Hurricane Katrina's Aftermath....

  • Thread starter Omnis
That's a great read too, but I doubt it's 100% accurate. The Army Corps of Engineers have stated the levee didn't fail. It was a flood wall that channeled water around the levee.

At least that was what was reported by the head of the ACOE in Louisiana. He stated the levee, and the flood wall was too thin or not tall enough to handle Katrina. The wall that failed was only two feet thick, and it needed to be twice that. Plus, it was designed and built in 1965. It should have been rebuilt in the mid 1980s.

So, no levee failed at all. That was falsely reported by the media. It was a flood wall in a flood channel.
The Gulfport aquarium before...:


...and after:

Bush can not be blamed for anything. Only The governor for thinking she could handle it her self. Kanye west is a retard and most black people(like him) will pull the race card at any given chance. I'm black and not once did i think bush had anything to do with the late help. Good ole internet, CNN and Fox helped me with that. The governor was offered help she said no even after the mayor was begging for it, they gave her a deadline but they should have over ruled it. There is no reason what so ever those people should have had to wait so many days before real help arrived, only thing the coast gaurd did at first was drop poeple on bridges and to the convention center. And the governor was worng for saying her number one priority was to get busses and not food water and a clean living enviornemt. Bush had nothing to do with any of those things since its not his call if he doesnt know how bad things were which he didn't.

I have already seen some of the pictures of death that wasnt caused by the hurrican.
I found this video of cops looting. I think the one cop wouldnt look so bad had she not lied about it and had a good reason fordong. Kieth Oberman cleared it up a little saying as long as they handle the violence and not worry about a store being looted.

Cops looting

Caught them of gaurd(literally). I feel bad for the cop. Couldnt come up with anything better as a result now the veiwers probably think all cops were doing it.
Sigh. I cant believe some of the things that are happening over there...

Not to mention i hate Katrina even moreso because of the gas prices! And i thought they were bad a week ago. :\
Jay-Z backs Kanye West’s telethon outburst

‘This is America,’ says the rapper defending his friend

By Gail Mitchell
Updated: 10:40 p.m. ET Sept. 7, 2005

LOS ANGELES - Rap mogul Jay-Z is standing behind Kanye West, who went off-script to declare that “George Bush doesn’t care about black people” during his appearance in last Friday’s NBC telethon for Hurricane Katrina victims.

“I’m backing Kanye 100 percent,” Jay-Z told Billboard by phone from London. “This is America. You should be able to say what you want to say. We have freedom of speech.”

Jay-Z is also West’s boss in his capacity as president/CEO of Def Jam Recordings. West’s new album, “Late Registration,” opened at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 Wednesday.

During his Friday appearance, West added that America was set up “to help the poor, the black people, the less well-off as slow as possible.”

Jay-Z said he shared some of West’s views. “It’s really numbing,” he said. “You can’t believe it’s happening in America. You wonder, what’s going on? Why were people so slow to react? I don’t understand it.”

Although Jay-Z said he hasn’t “spoken to anyone about doing a concert event” to benefit Katrina victims, he says he wants to speak with Sean “Diddy” Combs about starting a fund exclusively to help blacks in times of crisis. “Just in case anything like this happens in the future, we can do what the elder Bush and (former President Bill) Clinton are doing for our people specifically.”

Article: mind.
all that kanye and jay-z are saying are what many many people already think, the time it took to react to this issue is ridiculous, we had a discussion about this yesterday in my government class, and lots of people came up with the same opinion, Fema is a joke.
What Kanye and Jay-Z are...are ignorant black people who give the smart ones a bad name. I know most black people are senseable, but you got the select few that must play the race card every chance they get. It pisses me off because like I said it gives the upstanding, logical black people a bad name.
all that kanye and jay-z are saying are what many many people already think, the time it took to react to this issue is ridiculous, we had a discussion about this yesterday in my government class, and lots of people came up with the same opinion, Fema is a joke.
Howard Dean said the same thing yesterday. This idea is a joke.

The time it took the black mayor to order an evacuation was ridiculous and then he didn't send the buses he should have to the poorer neighborhoods to evacuate those who didn't have the means to leave. In fact, he botched the entire evacuation plan and didn't order it until the governor asked him to, which was only done because the president had called her. Does that mean that the mayor and governor don't like black people either?

Anyway, this thread is about the aftermath and not debating the reponse and why things were done the way they were. That thread is here. Go there to read much more on this.
as i recall the major and the police chief were telling people to get the hell out... the major asked for help but the senator said her priority was not getting the pople out but getiing buses, wtf. the mayor is pissed about what happned to his city after he repeatedly asked for help, get your facts staright.
as i recall the major and the police chief were telling people to get the hell out... the major asked for help but the senator said her priority was not getting the pople out but getiing buses, wtf. the mayor is pissed about what happned to his city after he repeatedly asked for help, get your facts staright.

Fact #1: The mayor had many days warning to order an evacuation.
Fact #2: The president declared a federal disaster the day before Katrina hit.
Fact #3: The president called the governor to ask her to evacuate the area the day before Katrina hit.
Fact #4: The governor then called the mayor and asked him to evacuate NO.
Fact #5: The mayor evacuated the city 17 hours before Katrina hit despite days of warning.
Fact #6: The mayor did not follow the evacuation plans to use buses to transport the poor out of the city. They can now be seen sitting in parking lots under water.
Fact #7: The governor waited days to declare a federal disaster so that the president could send aid.

Straight enough for you?

For more go to the thread I posted above. That is where the debate about response is going on.
OK....Straight enough for you?...

This catastrophe is going to be dissected and analyzed countless times in every way imaginable, and we're going to find out about failures to act, errors in judgement, and sheer negligence at the municipal, parish, and state government levels that are going to be hard to comprehend.
This catastrophe is going to be dissected and analyzed countless times in every way imaginable, and we're going to find out about failures to act, errors in judgement, and sheer negligence at the municipal, parish, and state government levels that are going to be hard to comprehend.
He asked me to get my facts straight so I laid out all the facts leading up to the mayor breaking a few FCC decency regulations on the radio.

Things appear to have gone wrong on all levels of government and trying to say that the president is racist or hates black people because of the problems is as absurd as calling the mayor or the police chief racist.
Sounded to me like the survivors would've been better off without the sheriffs in town.

Here's a first-hand account:

Not if you lived in the area that he was trying to protect...then he's a hero to those people..and dont be suprised to find out "those" people represent white black etc. Being scared of raping looting and rioting isnt limited by color.