The work is pretty good, but I really dislike the steelies on the Scirocco.
Anyway, I've uploaded a few pics of two wheelswaps I did... well I was gonna say recently but these have been done for a while. They in fact participated in the previous contest at the club meeting, where the theme was muscle cars, when I won with the blobbed-together Chaparral Camaro.
First this 1970 Hemi Cuda ragtop, which is, I think, from 1997. I bought it new back then because I didn't have another versions of this casting, even though I didn't like the wheels. The color is good, the inteior is good, I even like the tampos, but omg those wheels. So it was a prime candidate.
The small square piece you see is a cover for the hole where the top, in the version of thios car with a top, clicks in.
It was basically a wheelswap and detailing, altough I decided it needed bigger wheels in the rear and the interior piece had to be reworked a bit so it would roll freely. Wheels are Co-Molded 5s, by the way. You know how I love them.
Front detailing, I masked off the car to achieve the mostly straight silver section in the grille:
In the rear it was the same story, the blacked-out panel was masked and spray painted but the paint leaked, and it came out pretty sloppy lol. Add to that my terrible tailights and it demerits the car a lot ): I need to at least try to correct the sloppyness of the black panel, I know of a good method now:
A biiit of detailing to the interior and done we were.
Another car that also participated in the muscle car contest and that won second place regardless of how freaking basic it is, was this 1969 Charger. It started as a Mopar 5-pack refugee from the flea market that was almost new; reference pic for those that do not know/remember how the base car looked:
First it was just going to be a paint-delete job, so I started taking out the black scalops with acetone, but I realized that, to take them off completely I'd have to disassemble the car, or else I'd damage the wheels and the chrome of the bumpers. Black paint was also impossible to delete on the inside of the fenderwells:
So appart it came. But I had a little problem

So, having broken the chassis, the car just sat there for a long time, until one day, as I was scouring a friend's "junkyard", a stepped-on 1969 charger popped up and I remembered my poor Sub-lime car at home. So I grabbed it off him, along with all of the stuff in the pic:
With a new chassis in my hands, I detailed the interior a bit and added a rollbar I stol off the pink Matchbox Charger funny car that I also got from his junkyard (see pic), waste not want not:
In the meanwhile, the body was masked off and the hood and trunkline were painted flat black by Ahmed... and that was gonna be it. I wasn't even going to change the wheels on it since the car came with the ultra-wide 5 spokers and I love those. But then I knew about the contest theme and had to do a wheel swap to make it pop more. Sooo what else but Co-Molded 5s? I had to fabricate some spacers for it because the rear tires were not as wide as the stock ones, sadly:
And, as the base and body weren't "numbers matching"

I had to close the car with epoxic because the rivvets and holes didn't match:
The end result looks like this; yes I know it has a big chip in there -remember it was a flea market rescue- and I know the chassis-body gap is enormous, but remember that the body and chassis were alien to one another, and besides the pic greatly maximizes it, it is way less dramatic in real life, as usual:
That's not sloppy paint but masking tape glue:
I really like the Charger emblem tampo en the B-pillar:
For the contest, I also printed out this HEMI license plate. The Cuda had one too but it fell off. And yes, dat body gap.
Oh well, I'm happy with the results. specially the charger as it was such a serendipituous save. Oh and the broken base will serve to bring back to life the pink Matchbox funny car. It's already being worked on, but it's a way complicated project. You'll see it eventually.