How difficult should GT5 be?
That my friend is the question that has been asked. It is an important area of discussion, as it is a crucial factor to your overall enjoyment of the game.
I believe that the fact that the next series is slated to have anywhere from 12 to 20 or more vehicles per race is going to greatly change how the game is played. Therefore instantly changing the difficulty. For this to happen one would be inclined to think that the races would have to be changed to compensate for the increase fields of cars. It would be silly to think that we would be forced to start at the back of the pack for every race. Although that would certainly present a challenge now wouldnt it? How will the game be set up to overcome this? Qualifying could be used for most races, or maybe random field position. Maybe on race series, you qualify for the first race and then how you did sets your position for the next race. With a bigger field of cars, what places will pay out prizes? I would like to see bonus money for fastest lap, most laps in lead, and maybe fines for bad driving instantly taken out after race is over.
Now the larger field does not even address the fact that damage may be in the next version or possibly mechanical problems associated with over use of a car etc. This will really change the difficulty more so then a larger car field. Slamming your way through the pack to win a race could result in you getting disqualified. If damage and mechanical performance restrictions are included then it should be on all the time. Except in arcade you could change settings to limit the affects.
The off track excursions could really be penalized causing damage and maybe even losing laps if your car is immobilized.
The dreaded A.I., I think that the next version will have to have much better A.I. if larger fields and damage is included. Better A.I. will dramatically change the GT experience. I would like to see maybe 200 or more fictional A.I. drivers with human like traits. If they could develop say 20 to 50 different variables for each A.I. opponent. Then perhaps they all start about at the same level, but as they progress or race more the skill levels change, increase or decrease etc. Then maybe as the years go by, some retire and new ones are created etc. Also perhaps the A.I. could be kept in check by somehow accessing global A.I. databases that are kept online. The programming also needs to be smarter to have cars more evenly matched in every race, meaning any of the A.I. would have similar chance of winning, but the A.I. with higher skill would have the advantage.
The race events: For me the race events in GT4 are very poorly constructed and lacking in creativity. I hate having only a few race events to race certain cars in. These restrictions really make the game dull and boring sometimes. I could go on and on about this, but I wont. I think that races and race events could and should be set up so that your skill level can naturally progress. They could easily add more races and events to the beginners series so that you are a better racer when you have completed them. Also they could maybe somehow flag or mark all of the races in the game that could be considered beginner.
Many of the dealership races, special, and maybe some of the mini endurance races could be considered beginner events. Or lets say you do beginner FF series and place 4th or better overall, then it unlocks the next FF series etc. Meaning you would not have to complete every beginner series of every car class before you can enter harder races.
Beginner races like Sunday Cup etc. would most likely start out at 5 laps and ½ or less car field per race. The next harder class of races might be 10 to 15 laps etc. I would also maybe on some of the race series to have longer races but fewer races, it is just hard to devote enough time to do a 10 race series of more then 10 laps even over a week or mores time. They should try and make each and every race as good as possible. For most races, the A.I. should use a much variety of cars and car colors. For race events, I would like the track order to be random, maybe number of laps somewhat random, even maybe have random tracks --- one time you might race on tracks a,b,c,d next time c,d,e,& f etc.
Family Cup in GT4 could have been and should have been great; if only they would of let you choose the number of laps. What the hell were they thinking! The family Cup does have the difficulty slider, which works okay, although I do not do family cup that much because of the number of laps. I would like to be able to create my own race series in GT mode, Arcade, Online and choose from a variety of race settings.
Some other things that are difficult and time consuming. Finding car and choosing a suitable track takes more time then it should. PS3 will make all menu options faster, but why not either let me choose car and bring up a list of races it can enter or let me pick a race and then a list of cars that can enter it. Tuning a car is also more tedious then it should be. I want to buy all my parts and then check out, do not ask me if I want to install the part now. Lets us purchase upgrade kits, maybe stage 1 upgrade, stage 2 etc. This would include a vast majority of parts. Let us customize the game menu or at least give us a dozen or so lay-out choices. Reduce the difficulty by place items that we use more often in logical locations and next to each other. Relatively speaking money is not that easy to obtain in GT4, unless you do the so called money cheat races lots of times. The game could be more balanced in this area. There are a ton of cars, to experience and tune, but a person should not have to spend their life doing it. Sure you can get some cheat codes, in fact did that, and have all the money that I need, but you know what now the game is boring as hell, hardly have any purpose to play, so I started over.
I truly hope that the little things get focused on in the upcoming PS3 installment. Single screen replay for arcade two player, use garage cars on single player arcade or give more options on family cup.
GT4 is an amazing game, but lack of attention to detail in some areas prevents it from standing miles above the competition.