How am I kidding you, I mean if you were that oblivious as a child I'm sorry. However, in my experience kids aren't stupid they figure things out to some capacity or another, it's not all that hard of a concept to get.
I was responding to this:
"Kids aren't stupid, nor are young kids going to jump to the same conclusions of an adult like you did "they have sex". So once again as we've all asked, why is it an issue they know?" -you
Before you edited in an explanation.
I'm not saying that kids won't unfortunately learn about it at school or through friends, I'm just saying it should be avoided when possible.
That doesn't work when you ask it to someone who isn't making assertions.
You've apparently got something against gay parent couples on kid shows. What's wrong with that? Asking why or someone else is asking you that question isn't an answer. The reason you're being asked questions is that you've said you're against openly gay couples being shown as normal, or something. You haven't shown any similar response to heterosexual couples. Looks heavily biased.
I'm not going to look at my previous posts, but just minutes before you said that I said I have a problem with showing sexuality regardless of the orientation. You've jumped to the conclusion I'm bias.
He's arguing that there is no need to pretend gay couples don't exist.
No, he literally said that you must show them gay couples and black people etc otherwise the kids will turn up intolerant people.
You're shooting down every suggestion when it comes to showing open homosexuality. You've also gone on to make links that aren't there, like linking gay couples to sex.
Because the only way to show sexuality, gay or straight, is through sex acts.
So the two gay parents, are in your opinion, better left never explained?
Of course. The same way it's not explained that a male and female are "sexually active".
It's because I can't escape that conclusion reading your posts.
Fixed. I said multiple times, if you want compassion to be shown, you can do it without at all mentioning or hinting at sexual orientation.
There doesn't need to be some gay guy in every kids show. We can all agree. This issue is you're saying it's a problem if there was some gay guy being gay on a kids show. Why?
Like I said before, if by being gay you mean engage in sexual acts, then yes I have a problem with that. I never said, or implied it's exclusive to homosexuals.
There's more than one kid's show on the air.
This isn't the point.
What does this have to do with gay couples? Also if couples = sexuality, then isn't any show with a family depiction just as bad? You've said nothing about them.
No, I'm pretty sure toy story didn't have any sexuality in it. I'm also pretty sure you(
are you?) Americans rate shows or movies "PG" or something for sexuality (not nudity). If it's rated G, then it probably doesn't show a distinction between hetero and homo.
Off to bed, I'll reply tomorrow.