Hot Wheels and Matchbox Customizing Thread

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
Hey guys, I love what you're doing here. I'm pretty new to this stuff and had a question.How do you change the ride height? I cant seem to figure it out. I've spent the last week reading all 180 pages of the thread, but couldn't seem to find anything on how to change the height.
A bunch of people asked me how to lower a ride height and it honestly baffles me how people can't figure that out. It's possibly the easiest thing anyone can do aside from surface recolouring.

Just shave off material on the interior piece, or whatever piece that stops the axle from displacing its position any closer to the body.

As for adding height, save material off the base and fasten the axle to it.
Wow, besides me and AOS-, I didn't think anybody else watched here, guess I was wrong! :) Thanks! :D

Whoa whoa whoa. When did I ever say I watched FOP?

I've watched it before, I don't recall telling anyone about it though.

BTW I got a few too many customs to share in a few hours. Check back tomorrow.
Whoa whoa whoa. When did I ever say I watched FOP?

I've watched it before, I don't recall telling anyone about it though.

This quote here:
I'm personally bored of the witty remarks made in fairly oddparents...
Personally after reading this, I have been kind of inclined to believe you do, but that's just me talking.
Alright, kids and old men. Low and slow.









Finally got around to putting back in the Before/After thing. Can't say I like the big blank white space on the top right though. I'll work on something. Oh you bet there's more. It's already on the blog if you want to see more now, but for those who are too lazy, your loss. ;)
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Was eventually going to post them. I have an extra XK120SE if you want one... or two even. Stores should still have some here if you want me to grab you some.
Sell it for the exact amount it costs to buy a case of beer. 1st world problems - solved!

Ignoring the lame-o blast-o, here's the rest of the customs I didn't post. Oooh cliffhanger conclusion!





Annddddd here's today's work:


I think I still have the black HW Racing '66 Nova I can also lower :lol:

Looks like Y5 wheels are out and J5s are in for me. They're looking awfully nicer than PR5s for most cars I'm modding.
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Finished photographing the One-Offs, post-editing currently, so I'll let you guys munch on these WIPs for now.


Those "IS" decals were a pain in the butt to apply. They're horrendous with all the wrinkles I couldn't smooth out. I did 2-3 layers of nail polish top coat in hopes it'll cover up the bumpy form, but it didn't conceal it 100%.
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what kind of technique are you using to get the goldleaf text and circular flame icon?



From the front view, the lowering is apparent, but from the side, it's not for some odd reason.
what kind of technique are you using to get the goldleaf text and circular flame icon?



From the front view, the lowering is apparent, but from the side, it's not for some odd reason.

good job!

lettets and logo are vinyl cut outs. very hard to do at that scale.
Looks like it, but it's hard to tell; even from interweb pictures.
This is why I always do extensive research on a car before detailing it.
Wow. I must acknowledge your memory for remembering something over 2 years ago. 👍
And I haven't even been here 2 years....

I can remember things as far back as when I was only 2 years old but when somebody tells me to do something, I almost instantly forget. :lol:
I've recently started customizing my old Hotwheels/Matchbox cars. I have well over 150 cars altogether, probably even 200+. I just painted a Dodge Viper today. I'm going to be painting the seats, steering wheel, and shifter red tomorrow. Can't take pics for awhile, as I need a new camera.
from a liftback to a 2 door.



Cool conversion. 👍

Slight update:

I'm about 80% done with one side of the RWB 993.. the other side looks terrible though, :lol:(still need to sculpt the side skirt, hence no pics of the other side yet).

(i still need to clean up the front arch a bit, but i'm quite pleased with it so far. Also need to add a barrel/lip to the front wheel).

[EDIT] The rear wheels roll but the front wheels will need adjustment, as it is the car is lopsided due to the excess of the side skirt on the other side.
Thanks! Apok.

I just wish i could find more time/manage time better to do this stuff.
Also, i owe a lot of thanks to you guys here, for all the hints and tips. 👍
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