Hot Wheels and Matchbox Customizing Thread

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
Do any of you guys buy just wheels from anywhere? I have been watching this thread for a while and am going to give it a go. And the wheels and axles are shot as they are bent and older. I have an easy 1000 Hot wheels from when I was growing up. So I can find replacement ones and parts, and have a lot to work with for future projects but want to get some rubber wheels (You know the ones you always took the tire off and then put back on as a kid?), so how should I get them?

Also will post pics of my starting point in a bit. Its a 1970 Chevells. The Blue Chinatown Taxi. The paint is all tore up and its not in the best shape, so why not?

2 questions,

1) What is the best way to strip paint? Or easiest?

2) How to get the shine into the bumpers? Its a 1998 Car so its metal but the chrome has tarnished away and its this dark gray.
And here are starting pics:

Can't see your pics. As for getting wheels, you could keep an eye on E-Bay for axle lots, they come up for sale from time to time, but the usual way is to sacrifice a car in order to take its wheels.

As for stripping off the paint, first open the car and then just cover it with spray paint remover or brush-in paint remover, or whatever kind of paint remover you can get.

As for shining up the metal again, you can get bodywork finishing metal pads from 3M that will be a lot of help, or if you have a dremel tool, a polishing tip.
Swapped wheels again..thought white looked better



Here's a few I'm try to paint up...trying to find a specific color tho.


Any one know where I can find a color like this?


or this

You can find a neat array of colours most spray cans won't get you if you're willing to invest in nail polish. Be sure you can get yourself enough enamel/lacquer thinner (whatever paint you may end up getting) for it.

Post #2 of the recent customs.




Got the Co-Mold 5s and Nascar wheels on 'em.


Gave it all the wonderful lights and silver grill it needed to look less basic.
@AOS- So is enamel remover the same thing as paint remover? I'm going to run in town tomorrow to get everything I need.

Can someone let me know if I leave something out or should get something else.

-Drill bits and drill (Already have)
-Some kind of paint remover (Whats the best?)
-Glue or adhesive (Have model glue and RC Glue which should work fine)
-Brass Pipes 1/16 (Going to buy)
-Primer (Have a can already)
-Paint (I have model paint if that will work) (And spray paint for base color)
-Painters tape (I already have various sizes and can cut it in strips)
-Some kind of Dremel tool (What is a good substitute for grinding it down?)
-Wire Brush (Already Have)
-Sand paper (Already Have)

And let me know what I missed. Probably missed a few.
@AOS- So is enamel remover the same thing as paint remover? I'm going to run in town tomorrow to get everything I need.

Can someone let me know if I leave something out or should get something else.

-Drill bits and drill (Already have)
-Some kind of paint remover (Whats the best?)
-Glue or adhesive (Have model glue and RC Glue which should work fine)
-Brass Pipes 1/16 (Going to buy)
-Primer (Have a can already)
-Paint (I have model paint if that will work) (And spray paint for base color)
-Painters tape (I already have various sizes and can cut it in strips)
-Some kind of Dremel tool (What is a good substitute for grinding it down?)
-Wire Brush (Already Have)
-Sand paper (Already Have)

And let me know what I missed. Probably missed a few.
There's a link in the OP to a recommended paint stripper.
@AOS- So is enamel remover the same thing as paint remover?

Let's put it this way. There are several types of paint you will commonly encounter: acrylic, enamel, lacquer. Cheap spray paints would be generally be acrylic or enamel. Car paint is often times enamel, but possibly lacquer. In this case, nail polish, often comes in enamel, though some brands make lacquer. Find the appropriate type of thinner for the paint you are going to use. I don't know what sorts of brands you will encounter at your stores, so you will have to read the label to find out what kind of paint is it.
This is my second attempt at a custom Hot Wheels,
I decided to give this Twinduction a bit of a Night Rider theme.

Removed the original paint & repainted in matt black
blacked out the chrome, dry brushed the engine, exhaust system and undercarriage
detailed the interior
Smoke tinted the wheels

Twinduction NR (2).jpeg
Twinduction NR (3).jpeg
Twinduction NR (4).jpeg
Twinduction NR (5).jpeg

Looks good, is that model supposed to look like a Colin McRae R4 or is it totally coincidental?

I'm having a problem removing the rear rivet post on one of my projects. I need the whole metal post removed and a dremel cutter wont fit in. Drilling down it has been a pain and it keeps slipping off. Any suggestions?
I think it might be based off the R4. Funny I didn't think of that before.

I would at this point get a dremel with a metal carving bit and take out what you missed. I hate it when the drill goes off myself. To minimize the chance of this happening I used a 1/16" or something near that size, drilled it down the middle far enough to serve as a pilot hole. Then I would use a 9/64" or 5/32", drill slow, but push down with moderate pressure. I find that if it's spinning excessively, it will go off course and make your life miserable. Instead, push each rotation further into the rivet to burrow out the metal. When it cuts deep, not only will it pull out the rivet, you're less likely to drill an offset path. Try to aim for this.
You can find a neat array of colours most spray cans won't get you if you're willing to invest in nail polish. Be sure you can get yourself enough enamel/lacquer thinner (whatever paint you may end up getting) for it.
Thanks...idk if I'm ready to air brush just yet!
Very nice work guys, i like what i see:tup:. its nice to see all the different styles and influences, in the way you fellas do your customizing.I am getting new inspiration from here all the time;).

Here is a pair i just dug out of the o'l "attic". The original plan was to do some kind of Dukes of Hazzard drift car theme, i am even looking for a suitable replacement for a Roscoe car . I am thinking a more recent Chrysler 300 release from Hotwheels. problem is now, trying to find one. Oh well, let the hunt begin.


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I need to make a few adjustments to them first, then I can send them over. This first car was sort of a test bed. I'd say the only ones that are perfect are the side stripes. :P
Stop being modest. It's all perfect 👍
I think it might be based off the R4. Funny I didn't think of that before.

I would at this point get a dremel with a metal carving bit and take out what you missed. I hate it when the drill goes off myself. To minimize the chance of this happening I used a 1/16" or something near that size, drilled it down the middle far enough to serve as a pilot hole. Then I would use a 9/64" or 5/32", drill slow, but push down with moderate pressure. I find that if it's spinning excessively, it will go off course and make your life miserable. Instead, push each rotation further into the rivet to burrow out the metal. When it cuts deep, not only will it pull out the rivet, you're less likely to drill an offset path. Try to aim for this.

Thanks for the tips, yeah my post has been burrowed about half way now but its at a wonky angle, a few inside scuffs from where the bit slipped off but I guess if I re drill a pilot hole it might straighten things up.

Which car is it? I've never had an issue getting a cutting wheel to fit inside a car to cut things.

Mustang, its only 12mm wide inside and the cutting wheel is like 10mm, there is no way of being steady enough to hold it spinning at 1000's of RPM in such a small gap.
This one was actually in the queue for the Illustrious models with the black PR5s, but this look started to grow on me so I took it out and did this. I have a First Editions R32 I can use for the Illustrious if anything.... but I may save that for a PR5 variation forgery. :P Don't worry, I won't sell it.

On the topic of customs, I've been chatting with other customizers via facebook, and I think getting myself a jeweler's saw would be an awesome move.

@R1600Turbo, I might grab the saw off Micro-Mark and grab a tap and screws while I'm at it. Which screw length would you best recommend?
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Found this one packing , while getting ready to move. I call it "GT-OHHH YEA" or"GT-GO", not sure yet. Its still a ways
away from being complete, but its coming together very nicely i think. Still have to work on the custom decals, and possibly replace and detail the motor.
I managed to finish my MB '77 Oldsmobile Vista Cruiser, so pictures will be posted as little as one week, but maybe later.
First of all, I'd like to compliment @AOS- on his subtle yet amazing Monoposto detailing. Awesome job, as usual. 👍

Second, I have a question: What is a great product to create rollcages out of that is very easy to work with that is not aluminum tubing?
Thanks, Johnny. To answer your question, I can't think of thing easier than aluminum tubing. It's easily malleable so it can take on curves and hold its shape with little effort.
You really can't think of anything easier than aluminium?
Okay, how about styrene? It's easy to shape, cut, glue and paint. You don't even need to heat it up to bend, as it holds its shape just fine.
Oe, I noticed it's been two entries since I last posted anything from Custom Diecast México. So here they are. One is... odd. But cool because it was customized for playing with it. Ahmed's dad modified this Lindberg Mini Lindy 32 Ford for walkway playing and abuse more than 30 years ago, and it has remained in "as raced" condition:

And lastly, a Hot Wheels Street Rodder I restored from a total wreck, complete with Redlines: