 'baby bump'? I thought you were making the blog posts about it all with that link :lol:

Also for boys names: Tyne? :P Just kiddin'.

Yes, many sacrifices. Sad to hear about the Alpha. You will also have to go without food, water, or ear drums for a while after he/she is born. :)
Thanks Foxhound for the advice 👍

Tlowr4, you have good points that I hadn't considered. Damn you. :lol:

Spun, I think I know what you mean when it comes to seeing your loved ones suffer and there is little you can do. I'm sure she appreciates your efforts, keep it up and take good care of her! 👍
My advice is to keep the name a secret; just tell others so, otherwise you get flooded with surprisingly dumb responses.
When is the earliest time during the pregnancy that they determine the sex? Only a week or so away from the halfway point now! :cheers:
When is the earliest time during the pregnancy that they determine the sex? Only a week or so away from the halfway point now! :cheers:

Whenever it rolls over for the camera and exposes itself. I recall that's about 20 weeks or so.
In before the
"It's a boy!"
"That's the umbilical cord"


Best of luck again, Mr. and Mrs. 1986. 👍
Mr. and Mrs. 1986. 👍
Maybe the childs name should be linked to something or someone from that year :D what happened in 1986 it's a good 9 years before my time ;)
what happened in 1986
Challenger exploded
"Rock Me Amadeus" by Flaco
Crocodile Dundee
"It" by Stephen King
Chernobyl accident
The last episode of Press Your Luck aired

Bad, bad, bad and worse.
My advice is to keep the name a secret; just tell others so, otherwise you get flooded with surprisingly dumb responses.

This + 1,000,000

A good one I heard when a colleague said they were going to call the bump Megan was "That's my mums cats name"...unfortunately I was the one saying it :guilty:
Maybe the childs name should be linked to something or someone from that year :D what happened in 1986 it's a good 9 years before my time ;)

Challenger exploded
"Rock Me Amadeus" by Flaco
Crocodile Dundee
"It" by Stephen King
Chernobyl accident
The last episode of Press Your Luck aired

Bad, bad, bad and worse.

Shem arrived.

As did I.

So basically yeah, nothing good :lol:

I kid, I kid. :sly:
1980 was a slightly better year :)

Only FIVE official days to go dudes. Mrs.Spun slept through last night meaning I had possibly the last full nights sleep I will be having for a while. I feel epic today, sleep is the bomb.

Are you wanting your bump to be a girl or a boy madmike?
Good thing you weren't born in '97 everything went tits up from then on...:lol:
Just looked up 1995 and NOTHING of any interest happened. Apart from the DVD being announced ooooooooooh :lol: i do hope a photo of the scan appears on here :) i love this thread and check on it all the time :lol:
1980 was a slightly better year :)

Only FIVE official days to go dudes. Mrs.Spun slept through last night meaning I had possibly the last full nights sleep I will be having for a while. I feel epic today, sleep is the bomb.

Are you wanting your bump to be a girl or a boy madmike?

5 days?! Ah man the wait is killing me and it's not even my kid! :lol:

How's Mrs Spun? she must just want that thing out of her now lol

We are hoping for a Boy, obviously I will be pleased with either, but if I had a choice I would say boy.

Good thing you weren't born in '97 everything went tits up from then on...:lol:

:lol: That made my sides hurt! So true! (Albiet somewhat depressing)

Just looked up 1995 and NOTHING of any interest happened. Apart from the DVD being announced ooooooooooh :lol: i do hope a photo of the scan appears on here :) i love this thread and check on it all the time :lol:

I'm glad to hear you like the thread Ellis, and yes, there will be scan pics 👍

I need everybody to chant Boy Boy Boy for maximum chance :lol:
5 days?! Ah man the wait is killing me and it's not even my kid! :lol:

How's Mrs Spun? she must just want that thing out of her now lol

We are hoping for a Boy, obviously I will be pleased with either, but if I had a choice I would say boy.

She's biiiiiig mate... its amazing how much her body has stretched to accommodate bump. And yes, she is knackered, tired and most definitely bored of being pregnant now. We are just waiting for the 'show' then its full on red team go status. It's high anxiety all round at the moment.

I was hoping for a boy. I was so sure. I actually managed to almost convince myself it was going to be a boy. Then we had the scan and wouldn't you know? Bump was declared female and I had to rethink my dreams of scalextric cars and trial bikes. Don't hope for either mate, just hope your bump is healthy!
She's biiiiiig mate... its amazing how much her body has stretched to accommodate bump. And yes, she is knackered, tired and most definitely bored of being pregnant now. We are just waiting for the 'show' then its full on red team go status. It's high anxiety all round at the moment.

I was hoping for a boy. I was so sure. I actually managed to almost convince myself it was going to be a boy. Then we had the scan and wouldn't you know? Bump was declared female and I had to rethink my dreams of scalextric cars and trial bikes. Don't hope for either mate, just hope your bump is healthy!

We just found out 2week ago that were expecting our 3rd :) our 1st was a girl (6 now) called Lucy then there is Ben (3 now) and another on the way :) were not finding out the sex this time and that's gonna hard not knowing lol, I hope everything goes well for all 3 of you with no problems.
She's biiiiiig mate... its amazing how much her body has stretched to accommodate bump. And yes, she is knackered, tired and most definitely bored of being pregnant now. We are just waiting for the 'show' then its full on red team go status. It's high anxiety all round at the moment.

I was hoping for a boy. I was so sure. I actually managed to almost convince myself it was going to be a boy. Then we had the scan and wouldn't you know? Bump was declared female and I had to rethink my dreams of scalextric cars and trial bikes. Don't hope for either mate, just hope your bump is healthy!

Don't let her hear you say that! :scared:
Yeh I do want a boy, but fact is I will be happy with either, although the idea of taking my boy for his first pint is one I love....time will tell! :sly:

We just found out 2week ago that were expecting our 3rd :) our 1st was a girl (6 now) called Lucy then there is Ben (3 now) and another on the way :) were not finding out the sex this time and that's gonna hard not knowing lol, I hope everything goes well for all 3 of you with no problems.

Gongrats!! :cheers:

Mini update:

Went to the midwife today for a check up, got to hear the heart beat and all is ship shape. Very pleased!
...I had to rethink my dreams of scalextric cars and trial bikes. Don't hope for either mate, just hope your bump is healthy!

My daughter has quite a bit of interest in cars, planes, boats, racing, and the Cars movies. I mean, she has her dolls and stuffed toys, but she runs around with a toy airplane and likes to see which diecast cars go the furthest when pushed on the tile floors or flip the most spectacularly. She enjoyed seeing some of the car repair shops I worked at, looking at construction sites, skyscrapers, "helping" me build stuff (she picked out a toy tool set for her birthday a few years back). And she watches football with us, too.

This all makes the wife a tad bit annoyed; I figure she'll grow out of the phase eventually, but hopefully just at the point when my son is ready to take an interest in those things...