The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 417 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
For a moment I thought I was in the God thread.
Sorry :guilty:
Like the "it's only a theory" of gravity. They both are "facts". Moreso than most things people consider facts.
I don't consider gravity as a theory. You can just prove it by holding out an object and dropping it.

Now can we get back to the topic of gays and lezzies?
I don't consider gravity as a theory. You can just prove it by holding out an object and dropping it.

Gravity is a theory. Some theories are better tested and understood than others. The big bang is less well understood than gravity or evolution. But the "it's only a theory" mentality makes it difficult to explain that theory is all science ever has. There is no higher honor in science than "theory", including "law".
Can I ask what more explaining does evolution need to do? And nowhere in the Big Bang theory does it say the Universe came from nothing, it simply says that the universe started expanding 13.7 billion years ago, and says nothing about what happened beforehand.

According to the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, it all started from nothing, BANG! and then started expanding.

As for evolution, there are many things on this earth that have evolved certain traits in order to survive.
My main gripe with evolution is plants. How do plants know what to look like and do in order to survive? How do they pass on that knowledge quickly enough for the species to last the amount of time it has taken to become whatever it is today?

There is an orchid on this planet that has 'evolved' a part of itself to look attractive to a certain Bee. The Bee lands on this protrusion and actually carries it away.
How did the orchid know what a Bee finds attractive? How did it form this bit and why didn't the plant just disappear because it was never pollinated correctly before said bit was produced.

I could go on but, it's the wrong thread.

Homosexuals are not a threat to society. Many of them are very powerful figures in this world and some of your favourite TV film and sports stars are that way inclined and you may never know it.
This whole argument and poll is quite insignificant when there are hordes of marauding rapists and pedophiles roaming this planet harming many people that are helpless and defenseless.

As an aside, paedophile does not equal child molester. A paedophile has an attraction to prepubescent children, but that doesn't mean they act on it. A child molester does what it says on the tin. A person can be a paedophile without being a child molester, a paedophile AND a child molester, or a child molester without being a paedophile. Being attracted to kids is not in itself a crime - the crime and, more importantly, the harm occurs if that attraction is acted upon.

:banghead: This.

Nobody wants to know about your bare ass, thank you very much.

A person can be a paedophile without being a child molester, a paedophile AND a child molester, or a child molester without being a paedophile. Being attracted to kids is not in itself a crime - the crime and, more importantly, the harm occurs if that attraction is acted upon.

Interesting (and bizarre) segue here... this is why it's important that artwork depicting children needs to remain legal. A pedophile who is struggling to keep a lid on it needs an outlet.
As an aside, paedophile does not equal child molester. A paedophile has an attraction to prepubescent children, but that doesn't mean they act on it. A child molester does what it says on the tin. A person can be a paedophile without being a child molester, a paedophile AND a child molester, or a child molester without being a paedophile. Being attracted to kids is not in itself a crime - the crime and, more importantly, the harm occurs if that attraction is acted upon.

Nobody wants to know about your bare ass, thank you very much.

Interesting (and bizarre) segue here... this is why it's important that artwork depicting children needs to remain legal. A pedophile who is struggling to keep a lid on it needs an outlet.
There's an interesting article I read a few days ago that talked about paedophiles who don't act upon it.
As an aside, paedophile does not equal child molester. A paedophile has an attraction to prepubescent children, but that doesn't mean they act on it. A child molester does what it says on the tin. A person can be a paedophile without being a child molester, a paedophile AND a child molester, or a child molester without being a paedophile. Being attracted to kids is not in itself a crime - the crime and, more importantly, the harm occurs if that attraction is acted upon.

I understand what you're saying, this post has a weird feel and I had to read it a few times.

As a father, the thought of someone finding them sexually attractive is horrifying and should be a crime.

Thoughts are dangerous things, they are the seeds of action.
As a father, the thought of someone finding them sexually attractive is horrifying

Had it occured to you that prehaps some paedophiles feel the same way as you do (up to this point in your sentence)?

I think it's fairly well established in this thread (that I'm currently derailing more than a landslide on an express line - apologies, everyone) that nobody chooses their sexuality.

and should be a crime.

Thoughts are dangerous things, they are the seeds of action.

So should someone who thinks about murdering someone else be charged as if they had?

I'm not deliberately trying to get a rise out of you, Nurburgthing. - I just find it interesting that the mere idea of someone being attracted to children - an attraction I think it's fairly safe to say was not chosen (why would you?) - can destabilise the thought process of otherwise seemingly rational people.
Had it occured to you that prehaps some paedophiles feel the same way as you do (up to this point in your sentence)?

I think it's fairly well established in this thread (that I'm currently derailing more than a landslide on an express line - apologies, everyone) that nobody chooses their sexuality.

So should someone who thinks about murdering someone else be charged as if they had?

I'm not deliberately trying to get a rise out of you, Nurburgthing. - I just find it interesting that the mere idea of someone being attracted to children - an attraction I think it's fairly safe to say was not chosen (why would you?) - can destabilise the thought process of otherwise seemingly rational people.

I'm not destabilised, it's probably a knee jerk thing. Kids are so harmless it's hard to not defend them with vigour.

Define thinking about murdering someone.
Is it a fleeting thought in real anger towards another driver who almost killed you or, is it a detailed and reoccurring thought that makes your hands go clammy?

If its the latter, you may have a problem and could be a threat.
Sexual thoughts towards children has no sliding scale so there's a problem or there isn't.

Didn't a guy go to jail for planning a heinous crime on a baby?

I feel like you're almost defending people's right to have sexual thoughts towards children :odd:.
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Someone posted a pretty serious coming out video to the /r/gaybros subreddit, and it was cross-posted to /r/videos, and it's now sitting on the front page.

Language warning.

Yeah, that is some ****ed up ****. Kicking your child out of the house because they're gay? The only thing he said that caught me is him saying he came out of the womb as a homosexual. I don't believe in that at all. Preferring a specific sex is either a conscious or unconscious decision. I wasn't born liking women, I learned that women are just a preference of mine, and it all goes with experience with different sexes and basically different people. Regardless, that dumbass family needs to remove god from the equation and look at what they're saying to their son. I'm a agnostic person and a person that believes in the possibility of a higher power, but **** dude... religion has so many people messed up in this world.
According to the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, it all started from nothing, BANG! and then started expanding.
The proper theory is that at t > ~0, the universe was expanding rapidly. No one knows what happened before then.

How do plants know what to look like and do in order to survive?
They don't. The ones with bigger leaves capture more sunlight and survive. In this case bigger leaves happen with no guidance whatsoever. The ones with sharp thorns don't get eaten because when an animal tries to eat them they become injured and so walk away and find plants without thorns. In this case thorns are chosen with no guidance whatsoever. So on and so. Evolution basically boils down to common sense given reproduction and genetic change, it would be stranger if it did not happen.

There is an orchid on this planet that has 'evolved' a part of itself to look attractive to a certain Bee. The Bee lands on this protrusion and actually carries it away.
How did the orchid know what a Bee finds attractive?
It doesn't. The Bee choose the plants it found attracted. The plants that weren't attractive were ignored by bees. It kind of reminds me of something in human society I was thinking about. There is sort of a double standard when it comes to older people. An old man can sometimes be depicted as wise, strong, reliable etc and some physical features of age in men are considered preferable. Older women tend to be depicted as feeble, week, reliant on assistance, etc and usually are considered past their prime in terms of looks. Why? It might have to do with the fact that they go through menopause. In the past, those men who were attracted to older women might have mated with them, but it would have been a genetic dead end because those women wouldn't be able to have children. The older men on the other hand could pass on their genes whenever they wanted, so women attracted to older men had no issues passing on genes as long as they were young enough to reproduce. The result is a nature bias toward younger women in the male population.

How did it form this bit and why didn't the plant just disappear because it was never pollinated correctly before said bit was produced.
It should be noted that the world is constantly changing so there could be a huge range of answers for this question. From a math/statistical model, you have shapes that more or less closely resemble the current shape. More closely related shapes attract bees more often. Less closely related shapes attract bees less often. You get a spectrum and not a discrete step.

Thoughts are dangerous things, they are the seeds of action.

Thoughts are no danger at all. No one has been harmed by a thought.
Didn't a guy go to jail for planning a heinous crime on a baby?

It's worse than that.

I feel like you're almost defending people's right to have sexual thoughts towards children :odd:.

I'd suggest reading the article @Daniel linked (here); if the argument is made that we don't have a choice in our sexual preferences, it must also be considered that our preferred age range - for better or worse - might also not be a decision. It's an uncomfortable topic, absolutely, but someone as described in the article, at least in my mind, is a much different situation than someone like Ian Watkins.
@nascarfan1400 You aren't the only religious person with an open mind. It's just the other kind are far more vocal than the rest of us. Everyone knows Westboro Baptist Church. No one knows the church I group in, which has never organized a single rally or protest in over 200 years. In fact, when churches were boycotting, during my high school years, the gay-loving Disney our youth minister/music director wire a Disney tie and later arranged a Disney trip for the youth group.
As a father, the thought of someone finding them sexually attractive is horrifying and should be a crime.

Just because you find it horrifying, doesn't mean it should be a crime.

Sexual thoughts towards children has no sliding scale so there's a problem or there isn't.

There's a pretty big difference between looking at a little girl and thinking "oh, she's pretty cute" and thinking "I'm gonna rape her until she screams".

That sentence is likely to disturb a lot of people reading this, but I think it's necessary to demonstrate the point.

I feel like you're almost defending people's right to have sexual thoughts towards children :odd:.

If he's not, I will.

Having thoughts of any sort is not a crime. Paedophiles, necrophiles, sadists and anyone else with a :censored:ed up fetish can think whatever they like. It's only when they infringe upon the rights of others that it should be a crime.
I feel like you're almost defending people's right to have sexual thoughts towards children :odd:.
Hey, I had sexual thoughts toward children for about 12 years. Maybe more. And at one point it was even about 10-12 year olds. When my parents found out they told me it was natural.

It eventually went away on its own, when I was no longer a child.

Puberty is a crazy, dangerous thing.
What if I told you that before The Bible and religion, there was homosexuality.

Also, is anyone aware that some fundamentalist Christians and Catholics prefer boys and men to women?

This whole argument and poll is quite insignificant when there are hordes of marauding rapists and pedophiles roaming this planet harming many people that are helpless and defenseless.

I think some perspectives need realigning as this matter shouldn't be an issue. Leave them to get on with it and carry on looking after yourselves and, your family's.

You made a damn good point there, i forgot about that.
Lately it was more in the news that priest abused children and handicapts.( couple of years ago)
and then i remembered that my cousin once told me that his priest was accused of abusing children, giving them a taste of wine to start with and then asked to play.I was 9yrs old and my cousin 7.That was 36 years ago.

For the believers that use quote's from the "holy" writings
So, That "god" lets his "army" do homosexual acts to children, and it only stops when these abused children tell anyone or when these abused children grow up and tell anyone.

So you believers, it is now a fact, that there are wolves among your flock of sheep.
Start figting those wolves, in stead of a witch hunt agains homosexuals that try to come out.

Gravity is a theory. Some theories are better tested and understood than others. The big bang is less well understood than gravity or evolution. But the "it's only a theory" mentality makes it difficult to explain that theory is all science ever has. There is no higher honor in science than "theory", including "law".

Hi, why did you call gravity a fact first and then a theory?It was a theory and became a fact after proof.
Gravity is a word for the theory that it excists and is a proven fact.
If it was not a fact, we could fall upwards and kept falling upwards untill we bump into another planet or star.

For the believers that use quote's from the "holy" writings
So is homosexuality, it is a fact that it excists and wil stay forever, it is not a theory, even if people think it is a choice to be gay, Gay is not a theory.
People want homosexuality to be a theory, because some people just don't or will not understand it.
I understand it for a small part.A very small part.
I understand that Homosexuality is "gravity" between persons of the same gender.

You can never ever wipe out homosexuality, it is in humans "dna" and will always come back into the world.
It is even in animals "dna", there's enough proof on internet in the form of video.

Does anyone see a posting here from a homosexual person that stated: "heterosexuals are a mutation, stop heterosexuality"?

Don't be so sure. If they're given equality then it'll undermine friendships and undermine liberty.
yeah, tell that to my friends and ex-wife.
I helped my friends always when they needed help.
My wife came back in our relation after a breakup (before mariage) because her mother told her so.
She maried me, but did not love me, and because i loved her, i did not see that fact.
After 9 years and 2 kids , she began to do wierd things.I filed for divorce, i did not want to, but that life was no life anymore, always alone with the kids, explaining why mommy wasn't there for diner.

And my friendships? i needed my friends after the divorce, after two weeks they left me alone.
Believed my ex-wife, i was the one to blame.
After years and years they found out the truth.
But i made my choice, bey bey so-called "friends".I don't need you anymore.

Gay Marriage is a Public Threat,
yeah right.
Tell that to my kids.They will laugh in your face.

And guess what @Danny ? those are choices, nothing to do with homosexuality.
Just words that try to change your mind depending homosexuality.
I have to add this for @Danny : I'm not convinced that gay marriage is a threat and i'm not the only one, period. And i'm labeled heterosexual
But too bad, i'm affraid that some or a lot of people believe and support that article.
Makes me hate them, but then i'm acting like them, makes me sick.

For the believers that use quote's from the "holy" writings
And people that dislike Gay Marriage or dislike Gay
Open you eyes and use your own mind, do gay people attack you every day?
Touch your bottom every day? try to rape you?
Not really huh?
Put yourself in their place, you think they choose to be hated by choosing to be homosexual?
"Hey i'm a masochist, let's be gay", "Hey i want to be hunted, let's be gay"
"Hey, i want my whole life up side down, let's be gay'.
Wake up. please, wake up.
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Hi, why did you call gravity a fact first and then a theory?It was a theory and became a fact after proof.
Gravity is a word for the theory that it excists and is a proven fact.
If it was not a fact, we could fall upwards and kept falling upwards untill we bump into another planet or star.
You are mixing up the common colloquial use of 'theory' with the scientific use of 'theory', the common use of the term 'theory' is actually incorrect and people should be using the term 'hypothesis'.

A scientific theory is the model that fits all of the laws we have on a subject, scientific theories sit above laws.

Both scientific laws and scientific theories are produced from the scientific method through the formation and testing of hypotheses, and can predict the behavior of the natural world. Both are typically well-supported by observations and/or experimental evidence.[23] However, scientific laws are descriptive accounts of how nature will behave under certain conditions.[24] Scientific theories are broader in scope, and give overarching explanations of how nature works and why it exhibits certain characteristics. Theories are supported by evidence from many different sources, and may contain one or several laws.[25]

Theories and laws are also distinct from hypotheses. Unlike hypotheses, theories and laws may be simply referred to as scientific fact.[28][29]

What is interesting to note given how commonly accepted gravitational theory is, we actually know more and have more factual data supporting an understanding of evolutionary theory than we do the gravitational theory.
@Danny ? those are choices, nothing to do with homosexuality.
Just words that try to change your mind depending homosexuality.
Open you eyes and use your own mind, do gay people attack you every day?
Touch your bottom every day? try to rape you?
Not really huh?
Put yourself in their place, you think they choose to be hated by choosing to be homosexual?
"Hey i'm a masochist, let's be gay", "Hey i want to be hunted, let's be gay"
"Hey, i want my whole life up side down, let's be gay'.
Wake up. please, wake up.
In @Danny's case, at least one gay person touches his bottom every day...
In @Danny's case, at least one gay person touches his bottom every day...
Wait. i'm a bit confused now.
Did @Danny link that article to support it, or affraid that people think it is true (gay marriage is a threat)?
This is why i hate discussion in writing, you can't hear or see the persons emotion.

You keep count?
I'm getting a 💡.I'm going to do this private.

Okay, changed a bit at that post, nothing deleted, only added a bit.
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You are mixing up the common colloquial use of 'theory' with the scientific use of 'theory', the common use of the term 'theory' is actually incorrect and people should be using the term 'hypothesis'.

A scientific theory is the model that fits all of the laws we have on a subject, scientific theories sit above laws.

What is interesting to note given how commonly accepted gravitational theory is, we actually know more and have more factual data supporting an understanding of evolutionary theory than we do the gravitational theory.

Yes i'm mixing up a lot lately.I'm getting ahead of myself.And it is a lame excuse, but english is not my first language, using translate for the right word (difficult words like "colloquial" blow my mind right away)
Problem is you can't prove everything concerning homosexuality.
After reading my post, i realised, that i created my own theory "homosexuality is a fact and will stay forever".I created a theory that i can't support or prove, i assumed.
And a second theory "homosexuality is gravitation between two people of the same gender"

Well, guess what, i'm not perfect, proven and i accept that.
I assume, that nobody is perfect.
( Trollers? ->don't troll with "my name is nobody", if nobody cares, you care.)

Anyway, lunch, yes.

Crapp, double post, 3rd time on :gtplanet: :banghead: