Ok, here it is. (I was forced to take the shot like this, even though it's pretty nice, but I ask anybody else to try get a wall run here and take a custom shot, the first camera option is unavailable whenever you get close to the wall for some strange reason!)
If your in a public lobby with more than one driver, use the other guys custom view, walk the camera over and take the shot, only other thing is to make sure you hit the focus button when on your car, otherwise youll have a pretty kooked photo

Good thing about GT is you can walk the WHOLE track it still motion. I had the same problem on Cape Ring a while ago.
Anyway, a few of my pictures
Because I gotta copy everyone else
Young xCheezlez showing some commy love
And something a little more unique. VvslimysnakevV showing us how to wall tap 50m signs.
And another
I totally made that Scrape with my bumpers
Hanging the spoiler over the railing
Another close call with the wall at Suzuka Circuit. (I love this grass wall tap.)
Yess my wing is through the wall. (Before the custom wings.)
Aaaannnd I think Im done.