How Damage Should Be Implemented (And thus improving online)

Nope, it was on Spa, right after the Eau Rouge.

I don't think I've actually played it in anything but sim.

Bug? Well, haven't heard of any bugs (using 1.1) concerning it, nope.
But yeah I know it's not supposed to be like that at all, it's got a good damage system overall, but it's not the first time I've seen things like that happen. Sure that might have been extreme but it just proves that it is after all, just a game.
I love GTR2, don't get me wrong, it's a great game and I've spent more hours in it then what's healthy but what i don't appreciate is the people claiming blindly (not saying you are mate, there's fanboys everywhere though hehe :) ) that it's the ultimate simulator in all categories. :dunce: It does, just like every other game out there, have it's limits.

Yea I see, I dont know then, stuff happens i guess lol.
And yea I whole heartly agree with you. Ever since my PS2 was broken, gtr2 was all i played lol.
in the full game damage is a must, but you'll still find nutters on it no matter what happens, most likely signing up to some private race leauge somewhere would help, but you have to consider those who buy the game and would never of thought about a Gt forum,

I suppose they could include a system were the game adds up your combined damage, and puts you in random races based on that. They could even send you message if it gets two high inviting you to take part in some online crash course were you have to stick a certain distance behind another car for half a lap before you have to pass on a hairpin.

If your crash damage is fairly low you could unlock the instructor mode, were you could take groups of cars around the track, they would be in mini's and you would be like a safety car or something.
Seems like if someone was intentionally causing problems for other racers, they (the other racers) could boot him from the race and maybe if you get a certain amount of bootings, you would have to sit out for a period of time.
well i think that it would be a good idea to like pay for damages and like the cars engine and other components can become damaged depending on the accident. it would only bring the reality into the simulation.
I think there should be an option to make a complaint (after the race), then point the right moment on the replay, and let others judge whose fault it was :P And of course make the crasher pay for all:D
I think there should be an option to make a complaint (after the race), then point the right moment on the replay, and let others judge whose fault it was :P And of course make the crasher pay for all:D

Hehe, and thousands of such complaints per day would make for a pretty interesting job for the moderators... :scared:

That aside, I think the damage should be determined server-side, i.e. some dedicated public servers would have damage, others may not - perhaps a tiered approach: "off," "arcade" and "sim?" I'm not sure making the drivers pay for online damage is a good idea, given the uncertainty in whose fault it is and the likely bouts of bumper-cars at the start of each race.
Damage should definitely cost money to repair (depending on the car, the installed components etc.) for the offline mode, though.
As for penalising the crashmonkeys, a simple banning system would be best in my opinion (but we'd have to put up with trolls on some private servers - if these will indeed be possible through the PSN.)

I also like the idea of a positive-only rep' system. 👍
Though I've not really thought about how it could be used...

As for the "community," some facilitation may be required on PD's part to help set up a friends or team system, which could be also used in an online championship system. Some of these online champs could have a budgeting requirement, where the addition of damage costs in these races would make things more interesting, since most people will be serious about racing cleanly; unless it's a touring car race, of course...

Much of this would depend on the implementation of a highly sophisticated damage system, both cosmetically (less important) and in terms of car handling/dynamics (most important) - I've yet to see both of these implemented together well in any game (NASCAR series, maybe?)

Oops, that's a bit long, sorry folks! :dopey:
I was rather thinking about other participants of the same race judging bad behaviour JUST AFTER THE EVENT:) I know this idea is not that good because there would be a lot of stupid coplaints but still one to develop ;)
I was rather thinking about other participants of the same race judging bad behaviour JUST AFTER THE EVENT:) I know this idea is not that good because there would be a lot of stupid coplaints but still one to develop ;)

Ah, that is a somewhat different prospect... Obviously I need to open my eyes when reading :crazy:

It sounds like a fair system, so long as people don't start trolling the drivers that keep winning! hehe
As you said, it's worth a look.