HST Track Days - Thursday's at 8pm EST - Fun, Friendly Racing for all skill levelsOpen 

  • Thread starter jay*doc
Yeah, I'll open the room for tonight in a few minutes.

The list of eligible cars is in the event description that I quoted in case anyone else is doing last minute shopping.
I am not sure I have you on my Psn, muriloantunes if you can add
So I'm actually back on my computer after about a full week off! My in laws were in town for 2 weeks and this past thursday we went out of town for the day, I lost track of time and forgot to post about not being available. We were back home by the time of the races, but everyone was watching netflix on the only TV. Thanks @BionicDerp for stepping up last minute and trying to get a room together. For those of you who have purchased cars, don't worry, I'm going to add this exact event at the end of the current schedule, since it didn't take off this week!

Sorry I missed all the action. I was on and totally spaced it out :dopey: DOH! I feel like my brains turning into mush or getting mushier anyways
I'm still having to do the single parent thing and the twins are definitely getting the better of me. Please j*d, when you see me on shoot me a reminder message thanks in advance.
Will do @BustedFoSho , I think I'll start sending out reminder messages to all an hour before.

I'm interested in this but have yet to see a friend request accepted from jay...*sadface*
Sorry @dartwuffy , I saw the request, but didn't know it was in reference to the league. I've got you added now and I hope you'll race with us in the future. I see you're from Tulsa, we are neighbors! I'm in BA.

Dart showed up then left, then gears and Murilo came, but gears left, so there were no races.
Thanks for trying @BionicDerp I wish I could have jumped in and raced. I played for a few days before hand and bought the Red Devil, really looking forward to driving it!

Coming this week, for the first time ever:

The Inaugural HST Baja 500 Unlimited Event
Bring your best on/off road creation for the opening of "The Other Big Willow"
  • For this event you may choose any vehicle
  • You may whatever tires you like
  • Vehicle may be a Racing Modified, Race Car, Rally Car, Prototype, etc.
  • Cars may be tuned up to any PP
To get us warmed up for next weeks event, this is an open selection event utilizing "The Other Big Willow" track. The map provided should be studied and practiced to ensure you follow the correct line through the dirt. This event is in place to help us familiarize the track and point out potential issues before the actual Rally X Event.


  • July 31st: 3x 20 lap races at Big Willow (modified race track)
We will utilize the red line for Laps 1-19, and on the final lap, use the Blue Line to Sprint to the finish!

Map provided by @Severn

If you've raced with us before, and are looking for an awesome new concept with a great group of racers, be sure to check us out this Thursday, 7CST.

@jay*doc @BionicDerp @GT_Racer22 @Lieuthor @Ph1sher @3forSpeed @euclid58 @Severn @DriftinAssassin
@Murillo @BustedFoSho @dartwuffy
Good Morning Racers,

Well, I've thought about this since Thursday, and I've come to a decision. I'm closing HST Track Days for a little while. I've personally felt a little burnt out on it for a few weeks, and with the attendance taking a dive lately, I think it's best to put it on hold and revisit it another day.

I want to take a minute and personally thank @Ph1sher , @BionicDerp , and @euclid58 for being there since day one and supporting the group through and through. Thank you also to @Severn for helping us all have a good time, there were some nights after racing that my face hurt from laughing so much! Thanks @Lieuthor for "drinking the GT6 kool-aid" with me and getting involved! Thanks @GT_Racer22 , @3forSpeed , and @gears_1000 for participating and giving valuable input towards events. It's been great getting to know you all over the past year. I'm already friends with most of you already beyond GTP, and if we are not yet friends on Facebook, feel free to PM me your name and I'll send you a request.

HST Track Days lasted almost 1 full year! I think that's pretty good for a league that really had no scoring system and was more less just for fun. I loved the variety of vehicles you all chose week to week, that in itself made this league unique from any other.

I've got some ideas on what we can do for an HST 2.0, but for the time being, I'm in need of a break. I'm finalizing the startup of my company, My Graphic Designer and will be dedicating most of my week nights to finishing up all of the site thats not turned on yet, marketing the service, and hopefully taking in some design work. Maybe I'll pop in for some weekend events when possible in the meantime.

If anybody wants to take the ball and finish out the schedule as the host, please let me know and I'll make it official in the First Post.

Thanks again, it's been a real pleasure hosting this group!

Sorry guys for not showing up as much recently. It's not that I don't like you guys, because you are all more than fun to race with and chat with. I've just become really busy as of late and haven't been able to race. It makes me sad that I can't race often but I try to when I can and just don't have the time.
Sorry guys for not showing up as much recently. It's not that I don't like you guys, because you are all more than fun to race with and chat with. I've just become really busy as of late and haven't been able to race. It makes me sad that I can't race often but I try to when I can and just don't have the time.

No worries GT, it's always been my main belief that life comes first. I've even been known on occasion to encourage people not to play some weeks to help get them off PS3 a little, lol.
Thanks jay for everything! It has been a blast here and I'm looking forward to the future too see what it holds, again thank you Jay!