Hot Chicks With Big Breasts!!!!

  • Thread starter Dev_Zero
Perhaps we could have Some random female streakers run across the track. đź’ˇ :)

And For Photo mode some replicated FHM girls to Sprawl across your car bonnet. :sly:

Perhaps the Car Park will be for dogging. Er No Thats going a bit to far, Sorry!

LOL Dogging !!!!!!!!
I had to mention that again - How funny !!
:crazy: want in GT4!!!!

......I just checked SRS do they manage to make it look so indentical to NFSU without getting sued or even has the floating in air neon arrows!!! I have now seen a game that make me wish I had an Xbox.....because it is gonna unfortunately look POOR on PS2.

And yes I did just say that!

Guess your right, most of the car games coming out have this now...This is from SRS.

Not to mention, there's 18 girls. Sure, the ladies are fine, but not like their gonna help GT when your driving.
Hahaha, more to the point is there anyone actually INTO dogging here (by the way I'm not hinting at the fact that I am because I am not...... honest). Who was it that got caught dogging last year it was some footballer I think but I can't remember who for the life of me. Rio pops into my head though, but I can't remeber who it was.
It wasnt Rio he just cant remember to go to a drug test.
It was Stan Collymore.

P.S Theres a notorious Dogging site not far from me, But No I havent been.
Lol, I think he might have been once or twice or thirty times Jk.
ha !! what was this thread about again ? Im sure it wasnt dogging !! I hope a mod doesnt check O/L and find out what dogging is !!!

thats it now though no more dogging - I think its been said before and in here it will be said again BUT theres really no need for birds in GT4

In Japan they have porn PS2 games!.......its soo funny.....

.......but seriously......the game should have some female interest....women are part of motorsport too!
No female interest, why would we want a story to make the almost non-linear world of GT linear. GT is about the racing and the cars.
However the idea of a game called Pornstars GT is interesting.
wel lits not about what we want really its about the rest of the public - I mean a Mum wouldnt let her kid buy a game with T n A all over it !!
I dont mean women taking over GT.........I'm talking about pit girls and the pole board would be realistic
Yeah I see what you mean........But it is kinda cool like in SRS.....(please don't flame me for going down the NFSU route!!) have some women at the start of the race.

At the end of the day GT is GT.....I still gonna buy it.

If ya want female influence just get ya bird to sit next to ya on the couch when ure playing.......(on GT4 I mean!! :lol: )
HA !! No flaming from me unless you really deserve it.

GT will always be bought with or without the birds and I think that motorsports on TV will alwyas be watched with or without the birds, but the figures must be better with birds !

Look at boxing - the girls with the round boards !
haha, having chicks in skimpy bikinis holding meaningless signs and doing other pointless crap isn't going to encourage more women to play GT because it features some 'feminine aspect'. Championing people like Jutta Kleinschmidt or Lilian Bryner will.