The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 417 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
Each to their own. I was simply suggesting that there are possibly outcomes where it is in fact better for say, homosexuals, the the AFL is sponsored by a company that is anti-homosexuality than it is not. I don't think it's as black and white as "they're bad people, I refuse to take their money".

Personally, I don't think there's any such thing as dirty money. It's all about what you're selling for it, and what you're buying with it. Purely with regards to homosexuality, the only reason I would refuse the Emirates sponsorship was if I thought I could do more good by making a political stand than I could by spending their money.

Given that political stands are always pretty hit and miss, I'd rather put the cash into establishing the NotEmirates Scholarship for Up and Coming Disadvantaged LGBT Players, or some other appropriate dig at the source of the funds. Possibly something slightly more clever, so as not to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.

I'm pretty sure I could sleep perfectly well at night having done that, and have a clear conscience. But as before, each to their own.
It's Royal Brunei Airlines that the AFL made the "biggest ever sponsorship with.
They also have deals with Emirates as well just not as big.
Each to their own. I was simply suggesting that there are possibly outcomes where it is in fact better for say, homosexuals, the the AFL is sponsored by a company that is anti-homosexuality than it is not. I don't think it's as black and white as "they're bad people, I refuse to take their money".

Personally, I don't think there's any such thing as dirty money. It's all about what you're selling for it, and what you're buying with it. Purely with regards to homosexuality, the only reason I would refuse the Emirates sponsorship was if I thought I could do more good by making a political stand than I could by spending their money.
I feel like you are forgetting the purpose of a sponsorship deal.

For argument's sake, let's say they pay $100 million to sponsor the AFL. The point of sponsorship is not to spend money, but to advertise your company/brand. That $100 million becomes $300 million back in their pocket from increased business.

If the AFL accepts the sponsorship deal they will help an organization with a hateful leadership become more financially powerful and more publicly seen as a viable option. In the end, they help the anti-gay group, even if they try to spend the money to denounce them.

Of course, that idea is ludicrous, as no company will create a sponsorship contract that doesn't prevent the second party from using it to harm the sponsored business.
I don't think any research is required, just some forethought. If we're going with casual wording, illness implies some kind of harm or damage. What would that be in the case of homosexuality?

Pal if you think I am going to go through the dictonary to find words which don't upset every single person in the world you can kiss my swingers. If I typed affliction or situation or case or what ever some pedantic whinger would moan about any of the words used and say that's not right. You can't keep everyone happy all of the time.
And forethought is wrong a lot of the time that's why we do research to verify our thinking.

I think those that like to pick on gays are ill in some way or socially un-adjusted to western standards, they tend to have LESS $$$ and going along with that something is "off" culturally or perhaps even genetically.

If you look at the 3rd world many of those countries have harsh penalties for gays and also along with that social issue are other problems such as gang rape, infanticide, infant rape, acid attacks on woman, etc, etc. I think there seems to be a direct corellation (and I have no real statistics) but looking at the world very poor areas seem to hate gays and woman the most. Mississippi is arguably the worst place in the USA to be a gay man, and at the same time it is one of the poorest states in the union or is depending on the year or methods used. Other poorish states like Georgia/Alabama are tough on gays too, but not as bad I suppose.

Ironically these states are "red states" but instead of voting for a larger welfare check their voting based on their social beliefs hence the republican parties reluctance to accept gay rights due to a risky relationship with these poor southern states. Many poor baptists are likely on the fence between voting against gays and the welfare check.

That's everyday life in Rotherham.
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Pal if you think I am going to go through the dictonary to find words which don't upset every single person in the world you can kiss my swingers. If I typed affliction or situation or case or what ever some pedantic whinger would moan about any of the words used and say that's not right. You can't keep everyone happy all of the time.
And forethought is wrong a lot of the time that's why we do research to verify our thinking.
That's everyday life in Rotherham.
Justin, be careful when double posting back-to-back as it's against AUP. I'm not being a mini mod, I'm just letting it be known.
Justin, be careful when double posting back-to-back as it's against AUP. I'm not being a mini mod, I'm just letting it be known.

Yes someone told me that but these posts with all the posts in they want to quote to I don't know how to do it, I have tried and failed misrerabley. Thanks for the advice though bro.
Also I don't know what AUP means either.
Can some kind person enlighten me to both my questions here please.
Justin, be careful when double posting back-to-back as it's against AUP. I'm not being a mini mod, I'm just letting it be known.

Yes someone told me that but these posts with all the posts in they want to quote to I don't know how to do it, I have tried and failed misrerabley. Thanks for the advice though bro.
Also I don't know what AUP means either.
Can some kind person enlighten me to both my questions here please.

The AUP is a little list of rules that you agreed to obey upon joining this site. :)

Well that's why I have kids she has just shown me how to do it in seconds. Not quoting anyone just seing if it worked and it does, sweet. Thanks again Aki for the jolt.
As a religious person, I can't stand it, it bothers me. I don't have any problem with homosexuals themselves, just their lifestyle and conduct.

There is a lesbian at my work, when I first met her I thought she was a man, she wears men's perfume, and is some how covering up her womanly features. She is a nice and funny person, I just don't approve with the lifestyle.
It's Royal Brunei Airlines that the AFL made the "biggest ever sponsorship with.
They also have deals with Emirates as well just not as big.

My bad. I still stand by the point, just with Royal Brunei substituted where it should be. :)

As a religious person, I can't stand it, it bothers me. I don't have any problem with homosexuals themselves, just their lifestyle and conduct.

"I don't have any problem with homosexuals themselves, it's just everything about them that I have a problem with."

"I don't have any problem with homosexuals themselves, it's just everything about them that I have a problem with."


Really. So your going to change what I said into something I didn't mean at all, ya that's TOTALY fine.

"I don't have any problem with homosexuals themselves, it's just everything about them that I have a problem with."
I assume that it's a "don't hate the sinner, hate the sin" train of thought rather than a "I should go out of my way to condemn all the homosexuals."

@LeadFootLiam it's entirely possible to be religious and accepting of homosexuality.
As a religious person, I can't stand it, it bothers me. I don't have any problem with homosexuals themselves, just their lifestyle and conduct.

There is a lesbian at my work, when I first met her I thought she was a man, she wears men's perfume, and is some how covering up her womanly features. She is a nice and funny person, I just don't approve with the lifestyle.
I have a problem with religious people who judge when the God you follow says "Thou shalt not judge"
Really. So your going to change what I said into something I didn't mean at all, ya that's TOTALY fine.

Possibly not what you meant, but what you said is as far as I can tell really very close to what I changed it to. I mean, if you take exception to a homosexual's lifestyle and conduct, what else is left to not take exception to? If you're going to say something like this, you need to be pretty careful with your words.

Pretty much everything I can think of is either expressed through either their lifestyle or their conduct (which are two pretty massive categories in their own right, the way someone lives their life and everything they do). Beliefs? Expressed through lifestyle and conduct. Personality? Expressed through lifestyle and conduct. Creativity? Expressed through conduct. Thoughts? Expressed through conduct.

If I said "I don't hate him, I just hate everything he thinks and does" you'd think I was either trying to be funny or some kind of moron. I don't think you're trying to be funny, nor do I think you're stupid, but you may not realise just how much ground you cover when you say that you object to someone's lifestyle and conduct. One way or another, those things cover pretty much everything humans do apart from pure logical thought which by definition shouldn't be influenced by any real world characteristics of the person anyway. So enlighten me as to what you don't find objectionable about homosexuals that isn't related to either their lifestyle or their conduct.

I'm sorry if this comes across as aggressive, but the original post was very close in form to the traditional "I don't hate gay people, but..." construction, which is used to justify gay bashing all the time.

I'm actually quite appreciative of your honestly that you started with by stating that you are bothered by gays. That's absolutely fine, and while I don't feel the same way I'm grateful that you can be honest about how you truly feel. It's getting harder and harder for people to be able to say "gays weird me out" without copping an earful.

I'm just not sure that the next bit matches up, I wonder if it's not in there simply to try and forestall the inevitable gay defense force that would have ensued had you simply typed "As a religious person, I can't stand it, it bothers me".
As a religious person, I can't stand it, it bothers me. I don't have any problem with homosexuals themselves, just their lifestyle and conduct.

There is a lesbian at my work, when I first met her I thought she was a man, she wears men's perfume, and is some how covering up her womanly features. She is a nice and funny person, I just don't approve with the lifestyle.

I wasn't judging. I was stating my observations.
It does smell a lot like judging.

Also, if you don't approve of it, why don't you go and say it in her face? Now you're just talking behind her back.
As a religious person, I can't stand it, it bothers me. I don't have any problem with homosexuals themselves, just their lifestyle and conduct.

In which case you do have a 'problem' with homosexuals; specifically their lifestyle and conduct.

That however does strike me as a bit odd, as it implies that all homosexuals have a fixed and identical lifestyle and manner in which they conduct themselves, which from my own experience is certainly not the case at all.

There is a lesbian at my work, when I first met her I thought she was a man, she wears men's perfume, and is some how covering up her womanly features. She is a nice and funny person, I just don't approve with the lifestyle.
Why? How does her wearing these clothes affect you and why should it be an issue if she 'covers up here womanly features (that sounds so 1950)
Clearly, I could have worded my comment better, sorry.

Like mentioned earlier, "I hate the sin, not the sinner."

Still not looking any better. :)

I've got to agree. It's one thing to use that phrase when the "sin" in question is something along the lines of lying, theft, or adultery.

But something like sexuality? That's as much of an essential part of a person as their race or gender. It's simply too big of a thing to approach with that attitude. Hating the "sin" in this case essentially IS hating the sinner.
Clearly, I could have worded my comment better, sorry.

Like mentioned earlier, "I hate the sin, not the sinner."
Your original post did sound like "I personally don't really have an issue with homosexuality but the religion I subscribe to hates it so I might aswell hate it too just for the sake of it". Your response only supports that notion.

You think it's a sin. Why? Because someone said so? If you get down further, what's the thing that you find immoral or wrong with it other than "that's not something I or my community likes"?
Clearly, I could have worded my comment better, sorry.

Like mentioned earlier, "I hate the sin, not the sinner."

Stop wasting your time Leadfoot Liam, no matter how you word it people will read it the wrong way as it is just words on a screen with no emotion or tone.
I understand what you are saying no doubt i will get mugged on for saying that. I would like to see some of the members here who spend there posting time picking fault or deliberately reading a post wrong just to post some stupid reply to get a rise from the poster on some of the other sites I use they wouldn't last five minutes.
Stop wasting your time Leadfoot Liam, no matter how you word it people will read it the wrong way as it is just words on a screen with no emotion or tone.
I understand what you are saying no doubt i will get mugged on for saying that. I would like to see some of the members here who spend there posting time picking fault or deliberately reading a post wrong just to post some stupid reply to get a rise from the poster on some of the other sites I use they wouldn't last five minutes.
Really? I've been a member of Barryboys for 10 years and spent half that as site admin.

You got caught using language sloppily. It was your fault, not anyone else's. Suck it up and move on.
Still not looking any better. :)
Your original post did sound like "I personally don't really have an issue with homosexuality but the religion I subscribe to hates it so I might aswell hate it too just for the sake of it". Your response only supports that notion.

You think it's a sin. Why? Because someone said so? If you get down further, what's the thing that you find immoral or wrong with it other than "that's not something I or my community likes"?

To me it's a sin, because of my beliefs and standards. I'm a JW, we live our life by the bible, because of what the bible says about homosexuality, I don't agree with the practice.
Really? I've been a member of Barryboys for 10 years and spent half that as site admin.

You got caught using language sloppily. It was your fault, not anyone else's. Suck it up and move on.

Never heard of it but enjoy. I will give it a google later. EDIT: Just had a quick scan looks a decent site that, I will visit again tomorrow and have a proper read.

I didn't get caught doing anything I just post if people don't like it tough if they do so be it. If everyone agreed on everything it would be one hell of a boring day.
I have given up trying to explain every word which could possibly be taken out of context, I saw the same thing happening to Leadfootliam and just offered some friendly advice no biggy.
That line of yours above "You got caught................................... etc Seriously bro how old do you think I am? I don't hold grudges or cry over an internet site so don't need to suck anything up.