Hot Wheels and Matchbox Customizing Thread

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
It's a Matchbox GMC Catering truck, they were sold only for a few months or so back in 2011. I picked one up then not knowing that they were scarse. I have an extra one though so it's not like I destroyed my only one.
Got tired of waiting to paint the trucks I am working on, so I devised a plan to lay out a large sheet of cardboard in the bathroom, then with the vent fan turned on, spray the cars on that then close the door and wait for the fumes to disappear. :P
The paint will get all over the floor even in areas where paint was not aimed at. I'd cover as much of the floor as possible.

It's not noticeable at first, but eventually once you keep on doing it more often, it'll begin to become more noticeable.
Got the Xterra and the 620 painted. Paint color on the Datsun is really nice. Going to do the Titan tomorrow after I figure out how to glue the bed cover on. And hopefully the paint will stick to it.
image.jpg Porsche 934 Turbo RSR. I have no interest in this style of car. There are some that do based on the types of customs I have seen posted on here. Seems like a nice casting (with the exception of the plastic base) with fair detail. Figured rather than toss it into my scrap box I would offer it up to someone that could get some good out of it. It is FREE for the taking. All I would want in return is the cost of shipping. I do not know what it would cost to ship naturally that would depend on where you are. Let me know if you are interested and we can go from there.
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Porsche 934 Turbo RSR. I have no interest in this style of car. There are some that do based on the types of customs I have seen posted on here. Seems like a nice casting (with the exception of the plastic base) with fair detail. Figured rather than toss it into my scrap box I would offer it up to someone that could get some good out of it. It is FREE for the taking. All I would want in return is the cost of shipping. I do not know what it would cost to ship naturally that would depend on where you are. Let me know if you are interested and we can go from there.View attachment 283545

This going to sound hateful, but it's not worth anyone's money to pay for shipping for one $1 car. Even if it's domestic shipping.
AOS...I appreciate your response. I understand what you and others are saying, I don't take your remarks to be hateful in anyway. I absolutely hear what you all are saying. Think the $2-$3 estimate would be right on track for shipping cost within the states. This is just something I purchased for the wheels having no idea how difficult it is to find on the rack. No offense is taken if there are no takers. FWIW...for those not familiar with this casting, the axle width / wheel base is extremely wide, didn't set it on an orange track but think it would a tight fit. Pointless, might be a bit harsh, might not make sense to you BUT...if you are really wanting to do such a vehicle, and you can't find it on the rack, you can have this one for the cost of shipping and never have to leave home. Kind of depends on what your time is worth, how close the place you purchase your Hot Wheels from and what the MPGs are for the vehicle you drive.
R1600Turbo, I am not all that computer savvy, not exactly sure what difference the size of the attachment makes, BUT...I think I was able to edit the original post and add a thumbnail.
R1600Turbo, I am not all that computer savvy, not exactly sure what difference the size of the attachment makes, BUT...I think I was able to edit the original post and add a thumbnail.
The forum resizes the image but it still has to load the whole thing and on slower devices they can freeze or have other issues. Just easier to resize them or attach as a thumbnail so people with slower devices don't complain. (Like me)
Not sure where to ask but I recently bought a Revell model kit set. Came with a bunch of paint pots and stuff as they do, however the bodies are unpainted and the wheels are chrome (on modern Ferraris!) And I am useless with a brush.

Anyone recommend some cheap, decent spray paintish stuff?
Not sure where to ask but I recently bought a Revell model kit set. Came with a bunch of paint pots and stuff as they do, however the bodies are unpainted and the wheels are chrome (on modern Ferraris!) And I am useless with a brush.

Anyone recommend some cheap, decent spray paintish stuff?
Doesn't get much cheaper or decent than plain old spray paint from Wal-Mart.

Also, there's a plastic model thread around here somewhere.
Doesn't get much cheaper or decent than plain old spray paint from Wal-Mart.

Also, there's a plastic model thread around here somewhere.
Ah, thanks for the recommendation.

And I thought there was but can't find it.
Well, this is my first post, I just stumbled upon Cano's page last week, and since recently I started collecting HW again (I have lots of them at my parent's house... I hope to rescue them soon), this customization stuff grabbed my attention immediately, started doing some research in internet and that's how I found this forum. I hope to learn from everybody in here and since I'm new in this, any suggestions, tips and criticisms are welcome.

Aaaaaaaaand here it is my first attempt: A Pontiac Firebird Trans Am made by Tomica in 1978. I bought it at a flea market, and today I tested some new shoes on it:



Right now I'm about to strip its paint. It's my first time and I hope I don't screw up anything.