Your continued inferences to the contrary aside, you're the one utterly missing the point here.
I've answered this at least 3 times already.
You haven't. Not even close.
Yes, I can explain to my kids that two straight people love each other, the same way I'd love them(my kids), the same way any two mammals love each other.
This doesn't even answer the one question that I had explicitly typed out in my last post, let alone the implied carry-over question that I've been trying to get you to answer for the last few days. Let's try this one last time.
Let's begin with the claim that started all of this:
Because the only way to show sexuality, gay or straight, is through sex acts.
Myself and several others pointed out that this claim is unfounded and ridiculous. You've yet to directly acknowledge our attempts to get you to substantiate it. So, I put to you:
1. You can easily show that two straight people are in a relationship on TV show without using sex to do so. Do you agree? If so, move on to question two. If not, then please demonstrate the validity of your claim to the contrary.
2. You can just as easily show the same if the people involved are gay. Again, without referencing or showing sex. Do you agree? If yes, then please retract your claim to the contrary. If no, then please demonstrate the validity of your claim to the contrary, and why it only applies to homosexuals.
It's simple. You made a claim. I'm calling 🤬 on it. Love between any two people (and not just the "same way you'd love your kids") can be easily and inoffensively portrayed by showing them engaging in normal, everyday relationship behavior - raising children, working together towards goals, saying "I love you," by simply referring to each other as husband or wife, etc., etc. Sex need never be involved.
Demonstrate that I'm wrong, and why. Or retract your claim.