The Life Story Of A 1970 Chevy Chevelle (Part 27 of 42). December, 19th 1995, Denver Colorado: Kurt, The Owner of this ragged looking 1970 Chevy Chevelle SS was out getting some last minute Christmas shopping done. While driving back to his residence, he realized that he was out of cigarettes, and was feeling a craving for some, so he saw a convenience store coming up on his right, and pulled into it. It was a colder than average december day, and it was giving the Chevelle a whole lot of mechanical trouble, so Kurt decided to park it while leaving the engine running to keep it at a warm operating temperature in order to avoid any potential problems. It was a day like most days as he walked through the convenience store door, but to his complete surprise, he had walked into the store in the midst of a robbery. The robber had just collected the bag of money after ordering the clerk to empty the cash registers at gunpoint. As soon as the money was handed to the robber, he made a dash for the door ploughing Kurt out of the way in the process. The robber was panicked, and hadn't planned a clear exit strategy for the situation. But after a quick glance, he saw Kurt's Chevelle unattended, and idling in the parking lot. Instinctively, the crook booked it towards the Chevelle, and sat himself behind the wheel. This had all gone down in a very short lapse of time and as soon as Kurt realized that the robber had now stolen his car, he sprinted towards it in an attempt to stop him. He was running with every morsel of energy he had inside of him, but in the blink of an eye he had slipped on a patch of ice, hitting the ground with a hefty thump. This was a perfect diversion for the crook to escape. As he slowly got up from his inconveniently timed fall, The Chevelle had rounded the corner out of his line of sight seemingly never to be seen again. Kurt immediately ran to the pay phone to call the police and report the Chevelle stolen. Though, at the back of his mind he knew that the police would probably take this situation lightly... Especially since the Chevelle was just viewed by many as just a 25 year old beater that was destined for the junkyard at any moment. Story To Be Continued... Anyway, all Fast Lane Illustration artwork by Ryan Sardachuk. Click the link to join the official facebook page:, or visit the website at