Hot Chicks With Big Breasts!!!!

  • Thread starter Dev_Zero
If they did pre race build ups then yes they should be there along with all the other people (pit crew,s marshalls and reporters) that would be on the grid, however I don't think we'll be seeing that in the game although it would be a nice boost to the games atmosphere.
The may have a CG cut scene before the race where you see your cars been setup by the pit crew.....etc what they do in formula the name board girls!!!
I'd like to see some Umbrella girls. I mean, after all, we're going to have a pit crew now, so why not? I mean in the beginning of the race just standing there in front of the cars. I think it might boost the realism up a bit. But it'd probably have to be during an Endurance Race. But I still wouldn't mind.
A trophy wife eh 98cobra? That'd go down well with the feminists.

Am I the only one who's more interested in the drivers, cars and mechanics at the start of a race than grid girls? Are we really that lacking in attention and reasons to watch and enjoy motorsport that we have to be appealed to via the lowest common denominator by showing women in a derogatory fashion? I'm no feminist but it seems stupid to me, 5 blondes and 10 breasts doesn't make the racing any different. I frankly think there are too many people on the grid as it is. At the Australian GP we had people like Shannon Noll (tool), Delta Goodrem (get over her, wasn't she meant to be dying anyway?) and various other 'celebrities' touring the grid. I recall Mark Webber being forced to chat with some unknown wife of a large money contributor, and I felt sorry for him. Mark's a no-nonsense guy, all he'd want is the same as the rest of the drivers - to get in the car and race. He doesn't need to get accosted by someone who has no idea what Formula 1 is asking stupid questions that verge on insulting. I appreciate the overall lack of crap in the GT series, there's the odd blip on the radar but for the most part, it's just serious racing.
I've been avoiding posting on this thread for so long. Eagle you are completely right but now I have to question you. If Babes don't inhance the overall driving and competitive aspects of the game(which they don't) then what can you claim having beautiful scenery accomplishes driving wise? What I'm trying to say is that I wouldn't mind if in the background there was an umbrella girl, but I don't want them to waste there time and added reality someplace else for an elaborate opening.
There is, in essence, nothing offered by a pretty background for a circuit. Some of the shots of Citta d'Aria are absolutely beautiful, as are many other locations, but it is for the most part superfluous. That's why I'm not going to complain about 2D backgrounds that don't look that great, they can make the circuit a bit more interesting but at the end of the day the track itself is all that matters. I think Bahrain was great and I think Complex String kicks ass despite the fact both lack anything remotely resembling the sort of background we see to the Nordschleife or Monte Carlo.

Grid girls are just a promotional gimmick however, part of a circuit's character is in fact determined by its surroundings and those surroundings are generally a rather permanent feature - they don't go paint the trees at the Nordschleife based off whatever colour is 'vogue' this season.
Very true, sometimes the experience of racing at a historic track is just as good as landing all your apexs on it.
who said anything about the chicks being polygons?

they could always do it cruisin USA style.

*shoots himself*
Well, let's get back on topic.

ALthough girls may help some of way pf adding realism, but GT4 will do fine without them.
And now it seems your spamming them about spamming and I'm spamming you about spamming them and I have no doubt someone else will be tempted to spam me about spam..... :sly:

Sorry for spamming you though the opportunity just presented itself. :)
If there cant be women for the wierd guys to get off to, shouldnt ther ebe no men in the crowd for the women who play?
Think about this, Men get off naked women, true?
Now, when a women looks at a naked man posing, she most probably laugh or cringe... It's true...
Perhaps we could have Some random female streakers run across the track. 💡 :)

And For Photo mode some replicated FHM girls to Sprawl across your car bonnet. :sly:

Perhaps the Car Park will be for dogging. Er No Thats going a bit to far, Sorry!
Think about this, Men get off naked women, true?
Now, when a women looks at a naked man posing, she most probably laugh or cringe... It's true...
Women are more likely to get off at other women than men. :sly:
*cough: GGW cough*
Perhaps we could have Some random female streakers run across the track. 💡 :)

And For Photo mode some replicated FHM girls to Sprawl across your car bonnet. :sly:

Perhaps the Car Park will be for dogging. Er No Thats going a bit to far, Sorry!
If one streaked, I'd crash into a wall.
Maybe I could paint my girls in the paint shop or add body kits to make them look better.
Maybe as you win more races the costumes could get smaller.
Can the same girls be in my pit crew please.
And surely they are a must have for the photo shoot mode to enhance my car.
What the heck, I had to check twice that I logged on to GT4 and not Hot Chicks 4.
Come on guys lets get sensible please.
i remember hearing on some tv show that women are aroused by touch, whereas men are by like.....everything.

i think it was on jay leno or one of those late night shows.
and the point of that previous post was to say that men in the crowd probably wouldnt affect women at all.

spam and eggs, spam and eggs!
well, im gay ( I know.. :eek: ).. so.. meh. I dont really care about it. Tho, I think its kinda stupid. Shouldnt be stuff like that in games. And I really dont care about 'getting maria' if I win this or that race :lol:

Though, I do think it would be cool to have someone sit on your car in photomode :dopey: :sly:
This is starting to sound like a wishlist of what mode you want to see women in. Forget it. The closet thing to humans actually moving in the game are the pit crews.

"You have won the Nissan R390 Race Car.
You have also won Super Sexy Tara Reid."
Female streakers! Yes! Finally! Someone put behind the Super Bowl streaker and thought for a change! I know it was off-topic, but even I need to have fun every now and then on the 'Planet.