Looks like the place to put this story.
I remember when Pong was the only game console to be had. Atari 2600 as a teenager. Grew up, got married, had kids. Nintendo & Sega Genesis with kids when they were little. Have video of my 4 y/o son in '91 beating me at mario, on VHS. Got out of the USAF in '92, bought a house, finished the basement, bought a PS1 for the kids one Christmas. Son was fairly addicted to various games, daughter not so much. Few years later bought a PS2 for kids on another Christmas. My gaming was mostly PC all that time, shooters, racing sims, flight sims, rpgs etc. First exposed to Gran Turismo series when son rented whichever one had the song "My Favorite Game", which I currently have in my custom GT5 song list . GT2 or 3 I reckon. Son played it for about a week or so then returned the game.
Cut to summer of 2011. Son has grown, graduated college, got a job, all that life stuff, bought him his own PS3. I have a Wii for my daughter's kids to play with. Still PC gaming some, couple car sims with a wheel instead of joystick now. Son drops by the house one summer weekend with his PS3 and copy of GT5 with DFGT and invites me to try it out. Well those few hours were enough. Started making plans to buy my own rig. In the meantime I would spend about 1 weekend a month sponging off my son's rig at his house. December comes and my wife of 27+ years and my son conspire to get me the entire rig after managing to stall my own purchase of the gear. So Christmas last year I open the boxes holding my PS3, DFGT, wheel stand and wireless headset and my very own copy of GT5, obsession kicks in full force. My Playstation didn't get turned off for 2 full weeks doing the whole b-spec grind while I was sleeping or working and rarely got turned off for most of the next 6 months.
IRL I've driven vehicles from amusement park go karts to multi-axle trucks with 10,000 pounds of utility poles under tow, and have never had more fun driving than I have playing GT5. I've come late to the game and doing my damndest to catch up to all you folks both young and not so young that've been playing since Kaz was programming it by himself (possibly, he may never have programmed it all by himself, beats me if he did or not).
I'll have seen 196 seasons later this year. Sounds kinda' biblical when you say it that way, don't it?
I'll end this with words some of the equipment operators I was stationed with in Italy used to say when they were about to head out on a road trip;
"Road on"