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SwiftViper conceded this point a few posts about yours my friend.
must have missed it .
At any rate you either identify and track down the organizations and bombers and kill them or otherwise make them irrelevant .While at the same time you must be removing the conditions that make them want to take the extreme step of exploding themselves and others for a cause.
Niether step is easy or some might even say possible at least to a one hundred percent effectivness .
Iraq is a step in the right direction ..although the shortsighted amongst us do not see it...success in Iraq not only removes some of the conditions for creating suicide bombers ..but it is also helping to track and kill or detain potential subjects and in a morbid way using up the available stock in a losing cause ( for them ) .
Democracy in Iraq and throughout the Mid East along with stable thriving governments with a lessening divide amongst the rich and poor and theose with power and the powerless will do more to remove terrorist than the hydrogen bomb .
look at the recent poll done in Afghanistan..is it so hard to see after another year or so a similar poll with similar results in Iraq ? we have already seen a resurgence of deocratic desires and aspirations amongst the other countries in the region ..it needs to be nurtured . having a strong and extremely military able proponent of freedom in the area will keep the despots from cracking down too hard on dissent...and the example of Iraq effectively elimated any state sponsored terrorism and has removed any safe havens and left only holes to hide in ...or hiding in plain sight amongst civilians . its those civilians who must decide to end support . That leaves only the holes in the ground .
You may never be able to remove the religion from the motivation ..you can only hope to kill the motivated and destroy the organ that teaches them . for that you need local intelligence to help root out the cancer . You need some people on your side or at least AGAINST the idiots.
Success in Iraq removes the excuse of soldiers on Saudi soil ...not like they need it , they seem to be able to come with reasons any time they want to .
Wars take years and seeing the fruit of your efforts may take longer , its a shame we are so damm stupid and shortsighted to see this . Instant gratification is our curse .
Ask the Asian what a war is . Wars are not measured by time ..they are measured by results ..as in "We win you lose " if it takes a hundred years you will not defeat us ..you may kill millions of us and we may lose many battles but at the end we will still be on this land you will be buried in it to act as fertilizer to feed our future generations ...
The only way we can lose is if we lose our will to win .
I paraphrased Ho Chi Mhin . he seems to have done a pretty good job along with his people of defeating the Chinese...the Japenese..the French..the Americans..the Chinese ..again !...
You need to look at the long term big picture and get this short attention span crap out of the way..its like all western countries have an advanced case of ADD .