Hurricane Watch: Post-Tropical Cyclone Sandy.

  • Thread starter Blitz24
Amidst all the tragedies happening on the East Coast, there is something that still remains.


Here in N.E. Ohio, been raining hard all day and windy as all get out. Just got a phone alert that we are under a flood watch until 8:00pm EDT Tuesday, and a high wind warning in effect until 4:00pm EDT Tuesday. Certainly not as bad as what the coastline is getting though.

Hang in there East Coast. 👍

Not from today.

Yep, that was from September.
Amidst all the tragedies happening on the East Coast, there is something that still remains.


Here in N.E. Ohio, been raining hard all day and windy as all get out. Just got a phone alert that we are under a flood watch until 8:00pm EDT Tuesday, and a high wind warning in effect until 4:00pm EDT Tuesday. Certainly not as bad as what the coastline is getting though.

Hang in there East Coast. 👍

I've stood on the very steps the photographer has....they warned me if I approached the guard, he has orders to kill me without warning, or reason. He literally walks back and forth on that black mat. Theres a stone sidewalk to the right and the building behind is cream colored with pillars and a bronze door and has white marble steps
Highest wind speed reached in Michigan so far has been 61mph at For Gratiot, I'm looking at about 46mph peak gusts here right now. About 35,000 people are without power and coastal lake areas are flooded (not that bad though)...and we still have another two days to go apparently. They are predicting 2.1 million people could be without power by Wednesday.

I'm amazed how big this storm is, it's hitting New Jersey and we are feeling the affects 700-ish miles away.
Highest wind speed reached in Michigan so far has been 61mph at For Gratiot, I'm looking at about 46mph peak gusts here right now. About 35,000 people are without power and coastal lake areas are flooded (not that bad though)...and we still have another two days to go apparently. They are predicting 2.1 million people could be without power by Wednesday.

I'm amazed how big this storm is, it's hitting New Jersey and we are feeling the affects 700-ish miles away.

For the most part, aside from wind gusts occasionally in the 40 MPH range, the storm has ended here in NJ. Tomorrow will be time for cleaning up.
Here in TN , the forecast showed nothing but clouds over us. It was nothing but sunshine today. Hope you gtp'ers are okay in the east.
Has anybody been able to log in yet? The forum is working, but it's as glitchy as hell.
Impressed at my family's luck. Still haven't lost power in 10+ years and we survived this storm.

A vehicle is submerged on 14th Street near the Consolidated Edison power plant, Monday, Oct. 29, 2012, in New York.

Taken from - Hurricane Central

Lower Manhattan and a big part of New York City has lost power, could be for a week.
Michigan got hit fairly hard last night considering where we are. The highest wind speed recorded at Ford Gratiot was 71mph and about 50 mph locally. Waves off Lake Huron peaked around 35ft, Lake Erie around 25ft, and I've seen reports of 25-30ft waves on Lake Michigan.

Many of our low lying roads are flooded out and it seems we are on track to get about 2" if rain fall, which is quite a bit for this area. We still have 51,000 people without power and more places seem to be dropping from the grid.

If it's this bad here I can only imagine what it's like on the East Coast. Pictures seem to be sort of scattered, but from what I've see it looks bad.
Power came on about ten minutes ago.
Had to spend the night in the cold, as heat wasn't working.
Dinner was cold soup.
Breakfast was also cold soup.

But it wasn't as bad as it could have been. No monetary damage, and no one got hurt.
Looks like New York City got hit very hard. They had 50 homes destroyed in a fire, parts of the subway system are flooded, and large portions of the city are flooded and without power. My thoughts are will all the victims of the storm, it's very serious.

In other news, I have no school. I can't tell you how happy this makes me.
Where on the turnpike?!

Not sure. Most likely northbound near 15X. Only place where the highway is low enough.

I think that this storm may now be in the top 5 at the moment in terms of cost. This could be the 2nd most costly storm in US History.
My heart goes out to everybody who has been or still will be a 'victim' of Sandy. I was up all night watchin' CNN and was shocked by this devastating freak of nature.
Here in Detroit Michigan we are getting the winds and the rain. The wind is crazy especially in the Downtown area. I didnt even go to school because of the wind was reaching up to 50mph. I've seen a flipped car (Fiat 500). I read about New York. 16 deaths, and Toronto was supposely hit as well. I'm praying for all of you up there!
Michigan got hit fairly hard last night considering where we are. The highest wind speed recorded at Ford Gratiot was 71mph and about 50 mph locally. Waves off Lake Huron peaked around 35ft, Lake Erie around 25ft, and I've seen reports of 25-30ft waves on Lake Michigan.

Many of our low lying roads are flooded out and it seems we are on track to get about 2" if rain fall, which is quite a bit for this area. We still have 51,000 people without power and more places seem to be dropping from the grid.

If it's this bad here I can only imagine what it's like on the East Coast. Pictures seem to be sort of scattered, but from what I've see it looks bad.
I am about 2 miles from Lake Michigan. I might have to go down there to see those waves!

Some places on the east coast had a 17 foot store surge. Most of NYC and along the east coast are all under water. Reminds me of the movie "The day after tomorrow"

Near the tollbooth.

NYC is quite flooded...damn, I never thought I'd see the day.

Which tollbooth? Exit 14?

We had power out for about 11 hours last night. My son and I went out looking for something to eat and to look around. It almost seemed like a checkerboard of places with power and places without. The traffic lights would be working at one intersection, then out at the next, then on again at the intersection after that.
Some places had a 17 foot store surge. Most of NYC and along the east coast are all under water. Reminds me of the movie "The day after tomorrow"


Most of NYC is not underwater. Only the low-lying portions were underwater at any point. My relatives live two blocks from the river but due to the Riverside park elevation were completely unaffected by flooding or power outages. Most of the higher elevations were spared, but Long Island is a disaster.
If this happened around the 20th - 22nd December, there are folks out there who would actually think it's the beginning of the end of the World.

My heart goes out to all my American friends who are undergoing hardships caused by so many natural disasters. You have been hit hard this year, over and over.

This, too, shall pass. Take care of yourselves.
My god. We got power back 10 minutes ago, but looking at what people in NYC/NJ are getting... wow....
It wasn't even to bad here, we I got lucky. Was really windy but that's it, didn't even lose power. But my god New York got hit hard.