The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 417 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
Some definitions are clearly needed:

Biological Father - Male who's genetic information you spawn from
Father - Guy who raises you
Step Father - Guy who is married to your mom but isn't your biological father
Adoptive Father - Guy who pays to get legal custody of you
Foster Father - Guy who gets paid to watch you

Your Biological Father can be your Father. Your Step Father can be also be your Father. Same for Adoptive and Foster. Your Biological Father isn't necessarily your Father. Same goes for Step Father and Foster Father, although Adoptive Father is almost certainly your Father. Note that at no point did I assume that "Father" means "Good Father".
Well, this is off topic isn't it? Anyway, in my own utopia, there's biological father and non biological father without the legal naming. Not that they can be any less of a parent, but they should be defined. This is to avoid Woody Allen situations.


All I want is an environment that's rated 'O' for "oh **** now I have to prematurely teach my kids about sex because of what they saw in public or on TV". **** me right? That's the way I want things to be. You either agree, or you don't. Don't be a bigot and try to force your opinion.
Precisely! Which is why I think sexual orientation(or any signs of it) should be left out of TV, and public places.
Which would mean pretty much any depiction of mom and dad is gone. So, couples can't be shown on TV and can't be allowed to walk the streets? That makes no sense to me.

Sexual orientation has nothing to do with pornography, this is why you're point isn't getting across. I have no idea how you can respond with "precisely". If a kid happens to ask why mom and dad live together, should they respond that they just woke up in the same house one day?

It might prompt the kid to ask what the difference is between homo/hetero.
Which is fine. Incidentally, there's not that much that's different.
Apparently this is where we differ, how much credit we give the kids.
And whether or not kids should be exposed to human relationships (no, that's not sex).

So that the parents would educate their kids about those subjects the way they want to educate them. Not the way it's shown on TV, and not at the age of 4.
This is done by the parents controlling what is on their TV and creating a market for certain programs. This is not done by censoring TV in general. By cutting out sexual orientation from kid's TV shows you're trying to control what they can and can't see. OK for your kids, but not for everyone else's.

We've been through that already. I'm all for changing the channel if you don't like content, but you should KNOW what to expect before you or your kids watch a program. Hence, parental rating.
Yeah, so look up what's on TV and what the content is. If the only way someone can know what's on TV is to censor it to the point of no content, that doesn't sound like successful parenting.

That's fine if you'll go with the storks idea.
What does that have to do with storks? It's pretty much a real world answer.

I don't think being exposed to it or not makes a difference. Bullies will bully you if you're different, end of story.
You can only be different by being different. This is why no one is bullied for having heterosexual parents, because it might be as far as some kids know the only way parents can be. If suddenly hetero/homosexual representation was split 50/50 things could be quite different. In a more real world look at this, you'd probably see increased homosexual representation result in decreased bullying of children of homosexual couples and gay kids for a number of reasons. For one it will be less of a big deal, secondly it would be more likely that other kids would be accepting or open about it.

It doesn't matter when or how they discover those differences.

Again, all about how much credit we give to kids.
It has nothing to do with that or even kids at all. It's what different between the you-your brother relationship and a gay men's relationship. Two gay men are probably going to look more like your mom and dad than you and your brother.

It's okay for them to be shown as foster parents. This isn't a sexuality issue, it's really whether a dad is considered a dad if he's not biologically a dad. That's for another thread.
If it's not for this thread why bring it up? I don't see the issue as an issue anyway. If someone is not a biological father, can that person be a father? Yes obviously. What's also interesting is that a gay man who has never been on the same planet as a woman can also be a biological father to his own child.

That would be, 1 father one (boy)friend. Not two fathers.
It could be any number of fathers. Why would it be limited to one? You could even have two or more of those fathers be biological fathers while being gay and never having been within 3 miles of a woman.

Some might, gotta watch out for them.
OK, some might. What are we watching out for exactly?

All I want is an environment that's rated 'O' for "oh **** now I have to prematurely teach my kids about sex because of what they saw in public or on TV". **** me right? That's the way I want things to be. You either agree, or you don't. Don't be a bigot and try to force your opinion.

How exactly does the awareness that a couple is gay require you to "prematurely teach your kids about sex"?
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This is to avoid Woody Allen situations.
Is that so important?

All I want is an environment that's rated 'O' for "oh **** now I have to prematurely teach my kids about sex because of what they saw in public or on TV". **** me right? That's the way I want things to be. You either agree, or you don't. Don't be a bigot and try to force your opinion.
Then control what's on your TV. Don't control what's on other people's TV. And I don't see why sex would even enter the picture if there is a gay couple on TV. It's completely unrelated.
Ugh. From the inside? No, there's obviously more differences. From the outside, you shouldn't be able to tell (as a child).

You don't think any normal child could observe a man and a woman of their own culture interacting and give you a reasonably accurate guess about whether those two people were brother and sister or husband and wife?

Sure they might be thrown occasionally, but adults might be thrown occasionally too by oddly close siblings or oddly distant married couples.

Give a child a couple of minutes, and they'll probably have a pretty good idea what's going on, even if they can't describe it in as many words.

Unless you're trying to claim that people should (but don't) behave in such a way that the status of the relationship should be unreadable. Which is an entirely different thing. Nobody in the western world lives in that culture, nobody in the western world has lived in that culture for decades (probably centuries, really, if ever), and it's unlikely to happen any time soon.

You can stick your kid in a bubble and control what they learn and how they learn it, or you can prepare them for the world they're eventually going to have to live in. If you believe that relationships should be obscure, you're not only going to have to establish the benefits for doing so for an entire culture, you're also going to have to explain why the benefits are so great as to overturn an entire social system based mostly on people being honest about who they are and how they feel.

All I want is an environment that's rated 'O' for "oh **** now I have to prematurely teach my kids about sex because of what they saw in public or on TV". **** me right? That's the way I want things to be. You either agree, or you don't. Don't be a bigot and try to force your opinion.

The irony is palpable.

You don't want other people to force their opinions on you, so you're dictating to the general public what is acceptable viewing matter on a public television channel and in public spaces?

In public, yeah, I guess it's kind of a problem for you. You can't really control what other people do. You can control your children's environment to a great extent though, if you choose. Home schooling, only letting them visit select friends who you trust, not letting them go to malls and other places where they might see things that would result in you having to explain the birds and the bees to them.

If they don't see the things that would raise these questions in their minds, then they can't ask you awkward questions.

With TV, it's easy. Switch it off. It's fine. There's not some vitamin in TV that kids need for growth, as much as they'd like you to believe that there is. If you want to let them watch stuff, only let them watch stuff that you've prescreened and approved. Download everything from the internet, and let them watch the programmes that you deem appropriate. Make your own TV channel, as it were.

I should make it clear that I don't agree with this method of raising children at all. But they're your kids, and you're free to mess them up however you want. But don't spoil the TV and public places for the rest of us just because you're uncomfortable explaining how one man can sometimes enjoy having another man's penis in his mouth.

You want to raise your kids away from all that stuff, fine. I can empathise, even if it's not something I would do. You can segregate them from it, fairly easily. Given the choice between you and your family making the sacrifice to change your lifestyle to raise your kids as you wish, and everybody else changing their lifestyles so that you can raise your kids as you wish, there's only one sensible option.

It is not to expect everyone else to change to accommodate your needs, just in case you were thinking it.
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Issue 1: Having to mention sexual orientation or anything sexual on children's TV. It doesn't really matter if it's hetero or homo. The reason I pointed this out, is because everyone these days seems to want homosexuality promoted*, even to kids. I find that absurd. I'm not saying you should stay in the closet, but don't take your religion, sexual orientation or any of that **** in public and rub it in kids' faces. It doesn't help. As an adult I can deal with it, but I wouldn't want my kids to. Even for the sake of adopted children with gay parents. What if the kids with biological parents ask "how come they have two dads/moms?"? You can be nice about it all you want, but some kids might see that as a way to look down on others in school and bully them. Let's not pretend all children are fun loving angels.

Capitulating to bullies gets you nowhere. In my secondary school, swastikas were a common form of graffiti on tables, on walls and in the bathrooms, and these were often accompanied by badly-spelled anti-immigrant slogans. Should that mean that there should be separate schools for immigrants?

Ginger-haired students were also a target for bullies. Does that mean that gingers should be in separate schools too?

You don't combat bullying fuelled by bigotry by removing the targets. You confront the bigotry itself.
All I want is an environment that's rated 'O' for "oh **** now I have to prematurely teach my kids about sex because of what they saw in public or on TV". **** me right? That's the way I want things to be. You either agree, or you don't. Don't be a bigot and try to force your opinion.
Weird, I'm a parent and actively participate in my daughter's TV viewing. She never watches anything I don't want her to or don't think she is ready for and she isn't watching TV without an approved adult watching her.

You're the parent. Your kid winds up seeing things you don't approve of, I don't think you can blame the large corporations. You are in charge. Act like it.

And by the time they are of the age to find ways around your monitoring I hope they know what sex and homosexuality is.
Well, this is off topic isn't it? Anyway, in my own utopia, there's biological father and non biological father without the legal naming. Not that they can be any less of a parent, but they should be defined. This is to avoid Woody Allen situations.

People refer to the person who raises them as their father... after all that's the person in the role. If you have two fathers, then it's because they both raised you. Whether that's because you have a biological father and a step father, or because you have a biological father and your biological father's male spouse, or because you have two adoptive male fathers.
Anyway, in my own utopia, there's biological father and non biological father without the legal naming. Not that they can be any less of a parent, but they should be defined. This is to avoid Woody Allen situations.

Dystopia to many others.

The Woody Allen situation's irrelevant I think... he went out with a woman who he never lived with and then years later had an affair with her 20-year-old stepdaughter adopted daughter*. It's weird for sure, but they're a bunch of weird people altogether. Don't set too much store by Mia Farrow's later allegations, people who were close to them (and who have no apparent interest in Woody Allen) have visibly failed to support them.

What I get from most of your posts is this; When you see couples you immediately think of how they have sex.

That's the only explanation I can think of for the things you say. The majority of other posters don't seem to have problems divorcing an adult couple's sex life from their part in the family. You seem to, again and again. Get over it dude ;)

*I thought Soon Yi Allen/Previn was MF's stepdaughter, she actually adopted her with Andrew Preview. Changes nothing really, still weird.
Straight people, please, please. You don't have to do all this arguing me little old me. It's flattering, but please, I mean, I'm actually gay and don't spend this much time worrying about it.

If people are afraid /don't want to see gay stuff, that's fine, let them whine about it and move on, it's not worth anyone's time to argue back, because they aren't arguing, they're just spiteful/hateful/afraid. Ignore them, and you won't have to listen to the silly little things they say. And you wont have to try to reason with anyone who says
All I want is an environment that's rated 'O' for "oh **** now I have to prematurely teach my kids about sex because of what they saw in public or on TV". **** me right? That's the way I want things to be. You either agree, or you don't. Don't be a bigot and try to force your opinion.

**** you? Maybe TV and love on TV aren't as bad as the language their dad uses? Or that he's trying to mold them into his own carbon-copy, bubble-loving form? My dad doesn't love that I'm a furry, he's creeped out by it. But he lets me be a furry, he doesn't do anything to stop me from being one. Know why? He's a dad, not a dictator.

A problem that needs to be cured. Homos are a disgrace to our society and they need to do something better. Most homos are even homos because they think they can never have anyone. If no one gets anyone then they are meant to stay single perioid, that doesn't mean they're meant to be homo.

This was posted in 2003 but I know a lot of people think it, deep down inside, or we wouldn't still have the same stupid debate over ten years later. I cannot tell you how sick these types of things make me, on either front. Stop trying to reason with these stupid, stupid, hateful people, you will never get anywhere because they're locked into a mindset that it's not a discussion, it's some kind of war. Ignore them and the 'problem' will eventually get older and shut up, or die. Vulgar yes, but is there really any way they'll start listening?

And what does 'cure the problem' mean? *fakes vomiting* I'm done with this thread, that totally screwed up my day. But I'm glad they'll be able to go back and watch Bill Riley or whatever the h*** it is they do.
People sweep on through. Some of them would be aiming to push buttons, and nothing more. The ones that come with a disdain, thinly veiled by a supposed tolerance interest me in one sense. I wonder if they are actually warring with themselves. That they're struggling to find sufficient justification for maintaining long-held views. They pick maybe one of the last things that can somewhat get them riled up (the "gay agenda in media" is popular at the moment), and seek to amplify it, powered by the backlash we the opposition provide. It's kind of like "I'm running out of hate. Top me up".

A theory.
Capitulating to bullies gets you nowhere. In my secondary school, swastikas were a common form of graffiti on tables, on walls and in the bathrooms, and these were often accompanied by badly-spelled anti-immigrant slogans. Should that mean that there should be separate schools for immigrants?

Ginger-haired students were also a target for bullies. Does that mean that gingers should be in separate schools too?

You don't combat bullying fuelled by bigotry by removing the targets. You confront the bigotry itself.

We could always make a separate school just for bullies :P
I'll respond to the censorship first.
This is done by the parents controlling what is on their TV and creating a market for certain programs. This is not done by censoring TV in general. By cutting out sexual orientation from kid's TV shows you're trying to control what they can and can't see. OK for your kids, but not for everyone else's.
Yeah, so look up what's on TV and what the content is. If the only way someone can know what's on TV is to censor it to the point of no content, that doesn't sound like successful parenting.

Then control what's on your TV. Don't control what's on other people's TV. And I don't see why sex would even enter the picture if there is a gay couple on TV. It's completely unrelated.
Weird, I'm a parent and actively participate in my daughter's TV viewing. She never watches anything I don't want her to or don't think she is ready for and she isn't watching TV without an approved adult watching her.
You're the parent. Your kid winds up seeing things you don't approve of, I don't think you can blame the large corporations. You are in charge. Act like it.
And by the time they are of the age to find ways around your monitoring I hope they know what sex and homosexuality is.

For the last time, I'm against censorship. What I would like TV companies to do, is give warnings as to what the content of the programs are. That would include sexuality-indicating acts. That way I can avoid letting my kids watch them.

As for public, I typed it above below. Keep reading.
Which would mean pretty much any depiction of mom and dad is gone. So, couples can't be shown on TV and can't be allowed to walk the streets? That makes no sense to me.
I don't see how this is hard to understand. You can show parents, gay or straight. As long as they don't show excessive signs of compassion (groping, etc). TV or public.

Sexual orientation has nothing to do with pornography, this is why you're point isn't getting across. I have no idea how you can respond with "precisely". If a kid happens to ask why mom and dad live together, should they respond that they just woke up in the same house one day?
Seeing what I defined as "sex acts" COULD act as micro-pornography to kids or prompt them to ask questions. This is what I think we should try to avoid.

Which is fine. Incidentally, there's not that much that's different.
What's fine, them asking questions? I'd rather have them enjoy an innocent childhood as long as they can. And yes, it's not different between straight/gay.

And whether or not kids should be exposed to human relationships (no, that's not sex).
Relationships is a loose term here, but from how you define it, yes.

What does that have to do with storks? It's pretty much a real world answer.
If you're going to tell your kids babies come from storks, your answer would work. Otherwise, like I said 10 times already, it might prompt extra questions that I wouldn't like answering until the kid is much older.

It doesn't matter when or how they discover those differences.
That's what I said. Ignore this, it's off topic.

It has nothing to do with that or even kids at all. It's what different between the you-your brother relationship and a gay men's relationship. Two gay men are probably going to look more like your mom and dad than you and your brother.
Ahh, but I don't think my mom and dad should look like my mom in dad in public either :)

How exactly does the awareness that a couple is gay require you to "prematurely teach your kids about sex"?
Keep up. I answered this before. Here:

It might prompt the kid to ask what the difference is between homo/hetero.


Is that so important?

Unless you're trying to claim that people should (but don't) behave in such a way that the status of the relationship should be unreadable. Which is an entirely different thing. Nobody in the western world lives in that culture, nobody in the western world has lived in that culture for decades (probably centuries, really, if ever), and it's unlikely to happen any time soon.
Are you pro-public nudity, by any chance?

You can stick your kid in a bubble and control what they learn and how they learn it, or you can prepare them for the world they're eventually going to have to live in. If you believe that relationships should be obscure, you're not only going to have to establish the benefits for doing so for an entire culture, you're also going to have to explain why the benefits are so great as to overturn an entire social system based mostly on people being honest about who they are and how they feel.
I'll prepare them when they're old enough. I don't think they should be prepared for anything related to sexuality until they hit puberty. I don't see how that's a big deal.

The irony is palpable.
I'm glad you're seeing that. That's exactly how I feel.

You don't want other people to force their opinions on you, so you're dictating to the general public what is acceptable viewing matter on a public television channel and in public spaces?
I think there should be common ground, then build up on that. Public behaviour should be accepted by everyone, if you think there's something extra you'd like to be doing but can't do it in public, do it in private. Everybody wins this way. You think I wouldn't like making out with my girlfriend on a table in public? Of course I would. However I feel that it's my duty to respect what other people might NOT want to see happen in front of their kids. "Get a room" is there for a reason.

Capitulating to bullies gets you nowhere. In my secondary school, swastikas were a common form of graffiti on tables, on walls and in the bathrooms, and these were often accompanied by badly-spelled anti-immigrant slogans. Should that mean that there should be separate schools for immigrants?

Ginger-haired students were also a target for bullies. Does that mean that gingers should be in separate schools too?

You don't combat bullying fuelled by bigotry by removing the targets. You confront the bigotry itself.
When on earth did I suggest having separate schools for anything? What the ****?

I KNOW bullying will happen no matter what. It was someone else that suggested having gay TV shows will decrease bullying. I don't agree with that. That's it.

People refer to the person who raises them as their father... after all that's the person in the role. If you have two fathers, then it's because they both raised you. Whether that's because you have a biological father and a step father, or because you have a biological father and your biological father's male spouse, or because you have two adoptive male fathers.
This is off topic. I wish we could continue to the main point, rather than discuss other things.

Hate to sound like a tree hugger, but shouldn't we embrace love of all kinds, we don't need to question if a man loves a man or a woman loves a woman.
Who's questioning it?

Dystopia to many others.
If you think keeping intimate acts out of public is the end of the world, I feel bad for you.

What I get from most of your posts is this; When you see couples you immediately think of how they have sex.

That's the only explanation I can think of for the things you say. The majority of other posters don't seem to have problems divorcing an adult couple's sex life from their part in the family. You seem to, again and again. Get over it dude ;)
Far from it, but explaining again would be beating a dead horse.

Straight people, please, please. You don't have to do all this arguing me little old me. It's flattering, but please, I mean, I'm actually gay and don't spend this much time worrying about it.
This is one of the things that bothers me. A lot of heterosexual hippies take this activism **** farther than who they're trying to fight for would, or think necessary.

If people are afraid /don't want to see gay stuff, that's fine, let them whine about it and move on, it's not worth anyone's time to argue back, because they aren't arguing, they're just spiteful/hateful/afraid. Ignore them, and you won't have to listen to the silly little things they say. And you wont have to try to reason with anyone who says
That's not a very nice thing to say about a person, is it?

**** you? Maybe TV and love on TV aren't as bad as the language their dad uses?
So according to this logic, just because certain dads are assholes that use bad language, beat up their kids, rape their daughters, it should be allowed on children's TV?
Or that he's trying to mold them into his own carbon-copy, bubble-loving form? My dad doesn't love that I'm a furry, he's creeped out by it. But he lets me be a furry, he doesn't do anything to stop me from being one. Know why? He's a dad, not a dictator.
Who's trying to stop anybody being gay?

This was posted in 2003 but I know a lot of people think it, deep down inside, or we wouldn't still have the same stupid debate over ten years later. I cannot tell you how sick these types of things make me, on either front. Stop trying to reason with these stupid, stupid, hateful people, you will never get anywhere because they're locked into a mindset that it's not a discussion, it's some kind of war. Ignore them and the 'problem' will eventually get older and shut up, or die. Vulgar yes, but is there really any way they'll start listening?

And what does 'cure the problem' mean? *fakes vomiting* I'm done with this thread, that totally screwed up my day. But I'm glad they'll be able to go back and watch Bill Riley or whatever the h*** it is they do.
You better not think I'm one of those people, or you're no different from them :)


I think I see where some confusion might have come from regarding parenting. What I mean by I wouldn't like preparing the kids for sex is, I'd rather they don't ask these questions until a later age. I didn't mean I wouldn't answer them if they ask.
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If you think keeping intimate acts out of public is the end of the world, I feel bad for you.

Thank you, your concern is noted. I don't think that, incidentally, it depends on the definition of intimate. It's you who's consistently confused sexuality and intimacy throughout the thread, not I.

You've also said that TV families should be male/female only and that Sex Education should only relate to Health and Safety.

With the rambling multi-quote above you've flipped your earlier argument (four pages of self-citation right here) to say that you don't think kids TV should be pornographic. Not quite the argument you were making previously.

And god knows what you picture with "Mum in Dad in public".
Thank you, your concern is noted. I don't think that, incidentally, it depends on the definition of intimate. It's you who's consistently confused sexuality and intimacy throughout the thread, not I.

You've also said that TV families should be male/female only and that Sex Education should only relate to Health and Safety.

With the rambling multi-quote above you've flipped your earlier argument (four pages of self-citation right here) to say that you don't think kids TV should be pornographic. Not quite the argument you were making previously.

And god knows what you picture with "Mum in Dad in public".
I didn't flip anything. You flipped what I said, misquoted me and jumped to conclusions.

Care to tell me the difference between intimacy and sexuality? Maybe my English isn't as good as I thought. I don't see how intimate acts(kissing, groping, whatever) are NOT signs of your sexual orientation.
I didn't flip anything. You flipped what I said, misquoted me and jumped to conclusions.

Care to tell me the difference between intimacy and sexuality? Maybe my English isn't as good as I thought. I don't see how intimate acts(kissing, groping, whatever) are NOT signs of your sexual orientation.

So there's intimacy. So is resting foreheads together for no reason, or sitting with your arms around each other watching the kids play.

Kissing's fine too, I'm sure, depends how you do it of course.

Presumably you'd find all those displays natural from an M/F couple? It seems you have a problem with two guys doing that though, cos THE KIDS WILL KNOW THEY SHAGGED!!!! :embarrassed:
I don't know about the rest of you, but I like being on the correct side of history, even if the side argument that I'm on directly concerns people like me.

The whole argument involves the type of relationship I have with someone I love very much, which pisses people off, and I enjoy that. :P
For the last time, I'm against censorship. What I would like TV companies to do, is give warnings as to what the content of the programs are. That would include sexuality-indicating acts. That way I can avoid letting my kids watch them.

I read that as anything that would indicate a sexual orientation. So if little Susie can't sleep and goes to tell Mum and Dad while they're in bed, a warning would be required for that show? Your kids won't be getting much tv.
So there's intimacy. So is resting foreheads together for no reason, or sitting with your arms around each other watching the kids play.

Kissing's fine too, I'm sure, depends how you do it of course.

Presumably you'd find all those displays natural from an M/F couple? It seems you have a problem with two guys doing that though, cos THE KIDS WILL KNOW THEY SHAGGED!!!! :embarrassed:
I have a problem with the kids seeing something they find odd. If his parents are straight, he'll find gay couples doing what his parents do weird. If his parents are gay, he'll find straight parents doing what his/her gay parents are doing weird.

Any other false accusation you'd like me to defend myself from?
I have a problem with the kids seeing something they find odd. If his parents are straight, he'll find gay couples doing what his parents do weird. If his parents are gay, he'll find straight parents doing what his/her gay parents are doing weird.

Any other false accusation you'd like me to defend myself from?

I didn't see the accusation, just a presumption. The pre- part of that was embedded (so to speak) in all the earlier comments which you're now obfuscating with views on pornography being viewed by children, the standard of your own English and the old standby; false accusations. Read what you wrote, you were very clear. I'd say explicit, but hey.

The point is that while you marginalise homosexual couples you keep them abnormal, so you actually contribute to the problem. You can't choose who's in love or who's in a family, it's none of your business, it's perfectly normal to have couples made up of two men, or of two women, or of a man and a woman. Children know that too but guess what... none of those combinations do anything but show them what love and friendship is about.

As I said previously; if the parents' sex-life is a problem for the children then there are much more serious issues at stake.
I have a problem with the kids seeing something they find odd. If his parents are straight, he'll find gay couples doing what his parents do weird. If his parents are gay, he'll find straight parents doing what his/her gay parents are doing weird.

Any other false accusation you'd like me to defend myself from?

Children find a lot of things weird. That's where adults come in and explain that those weird things are perfectly normal.
Some kids find not being bashed odd. Luckily Super BHR is here to save the day by not allowing kids to be confused by tv showing a loving, non-bashing household.

When you try to use "slight of hand" to jump the topic around, we will follow. I'm following you making an issue of things being "odd" to kids, and seemingly suggesting that that in itself is a problem.
The point is that while you marginalise homosexual couples you keep them abnormal, so you actually contribute to the problem. You can't choose who's in love or who's in a family, it's none of your business, it's perfectly normal to have couples made up of two men, or of two women, or of a man and a woman. Children know that too but guess what... none of those combinations do anything but show them what love and friendship is about.
I didn't marginalize anybody. So much for me being clear.

What exactly do you mean by parents' sex life?

Children find a lot of things weird. That's where adults come in and explain that those weird things are perfectly normal.
Well...What this guy said:
No, due to a potential lack of understanding of sex and all it entails, which could lead to negative consequences for them.
So yeah, I'd rather I don't have to make them understand "sex" at such a young age. I'll do everything I can to delay it as much as I can.
I didn't marginalize anybody.

you can show it as long as it's not in your face that they're a gay couple

Not exactly not talk about it. Just no parades or anything like that, and there shouldn't be any talk about sexuality in children programming on TV etc. Sex education should be concerned with health and safety only without involving orientation as it makes no difference.



So what would Sex Education be with all the sex taken out? Or is M/F sex okay still? Cos that's not an orientation, right? ;)
For the last time, I'm against censorship. What I would like TV companies to do, is give warnings as to what the content of the programs are. That would include sexuality-indicating acts. That way I can avoid letting my kids watch them.
You mean like this?


It'd be even better if they were giving a good description of why it got the rating just before the show, kind of like this.
I think there should be common ground, then build up on that. Public behaviour should be accepted by everyone...

Nope and nope.

You want to dictate public behaviour based on the lowest common denominator? That would make some of the stuff Middle Eastern countries expect of their women look tame in comparison.

You cannot satisfy absolutely everybody, and it's a waste of time to try. Mostly, because some people are just :censored:ing nuts.

Public behaviour is dictated not by what keeps everyone happy, but by the minimum necessary to not have the snot kicked out of you. As long as the majority of people will tolerate behaviour, it's acceptable publically.

See smoking as an example. There's a growing trend now for people to go up and berate smokers for smoking in public places, or at least make them feel like pariahs. This tends to pressure all but the ballsy ones to smoke only in designated areas. This same thing applies to any behaviour, like having sex in public. Were you to try, you'd find yourself verbally and/or probably physically "discouraged" from doing so, either by enforcement agencies or members of the public.

This is how people learn what's appropriate and what isn't. There isn't a set of rules written down anywhere. It's the sum total of what the population will tolerate and how violent their reactions are when they don't tolerate the behaviour.

Most people, even if they're pretty anti-gay, will not go up to a gay couple in the street and berate them for holding hands, or having a quick kiss. They don't do so because if they do, they have a good chance of copping much worse for being a "gay basher" or some such.

They may make funny faces and mutter to themselves about how disgusting it is, and that's fine. Same as most of us do when we see teenagers making out on park benches and stuff.

TL;DR: Publically acceptable behaviour is defined by what is tolerable by a majority, not by what is acceptable to everyone.

Are you pro-public nudity, by any chance?

You're going to have to explain how public nudity relates to being able to quickly discern the relationship between two people via observation of their behaviour.

I don't particularly care either way about public nudity, for what it's worth. Clothes are useful most of the time, because it's cold and they're comfortable. They have pockets I can keep things in, and they stop me burning my precious skin when I spill acid in the lab. But I don't freak out when I go to the beach and see everyone wearing dental floss.

Clothes also serve useful functions signalling hierarchies, professions, and such. When I wear a suit to a job interview it's more than just looking nice, it's that I've made the effort to get all dressed up like this. It's that I care enough about the interview that I'm dedicating time to it.

As with everything, I think it's a balance. There's times when there's nothing wrong with public nudity. I've been to public baths in Japan, everyone is naked, nobody cares. Wearing a bathing suit would defeat the purpose. There's times when clothes are helpful, and then you wear them and you're not naked.

I don't think being nude is a dirty thing, if that's where you're going with this. If there was no such thing as a swimming costume, and everyone went to the beach and swam naked, I do not think that would change society in any appreciable manner. Apart from putting a lot of designer bikini shops out of business, which I'm strangely OK with.

I'm all for whatever is the most functional solution at the time.
So what would Sex Education be with all the sex taken out? Or is M/F sex okay still? Cos that's not an orientation, right? ;)
What you quoted doesn't mean I'm marginalizing anyone. You just assumed that.

And sex education, regarding health and safety, isn't different if the audience was gay or straight. I don't see a problem.

The Entertainment Software Ratings Board has a similar system.

  • Sexual Content - Non-explicit depictions of sexual behavior, possibly including partial nudity
  • Sexual Themes - References to sex or sexuality
Could work, if everyone agreed on what falls under sexual themes and what doesn't.
The ESRB ratings system doesn't stop parents from buying their children games that aren't appropriate for them, or children from watching TV shows that aren't appropriate for them though.