Human race- good or bad?

  • Thread starter rjensen11

Your opinion of the Human Race

  • Cancer

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • Cure

    Votes: 3 37.5%

  • Total voters
Um, I think, I could be wrong, that the Black Death stayed around until 1400's or the 1500's, and I know that it's stayed around until the 1900's, but not it only exists inside jars, and we have vacines against it now.

P.S. Industrial Revolution started in 1700's in England, but I'm not sure when it began in the continent.
The Bubonic Plague came and went all throughout the middle ages. The population was helpless since they had no idea what caused it or how it was transmitted. They even thought that filtering air through flowers would protect them.

Smallpox is the modern plague threat. It only infects humans, is extremely contagious (airborn) and is a horrible way to die... especially when your skin slides off in sheets.

It kills me that smallpox was eradicated from the earth but a handful of evil mother ****ers just had to keep some around. It could've been history, but it is, instead, a real threat.
Yeah, well, life sucks, there's that. The people of the Middle Ages also surrounded themselves by fire, that helped them by keeping the fleas away, but they thought it helped them for different reasons. Oh, does cowpox still exist?