How can you possibly defend yourself against something like this? You can't, you must take the offensive.
you must be kidding! you can fight the symptoms of a problem for ever, if you want. pre-emptive, offensive, defensive, whatever way you want, but you will never change anything.
fighting goes on in iraq for years now...nothing of the "we get rid of saddam and everyone is happy" talk has come true...
to get rid of terrorism you have to fight the roots, and that is extremely difficult. in fact that is made even more difficult if you start fighting the symptoms first, because that spreads hatred, one of the roots of terrorism.
when people years ago warned of going into iraq, they were not anti-american and against it because the americans wanted it, they opposed it because they feared an outcome like this.
you can't just free people and put democracy in place and expect it to work out. the democratic spirit has to come into existence first, and that is not yet the case in this region.
just have a look at europe, we tried democracy as well and got the second world war...it took us decades to arrange ourselves with our neighbours...it won't go any quicker in the middle east...