In my opinion, this is the real successor to the NSX. The new supposed NSX is nothing at all like the original. The original was lightweight, low assistance, rear wheel drive, and just a straight up great handling mid engine car. The new one has a bunch of unnecessary technology in it, and somehow manages to outweigh the Audi R8, 918, and even the GT-R. It's almost as heavy as the Veyron for crying out loud. Not to mention it's AWD. Sorry, but that isn't an NSX and it's not what most NSX fans would want as a follow up.
When people think NSX, they didn't think heavy hybrid AWD computer driven luxury car. It used to be a nimble, lightweight, drivers car with some luxury without compromising the driving experience.
The Honda VGT however, is almost exactly what a NSX follow up should be. Maybe even better performance. Much lighter weight than even the original NSX, and plenty of power. Maybe the styling isn't the best, but otherwise they nailed it.
I think you mean "ITS GON RAIN!!!!!!!!"
I hope, the cockpit interior of that car will be is present in-game too, as shown from the video. lol
It is. Fortunately.
Live For Speed is an arcade game, then. 👍👍👍
And netkar Pro

OK. But it's almost a year and a half old information. They could have make it possible in the meantime.
Doing so would sacrifice the level of polish GT Sport is known for. Even Forza 7's basic time of day features required sacrifices, same with F1 2017. Even Driveclub has some conditions where it doesn't look great.
The way GT Sport has done it was the only way to ensure the game looked brilliant every time you get onto the track.
GT5 and GT6 got a lot of crap from fans and critics about not being very polished, so PD obviously wanted to avoid that this time.
The dynamic time change will be back for GT7 I'd bet. I'm sure PD wants to make sure they absolutely nail it to avoid the same criticism they got in the past.