Hot Wheels and Matchbox Customizing Thread

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
So wait, are you spraying or brushing? If spraying, do several light coats, including a primer before hand. If you use all of the Krylon indoor/outdoor paints you shouldn't have any issues.

And no, you can't thin model paint with water.
You can thin model paint with water if it's acrylic.
I've done it before with three different brands of paint both with a regular brush and an air brush and I've had no problems with it.
Broadly speaking -there are basically two types of paints: Latex and Oil.
Acrylic is a man-made latex, Alkyd is synthetic oil.

These are used as carriers or solvents in which the binders, resins, pigments, etc, are mixed in. The carrier helps transport the paint onto the surface.

To clean up, or thin (rarely), Acrylic/Latex/Water-based paints one uses water. Brushes, Spray nozzles, spills, can all be cleaned up with water.

To clean up, or thin (quite often), Alkyd/Oil/Solvent based based paints one uses the appropriate solvent. Mineral Spirits or Turpentine is what you would use to thin such paints, or clean brushes or spray nozzles with.
Solvent-based paints come in a huge variety of dangerous and flammable disguises, including naptha-,toluene-, benzene-, and alcohol based finishes. To each their own solvent for thinning and clean-up is best.

Most commercial model paints are either acrylic or alkyd.
Check the label and if it's acrylic, then water. if it's alkyd, then some turps.

Clear Finishes, such as clear varnishes and urethanes, again come in both Acrylic and Alkyd. Acrylics dry faster but have a comparatively softer finish. Alkyds take longer to dry but have a harder finish. Acrylics tend to stay clear, Alkyds tend to oxidize faster, thereby turning yellow with age.

Again - when you are thinning or cleaning up, whether primer, top-coat, or clear-coat, remember .......Acrylic = Water.........Oil/Alkyd = Solvent (like turps) of some smelly, dangerous kind that you most times have to have a licence to use.

Apok - stunning work. How about the ball-hitch and number plates? Also - what is your secret to getting those tampos off so successfully? You've done a great job not hurting the finish in the process. 👍
Most oil based model paints, at least readily available ones like Testors, will say "Enamel" on the label.

I never have to thin them out as they're always quite thin, but use airbrush thinner to clean my brushes.

I'm still confused why someone would brush thinner over a car after its been clear coated...
Enamel, as a paint category, stands for 'hard finish'. There are both Acrylic and Alkyd Enamels. Both are hard finishes. Different thinners, cleaners, of course.

In the 'olden' days, 'enamel' generally was used to mean oil paints, and 'emulsion' taken to mean water-based paints (like the white-wash they used on the 'White House' after it was set on fire and turned grey.)
Enamels were used on metals and woods, Emulsion on mortar, cement, plaster, etc.
Then Paint technology changed.
Now you can find the word 'Enamel' even on water based or Acrylic paints - noting that they dry to a hard, usually shiny finish.
There are of course specialised flat enamels in the market, for instance Benjamin Moore's Flat Black Enamel - which is oil. Latex (Acrylic) Enamels usually come in a variety of upper sheens - satin, semi-gloss, and gloss.
You can thin model paint with water if it's acrylic.

Thank you. That's all I needed to hear.

Jason's all confused misinterpreting what I said.

Anyway, got something to show you guys:


Changed the wheels (again) to better ones. They now look more closer to the factory wheels of the real TT.
Thanks. I thought it looked rather nice myself.

Now if you'll excuse me I have to go cut up 24 cars and gut their wheels, their only means of transportation! Muahahaha!
Thank you. That's all I needed to hear.

Jason's all confused misinterpreting what I said.

Anyway, got something to show you guys:

Changed the wheels (again) to better ones. They now look more closer to the factory wheels of the real TT.

Just re-read it and I see what you mean now, but brushing it on still not the best idea lol.
So I've heard after a google search. I figured at the time it was okay once it was runnier.
Before I go through with these wheelswaps, I want your opinions on the wheel choices. None of these have been permanently fixed so don't yabbering off about it.


Was going to paint the body- initially gloss black, but afer seeing that burgundy red, I might consider a black cherry red... would contrast great with the chrome trim and wheels. Thoughts?


Black Cragars.... pretty standard, no? Body's going to be gloss black, so I don't know if that's going to be too much black. Maybe if it was chrome cragars?


This was planned before I put them on. Race car wheels sounds pretty damn appropriate. The idea seemed awesome and all, but I'm not really feeling it. You?


Looks hip, and pretty close to the real-life counterpart... maybe if I coloured the wheels flat dark gray?

And lastly, the somewhat-already-resolved dilemma I'm having; deciding which of the 3 should get the 8-spoke wheels ripped off the Boulevard Porsche 914. The wheels and car may be painted once chosen (suggestions are welcome), it's the wheel style that matters here:




My thoughts on it: Definitely not feeling it too much on the Skyline compared to the other two, and really like it on the other two. I don't want to grab another car to rip wheels out of for this, but right now I'm leaning towards the Mazda, because:



mazdastude.jpg you can see, in conjunction with the yellowy-green decals on the Bluebird, the yellow text on the tires I ripped off the Studebaker Champ go really well with it better than the RX-7 with the same wheels. I'm making the goo decisions, right? Tell me they're good! :P

What wheels came on this? Those excellent black ones with the chrome rim and three-spoke center spinner? If those are what came on it, I don't think you can find better ones than those.


Those wheels would be great, but I'm not feeling those tires though.


Those are definitely unique on the Furai; paint them white and you're all set!


This looks great, but I would paint them.




You're crazy, they absolutely look best on the Skyline! :drool:




Keep those wheels on the Bluebird like you want, but find something else for the RX-7. 👍
The wheels on the Jag would go with the deep red you mentioned, but I would say paint the wheels in a brighter chrome though.

The Mustang's new wheels will be right on the money with the black paint when you paint the car. Chrome would also look swell, but I'm in a tough decision between the two types of wheels.

The Furai's wheels are kinda alright, unless you were thinking of designing the car with different paint and livery.

Now the Lotus, I can rock that car with those wheels! Really, they are almost similar to the real Exige's wheels. I would say leave them as they are.

Now the Blvd Series 914-6's wheels on the BB and SA22 are :yuck:. The red paint of the Porsches don't flow with the blueish-grey and lime green and the blue RX7, unless if it was the black or white one. The Kenmeri IMO fits the car since there's no vinyls or livery on it. But the other wheels from that truck fits all three JDMs with no problems, espically on the BB, on the RX7, just get rid of the yellow words on the wheels and it would look sharp. 👍
I did say to disregard the wheels being red, bbecause i could paint them if I really wanted. Another set of wheels I thought would look baller on the RX-7 is that silver Star wheels that the rare cars get... you know... the one that look like Testarossa wheels.

I do like the suggestion on painting the furai wheels white. It might stand out nicely actually

Also, I disagree with the opinion on the stock Jag wheels, but it reminded me of another set of wheelsI know of that wouldgo perfect on that and a Shelby Daytona Coupe.
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Apok - stunning work. How about the ball-hitch and number plates? Also - what is your secret to getting those tampos off so successfully? You've done a great job not hurting the finish in the process. 👍

I'm not going to paint the number plates. Only the front one is actually present on the casting. The rear one is supposed to be where the massive ball-hitch is and if I painted the front it would just put more focus on the rear one missing.
I did think of simply cutting the ball hitch off, but I've always liked putting various trailers and such on my cars. :P
In fact, here's a picture I didn't show here yet.


:dopey: :dopey:
Oh my god it has canoes and it's so awesome and cool and I want to play with it now. :dopey:

Almost forgot about the tampos. I put some thinner onto a piece of cloth. I then put the cloth over the tampos for a couple of seconds. After taking off the cloth the tampo can be removed easily as it becomes much softer.
I just try and avoid rubbing the tampos off as that's what actually damages the finish.
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Look at you splooging about it like a kid. Heeee. It does look very nice though.

Going to put this up super early for any early birds, but with all the wheels I'm going to be ripping out of cars, so I'm going to be selling off a lot of donor bodies for super cheap to get rid of them, may be sold in bundles or individually. This may be resourceful for you if you're looking for cars to do custom work and want to save big on. note: Some of the castings are more than just basic HW or MB... if you know what I mean... *wink wink*
Look at you splooging about it like a kid. Heeee. It does look very nice though.

Going to put this up super early for any early birds, but with all the wheels I'm going to be ripping out of cars, so I'm going to be selling off a lot of donor bodies for super cheap to get rid of them, may be sold in bundles or individually. This may be resourceful for you if you're looking for cars to do custom work and want to save big on. note: Some of the castings are more than just basic HW or MB... if you know what I mean... *wink wink*

AOS, I want the 914. I'll see what else you come up with, but the 914 is mine.
I had a photo of all the cars I've currently disassembled, they won't be of your interest, but I'd love it if you grab maybe another 4 of them.
I had a photo of all the cars I've currently disassembled, they won't be of your interest, but I'd love it if you grab maybe another 4 of them.

Give me the picture. When it's time to grab proyects, I'm not as picky, I'm always thinking of stuff to do. Let me see it, I promise I'll grab at least 4 more; I'm the one paying shipping, I've gotta make it worth it.
Photo's on my desktop; I'm on my laptop. I'll post it tomorrow morning.

Ok, I'll show it to the paint guy to see if he wants any of the cars, he's also always scrounging for stuff to put together.
I'm not going to paint the number plates. Only the front one is actually present on the casting. The rear one is supposed to be where the massive ball-hitch is and if I painted the front it would just put more focus on the rear one missing.
I did think of simply cutting the ball hitch off, but I've always liked putting various trailers and such on my cars. :P
In fact, here's a picture I didn't show here yet.


:dopey: :dopey:
Oh my god it has canoes and it's so awesome and cool and I want to play with it now. :dopey:

Almost forgot about the tampos. I put some thinner onto a piece of cloth. I then put the cloth over the tampos for a couple of seconds. After taking off the cloth the tampo can be removed easily as it becomes much softer.
I just try and avoid rubbing the tampos off as that's what actually damages the finish.

So what are you using; turps, acetone, or regular thinner (mineral spirits)? And how about tampos on plastic? Have you tried them?
The tampos are obviously acrylic - I worked at a Corp once that printed dvds (screen printing) and all our pigments were water based. A variety of solvents can be used to take off dried Acrylic, but you seem to have found one that works successfully.
Thanks for the response.
MG! Don't chop off the ball-hitch :lol: How on earth can you play without those? Nice Canoes - do want! I opened a tow-truck recently and immediately several cars in the vicinity mysteriously broke down and had to be towed!

M-Power! All kinds of Maistos are being slated for the chop house. BTW - do you still have the cherry 510? And the MR2?
It says synthetic thinner on it. Does that help? :lol:
Because really all I know of thinners is that one is called nitro thinner and the other is synthetic thinner.
Nitro thinner has a stronger smell than synthetic.

And that's about the extent of my knowledge. :P
Question: Where can I get Hot wheels Real Riders wheels (the rubber ones) without having to gut them off a car?

Ok, I'll show it to the paint guy to see if he wants any of the cars, he's also always scrounging for stuff to put together.


I'm keeping the ones facing right (the group on the left). The cars facing left are the donors I don't have much use for. The Magnum is reserved for someone, and the CLK-GTR is also not available.
It says synthetic thinner on it. Does that help? :lol:

Yes. Thanks. 👍

Because really all I know of thinners is that one is called nitro thinner and the other is synthetic thinner.
Nitro thinner has a stronger smell than synthetic.

And that's about the extent of my knowledge. :P

Synthetic, man-created thinners (unlike, say, turpentine which comes from the Pitch Pine tree) are a blend of glycol, esters, ketones, and other aromatic artificial solvents. And yes, it's strong stuff - as is any nitro-based solvents - flammable, combustible, will wreck damage on your nervous system and brain, and will take the skin off your fingers. More Tough Science, than rocket science. ;)
I wear gloves. But only sometimes. :lol:
Well, don't do as I do - do as I say - wear gloves when working with a stripper. 💡
I had a pair of rubber gloves for a bit.
I'm cheap so I kept using the same pair over and over.
They melted. :lol: