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SwiftIt's amazing how the left seems to do that when it bests suits them. Oh well...
Yet we never hear any diatribes about the so-called liberal biased media.
erm, wait...
SwiftIt's amazing how the left seems to do that when it bests suits them. Oh well...
Viper ZeroIncorrect.
Viper ZeroThe root of terrorism is Islam.
///M-SpecViper, we see eye to eye on many things. This is definately not one of them. Not cool, man. Not cool at all.
Viper Zero"I am one of the servants of Allah. We do our duty of fighting for the sake of the religion of Allah. It is also our duty to send a call to all people of the world to enjoy this great light and to embrace Islam and experience the happiness in Islam. Our primary mission is nothing but the furthering of this religion."
- Osama bin Laden
The root of terrorism is Islam.
And how exactly should we do that in such a way that does not weaken our economy or allow invaders an opportunity to attack us?MrktMkr1986That's not true; all we have to do is change our foreign policy.
///M-SpecViper, we see eye to eye on many things. This is definately not one of them. Not cool, man. Not cool at all.
SwiftI must agree with M on this one. No, the JUSTIFICATION that the terrorists tend to use is Islam. The root of terrorism is ignorance. Period.
(and after reading it, I'm betting that you didn't before posting that one... you also need to look up the word "allegedly")
No **** Sherlock.
Viper ZeroNo, obviously not. I would be the first to say that.
Viper ZeroBut, people like bin Laden use Islam to justify their crimes. If bin Laden no longer had Islam, would he still do terrorist acts?
Viper ZeroIf bin Laden no longer had Islam, would he still do terrorist acts?
Viper ZeroI see now.
Islam would be justification for terrorist acts by radical Islamists. The root of terrorism would be ignorance and perversion of Islam.
I understand now, Swift. Thank you.
Viper ZeroMaybe you need to learn the finer points of Wikipedia. You can edit articles that you find incorrect. But, if you cannot find any facts to counter what is already in the article, then let it stand.
///M-SpecViper, we see eye to eye on many things. This is definately not one of them. Not cool, man. Not cool at all.
Is that why us Aussies and every other westernised country have terrorists wanting to blow us up? (Bali bombings http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2002_Bali_terrorist_bombing, and recently they've been planning to do a "London" on our ass (fortunately we've foiled it however): http://www.mezomorf.com/international/news-11044.html)MrktMkr1986That's not true; all we have to do is change our foreign policy.
In an ideal world, this would happen. Many of these extremists have gone on the record to pretty much say that every westerner (of any flavour) should die and is pure evil against their God (of whatever flavour that particular terrorist cell fancies). This isn't the best position to try and start a diplomatic disscussion. We would bring beers and pizzas to the "Lets Stop Killing Each Other International Summit" and they'd bring AK47s and wire the place to blow.MrktMkr1986That's not true, either! People with differences of opinion can still get along. It's how we treat those people that affects our diplomatic relations with them. We change the way we behave, they will change the way they behave.
James2097Is that why us Aussies and every other westernised country have terrorists wanting to blow us up? (Bali bombings http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2002_Bali_terrorist_bombing, and recently they've been planning to do a "London" on our ass (fortunately we've foiled it however): http://www.mezomorf.com/international/news-11044.html)
Also recently, they've had another go at killing Aussies (and basically anyone) at Bali: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2005_Bali_bombings
I even think we've caught dudes with connections to extremist groups filming the Australian stock exchange, the American Embassy in Melb, various bridges and highway structures etc etc... a whole swag of stuff, we've grabbed a swag of stuff that had photos, possible locations for bombings... We've just got a new law in Aus where we can put someone in custody (without formally arresting them of anything) for 14 days if we suspect with good reason they are planning a terrorist activity. The DAY after this law was hurried through the upper house of parliament, we caught those dudes with all the "London style" bomb making materials! I think that law was rushed through for a reason!
ASIO has also spoken out that since 9/11 they've foiled several other planned attacks on Australian cities or Australians overseas...
you expect something to be worked out over some scones and tea? Perhaps get some gelati?
In an ideal world, this would happen. Many of these extremists have gone on the record to pretty much say that every westerner (of any flavour) should die and is pure evil against their God (of whatever flavour that particular terrorist cell fancies). This isn't the best position to try and start a diplomatic disscussion. We would bring beers and pizzas to the "Lets Stop Killing Each Other International Summit" and they'd bring AK47s and wire the place to blow.
I'd love the world to be so reasonable, but you can't really argue with someone who is willing to die for their cause. Religious differences are the absolute all time best cause to go on a killing spree for thousands of years, with some individual wars lasting 500+ years... off and on of course! If only religion didn't exist the world would be a happier place.
Emma GoldmanConceit, arrogance and egotism are the essentials of patriotism.... Patriotism assumes that our globe is divided into little spots, each one surrounded by an iron gate. Those who had the fortune of being born on some particular spot, consider themselves better, nobler, grander, more intelligent than the living beings inhabiting any other spot. It is, therefore, the duty of everyone living on that chosen spot to fight, kill, and die in the attempt to impose his superiority upon all others.
I of course still advocate a less head-kicking US foreign policy, all the normal civilised people will be much happier for it and maybe everyone (euro nations especially) will actually start to HELP America a little more than they do... Just don't expect extremists to change their life's goal of exterminating the west over night. Or even over the next 500 years...
FoolKillerAnd how exactly should we do that in such a way that does not weaken our economy or allow invaders an opportunity to attack us?
What can we do to keep fanatical Muslims and others from thinking that we are infidels?
How do you know that this move will stop them from trying to attack us and our interests?
Can this be done without turning our back on any of our current allies?
Finally, can you honestly do this without making it appear that we have given in to the demands of a thug who always chooses violence over diplomacy from the start?
I know how much you stress diplomacy, but I have yet to see any of these groups show an ounce of diplomacy. Perhaps if they tried to meet with us, discussed what it is they want, had reasonable demands, and then actually stuck to their side of the agreement all of this could be stopped.
The most we ever got was when Arafat pretended to use diplomacy and then laughed about how he lied to us behind our backs.
MrktMkr1986Support the Palestinians' right to statehood in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, including a shared Jerusalem that would serve as the capital of both Israel and Palestine and recognize the city's importance to all three monotheistic religions.
Viper ZeroThat is what the UN wanted way back in 1947. Tell that to Hamas and they will cut your head off.
Does it matter? The tension EXISTS NOW, and the damage (both ways) is done and will never go away due to the absolute tenaciousness and unforgiving nature of these terrorist's beliefs. The west WERE bastards to many middle-eastern countries. However, I've made it clear that what terrorists want isn't just about a rational demand like wanting America to not screw-up the middle east anymore (like what a civilised nation would want that is aiming for peace). They WOULD NOT STOP WANTING TO KILL US NO MATTER WHAT at this point. Its simply WAY too crazy for diplomacy to work. Who do you even talk to? Can you just get Osama on the phone? There isn't even one dude that organises these terrorists, and many of them operate totally independently anyway! Do you understand the complete impossibility of a reasonable debate with someone who feels COMPLETELY "just" (and doing the best deed they can for Allah or whatever) about blowing themselves up and hundreds of poor innocents? We aren't even fighting a nation state, its just some dudes who feel really marginalised (yeah that part IS rational) but to go out and kill innocent people, to want every westerner dead instead of even SLIGHTLY being open to more constructive way of dealing with their issues is totally insane! They're the ones not being open to a peaceful disscussion, NOT US. Can you see any terrorists coming to the table for talks? NO. They are simply convinced they are right and will never get into a discourse with the enemy (that would be everyone that isn't like them).When, where, and how did this anti-West sentiment brew in the Middle East? How did we contribute to this?
These are questions that need to be asked if we're going to at least try to figure out how to stop suicide bombers.
niky...There will never be peace in Israel. The Arabs dispossesed the Jews a long time ago... and now the Jews have dispossesed the Arabs... who's to say which claim had precedent? The Jews, due to some centuries old claim? The Arabs, due to some decades old claim?...
James2097Does it matter?
The tension EXISTS NOW, and the damage (both ways) is done and will never go away due to the absolute tenaciousness and unforgiving nature of these terrorist's beliefs.
Its simply WAY too crazy for diplomacy to work. Who do you even talk to? Can you just get Osama on the phone? There isn't even one dude that organises these terrorists, and many of them operate totally independently anyway! Do you understand the complete impossibility of a reasonable debate with someone who feels COMPLETELY "just" (and doing the best deed they can for Allah or whatever) about blowing themselves up and hundreds of poor innocents? We aren't even fighting a nation state, its just some dudes who feel really marginalised (yeah that part IS rational) but to go out and kill innocent people, to want every westerner dead instead of even SLIGHTLY being open to more constructive way of dealing with their issues is totally insane! They're the ones not being open to a peaceful disscussion, NOT US.
Can you see any terrorists coming to the table for talks? NO. They are simply convinced they are right and will never get into a discourse with the enemy (that would be everyone that isn't like them).
Yes, I sympathise in the sense that America has really hurt their countries (ignoring that terrorists don't even represent their countries - they're not politicians and most people in the countries they say they represent would absolutely NOT condone their actions...), but why should I (in Australia) deserve to get bombed if I don't join their religion and want it to take over the world?
These guys basically want to totally overthrow western society, that they are better than everyone no matter what and feel no guilt about killing innocents, that they deserve to triumph no matter the human cost. You can't argue with them, its like Hitler saying only the master race should survive, burn everyone else! No talks, I will NEVER GIVE UP THE MASTER PLAN!!!
Rationality simply does NOT work when trying to understand this mindset.
Their cause is IMPOSSIBLE to satisfy, we would have to all become EXACTLY LIKE THE TERRORISTS in our culture, religion and values for us to sleep easy at night without thinking we might get bombed.
To think we can have a nice tea party and sort it out (and have every terror cell in the world NEVER bomb us again and just go "cool, we don't hate you anymore"...) is as naive as it gets.
There is only one policy that works. Do not negotiate with terrorists.
ledhedwow.....sorry but I aggree whole heartedly...how could you blame Islam ?
common guy I would have hoped you would have actualy looked into the religion and its history before you would say such a thing.
If you do you will find that Islam is one of...it not the most ...tolerant of religions..not only that but history will prove that more people have been killed or haved died because of or in pursuit of Christianity than the plague or any other religion or disaster in the history of life on this planet...look it up and do the math .
You know damn well you're quoting me out of context. The context was that it doesn't matter in the here and now due to no one looking like they will ever WANT proper talks, and no one is backing down. You only need to understand the cause if you're trying to be diplomatic, which no one will be towards terrorists. Don't think I don't understand the fanaticism and tenacious level of patriotism of certain nations that instigated this whole mess. It takes two to tango.Yes it does.
Idealistically. We're talking about America vs. terrorists here, post 9/11. It'll NEVER happen.. It can go away if we come to some sort of an agreement.
Of course its possible to cooperate with nation states, as I've said before. I mean a dialogue directly with the terrorists responsible for bombing westerners, which will NEVER happen. Besides, whatever came of that letter? So far, it seems like its just a nice gesture.That's not entirely accurate.
I concur.1. No one deserves to get bombed
No crap. I only ever said "think like they do" when talking about their ideaology. I know they're USING religion for their own purposes, I've said the vast majority of Islamic people are peaceful and DO NOT condone terrorist bombings! How is that buying into propaganda? Who's propaganda? Its just a fact.2. It has nothing to do with converting people to Islam
Yeah, lets bomb their people! They deserve it. Any big superpower is gonna have a strong influence in the world. I'm not as sure as you they MEAN badly by it.3. No one, except the United States, is trying to take over the world
New Zealand would be better. Less tax, and you can speak english. WAAY better climate and scenery. Plus the government is super progressive, non-religious and damn lefty, perfect for people that want to avoid being a terrorist target. Plus it's a smallish island country (no way in but air or sea) so its easy to secure what goes in and out...A. I'm moving to Sweden
Quite right. We will be in some form of conflict forever (as we have always been), especially as the population rises and we start running out of resources. And people say I'm too pessimistic!B. There is no hope for the human race
Why? What do you ASSUME I think?Funny you should say that.
I see both parties as reasonably similar. Its not like one of them is communist and the other capitalist. Clinton bombed Iraq many times, he also did a lot of bad foriegn policy work too... he would've reacted similarly after 9/11 I think - maybe more patient (Iraq) but just as patriotic (WE WILL PREVAIL! etc)... We don't get the liberal media wackos vs the right wing nut job propaganda in Aus, so I think I have a little more of a realistic view, even if it is filtered through our own media...I could say the same about Republicans vs. Democrats -- but that's another story.
I've never said any one religion is worse than any other. One can USE certain religious ideas as a means to an end however.I agree! Regardless of what religion they practice.
According to you. Do you want me to clap?That's not true. There can be peace -- and we wouldn't have to become terrorists either. I've outlined a plan that could stop all of this nonsense in an earlier post.
Since when did I condone bombing them? It would only make them madder (and their cause is bigger than individuals anyway - bombing them would just create MORE people that are annoyed with the US...). If you're trying to infer I'm a right wing nut job, well I didn't vote for John Howard last election. I'm just not soft on terrorism (doesn't mean I don't sympathise with people that think the US is behaving like a tyrant internationally). Doesn't mean I think the US is going about it the right way. I just don't sympathise with people that bomb innocent civilians and think people should still listen to what they want... not say I think they don't have a valid cause in ANY way, I just think once you become a terrorist I don't think you deserve a spot at the table IMO.Meh, you're probably right. Let's bomb them back into the caves from which they came. If you're going to tax me for national defense at least put the weapons to good use! [/joke]