1/64 Model Collectors Thread

  • Thread starter SVX

Do you take your cars out of the blisters?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 320 51.0%
  • Kinda, I open most of them.

    Votes: 128 20.4%
  • Nope.

    Votes: 92 14.7%
  • Yes and no. I buy a second for opening/customizing.

    Votes: 125 19.9%

  • Total voters
I'm guessing no one has said it yet, but I like the use of a dark reflective surface with a white wall. The edge of your glass(?) almost blends into the wall. Almost. It would look perfect if you could figure out a way to cover up that edge so it's not as noticeable.

Thanks. Noted.
Touche'. Well played. :lol:👍

Literally I have been seeing a lot of vehicles in 3 packs lately that I have really liked and about all the 3 packs I have seen at Wal Mart are ones I want. :lol: The fact that they come with exclusive vehicles is what makes it worthwhile for me. I lately have been regretting not getting some of them while they were available, so that has really influenced me to buy more.

I sometimes find myself buying a lot of vehicles to complete an entire series, my brother could tell you a few things about it. :lol: My dad is like "Oh I want that one! :sly:", while my brother is like "I want this one, this one, and this one :cool:", I am like "I want them all! :drool:". :lol: I know some would probably tell me "You really should buy just the ones you like.", well what if I like the entire series? :lol:
I've seen that recent blue Iroc that @a6m5 got recently in a 3-pack here.

Thing is. I like keeping cars in pack, yet hate multipacks, yet it also has a purple ranchero, but a fantasy car too.

Probably. I didn't mention you because I figured you had it already. It's this one:


Yeah I've got that one. I've heard of a newer one that's yellowish green so I considered the possibility that you were describing it.
I should block amiami through my router.

Looking on there I could easily spend thousands :\

Tell me about it. Feel free to blame @a6m5 for bringing it to our attention, I do. :lol:
Thing is. I like keeping cars in pack, yet hate multipacks, yet it also has a purple ranchero, but a fantasy car too.


Same. Got this ten pack early last year for the Black XB. (small rear wheel error on it too, which I didn't notice until I got home :D) And because I keep a large majority of my stuff sealed, I've got to put up with the utterly horrid Rat car thing in it. First world problems, indeed. :lol:

Edit: Picture of the pack.
Ten Pack by VC SL/E, on Flickr
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I'll double check, pretty sure it's the one above though.

Edit: New Civic Si coming out for those interested.



And because I keep a large majority of my stuff sealed, I've got to put with the utterly horrid Rat car thing in it.

I would open it and . . . have my way with the rat. May I suggest a 20 lb. sledgehammer?

We have Hot Wheels, Matchbox and Majorette. All mainlines only, and same price...

What kind of 'mainline' Majorettes are you talking about? Do you have pics of the shop? (Like kakashi does - and I, myself, have posted several pics of shop pegboard and shelves of product, too - in case you read back.)
It sounds to me like an 'exclusive' product over there; brought over in small quantities (and therefore more expensive, since it is large inventory turnover that drives down price.)
This must really not give you much thrill of the hunt in terms of variety - let alone reasonable price.
Would I be right in saying that a culture around cars over there is not predominantly visible?

I never heard of any collectors here, that's why I hang out with you guys. :lol:

Actually it may be quite possible that many of the collectors here have no other collector within physical trading distance . . . although I have 4 collectors withing walking distance of me, one within a half hour drive, and another an hour-and-a-half away. It's fun when I get to visit them, but even more fun when they come visit me - because I have the biggest collection - so it's a lot of 'ooohs' and 'ahhas' and 'This is mine!' etc, etc.
And me yelling: 'Don't touch that!' or 'Leave that alone!'
I'm kidding - it's a real pleasure when collectors get together and put their heads together over cars; sometimes we'd have a few trays in front of us, and gab about them for hours - everyone lifting the cars out and eye-balling them, and even rolling them around, checking out wheels, tampos, cockpits, production errors, finishes, and so on.
That's another part of the fun of collecting - not only the thrill of the find, but also the sharing and showing off of.
(May as well destroy your grasp of the language while I have your attention . . . :D )
The funny thing is - if non-collectors are around, they get into the act, too, and try to identify marques (like they know their cars; 'That's a Ford Focus! That's Aston Martin!'). A lucky, and appreciative person (non-collector) might end up with a car or two of their own from the pile (and that's the start of their addiction!) :D

This thread, though, is somewhat like that. Here is where we hang out as collectors from all over the world - and as you may have read from the pages and pages of posts - there is a lot of trading, and shipping, and haggling, and so on going on here.
I'm sure any of us would help you get cars from over here - maybe in return for a ball of cheese, or whatever . . .

But you know.. no collectors - more TH's for me! :cool: Never found a super though...

Obviously scalping is not a lucrative pastime over there; so there are some positives in being the lonely hunter. :lol:

M2's I buy from a webshop in Germany. (I've become addicted to them)

M2s are super-gorgeous ornaments, when it comes to replica cars. Just don't step on them - they won't take the beating an HW mainline will.
What do you mean by 'webshop'? Could you explain in detail?

I do get a bit envious when you guys show off your pop culture's and other "special" series. :banghead:

This is the great thing about HW and a few other manufacturers; they don't just churn out the same old models over and over (after all - every model maker makes the same cars - GT-Rs, 911s, etc, etc - the popular replicas) but give us so many themed cars, fantasy/designer cars, functional models, special-edition collectibles on a current event, or movie - for instance the latest Trekkie cars from HW feature artwork that looks like it came direct from Gold Key comics . . . and I'm sure some people are really happy about that - and they probably couldn't care less about cars, but love the whole Star Trek theme.

As I mentioned - it would be easy for some of us to post the themed stuff you like over to you there - all you have to do is ask - either via private conversation, or just pop the question over here. Trades can be worked out.
That's the whole point of hanging out with collectors, no? Well, one of the points, anyway.

Newest car:

Just don't take it off that base, okay? Looks absolutely smashing - and I want to roll it around. :D
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Tell me about it. Feel free to blame @a6m5 for bringing it to our attention, I do. :lol:

Same. Got this ten pack early last year for the Black XB. (small rear wheel error on it too, which I didn't notice until I got home :D) And because I keep a large majority of my stuff sealed, I've got to put with the utterly horrid Rat car thing in it. First world problems, indeed. :lol:

Edit: Picture of the pack.
Ten Pack by VC SL/E, on Flickr
Oh come on, I like the Ratmobile! :dopey:

Man ever since my early days of collecting, I have always been highly obsessed with yellow Mini Coopers! :drool: That one is a must! :cool:👍
From Jason:

New IROC in my collection w/the old:

I have the RLC + black one too, but that's for another time!
@a6m5 love the caddy, I just personally would prefer a more pale pink.

Great cars in the post though!
Couldn't agree with you more. There is M2 Cadillac with pale pink paint job I've been after, for like over a year, but it's been extremely difficult to locate one. :guilty:
Yeah, the Z I pre-ordered is this one. Though I wish it had the wheels that your one does, those are so sweet. :drool: And the 190E, that would have been like my third guess. :lol: Best of luck with the back order. 👍
Love everything about that Z. I like yours, too. Same wheels that came with my 260z police car. 👍

190E I want just for the realism. TLV at its best. :drool:
I should block amiami through my router.

Looking on there I could easily spend thousands :\
Tell me about it. Feel free to blame @a6m5 for bringing it to our attention, I do. :lol:
On a serious note though: I have yet to find a shop that sells Tomica Limited Vintage cheaper than AmiAmi does. I do advertise them, because they pass on the savings to their customers, and I am happy to support a business like that! :)

Literally I have been seeing a lot of vehicles in 3 packs lately that I have really liked and about all the 3 packs I have seen at Wal Mart are ones I want. :lol: The fact that they come with exclusive vehicles is what makes it worthwhile for me. I lately have been regretting not getting some of them while they were available, so that has really influenced me to buy more.

I sometimes find myself buying a lot of vehicles to complete an entire series, my brother could tell you a few things about it. :lol: My dad is like "Oh I want that one! :sly:", while my brother is like "I want this one, this one, and this one :cool:", I am like "I want them all! :drool:". :lol: I know some would probably tell me "You really should buy just the ones you like.", well what if I like the entire series? :lol:
Logic in my head suggests that, since I'm buying more, it should be cheaper. 💡 It is what it is I suppose.
Same. Got this ten pack early last year for the Black XB. (small rear wheel error on it too, which I didn't notice until I got home :D)
I was gonna take a shot at this(10-pack for one car, error), but that's actually cool. How does the XB look with smaller rear wheels? I can't believe you won't open it & take a pic! :grumpy: :D
Oh come on, I like the Ratmobile! :dopey:

Man ever since my early days of collecting, I have always been highly obsessed with yellow Mini Coopers! :drool: That one is a must! :cool:👍
I like you, but you so kraygee......(on both rat & yellow cooper lol)
Oh come on, I like the Ratmobile! :dopey:

Most crazy people do. :P But I'm with you on the Mini, it is sweet. 👍 And I do rather like @photonrider 's sledgehammer idea on what to do the Rat car. :lol:
I was gonna take a shot at this(10-pack for one car, error), but that's actually cool. How does the XB look with smaller rear wheels? I can't believe you won't open it & take a pic! :grumpy: :D

Best pic of Falcon I can get in the pack (it's staying sealed, so there :P) And lol at the dust. :lol:

Black XB Falcon. by VC SL/E, on Flickr

Black XB Falcon. by VC SL/E, on Flickr

And for comparison.
Aside from maybe the diecast expo version. I think it's the best colour scheme for the Falcon that HW have done so far.
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Tomica! Limited! Slowly, they are becoming my #1 fave........ Just month or two ago, it was RLC-type hot wheels. :dopey:
Aside from maybe the diecast expo version. I think it's the best colour scheme for the Falcon that HW have done so far.
I think my favorite gotta be the first Super Treasure Hunt version(purple).
Different color, Thailand base, etc.
Which color is it? I'll probably pass though. Thanks anyway.