- 2,542
- Netherlands
- Denur; GTP_Denur
I also don't know how it works, what triggers sexual awareness in a child or adolescent. I only know from experience and what others told me about their own experiences. I know very little about girls, only that they get into puberty before boys do and that it is most visible in changes in their body (grow spurts and boobs).I have no idea how that works. I was worried about Transformers and Hot Wheels. Even though I knew what sex was and had the full reproductivity biology lesson in school at age 10 sex was not close to my mind until I discovered that looking at certain girls made things happen to my body.
Some boys become sexually aware as young as 6 years old and even act on it (hard on, fellatio and all *eek*). I didn't start doing that until 9 or 10 with a few of my schoolmates and from 11y/o(?) we went all the way. And all of us had yet to reach puberty (pubes, bigger tool set, etc). But we were only a small group and most of our school mates were not interested at all (like you). Some would get interested in boys or girls at 13, some at 16 and a fraternity friend is still as a-sexual as my fridge door. I was actually able to orgasm years before I started producing sperm. The feeling was the same, minus the mess.
I wonder where this difference in timing comes from and what its purpose is. Maybe it's nature's way to have young animals and humans practice for later.
No offense what so ever.My attitude would offend most people I know, so I have no clue which parts are just completely alien to you or if all of it is.
The part that alienates you most from me, is the part about your daughter. Forbidding your daughter to have sex until she is an adult, comes across as possible child molestation from my point of view. It shocks me deeply. If she wants to have sex as a teenager and she knows that you don't want her to, she might very well get some behind your back and be unprepared and be without proper protection. That could result in you being a Granddad a little earlier then anticipated. If you feel uncomfortable to have a decent sex talk with your daughter, then please let someone else do it for you (school for example). It could save your daughter, you and society a lot of trouble. All depends of course at what age she becomes sexually aware and that she also feels the need to act on it.
I hope this does not offend you.
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