The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 417 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
I have no idea how that works. I was worried about Transformers and Hot Wheels. Even though I knew what sex was and had the full reproductivity biology lesson in school at age 10 sex was not close to my mind until I discovered that looking at certain girls made things happen to my body.
I also don't know how it works, what triggers sexual awareness in a child or adolescent. I only know from experience and what others told me about their own experiences. I know very little about girls, only that they get into puberty before boys do and that it is most visible in changes in their body (grow spurts and boobs).

Some boys become sexually aware as young as 6 years old and even act on it (hard on, fellatio and all *eek*). I didn't start doing that until 9 or 10 with a few of my schoolmates and from 11y/o(?) we went all the way. And all of us had yet to reach puberty (pubes, bigger tool set, etc). But we were only a small group and most of our school mates were not interested at all (like you). Some would get interested in boys or girls at 13, some at 16 and a fraternity friend is still as a-sexual as my fridge door. I was actually able to orgasm years before I started producing sperm. The feeling was the same, minus the mess.

I wonder where this difference in timing comes from and what its purpose is. Maybe it's nature's way to have young animals and humans practice for later.

My attitude would offend most people I know, so I have no clue which parts are just completely alien to you or if all of it is.
No offense what so ever.

The part that alienates you most from me, is the part about your daughter. Forbidding your daughter to have sex until she is an adult, comes across as possible child molestation from my point of view. It shocks me deeply. If she wants to have sex as a teenager and she knows that you don't want her to, she might very well get some behind your back and be unprepared and be without proper protection. That could result in you being a Granddad a little earlier then anticipated. If you feel uncomfortable to have a decent sex talk with your daughter, then please let someone else do it for you (school for example). It could save your daughter, you and society a lot of trouble. All depends of course at what age she becomes sexually aware and that she also feels the need to act on it.

I hope this does not offend you.
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Forbidding your daughter to have sex until she is an adult, comes across as possible child molestation from my point of view. It shocks me deeply.

While, indeed, proper sex education is a must for teenagers, a prohibition from sex is not unreasonable in a society in which underage sex, depending on who the partner is, is considered a criminal act.

To be clear: Molestation implies sexual abuse. Abstinence is not sexual abuse.

Preventing your child from engaging in adult activities like sex, drinking alcohol, and smoking tobacco and/or marijuana (depending on the laws of the land), especially when aiding and abetting such behaviours can land you in jail, or worse, can have the child taken away by social services... is simply common sense.
The part that alienates you most from me, is the part about your daughter. Forbidding your daughter to have sex until she is an adult, comes across as possible child molestation from my point of view. It shocks me deeply. If she wants to have sex as a teenager and she knows that you don't want her to, she might very well get some behind your back and be unprepared and be without proper protection. That could result in you being a Granddad a little earlier then anticipated. If you feel uncomfortable to have a decent sex talk with your daughter, then please let someone else do it for you (school for example). It could save your daughter, you and society a lot of trouble. All depends of course at what age she becomes sexually aware and that she also feels the need to act on it.

He's talking about not wanting his 4 year old daughter to see people having sex in public, not locking a 17 year old in her room because she kissed her boyfriend. You're reading way more into this than what's actually there.
The part that alienates you most from me, is the part about your daughter. Forbidding your daughter to have sex until she is an adult, comes across as possible child molestation from my point of view. It shocks me deeply. If she wants to have sex as a teenager and she knows that you don't want her to, she might very well get some behind your back and be unprepared and be without proper protection. That could result in you being a Granddad a little earlier then anticipated. If you feel uncomfortable to have a decent sex talk with your daughter, then please let someone else do it for you (school for example). It could save your daughter, you and society a lot of trouble. All depends of course at what age she becomes sexually aware and that she also feels the need to act on it.
How is me laying down ground rules on behavior the same as not having a decent sex talk? I can't explain the ground rules to her without that talk.

I am not doing anything different than saying no smoking and no drinking. It is a case of judging based on individual maturity level, same as kinds of media exposure. No offense to you, but I don't know of a nine-year-old that can grasp the consequences and risk/benefits of sexual activity, much less be prepared to also perform the same reasoning when it comes to safe sex. Trust me, even today, my brain says, "no condom, mo' fun." My maturity prevents me from giving in. It's the same with food and activities.

If she reaches a point where I think that she can make these decisions then I will help her get birth control without a complaint. But if she becomes sexually active while still making the same stupid mistakes everyone makes while young I will give her a long lecture, give her the 'my house, my rules speech,' and then help her get birth control while giving her the evil eye.

And if I think she is making big mistakes in any area I will search her room, track her phone, and monitor her computer use.

Add in the fact that if I consented to her having sexual activity before she was 16 it would be illegal. The charge would be far worse, such as abuse, if I consented to it with someone that would be considered statutory rape by our laws.

And ultimately, my daughter is a female. A blonde haired, blue eyed female. I'm a male and I know how males think, and don't think. Even if she is mature and able to weigh the consequences, there is another person involved. I dint have the opportunity to fully asses that person.

I hope this does not offend you.
Not at all. Clearly we grew up in very different cultures. I am finding this to be an interesting conversation. You need to understand, every person I know well enough to know when they first had sex did it no earlier than 16, some as late as in their 20s.
I am not doing anything different than saying no smoking and no drinking.
To me this is a somewhat different situation, because sex is a natural thing and smoking and drinking are not. Besides, drinking and smoking are definitely a health hazard.

It is a case of judging based on individual maturity level, same as kinds of media exposure. No offense to you, but I don't know of a nine-year-old that can grasp the consequences and risk/benefits of sexual activity, much less be prepared to also perform the same reasoning when it comes to safe sex.
9 year old kids can be taught about various dangers (like staying away from possibly poisonous snakes), but of course they first need to understand what you're talking about. I think a yearly (or so) repetition might be the key. By the time she reaches a more mature age and understands more about sex, it becomes more sensible to talk about the dangers. My mother gave me the talk once and that was when I was 6 years old. Didn't do much good and I'm glad to have had my first real sex education in 4th grade.

If she reaches a point where I think that she can make these decisions then I will help her get birth control without a complaint. But if she becomes sexually active while still making the same stupid mistakes everyone makes while young I will give her a long lecture, give her the 'my house, my rules speech,' and then help her get birth control while giving her the evil eye.

And if I think she is making big mistakes in any area I will search her room, track her phone, and monitor her computer use.
I fully agree.

Add in the fact that if I consented to her having sexual activity before she was 16 it would be illegal. The charge would be far worse, such as abuse, if I consented to it with someone that would be considered statutory rape by our laws.
Is it illegal where you live, for two 12 year old kids to have unforced sex? Interesting.

And ultimately, my daughter is a female. A blonde haired, blue eyed female. I'm a male and I know how males think, and don't think. Even if she is mature and able to weigh the consequences, there is another person involved. I dint have the opportunity to fully asses that person.
I understand the sentiment, and that's why I think it is important to talk to her about 'the boys', so she will be able to make good decisions on her own and that you can trust her with that. But yeah, if she needs more time maturing, you'd better keep a short leash.

Not at all. Clearly we grew up in very different cultures. I am finding this to be an interesting conversation. You need to understand, every person I know well enough to know when they first had sex did it no earlier than 16, some as late as in their 20s.
I have lived in the USA for one year as a high school senior student ('86/'87) and know how much more prude the nation is compared with some European countries. There is very little exposure to sex or even nudity in the USA and kids are probably clueless as to where certain feelings come from or what they mean. But somehow, my USA school mates (both boys and girls) were more sexually active than those back in Europe. Like they had some catching-up to do...
I AM gay, so I voted Ok. it's 2014, this really shouldn't be an issue and I don't understand why people really care about what other people do/who they love. That's my two cents anyway. Back to being bored.

Being in the Deep South, has that been a particularly difficult road? I'd imagine you have a different story to a lot of other people.
Being in the Deep South, has that been a particularly difficult road? I'd imagine you have a different story to a lot of other people.
Oh not really, I don't get out much. People generally seem to like for some reason anyway, I have no idea why I HAVEN'T been picked on for that at some point. I never hide it or anything, but then again I'm not overly "gay", just a guy that likes guys.

Mostly I'm depressed, but that's for different reasons.

Thanks for asking, by the way.
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To me this is a somewhat different situation, because sex is a natural thing and smoking and drinking are not. Besides, drinking and smoking are definitely a health hazard.
So is unprotected sex. It is natural, but so are food cravings. We shouldn't let our kids just eat what they want. When they can choose their foods appropriately then they can make their own meals. Or they go to college and live on Ramen. Sex is natural, but it now has many more hazards than at the beginning of humanity. I mean, we give vaccines for an STD that they assume everyone eventually contracts, and can cause cancer.

I can point out one reason why parents here are much more uptight about their kids and sex.
The sexual abuse rate among girls is 1 in 5. It is 4% of all children in your country. Even our boys have higher rates than that. Statistically, two of the girls at my daughter's last birthday party will be sexually abused in some way. The last thing I want is for her young mind to not understand why doing it with Uncle Frank is different than with a boy from her class. I can tell her it is wrong and try to explain it, but if she can work the logic to have sex at all she could try to use logic that one male is no different than another male to justify fun. I fear the risk of her becoming a willing victim.

9 year old kids can be taught about various dangers (like staying away from possibly poisonous snakes), but of course they first need to understand what you're talking about. I think a yearly (or so) repetition might be the key. By the time she reaches a more mature age and understands more about sex, it becomes more sensible to talk about the dangers. My mother gave me the talk once and that was when I was 6 years old. Didn't do much good and I'm glad to have had my first real sex education in 4th grade.
I got my first talk when I was five. Official school-taught sex-ed in 5th grade. At the end we were show 'The Miracle of Life' documentary, which showed everything from intercourse to birth with internal cameras, and then up close images of a full vaginal birth. Some of the kids passed out, others looked traumatized, and most girls said, "no way."

Is it illegal where you live, for two 12 year old kids to have unforced sex? Interesting.
No. That's not what I'm trying to say.

If a young Archie and Betty (or Betty and Veronica/Archie and Jughead/Archie, Jughead, Betty, & Veronica) get away and engage in sexual activity without an adult present or knowing beforehand then it isn't illegal, but you will get the stink eye from other parents.

If a parent is willing aware that they are having sex, or is witness to it without stopping it, then it is illegal.

That is how I understand it, but things may have changed. There have been cases where a girl sending pictures of herself to her boyfriend resulted in child pornography charges for both of them. For the record, I think that is an insanely stupid law.

But yeah, if she needs more time maturing, you'd better keep a short leash.
Part of the problem is that our society is hitting this point of instant gratification. The moment someone thinks something could be fun they want it now. It has become a very narcissistic society, and arguably immature. Some even go so far as to think they don't need to earn material things. I'm afraid to know what their mindset on sex is now.

One benefit of this increasing promiscuity is that a few popular shows regarding teenage pregnancy have been correlated to decreases in teen pregnancy rates. It wasn't a sex talk or warnings, it was watching average girls have their lives fall apart on TV. But reported sex rates are still up. I suspect more condom use or butt and oral sex.

I have lived in the USA for one year as a high school senior student ('86/'87) and know how much more prude the nation is compared with some European countries. There is very little exposure to sex or even nudity in the USA and kids are probably clueless as to where certain feelings come from or what they mean.
I have no clue. I see people who are having sex at a young (by our standards) age and have a mix of crash and burn or moving on like normal. I see people like myself who waited until they felt ready and most of us didn't have kids until late 20s or 30s, when we felt financially secure. And others think sex is just a fun game to do in bar bathrooms or wherever you can find a flat surface and have five kids from four daddies.

But somehow, my USA school mates (both boys and girls) were more sexually active than those back in Europe. Like they had some catching-up to do...
Once we start, we don't stop. You should see a girl who goes to an all-girls school when she actually gets out to meet boys.
So is unprotected sex.
There is a difference: Sex can be done safely, alcohol and drugs are always bad. I have no problem with forbidding unsafe sex (quite the opposite).

I can point out one reason why parents here are much more uptight about their kids and sex.
The sexual abuse rate among girls is 1 in 5. It is 4% of all children in your country. Even our boys have higher rates than that.
My gut feeling says that that uptightness (sic) may very well be the reason for that high abuse rate, but I have not way to back up. Don't we want something even more when it is forbidden?

The last thing I want is for her young mind to not understand why doing it with Uncle Frank is different than with a boy from her class. I can tell her it is wrong and try to explain it, but if she can work the logic to have sex at all she could try to use logic that one male is no different than another male to justify fun. I fear the risk of her becoming a willing victim.
So you'll have to outsmart her, maybe making very clear that if she ever gets caught with an older person that that person will go to prison for a very long time and that she will never be allowed to have fun for the rest of her life (or what ever gets the message across).

I got my first talk when I was five. Official school-taught sex-ed in 5th grade. At the end we were show 'The Miracle of Life' documentary, which showed everything from intercourse to birth with internal cameras, and then up close images of a full vaginal birth. Some of the kids passed out, others looked traumatized, and most girls said, "no way."
Good grief, that went quite a bit further than in my days. I'm not even sure whether or not we were shown pictures, let alone a video. A few kids giggled though.

If a parent is willing aware that they are having sex,...., then it is illegal.
Illegal for whom? The parent or the children or both. If a parent finds out later, must she/he report the activity to the authorities?

If a parent is ... witness to it without stopping it, then it is illegal.
Being witness and staying to watch, that should be very illegal indeed. Being witness and walking directly away. That should not have to be illegal to me. But when the parent has any reason to believe that a kid is being bullied into having sex, then it must stopped and the other parents and school informed (there may be more victims).

That is how I understand it, but things may have changed. There have been cases where a girl sending pictures of herself to her boyfriend resulted in child pornography charges for both of them. For the record, I think that is an insanely stupid law.
Yes, that story was all over the news here, not because of pictures, but because of the law. Same as Nipple-gate, it made the news here too, not because of the-still-covered nipple, but because of the uproar it caused in the USA.

Part of the problem is that our society is hitting this point of instant gratification. The moment someone thinks something could be fun they want it now. It has become a very narcissistic society, and arguably immature. Some even go so far as to think they don't need to earn material things. I'm afraid to know what their mindset on sex is now.
This is going even more of-topic, but on what do you base this. If this is true, then sex education could indeed have unwanted side effects.

One benefit of this increasing promiscuity is that a few popular shows regarding teenage pregnancy have been correlated to decreases in teen pregnancy rates. It wasn't a sex talk or warnings, it was watching average girls have their lives fall apart on TV.
Yeah, that is maybe the only positive side effect of MTV going down the drain.
There is a difference: Sex can be done safely, alcohol and drugs are always bad. I have no problem with forbidding unsafe sex (quite the opposite).
Drugs and alcohol can be done safely. Moderation is key. Most people understand a couple of beers a week are fine. Considering a number of drug abuses involve drugs normally prescribed for bettering health, and that even some illicit drugs are studied for extracting medical benefits, I would say drugs of many forms can be done safely.

Even going down the purely illegal uses, I know of people who might do cocaine once or twice a year, and plenty who use marijuana on a regular basis the way I drink alcohol.

My gut feeling says that that uptightness (sic) may very well be the reason for that high abuse rate, but I have not way to back up. Don't we want something even more when it is forbidden?
Read my link on US stats. The most at-risk group is 3-7. I hope that (by an adult) is forbidden in your country. We are talking adults being sexually attracted to children, something I am unable to even fathom. If we are talking adolescents then I can see it happening the way you suggest, but before sexual development.

Of course, I'm the same guy who thinks most college-aged girls seem like they are 14 or 15. Every time my wife has to correct me on someone's age I tell her that she knows I'm not a pedophile if I think legal age looks to young and not attractive to me. - I wonder if that skews my view on sex and age appropriateness. I'm rarely attracted to early adults, so of course 9 sounds shocking.

So you'll have to outsmart her, maybe making very clear that if she ever gets caught with an older person that that person will go to prison for a very long time and that she will never be allowed to have fun for the rest of her life (or what ever gets the message across).
If she is remotely like I was, no amount of this stuff will work. I had a dad who had a heavy (read abusive) hand when punishing. I still did very stupid things and broke rules.

Good grief, that went quite a bit further than in my days. I'm not even sure whether or not we were shown pictures, let alone a video. A few kids giggled though.
It took most of is another 2-5 years to consider sex after that. But this did require parental permission to be done.

Illegal for whom? The parent or the children or both.
Parent, but in light of crazy laws, who knows anymore?

If a parent finds out later, must she/he report the activity to the authorities?
No. It's the same as discovering your kid used drugs. If you try to stop continuation of the behavior you are fine. If you continue to fail to prevent it an overzealous prosecutor may file neglect charges, but that would be rare and hard to convict b

Being witness and staying to watch, that should be very illegal indeed. Being witness and walking directly away. That should not have to be illegal to me.
Both kids aren't old enough to legally consent to sex. A parent allowing it is giving consent to multiple minors for an activity that law forbids an adult-only consent in. I don't even know if I made that make sense.

Yes, that story was all over the news here, not because of pictures, but because of the law. Same as Nipple-gate, it made the news here too, not because of the-still-covered nipple, but because of the uproar it caused in the USA.
And now you can see why I am considered off base with what you consider to be my conservative views.

This is going even more of-topic, but on what do you base this.
Multiple studies. For time and simplicity here is a Psychology Today article defending and referencing the studies against a New York Times attack piece.

Two psychologists even published a book based on their findings.

EDIT: You can see it in this thread. How often do we get the, "It's just my opinion. I'm not here to debate it. I'm right," posts? They're always right, can't be wrong, and it's not debatable so they won't debate.
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Moderation is key.

The most at-risk group is 3-7. I hope that (by an adult) is forbidden in your country.
I would expect and hope so.

We are talking adults being sexually attracted to children, something I am unable to even fathom. If we are talking adolescents then I can see it happening the way you suggest, but before sexual development.
We're talking adolescents.

Pedophilia is a different subject that deserves its own thread. I'll just say this about it: Why is it that when we grow older, that we stay being attracted to people our own age (with maybe a wider age range)? Maybe there a process in our body that triggers this process and that this process is defective in pedophiles.

Of course, I'm the same guy who thinks most college-aged girls seem like they are 14 or 15.
I know the feeling. The other day there were some girls waiting for the bus with me. I thought they were about 14/15 too, until I heard them talking about their ongoing driving lessons. At the time one had to be at least 18 years old to start having driving lessons.

I wonder if that skews my view on sex and age appropriateness. I'm rarely attracted to early adults, so of course 9 sounds shocking.
Of course that sounds shocking if you try to imagine (automatically) yourself having sex with a child that age. Maybe it is even impossible to imagine if you never had those feelings at that young age.

Both kids aren't old enough to legally consent to sex. A parent allowing it is giving consent to multiple minors for an activity that law forbids an adult-only consent in. I don't even know if I made that make sense.
You are making sense. I must stress that I'm talking about adolescents here (something like 10+) and I don't think that there should be a law forbidding them having sex among themselves (voluntarily).

And now you can see why I am considered off base with what you consider to be my conservative views.
I guess you too were shocked by the nipple?

Multiple studies. For time and simplicity here is a Psychology Today article defending and referencing the studies against a New York Times attack piece.

Two psychologists even published a book based on their findings.
I read the NY Times article. Interesting stuff, so more reading to do.

EDIT: You can see it in this thread. How often do we get the, "It's just my opinion. I'm not here to debate it. I'm right," posts? They're always right, can't be wrong, and it's not debatable so they won't debate.
Are you referring to me saying earlier that further discussion is useless? That had nothing to do with being right or wrong, but more that the discussion was on the emotional level. I have almost given up on having face to face discussions with socialists and conservatives about economics and religion. It usually leads to nothing, other than a shouting match after a beer or two. But sometimes that is fun too. But in this case I am glad that you continued with the discussion. I find it to be very educational. :)
Pedophilia is a different subject that deserves its own thread. I'll just say this about it: Why is it that when we grow older, that we stay being attracted to people our own age (with maybe a wider age range)?

The X-Files came out in 1993, I was 13. I had a massive crush on Gillian Anderson who was 25 at the time (and playing someone a bit older I think). I remember enjoying the occasional misplaced nude magazine when I was about 8 - those models were all guaranteed to be 18 years of age or more. I had it bad for Courtney Cox in 1999 when I was 19 and she was 36. Also Jennifer Aniston who was 31. Right now Olivia Wilde makes it high on my list, and she is 4 years younger than me. Mila Kunis is 3 years younger than me. Emilia Clarke (Dragon lady from Game of thrones) is 7 years younger than me.

I feel like I've consistently been attracted to women of the same age range.

Yes, I was also attracted to girls in my classes at school, since forever really. I think your own age is always old enough for you. Early on, even one year below me was too far (even though that was perfectly fine the year before). But did I find the other 7th graders in my class as attractive as the women on TV and in movies? Oh hell no, they were just much more approachable. Same went for high schoolers at that age. I had a huge crush (as did every other boy in the school) on a high school senior girl when I was a freshman. She was far beyond any other girl in the school. Didn't stop me from hitting on the girls in my class though.
@Danoff: Now that you mention it, I remember too that more mature people could be very attractive indeed. Much more than the younger ones. When I was 10 I had a big crush on an intern at school. He must have been around 20 years old or so and yes, someone about that age can sometimes still attract me, like Simon Nessman as seen in an Acqua Di Gio commercial (by Giorgio Armani).

With that opinion I'm pleased :)

Why shouldn't they talk about it? Are there specific parts of homosexuality that they shouldn't talk about but others that are okay?
Not exactly not talk about it. Just no parades or anything like that, and there shouldn't be any talk about sexuality in children programming on TV etc. Sex education should be concerned with health and safety only without involving orientation as it makes no difference.

I'd write a 1000 word rant, but I've been doing that on forums for over 10 years and I'm tired of it. I think many of you covered a lot of the points well.
Not exactly not talk about it. Just no parades or anything like that, and there shouldn't be any talk about sexuality in children programming on TV etc.

So they should only show M/F parents in families, for example?

Sex education should be concerned with health and safety only without involving orientation as it makes no difference.

I disagree, I think it makes a huge difference.
there shouldn't be any talk about sexuality in children programming on TV etc.

There are so many possibilities when it comes to parents, and each one has an affect on how kids view each other and themselves. If a child is raised by a same-sex couple, or a single parent, or a step parent, or grandparents, or foster parents, or adoptive parents, and none of those are ever shown in children's programming, those kids are going to think something is wrong with their home environment.

But even if they didn't, their parents want them to be exposed to these kinds of things through books, TV, etc. And where there's a demand, the market responds. So yes there should be talk about it.
There are so many possibilities when it comes to parents, and each one has an affect on how kids view each other and themselves. If a child is raised by a same-sex couple, or a single parent, or a step parent, or grandparents, or foster parents, or adoptive parents, and none of those are ever shown in children's programming, those kids are going to think something is wrong with their home environment.

But even if they didn't, their parents want them to be exposed to these kinds of things through books, TV, etc. And where there's a demand, the market responds. So yes there should be talk about it.
There should be a talk about it, between parents and children. Not through paid or bias media.
Define "family".

Parents living with their children as a unit. Much of kids TV is set around domestic scenarios, should those scenarios all feature Male+Female couples? Would it be acceptable to have a family with two fathers and no mother? Or two mothers and no father?
Parents living with their children as a unit. Much of kids TV is set around domestic scenarios, should those scenarios all feature Male+Female couples? Would it be acceptable to have a family with two fathers and no mother? Or two mothers and no father?
So what you're saying is, a single parent and children =/= family?

As to your question, you can show it as long as it's not in your face that they're a gay couple. A child can interpret it as they, or their families see fit. They could be two uncles, two friends, or whatever, that adopted a child.

Paid media caters to what people want to watch...
Well if found a certain channel that caters to what you want your kids to watch, let them watch it.
So what you're saying is, a single parent and children =/= family?

As to your question, you can show it as long as it's not in your face that they're a gay couple. A child can interpret it as they, or their families see fit. They could be two uncles, two friends, or whatever, that adopted a child.

Why is hiding the fact that they love each other somehow healthier?

Well if found a certain channel that caters to what you want your kids to watch, let them watch it.

Except you said:

there shouldn't be any talk about sexuality in children programming on TV etc.
Why is hiding the fact that they love each other somehow healthier?
If by love you mean sex, yes. But you can show love without that.

Except you said:
Egh. I was looking at it from a different perspective. Disregard my wording for that.

There are parents that think letting their children watch porn at 6 years of age is okay. That doesn't mean I should be expecting porn in the middle of a news broadcast. Get it?


Healthier? I didn't say that, I'm just saying that controversial subjects should be kept neutral/vague.
There are parents that think letting their children watch porn at 6 years of age is okay.
Are there?
If by love you mean sex, yes. But you can show love without that.
Why does the discussion always go right to gay people having sex? When there's a married, straight couple on TV it doesn't mean anything other than them being married. When it's a gay couple suddenly the fact that gay people have gay sex means that it's an issue even if the show doesn't remotely cover that. That's the point here, when we see a straight couple on TV it's assumed they're in love and married. You would rather have gay couples presented as "friends", even though that has nothing to do with reality. Why?
Healthier? I didn't say that, I'm just saying that controversial subjects should be kept neutral/vague.
Why? If you don't like the message in what your kids are watching, change the channel. Have a discussion about it.
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If by love you mean sex, yes. But you can show love without that.

Well I wasn't advocating showing people having sex during a children's show. You wanted intimate relationships shown as friendship.

There are parents that think letting their children watch porn at 6 years of age is okay. That doesn't mean I should be expecting porn in the middle of a news broadcast. Get it?

I understand what you just said, but not how it relates to what we've been talking about.

Healthier? I didn't say that, I'm just saying that controversial subjects should be kept neutral/vague.

All topics are controversial. Whether or not the earth is flat is controversial to some people. At some point you have to say forget it and talk about what matters.