Hot Wheels and Matchbox Customizing Thread

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
My gtr 2000 HT



Here a celica iam working on

that M3 looks awesome...


I have a couple of these.... I could part with one, if you want PM me

after googleing around I find I may have been mistaken... it looks as if the Devil Z was a 2 seat car....atleast in the images I'm finding... but I coulda swore it had the fatback 2+2 roof line... guess I need to track the show down again... been a few years
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Lots of activity lately 👍 I like the red Chevelle but dude, repaint the base, it looks pretty tattered!
I found this sad 70 Chevelle at a flea market, complete with cambered front wheels :P for a buck
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And turned it into this
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This is one of my favorite customs so far, and I'm REALLY happy with how the paint turned out.

I also dedicate this to my buddy, and fellow Chevelle lover, @Dagger311. :P
Oh wow... I wish I knew how to do that! I have a 67 Chevelle SS and a 1970 Chevelle wagon that need major makeovers. The coupe has these crazy black stripes on a yellow base paint (I want it to be either black with white racing stripes, red with black racing stripes, or a burnt orange color with white racing stripes), and the wagon is white with some gold... Stuff on it (not sure what I'd do with it, it just looks too dull right now).
@Nessy any tips for creating wide fenders with the Milliput?

A trick I did with my Daytona to save me time was I kept a set of wheels on the base. The wheels don't have the be the actual wheels you plan to use, but so long as they are of the desired size. If the stock wheels are the ideally-sized wheels, that's even better as you may not even need to take them out of the prongs yet.. Make sure the alignment is good, that you don't have crooked axles or wheels that aren't perpendicular to the wheelbase. You can use something to help hold the axle in place if need be.

Once all that is perfect, I take tape and I start wrapping the tires, creating a roll of it. The idea here is that the wheel will mask off the fender well area to save you the trouble of having to sculpt and shape that area to perfect roundness. The thickness of the roll of tape you make will literally become the gap between the wheels and the fender once everything is done. Once that's decided, put the base back onto the casting and begin applying the putty. I've no trick for the rest of this. It's all eyeballing from here on forth.
A trick I did with my Daytona to save me time was I kept a set of wheels on the base. The wheels don't have the be the actual wheels you plan to use, but so long as they are of the desired size. If the stock wheels are the ideally-sized wheels, that's even better as you may not even need to take them out of the prongs yet.. Make sure the alignment is good, that you don't have crooked axles or wheels that aren't perpendicular to the wheelbase. You can use something to help hold the axle in place if need be.

Once all that is perfect, I take tape and I start wrapping the tires, creating a roll of it. The idea here is that the wheel will mask off the fender well area to save you the trouble of having to sculpt and shape that area to perfect roundness. The thickness of the roll of tape you make will literally become the gap between the wheels and the fender once everything is done. Once that's decided, put the base back onto the casting and begin applying the putty. I've no trick for the rest of this. It's all eyeballing from here on forth.
Yeah I thought about the tape thing, but I was mainly looking for how to apply it to the car. I plan on making a few "notches" in the metal so it'll help the stuff stick. I think rolling them out like kids usually do with playdoh would be a good start. I have all weekend (no work, yay) with the only thing taking up time being the V8 Supercar races at night, so I would like to finish the hard top Miata I've been putting off for what seems like forever.
@Nessy any tips for creating wide fenders with the Milliput?
I usually use a couple of thick round pens wrapped in parchment/grease-proof paper (the putty won't bond with the paper), then i put a strip of masking tape underneath the car, to keep the pens (or pencils) in place, then place the putty on the fender and the pen. I find it speeds things up, though it still requires filing/sanding afterwards.. oh, and it doesn't work if the cast has rivet posts, in the way of the void of the arches.

@AOS- Method sounds genius compared to mine, going to have a try of that myself.

The notches you plan on doing, Jason, is a real good idea, should create a good sturdy bond. I'm going to have to try that too.

@Cano I really like the S2000 hard-top too. I was going to make a different hard-top for it, but i may just have to leave it as is.

Slight Escort update:

Not much done and still plenty to do, but i'm slowly getting there, oh and the stupid grill bit broke off for a third time today, shortly after taking the pics. :banghead:
