Hot Wheels and Matchbox Customizing Thread

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
Civic EF #1 finished. This car is, in my opinion, not perfect. So I consider it a testing bed for the decals, detailing, etc. The next one will be just like this one, except with black bumpers, black wheels, and the intercooler in the bumper. That one will go on a small display and get shipped to Missouri.

Anyway, please don't mind the crappy photos and the misaligned windows. Just threw the car together for the photos (without screws) and didn't notice them until after, too lazy to re-take photos. :P

That looks really good. I like the exhaust tip. Care to share the decals? I will be doing one or two of these (:
That looks really good. I like the exhaust tip. Care to share the decals? I will be doing one or two of these (:
I need to make a few adjustments to them first, then I can send them over. This first car was sort of a test bed. I'd say the only ones that are perfect are the side stripes. :P
The side stripes are decals too? I was just going to put a big dab of flat black paint over in ther and then rub it off with my finger lol
All the stripes are decals, headlights/taillights, corner markers on the front bumper, and the Honda emblems (hard to see in photos, pain in the rear to apply).
Lol yeah, the emblems are a pain to apply. I tried some in the silver Hakosuka but they broke, so to hell.
@R1600Turbo: I did an axle job last night after my reply to @AOS-, and used needle nose pliers as cutters, then sanded to get an opening again, then used a scratch awl to help open the hole more.

As for the EF: Many 👍's!

And also: :mad: because its not my car. :lol:
Picked these guys up in down town Kuala Lumpur, thinking of doing a street racer style custom job on the BMW.

I'm really new to custom work on Hot Wheels, any suggestions on custom decals?

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Hey guys i am new to your forum, but love what i see:tup:. I have been customizing Hotwheels/Matchbox etc, for many years now.I am not the best at it, but i have developed my skills to a point were i wouldn't mind sharing images of my work, and hopefully get some feed back on my work. I will take and post some pics of my work shortly, as soon as i figure out my new camera:banghead:.


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Hey guys i am new to your forum, but love what i see:tup:. I have been customizing Hotwheels/Matchbox etc, for many years now.I am not the best at it, but i have developed my skills to a point were i wouldn't mind sharing images of my work, and hopefully get some feed back on my work. I will take and post some pics of my work shortly, as soon as i figure out my new camera:banghead:.
The previous pic is of molded pieces of tinfoil, that i assemble to create a car replica. most models have around 20 individually molded pieces. I will post more pics of finished cars as soon as i can.
A few pics of completed "tinfoil" cars. They are 100% tinfoil, hand molded, hand painted and hand assembled, with the greatest care.They are fully detailed inside and out, with detailed interior, chassis and engine. They are in 1/64(ish), scale, and display awesome with my Hotwheels collection. Most people can't see the difference;). Hope you enjoy looking at them, as much as i enjoy making them.
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If that's really true, those are absolutely bonkers, and you have insane skills. Video? If not, you should.
Isn't tinfoil really flimsy though?
Yes indeed, it is extremely flimsy. Over the course of 20+ years i have developed a technique(or process) that i use to strengthen the foil. Additionally, after i have the mold complete, i use a primer type of paint that adds yet another layer of strength. It was an adventure(road trip, if you will), getting to this point, but feel pretty good about the results:). I have been looking for many years for somebody, anybody that does what i do, but i have yet to find them. This forum is the closest i have come. I do guarantee that they are infact made of regular old tinfoil, i have lost a few of them by having them displayed with my regular Hotwheels, were people would touch them, resulting usually in a surprised look of horror, and a crumpled ball of painted foil, that was once a prized piece of my collection. Lesson learned, now i keep them in a nice secure wooden display case.
If that's really true, those are absolutely bonkers, and you have insane skills. Video? If not, you should.
Thank you very much for the encouragement, i will see what i can do about making some kind of video or something. until then, i will try to find a few more pics to post. I will also take some pics of my Hotwheels customs(since that is really what this forum is for).
It looks great for chrome parts, although the wrinkles show up on intricate parts. I do understand it's much more difficult to pull those off.

Anyhow, here's a near-finish quick wheelswap. I don't know which to settle on so I'm open to what you think looks best on this Shelby:



So tomorrow is Friday, which means the weekend, which = lots of time to work on customs. I'm not sure what I'll be doing next, or even if I will complete anything. If any car(s) get/gets finished, it/they will be posted. If any cars are not finished, but work is done, I'll provide an update.
Cool tip found on HWC. If you want to turn these:


Into these:


You can use these:

Likely the only time we'll be working with "glam rocks." :lol:

Anyhow, here's a near-finish quick wheelswap. I don't know which to settle on so I'm open to what you think looks best on this Shelby:



I really don't know which I like better. The MC5s fit better with the muscle car/pony car theme, but the car looks so nice with the Matchbox wheels. What the heck, go with the MB wheels. 👍
As promised here is a few pics of a custom i have been working on. It is in the rough stages, but is taking shape nicely. I seen a similar type model somewere on the net, and it inspired me.I used a Hotwheels 55 gasser for the chassis and motor, and a Hotwheels nova wagon for the body and interior. Still have lots of work to do, but i like the looks so far.
Pretty awesome!

I have a '69 Camaro I'm doing up, but right now am drawing a picture of it for my idea. The car so far has only had the rivets drilled out.
Hi all,
Im new here, from B.C. Canada ay,
I'v been catching up reading this blog from the first page...awesome work you guys do..
I was going to start my own hotwheels custom...I even picked up two from a doller store odd enough.
But before I start I wanted to ask about the two I bought, 1 is 1999 Track T "Virtual Collection", 2 is 2004 #209 Roll Patrol Surf Patrol...
Are ether worth keeping or can I destroy?
Sorry for long postd
Track Ts and Roll Patrols generally are worthless. For future reference, you can always search these cars on eBay to get a general sense how much people think they're worth.

Dislikes the BBS on FD I do.

That was a reply to Cano's black FD with WSP wheels. I disagree with my old self. I'm a huge sucker for those wheels now.
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