How much slower are you from the top dogs?

  • Thread starter AlexDB9
Sorry Deadpool you think my results will hurt the community, I will look for you in the daily’s to see how your Cat5e are working for you in a race not a time trial.

lol my Cat5e works fantastic with my fiber optic connection. Dude you are ignorant, just stop. You have zero comprehension of what we’re discussing.

Your results? What results? You had a placebo effect, and you didn’t even do a proper test to find the average ping. On top of which Cat5e/6/7/8 HAVE ZERO effect on ping. That’s a fact.

Your claims of a need for Cat8 could cause people to spend a lot more for something they don’t need and won’t help them. Guessing you overpaid for HDMI cables too? Got those gold plated ones or monster thinking they will improve the visuals.....they don’t lol.

As I pointed out earlier, the PS4 has a max of 1Gbps. This means that anything over 1Gbps is pointless as the bottleneck is now the PS4 not the cable.

Lemme guess. You ran 1-2 tests max of each and determined you had a better ping. That’s not how you do it. Plus the variance was tiny and falls within standard deviation. Means your results were meaningless.

You didn’t gain any speed with Cat8. That’s a fact. PS my ping over Cat5e.....6-7ms. I’ve had as low as 1ms over Cat5e at work. It’s all about proximity to the network.
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lol my Cat5e works fantastic with my fiber optic connection. Dude you are ignorant, just stop. You have zero comprehension of what we’re discussing.

Your results? What results? You had a placebo effect, and you didn’t even do a proper test to find the average ping. On top of which Cat5e/6/7/8 HAVE ZERO effect on ping. That’s a fact.

Your claims of a need for Cat8 could cause people to spend a lot more for something they don’t need and won’t help them. Guessing you overpaid for HDMI cables too? Got those gold plated ones or monster thinking they will improve the visuals.....they don’t lol.

As I pointed out earlier, the PS4 has a max of 1Gbps. This means that anything over 1Gbps is pointless as the bottleneck is now the PS4 not the cable.

Lemme guess. You ran 1-2 tests max of each and determined you had a better ping. That’s not how you do it. Plus the variance was tiny and falls within standard deviation. Means your results were meaningless.

You didn’t gain any speed with Cat8. That’s a fact. PS my ping over Cat5e.....6-7ms. I’ve had as low as 1ms over Cat5e at work. It’s all about proximity to the network.

Mr Deadpool you need to clam down or you will never be with the top 10 big dogs.

I took out ALL of my 25 year old cat5e cables and put them in the trash. Move my router to a better place in my house , Replace them All with cat8 for $88.00 .

Gran Turismo Sport has a TEST for the servers handing the races . I had a 16 ping every day with my old cables. A Test with my new setup I now have a 12 ping every day from the servers, that’s a 25% gain.

By the way is Deadpool your racing name it look like a name for Fortnite ?
Mr Deadpool you need to clam down or you will never be with the top 10 big dogs.

I took out ALL of my 25 year old cat5e cables and put them in the trash. Move my router to a better place in my house , Replace them All with cat8 for $88.00 .

Gran Turismo Sport has a TEST for the servers handing the races . I had a 16 ping every day with my old cables. A Test with my new setup I now have a 12 ping every day from the servers, that’s a 25% gain.

By the way is Deadpool your racing name it look like a name for Fortnite ?

lololololololol now we have entered the realm of fallacies ladies and gents.
You clearly have zero clue what your talking about. I’ve torn apart your claims with actual data. Ping has nothing nothing to do with your cables. That’s why my Cat5e cables have a ping of 6-7 lol. Congrats you wasted $85
Can anyone pls explain what my ping has to do with how much slower I am from the top dogs woof ! ?
I always thought classic practice gets me closer to them but will possibly try to reduce my 10 ping in the future at all costs :lol: ...

What is a ping in gaming?
In multiplayer online video games, ping refers to the network latency between a player's computer (client), and either the game server or another client (i.e. peer). This could be reported quantitatively as an average time in milliseconds, or qualitatively as low ping or high ping.

Thanks Rock Joe I had to look it up
Can anyone pls explain what my ping has to do with how much slower I am from the top dogs woof ! ?
I always thought classic practice gets me closer to them but will possibly try to reduce my 10 ping in the future at all costs :lol: ...

Your ping, unless it’s absolutely atrocious (100+) has no bearing on your speed. And even then ping has nothing to do with your qualifying time. Ignore him, you will see no benefit from changing cables. Focus on practice or improving your rig.

Unless your ping is over 100 your ok, sub 50 is preferred. Once you get down below 50 it really doesn’t matter much. Plus you have virtually no control over this. You could use shorter Ethernet cables but you won’t be able to discern the difference.

He has zero clue what he’s talking about. Which is why he had to look up the definition for ping.

A few things that can make a huge difference. Solidifying your rig so that there is no movement of the wheel or pedals.
I'm a meh driver. (B DR)
About 6-7s off the top boyos.

I'm astoundingly balls at hotlapping, but I feel that I do much better when competition is around the track; gives me a better benchmark as to how well I can really do.
I'm a meh driver. (B DR)
About 6-7s off the top boyos.

I'm astoundingly balls at hotlapping, but I feel that I do much better when competition is around the track; gives me a better benchmark as to how well I can really do.

There you go my friend you got it , the top ten dogs in competition seldom make their qualifying times in a race . Having to make a change in your line to pass the guy in front of you or looking in your rear view is what racing is all about. Racing against time is just a clock made for guys whose feeling get hurt when they can not make the apex or gear out of a turn.
I think everyone can become a 'top dog', it's a strong bind to the time you can(and want) to invest into it. Being a top dog it's very likely transforming your life in Gran Turismo. (for me it's actually very expensive / life costly hobby, which proudly, just makes me a 'meh' driver as well :D ).
I think everyone can become a 'top dog', it's a strong bind to the time you can(and want) to invest into it. Being a top dog it's very likely transforming your life in Gran Turismo. (for me it's actually very expensive / life costly hobby, which proudly, just makes me a 'meh' driver as well :D ).

I may be naive but where in Gran Turismo Sport a trophy ( points, money or achievements ) is given in a race to best time for the top dogs of a daily race but the inside pole.
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Usually when I do do my first qualifying on a daily race I´m 4 to 5 seconds slower.

Once I get more comfortable I watch the replays from the top guys thinking to myself: "that´s basically EXACTLY what I´m doing, I got this!".

So then I go back to do more laps REALLY focusing EXTRA HARD and applying everything I´ve seen the top guys doing and......

.... I´m still 4 to 5 seconds slower.
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Currently I'm about .500 off of top 10 on race A. I have to put a lot of time into those laps's just repetition and you get faster as you go and learn a lot.
Everyone in racing starts out as a rookie and will finish in last pace more then they like. Then there comes a day when you start a race and you find out that you were faster then the guy behind you that’s racing 101 the checkered flag tell who has the best time in a race.
Usually when I do do my first qualifying on a daily race I´m 4 to 5 seconds slower.

Once I get more comfortable I watch the replays from the top guys thinking to myself: "that´s basically EXACTLY what I´m doing, I got this!".

So then I go back to do more laps REALLY focusing EXTRA HARD and apply everything I´ve seen the top guys doing and......

.... I´m still 4 to 5 seconds slower.

Usually when I do do my first qualifying on a daily race I´m 4 to 5 seconds slower.

Once I get more comfortable I watch the replays from the top guys thinking to myself: "that´s basically EXACTLY what I´m doing, I got this!".

So then I go back to do more laps REALLY focusing EXTRA HARD and apply everything I´ve seen the top guys doing and......

.... I´m still 4 to 5 seconds slower.
I think everyone can become a 'top dog', it's a strong bind to the time you can(and want) to invest into it. Being a top dog it's very likely transforming your life in Gran Turismo. (for me it's actually very expensive / life costly hobby, which proudly, just makes me a 'meh' driver as well :D ).

I wouldn’t say “everyone” but completely agree that the time devoted and gear can make a lot of A’s top level. Most guys simply don’t have the time to chip away at the lap time for that last second.

Thats also why I don’t do the time trials very often because you have to devote a lot of time if you want to be in the top.

Usually when I do do my first qualifying on a daily race I´m 4 to 5 seconds slower.

Once I get more comfortable I watch the replays from the top guys thinking to myself: "that´s basically EXACTLY what I´m doing, I got this!".

So then I go back to do more laps REALLY focusing EXTRA HARD and apply everything I´ve seen the top guys doing and......

.... I´m still 4 to 5 seconds slower.

Try using the ghost instead. And if it’s a race that lets you pick a car from a group, try to use a ghost that’s the same car. He will run away from you at first, but work on it sector by sector to see how to improve.

Many times I’ve found that I’m faster in some sectors than the top time, then I learn how they beat me in the other sectors and drop a lot of time quickly.

But first spend time doing laps solo with no ghost to find your limit where you are consistently hitting a set time but unable to improve.