The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 417 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
I just don't get how a man can be attracted to another man when there are so many beautiful women out there and most of them are available.
Do you wonder the same thing about women? Why do most of them bother with men when they could just be with other women?

I haven't read the whole thread it will take to long but my thought on homos is I find it difficult to accept you are born gay I believe it is a mental thing like kids who grow up in to career thieves. Can it be cured? I don't know I don't know what lengths anyone has gone to to find a cure.
I find "cure" a very strange word to use there, no matter how you're trying to look at things. It implies there is a problem. What would it be? Curing homosexuality would be equivalent to curing people's interest in fast cars for the sake of the environment. On the surface, it barely mimics an attempt to do good will, something for "the common good". It collapses as soon as you dig past the surface though.
I find "cure" a very strange word to use there, no matter how you're trying to look at things. It implies there is a problem. What would it be? Curing homosexuality would be equivalent to curing people's interest in fast cars for the sake of the environment. On the surface, it barely mimics an attempt to do good will, something for "the common good". It collapses as soon as you dig past the surface though.

I would be tickled pink if one day scientists announced that in fact heterosexuality was the disease, and that they are now able to cure all heteros so that they can be gay like nature intended.
I would be tickled pink if one day scientists announced that in fact heterosexuality was the disease, and that they are now able to cure all heteros so that they can be gay like nature intended.

What about bisexuality? :)
"Oh you're just confused and need to make up your mind"
"Stop being greedy"

I feel bad for any bisexual who has to deal with that.

I've yet to have that problem since, like I've said before, I only came out to a VERY small group of friends. I intend on coming out later this year or next year. I've got good parents that are level-headed and accept gays.

I do expect it to happen when I'm fully out of the closet, though. :rolleyes: I guess I'll just have to deal with it.
I feel bad for any bisexual who has to deal with that.
I'm partly jealous and partly feel bad for them. I'd like to have the choice of both worlds, but would hate the early confusion caused by mixed attractions until you realize what was going on.

And then there is the issue of feeling like you don't fit in either world.
No. You're not normal. You're not normal if you're a homophobe that asks his 90-year old father that hasn't taken his meds what's right or wrong in this world.

That's it I am bored with this. Open your eyes and read my post above where I said I should have used the word straight instead of normal it is just an area term where I live is the word normal not meant to be offensive just different areas use different terms which again for the simple folk out there are not meant to be offensive.

Right lets get one thing straight I am not a homophobe I couldn't give a monkeys backside if anyone is gay black white green or blue has short hair long hair is thin or fat is a man or a woman.
I have never had anything to do with anyone who is a homosexual I don't know any I never have I live in a small town and I am sure when I think about it there must be gay men and women living here but do I know them? No. I have never sat down and talked to a gay person about how life was for them growing up knowing they were gay.
I have thought about why is a man gay and is it an illlness or is it just that's the way it is, I am not gay so I don't understand the ins and outs of being gay I never said I do I just answered the Opening post on what I thought of the question which was asked in my minimal knowledge of the subject. I couldn't care less if someone is gay it don't look a bad thing to me if you look at it in a positive way I can't see why such a fuss is made on tv when someone comes out as gay really who cares they are still the same person so what's the big deal with there sexuality.

And lets just put something in to perspective my father is very old and in his days long long time back as we accept a coloured man is exactly the same as any other man they were taught different (yes wrongly) gay people were different and unacceptable in society it is what was drumed in to them from school and there peers when they started work and so on, now yes I do find his manner ignorant and so out of date it comes with a zoot suit but that is what they were taught every time gays were mentioned, they maybe didn't know any gay people to talk to with most gays not coming out for fear of ridicule so didn't have the forsight we have and lets be honest here how many people from birth are taught about god and he is real and still believe it years later because they have no reason to change there mind it is what they have been taught from birth the same as breathing in and out. The internet wasn't available back then TV only had two channels when it finally made an appearence in society and radio was the in thing and how many times was there a debate on homosexuality in the 30s 40s 50s never on tv or radio and if there was no doubt it would have got tuned to a different station as no one had any interest back then. Generations change we are a different generation to the old people born in the 20s and 30s and as much as we know they were wrong back then I for one don't expect them to change what they have been told all there life. Remember people once believed the world was flat for many a generation until it was proved different then some didn't accept the new found proof they believed it was flat and that was that. We all live and learn as we go history is there to learn from and to move forward from trying not to make the mistakes which have allready been made.
That's a little harsh...

It is not a problem I have big shoulders. Maybe talking to your father about things in some places is not the done thing.
I will talk to my dad as long as I can he may not have long left on this earth and I will laugh cry argue and more than anything be by his side as without him I wouldn't be here, I love my dad warts and all I know he is different generation and drives me crazy with his old fashion views but he is my dad my hero and my friend.
That's it I am bored with this. Open your eyes and read my post above where I said I should have used the word straight instead of normal it is just an area term where I live is the word normal not meant to be offensive just different areas use different terms which again for the simple folk out there are not meant to be offensive.

Right lets get one thing straight I am not a homophobe I couldn't give a monkeys backside if anyone is gay black white green or blue has short hair long hair is thin or fat is a man or a woman.
I have never had anything to do with anyone who is a homosexual I don't know any I never have I live in a small town and I am sure when I think about it there must be gay men and women living here but do I know them? No. I have never sat down and talked to a gay person about how life was for them growing up knowing they were gay.
I have thought about why is a man gay and is it an illlness or is it just that's the way it is, I am not gay so I don't understand the ins and outs of being gay I never said I do I just answered the Opening post on what I thought of the question which was asked in my minimal knowledge of the subject. I couldn't care less if someone is gay it don't look a bad thing to me if you look at it in a positive way I can't see why such a fuss is made on tv when someone comes out as gay really who cares they are still the same person so what's the big deal with there sexuality.

And lets just put something in to perspective my father is very old and in his days long long time back as we accept a coloured man is exactly the same as any other man they were taught different (yes wrongly) gay people were different and unacceptable in society it is what was drumed in to them from school and there peers when they started work and so on, now yes I do find his manner ignorant and so out of date it comes with a zoot suit but that is what they were taught every time gays were mentioned, they maybe didn't know any gay people to talk to with most gays not coming out for fear of ridicule so didn't have the forsight we have and lets be honest here how many people from birth are taught about god and he is real and still believe it years later because they have no reason to change there mind it is what they have been taught from birth the same as breathing in and out. The internet wasn't available back then TV only had two channels when it finally made an appearence in society and radio was the in thing and how many times was there a debate on homosexuality in the 30s 40s 50s never on tv or radio and if there was no doubt it would have got tuned to a different station as no one had any interest back then. Generations change we are a different generation to the old people born in the 20s and 30s and as much as we know they were wrong back then I for one don't expect them to change what they have been told all there life. Remember people once believed the world was flat for many a generation until it was proved different then some didn't accept the new found proof they believed it was flat and that was that. We all live and learn as we go history is there to learn from and to move forward from trying not to make the mistakes which have allready been made.
You seem to have the right idea but the wrong wording about the issue. You made the analogy relating to your disabled child and I think everyone here will agree - making fun of and mocking someone for something they can do nothing about to change and what doesn't affect anyone else in any way is, to say the least, in a very bad taste. Some people can grow a thick skin and just ignore negative/hateful comments, but using such words like "normal" when reffering to "straight" or treating homosexuality as something that could/should be "cured" is a bad tact no matter how you look at it, even if you don't mean it.

Just try and imagine for a second if people treated you as a "not normal" or "sick" for something that doesn't even involve them, something that doesn't hurt anyone and just makes the people involved happy?
You seem to have the right idea but the wrong wording about the issue. You made the analogy relating to your disabled child and I think everyone here will agree - making fun of and mocking someone for something they can do nothing about to change and what doesn't affect anyone else in any way is, to say the least, in a very bad taste. Some people can grow a thick skin and just ignore negative/hateful comments, but using such words like "normal" when reffering to "straight" or treating homosexuality as something that could/should be "cured" is a bad tact no matter how you look at it, even if you don't mean it.

Just try and imagine for a second if people treated you as a "not normal" or "sick" for something that doesn't even involve them, something that doesn't hurt anyone and just makes the people involved happy?

I have been called a lot worse believe me but I am one of those thick skinned people who doesn't care a bit.
The old sticks and stones is so true with me call me a complete Ba****d or call me a table there just words they can't hurt. Poke me in the eye and it will hurt but words never will.
I didn't say homosexuality should be cured I said I didn't know if it was an illness and if there is a cure. I have never researched in to it the same as I have never looked in to how to put a ship in a bottle just something else I have never researched.
I was asking a question not suggesting all gays are ill and need to be cured.
I didn't say homosexuality should be cured I said I didn't know if it was an illness and if there is a cure. I have never researched in to it the same as I have never looked in to how to put a ship in a bottle just something else I have never researched.
I don't think any research is required, just some forethought. If we're going with casual wording, illness implies some kind of harm or damage. What would that be in the case of homosexuality?
I think those that like to pick on gays are ill in some way or socially un-adjusted to western standards, they tend to have LESS $$$ and going along with that something is "off" culturally or perhaps even genetically.

If you look at the 3rd world many of those countries have harsh penalties for gays and also along with that social issue are other problems such as gang rape, infanticide, infant rape, acid attacks on woman, etc, etc. I think there seems to be a direct corellation (and I have no real statistics) but looking at the world very poor areas seem to hate gays and woman the most. Mississippi is arguably the worst place in the USA to be a gay man, and at the same time it is one of the poorest states in the union or is depending on the year or methods used. Other poorish states like Georgia/Alabama are tough on gays too, but not as bad I suppose.

Ironically these states are "red states" but instead of voting for a larger welfare check their voting based on their social beliefs hence the republican parties reluctance to accept gay rights due to a risky relationship with these poor southern states. Many poor baptists are likely on the fence between voting against gays and the welfare check.
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I think those that like to pick on gays are ill in some way or socially un-adjusted to western standards, they tend to have LESS $$$ and going along with that something is "off" culturally or perhaps even genetically.

If you look at the 3rd world many of those countries have harsh penalties for gays and also along with that social issue are other problems such as gang rape, infanticide, infant rape, acid attacks on woman, etc, etc. I think there seems to be a direct corellation (and I have no real statistics) but looking at the world very poor areas seem to hate gays and woman the most. Mississippi is arguably the worst place in the USA to be a gay man, and at the same time it is one of the poorest states in the union or is depending on the year or methods used. Other poorish states like Georgia/Alabama are tough on gays too, but not as bad I suppose.

Ironically these states are "red states" but instead of voting for a larger welfare check their voting based on their social beliefs hence the republican parties reluctance to accept gay rights due to a risky relationship with these poor southern states. Many poor baptists are likely on the fence between voting against gays and the welfare check.
Good thing you didn't stereotype while describing people who stereotype homosexuals.
A strict new Sharia-based penal code, imposed by Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, would punish gay sex with death by stoning once the legislation is fully introduced in 2015.
How do I know this? The Australian Football League (AFL) is reviewing a 12-month deal with the State-owned Royal Brunei Airlines in what was previously promoted as it's "biggest ever sponsorship" agreement. This flies in the face of the AFL's stance on inclusion and diversity.

The world has a long way to go before we can truly be accepted people.
A strict new Sharia-based penal code, imposed by Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, would punish gay sex with death by stoning once the legislation is fully introduced in 2015.
How do I know this? The Australian Football League (AFL) is reviewing a 12-month deal with the State-owned Royal Brunei Airlines in what was previously promoted as it's "biggest ever sponsorship" agreement. This flies in the face of the AFL's stance on inclusion and diversity.

The world has a long way to go before we can truly be accepted people.

As long as there are people "selling" their morality and ethics to religious bigots, we won't get rid of intolerance.

So many airline companies in the world, why would anyone chose Brunei's? Emirates Airlines is the most flagrant case nowadays.
As long as there are people "selling" their morality and ethics to religious bigots, we won't get rid of intolerance.

So many airline companies in the world, why would anyone chose Brunei's? Emirates Airlines is the most flagrant case nowadays.
Unfortunately, the world is full of people making decisions that can't see past the $, €, ¥ & £ signs.
Unfortunately, the world is full of people making decisions that can't see past the $, €, ¥ & £ signs.

So would it be better than the money stays with Emirates, where it will likely never be used to further tolerant causes? Or is it better spent on the AFL, where at least there's a chance that they use some of it to promote inclusion and diversity?

Sure, it feels weird being sponsored by someone like that. But take their money and do something good with it.
So would it be better than the money stays with Emirates, where it will likely never be used to further tolerant causes? Or is it better spent on the AFL, where at least there's a chance that they use some of it to promote inclusion and diversity?

Sure, it feels weird being sponsored by someone like that. But take their money and do something good with it.
I would rather have nothing to do with such vile barbarians, sleep well at night and a clear conscience than take dirty money anyday of the week.
I would rather have nothing to do with such vile barbarians, sleep well at night and a clear conscience than take dirty money anyday of the week.
Yes because I'm sure that everyone in Brunai shares the exact same view as he does, same with every Muslim?

The rather obvious answer to that is of course they don't. As such the inflammatory "vile barbarians" is not really needed, particularly in a thread in which the use of generalized insults and attacks and the harm they cause has been discussed many, many times.

Don't get me wrong, I agree with the general point you make, but not in the manner in which you make it.
I would rather have nothing to do with such vile barbarians, sleep well at night and a clear conscience than take dirty money anyday of the week.

Each to their own. I was simply suggesting that there are possibly outcomes where it is in fact better for say, homosexuals, the the AFL is sponsored by a company that is anti-homosexuality than it is not. I don't think it's as black and white as "they're bad people, I refuse to take their money".

Personally, I don't think there's any such thing as dirty money. It's all about what you're selling for it, and what you're buying with it. Purely with regards to homosexuality, the only reason I would refuse the Emirates sponsorship was if I thought I could do more good by making a political stand than I could by spending their money.

Given that political stands are always pretty hit and miss, I'd rather put the cash into establishing the NotEmirates Scholarship for Up and Coming Disadvantaged LGBT Players, or some other appropriate dig at the source of the funds. Possibly something slightly more clever, so as not to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.

I'm pretty sure I could sleep perfectly well at night having done that, and have a clear conscience. But as before, each to their own.
Yes because I'm sure that everyone in Brunai shares the exact same view as he does, same with every Muslim?

The rather obvious answer to that is of course they don't. As such the inflammatory "vile barbarians" is not really needed, particularly in a thread in which how the use of generalized insults and attacks and the harm they cause has been discussed many, many times.

Don't get me wrong, I agree with the general point you make, but not in the manner in which you make it.
Perhaps I didn't make myself clear.
Vile barbarians referred to, and only to, the people in power making the rules that a gay person can be stoned to death. I make no apologies for that at all.
How would you describe such a 'person'?
Perhaps I didn't make myself clear.
Vile barbarians referred to, and only to, the people in power making the rules that a gay person can be stoned to death. I make no apologies for that at all.
How would you describe such a 'person'?
You didn't make it clear at all, hence the reason I made the post, not that it matters.

How would I refer to them?

Wrong, ignorant and potentially guilty of crimes against human rights.

Calling them names is not going to do anything about the situation (well actually it will give them reason to attack back and evade the core subject), a far more effective tool is public disclosure of the actions (something that has helped in other countries who have proposed such laws), sanctions and if possible legal action.

As I say its perfectly possible (and far more advisable) to oppose someone without abuse. Its also a requirement of the AUP, as such you don't have to apologize for it, but if you continue to do it you will have to face the consequences of the choice you make (as is life).

  • You will not behave in an abusive and/or hateful manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack any individual or any group.

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