The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 417 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
About 7 or 8 years ago the forum had a Reputation system, where you could click a button marked +Rep in the same way you can Like something now. When the Like button was added, all those old posts that had been +Rep'd were shown as Liked. Don't assume people nowadays are going back to decade old posts and liking them. I'm with you on people agreeing with ignorance whenever they did so is pathetic, though.
A problem that needs to be cured. Homos are a disgrace to our society and they need to do something better. Most homos are even homos because they think they can never have anyone. If no one gets anyone then they are meant to stay single perioid, that doesn't mean they're meant to be homo.
Except that the guy who liked this post signed up in 2012. :mischievous:
This is a serious thread and I'm usually one to make serious points but thanks to Daniel's gravedig this really made me laugh.

As if we didn't know whom he meant.

In all seriousness though, I think that the amount of anal sex that homosexual men have is vastly over-estimated. I believe the method of choice for them is often oral.
In all seriousness though, I think that the amount of anal sex that homosexual men have is vastly over-estimated. I believe the method of choice for them is often oral.
I believe there's givers, takers and those that can't have enough of either :D
One is a lot easier than the other ;)
Acting Head of the Republic: Gays are not welcome in Crimea
Representatives of sexual minorities will not be able to hold events in the Crimea. Any such attempt will be stopped immediately.

Acting Head of the Republic Sergey Aksenov stood up strongly against any possibility of holding gay parades in Russia's Crimea. "This is not our style for sure. We do not need such people in the Crimea, and such events will never he held here for certain," he said.

"Police and self-defense forces will react quickly. Within three minutes, they will explain what kind of orientation one must stick to," Sergey Aksenov added. According to the official, one must educate young people of the Crimea, raising positive attitude towards family and traditional values, Interfax reports.
The one positive thing about Russian homophobia: I do wish at least all homophobes were as open as the Russian homophobes are.

Sure, they're intolerant :censored:heads, but at least you can see them coming and attempt to deal with their bollocks. I'd far prefer that to "I have gay friends, but...(insert euphemism for 'they're a crime against nature')". I find that far harder to deal with than people who are strongly anti-gay, who I'm quite happy to label as :censored:holes and move on.
There does seem to be more and more cropping up or maybe it is because in the past homos were scared to come out for fear of ridicule. Either way all people will have there own opinions and we must respect them regardless.
I just don't get how a man can be attracted to another man when there are so many beautiful women out there and most of them are available.
I haven't read the whole thread it will take to long but my thought on homos is I find it difficult to accept you are born gay I believe it is a mental thing like kids who grow up in to career thieves. Can it be cured? I don't know I don't know what lengths anyone has gone to to find a cure.
Very strange how most men are a bit repulsed by gay men yet the second lesbians are getting it on most men will fall over themselves rushing to have a look. Are we hypocrites?
Generations have changed the view on gays, my father is nearly 90 and he says they should all be culled anyone caught in a gay act should be put to death as they are no use to anyone. I have asked him what does he think of gays not having kids and saving the health service and the education service a lot on all a child needs from the NHS and the education service in it's life. His answer was gays cost more with medication for aids and other diseases they catch than a kid costs all it's life.
The difference in generations outlook on things fascinates me.
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There does seem to be more and more cropping up or maybe it is because in the past homos were scared to come out for fear of ridicule. Either way all people will have there own opinions and we must respect them regardless.
I just don't get how a man can be attracted to another man when there is so much beautiful pussy out there and most of it is available.
I haven't read the whole thread it will take to long but my thought on homos is I find it difficult to accept you are born gay I believe it is a mental thing like kids who grow up in to career thieves. Can it be cured? I don't know I don't know what lengths anyone has gone to to find a cure.
Very strange how most men are a bit repulsed by gay men yet the second lesbians are getting it on most men will fall over themselves rushing to have a look. Are we hypocrites?
Generations have changed the view on gays, my father is nearly 90 and he says they should all be culled anyone caught in a gay act should be put to death as they are no use to anyone. I have asked him what does he think of gays not having kids and saving the health service and the education service a lot on all a child needs from the NHS and the education service in it's life. His answer was gays cost more with medication for aids and other diseases they catch than a kid costs all it's life.
The difference in generations outlook on things fascinates me.
Let me point out that saying 'homos' is a bit on the negative side and you should be careful of how you throw it around Someone's sensitivity could get you in potential trouble.
Your doesn't get it because your brain wasn't programmed that way. Sexual attraction isn't something you choose to be. Awareness and ignoring it is a choice. If you still don't get it, just let me say that if all the gay men were straight, you won't be getting any action from girls, so I'd take leaving them gay as an option.
You are mostly a hypocrite if you bash gay men but like lesbians. Bashing on both makes you a homophobe. Not caring makes you in a neutral zone.
As bad as it is, the generation of conformity, stereotypes, and "what you're suppose to do and in my days" are going out and people are starting to be more open. Of course they won't like it at all and some will being acting the mickey (and it'll be years before homosexuality isn't as big of an issue), but they are a dying breed who just hold back anything positive.

I also missed this bit
I haven't read the whole thread it will take to long but my thought on homos is I find it difficult to accept you are born gay I believe it is a mental thing like kids who grow up in to career thieves. Can it be cured? I don't know I don't know what lengths anyone has gone to to find a cure.
You can't be cured of what you are. You watch and build up the want to be a thief. You don't watch and build up to be gay. You have urges just like any other person. Anyone who says that homosexuality can be cured are also the ones who need to be cured of being ignorant, absolutely rude, and lack of intelligence.
*Quickly typed out it's so not a full page of thinking content
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I just don't get how a man can be attracted to another man when there are so many beautiful women out there and most of them are available.

"I just don't get how a man can be attracted to a blonde when there are so many beautiful brunettes out there and most of them are available."

If you take issue with the above statement (or see how someone could), then you'll understand why your statement is just as naive. Well, your now edited statement - no need for vulgar objectification.
Either way all people will have there own opinions and we must respect them regardless.

Not really.

Sometimes people have opinions that are just retarded. Such opinions deserve no respect.

If someone can describe rationally how they believe that homosexuals are damaging to their society, then that deserves respect. I'd almost certainly disagree, but I could respect their position as at least one that was rationally formed.

If someone says they believe homosexuals are damaging to society because their Mommy told them that homos are sick queers, they will be served with the mockery that they deserve. Every human has a brain, but only some of them actually use the thing.
There does seem to be more and more cropping up or maybe it is because in the past homos were scared to come out for fear of ridicule. Either way all people will have there own opinions and we must respect them regardless.
I just don't get how a man can be attracted to another man when there are so many beautiful women out there and most of them are available.
I just don't get how a man likes oranges when there are so many flavours of apples out there.

Simple, I don't like apples.
I haven't read the whole thread it will take to long but my thought on homos is I find it difficult to accept you are born gay I believe it is a mental thing like kids who grow up in to career thieves. Can it be cured? I don't know I don't know what lengths anyone has gone to to find a cure.
While there's still debate going on regarding homosexuality and nature vs. nurture, I can assure you that being gay certainly isn't a choice. Nobody in their right mind would choose to be gay given the risk of losing your family and friends as well as being open to harassment.
There does seem to be more and more cropping up or maybe it is because in the past homos were scared to come out for fear of ridicule. Either way all people will have there own opinions and we must respect them regardless.

Okay we are not "homos" we are homosexuals. Or even better, People.

I just don't get how a man can be attracted to another man when there are so many beautiful women out there and most of them are available.

I don't get how a man can only eat beef when there are so many other beautiful meats that can be eaten and most of them are widely available in supermarkets. Your phrase is just stupid and can be applied to many things.

I haven't read the whole thread it will take to long but my thought on homos is I find it difficult to accept you are born gay I believe it is a mental thing like kids who grow up in to career thieves. Can it be cured? I don't know I don't know what lengths anyone has gone to to find a cure.

Again, we are not "Homos" we don't refer to you at "Hetros" and how can you find it difficult to accept you are born gay. When have you ever heard someone go "Oh you're too young to know what you sexuality is." To the hetrosexual teenager.. Being gay is not a mental thing, Who would want to choose to be gay? I didn't choose to make my life harder and pretty much single myself out in my community and also have a huge impact on my mental health. Its biologically wired into us. Some people have the coding, while others don't. And its not something that can be cured and throughout history there have been mannnny lengths to "cure" people of homosexuality. People have been sent to camps. Placed in mental health institutions. Therapy groups.

Very strange how most men are a bit repulsed by gay men yet the second lesbians are getting it on most men will fall over themselves rushing to have a look. Are we hypocrites?

Yes it is strange that this happens, and what's stranger is that "hetros" will bang on about lesbians and shame gay men, and then when I reveal the grand mystery of my sexuality in their presence they shrivel up like a deflating balloon. So yes i would say that you can be hypocrites.

Generations have changed the view on gays, my father is nearly 90 and he says they should all be culled anyone caught in a gay act should be put to death as they are no use to anyone. I have asked him what does he think of gays not having kids and saving the health service and the education service a lot on all a child needs from the NHS and the education service in it's life. His answer was gays cost more with medication for aids and other diseases they catch than a kid costs all it's life.
The difference in generations outlook on things fascinates me.

It fascinates me as well, but unfortunately it sometimes is seen that the views of the previous generation are transferred on to the current generation. and that saddens me quite a lot. 50 years ago it was shameful to have mixed race couples and now its just a widely accepted thing. Why can't the same be applied to the sexuality of a couple as well?

Because of the stigma that is associated with being a sexuality other then hetrosexual, i sometimes feel ashamed of the way i am. Because of the views that have against people much like myself. I feel that I will never be able to fully be who I am because there is a chance that I could get hurt or even killed, purely because my way of life doesn't quite match up with someone elses.

In short, we can't "change" gay people. But what we can change is peoples views on homosexuality and the rest of the spectrum and make it aware that it's not as evil and scary and un-natural as so many people believe that it is.
There does seem to be more and more cropping up or maybe it is because in the past homos were scared to come out for fear of ridicule. Either way all people will have there own opinions and we must respect them regardless.
I just don't get how a man can be attracted to another man when there are so many beautiful women out there and most of them are available.
I haven't read the whole thread it will take to long but my thought on homos is I find it difficult to accept you are born gay I believe it is a mental thing like kids who grow up in to career thieves. Can it be cured? I don't know I don't know what lengths anyone has gone to to find a cure.
Very strange how most men are a bit repulsed by gay men yet the second lesbians are getting it on most men will fall over themselves rushing to have a look. Are we hypocrites?
Generations have changed the view on gays, my father is nearly 90 and he says they should all be culled anyone caught in a gay act should be put to death as they are no use to anyone. I have asked him what does he think of gays not having kids and saving the health service and the education service a lot on all a child needs from the NHS and the education service in it's life. His answer was gays cost more with medication for aids and other diseases they catch than a kid costs all it's life.
The difference in generations outlook on things fascinates me.
Can you let me know at what point in your life you get to make the 'am I gay or not' choice?

You see I'm 43 and can't remember that at all, maybe I was off school ill or something!
I haven't read the whole thread it will take to long but my thought on homos is I find it difficult to accept you are born gay I believe it is a mental thing like kids who grow up in to career thieves. Can it be cured? I don't know I don't know what lengths anyone has gone to to find a cure.
Can a person's race be cured?

Generations have changed the view on gays, my father is nearly 90 and he says they should all be culled anyone caught in a gay act should be put to death as they are no use to anyone. I have asked him what does he think of gays not having kids and saving the health service and the education service a lot on all a child needs from the NHS and the education service in it's life. His answer was gays cost more with medication for aids and other diseases they catch than a kid costs all it's life.
The difference in generations outlook on things fascinates me.
Has your dad taken his medication?
Can you let me know at what point in your life you get to make the 'am I gay or not' choice?

You see I'm 43 and can't remember that at all, maybe I was off school ill or something!
Can only answer for myself and I knew I was normal about ten years of age when I started to notice girls as an attraction.
Can only answer for myself and I knew I was normal about ten years of age when I started to notice girls as an attraction.
So can you pinpoint exactly what caused you to make that choice? And lol at "normal". What is "normal" when it comes to sexuality?

Edit: Tree'd by @Liquid
Jesus talk about pedantic. OK Normal is a term often used by people who are not gay when talking about there sexuality choice. I could of used straight, wish I had now. It was not meant to be offensive by any means.

Can I pin point what made me choose girls as my sexuality choice? No I just liked girls I didn't even know gay exsisted until I went to high school and a few silly names for gays were being passed around as insults. I went to school from 1968 to 1980 and it wasn't like now when some lads in school open admit they are gay, No one I recall even mentioned they might be gay, yes we know why they didn't. I didn't choose to be straight it is just the way it worked for me. I suppose gay lads are the same but have those same feelings about men. I read afbarnes post above and can see why it wouldn't be his first choice to be gay but he is and that's that I feel for the lad having to go through the mire with it all. Oh and to Af barnes I apologise if any of my word usage offends I certainly didn't mean to.
I know tact is not something I am particularly good at. Bull in a china shop is more to the point it's just the way my nature is.
I agree with afbarnes that generations pass down the way life is but I have my own brain and agree that all people should get rid of the ways gays are ridiculed and discriminated against and accept people for people regardless of their sexuality. AFBarnes don't sometimes feel ashamed by being gay if that's what you are accept it live happy and ignore the idiots. I have a disabled child and when he was small the looks and comments some people gave were ignorant cruel and disgusting to a point I could of got violent with them, but now I don't care what people say if they are that small minded to offer stupid comments I ignore them, my son is the best thing that ever happened to me and he is a millions times a better person than the scum hanging around the street corners drinking drugging and abusing other disabled people for fun.
Can I pin point what made me choose girls as my sexuality choice? No I just liked girls

This is no different to:

Can I pinpoint what made me choose boys as my sexuality? No, I just liked boys.

Not the best wording in either case, but the crux of the matter is that neither is a choice.
Jesus talk about pedantic. OK Normal is a term often used by people who are not gay when talking about there sexuality choice. I could of used straight, wish I had now. It was not meant to be offensive by any means.

Can I pin point what made me choose girls as my sexuality choice? No I just liked girls I didn't even know gay exsisted until I went to high school and a few silly names for gays were being passed around as insults. I went to school from 1968 to 1980 and it wasn't like now when some lads in school open admit they are gay, No one I recall even mentioned they might be gay, yes we know why they didn't. I didn't choose to be straight it is just the way it worked for me. I suppose gay lads are the same but have those same feelings about men. I read afbarnes post above and can see why it wouldn't be his first choice to be gay but he is and that's that I feel for the lad having to go through the mire with it all. Oh and to Af barnes I apologise if any of my word usage offends I certainly didn't mean to.
I know tact is not something I am particularly good at. Bull in a china shop is more to the point it's just the way my nature is.
I agree with afbarnes that generations pass down the way life is but I have my own brain and agree that all people should get rid of the ways gays are ridiculed and discriminated against and accept people for people regardless of their sexuality. AFBarnes don't sometimes feel ashamed by being gay if that's what you are accept it live happy and ignore the idiots. I have a disabled child and when he was small the looks and comments some people gave were ignorant cruel and disgusting to a point I could of got violent with them, but now I don't care what people say if they are that small minded to offer stupid comments I ignore them, my son is the best thing that ever happened to me and he is a millions times a better person than the scum hanging around the street corners drinking drugging and abusing other disabled people for fun.
So if you didn't make a choice about your sexuality then why state that homosexuals do?

The very simple reason is that they don't, no more than you did and no more than a gay penguin does.
Can only answer for myself and I knew I was normal about ten years of age when I started to notice girls as an attraction.

Wait wait wait.. Normal?? So am I not normal? I'm an abnormal human?? No. I said in a post earlier in the thread that being heterosexual is not "normal" it is simply more common.

And again you said that sexuality is a choice.. I didn't choose to be gay! I just am. How is this a hard concept? Why would I choose being gay when there is so much negativity attached with it from outside view points? You don't choose your race. You are just what it is, and you don't question it, I've never heard anyone go "why did you choose to be white/black/Asian?" And when has someone "chosen" to be straight? It simply isn't a choice.. It is a biological factor, there are wild animals that are gay, Lions and Monkeys have been known to partake in homosexual activities, they didn't choose that they would only have sex with them they just did it.

Gay emperor penguins have been known to falsely show attraction to a woman and diatract them while the other steals the egg so they can then both raise the child. We don't choose our sexuality, it's just there.