I can not belive this, what do you think?

  • Thread starter Small_Fryz

Do you take offense to what the teacher said?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • No

    Votes: 25 92.6%

  • Total voters


But why is the Rum gone??
QLD, Australia
I think he must have watched the "Tokyo Breakfast" vid that is floating around the 'net one too many times. Look this vid up on P2P if you want - WARNING - very non-PC/arguably rascist language. WILL offend many people.

But absurdly/disturbingly very funny IMO.
I think that's all blown out of propotion. You hear schoolkid's using that language several times a day, you hear grown up black people calling it to each other all the time at work, in the street, all over the place. No he shouldn't have said it, especially given his position, but it's not a huge deal, it's a slap on the wrists affair and a warning not to do it again.
I don't take offense to what he said, but he shouldn't have said it. He is a teacher. An authority figure to the students. He should lead by example. Not try and mock the students. Just some poor fool who opened his mouth in the wrong place.
I've heard this word thrown around hispanics, blacks, whites, and even between asians. But its usually used between people who listen to hip hop or people who listen to punk. Or young people. Scares me to hell when white people call each other the n word around black people because you have no idea what theyll do next.
Thirty years from now, it's gonna be the norm with people forgetting where the word stems from.
There's obviously a problem with racial issues like this. Somehow blacks are allowed to say the word freely, but as soon as someone else says it the world comes to an end. If they can suspend the teacher for 10 days for saying it, why aren't they suspeding students for using the word in the hallways and such?
I don't know what the teacher was thinking. It definitely was not OK for him to use the "N" word, especially in confrontation with a black student. Having said that, there is a double standard here. The "N" word the teacher used was the one that ends with "a", not the same form that was used to call black people long time ago. Obviously, there is a understanding that if you are not black, you should not use that word.

I think what the teacher got was about right. 10 day suspension + counseling(or class) might be a bit more than what I would've given him, but I don't think they went overboard. What annoyed me even more than the teacher who made a mistake was the student who is playing a race card on his teacher. Teacher was suspended, he should be happy with that. Get over it. :rolleyes:
I wish someone would suspend Kanye West's "Gold Digger" then...indefinitely.

Exactly right.

Also, why in the first minute did they keep refering to '******' as 'the n-word'. then say ****** 40 times in the next minute. Obviously, it's not a bad enough word to use on prime time TV, so hardly worth a 10-day suspension.

I remember my first day of year 11, when one of my teachers actually said '****', now that was probably not appropriate for a classroom, but we all knew the context, and it's not like we've never heard the word before.

That is a sad stain for KY, to have the teacher being racist.
Personally, if things went how the teacher said he did, I don't think it was racist. It's exactly the same as the student telling that to the teacher.
He seemed like a goofy eccentric teacher. Again I agree that he shouldn't have said it but also that neither should any student be allowed. Though regardless of who said what first that did not make the teacher's actions right.
*****, please. This is just stupid. :rolleyes: Obviously the teacher is good-humored, and aware of the context of the "slang" version of ******. He isn't racist.

The real issue here is the student playing the race card on the teacher. :dunce:

In any case, the whole thing is funny. I found it particularly hilarious to see that black reporter refer to "******" as "the N-word." :lol:
I feel bad for the teacher. If he'd said "sit down you ****ing loser!" we'd never hear about it. Maybe the teacher would get a talking to, but no biggie. He says "sit down n*gger" and all of the sudden it's bigtime news. When did we get this sensitive?
Local news like this kills me.

That isn't the best end of town and it doesn't surprise me that this came out of the area with mostly white trash.
I don't think the teacher should be fired, but this is not "allowable" or "excusable." The N-word is not for white people to use. Ever. Period. End of story. No excuses, reasons, or justifications.

Plus, this guy is a teacher, and he should know better. His responsibility to both students and parents is to behave in a mature manner. I can't believe he actually tried to excuse himself by saying "Well, the kid said it to me first, and I was just saying it back to him because that's basically what I have been trained to do."

That's a crock of ****, and it's so stupendously moronic that I wonder why I have to point it out. He sounds like a student! Tell me, Mr. Teacher, what teachers' college did you attend where they held classes in ""He said it to me first 101"?

The N-word is horrible. Long ago, white people made it so. It now belongs to black people, and they can do with it what they want. In case most of you don't understand, which it seems is the case, black people calling each other the N-word is a form of stripping the word of its power, and removing its demeaning capabilities.

If you still don't think the N-word should be reserved for black people to say only, be my guest and call a black person that word and see what happens.

When did we get this sensitive?

As soon as slavery ended. And who are you referring to when you say "We"? Black people are sensitive about this word, and white people would do good to realize this and just stop saying it altogether.
Anderton Prime
As soon as slavery ended. And who are you referring to when you say "We"? Black people are sensitive about this word, and white people would do good to realize this and just stop saying it altogether.

I mean "society" when I say "we". I mean, is it really big news when a teacher says something awful to one of his students? He could have been caught having sex with one of his under age students and it wouldn't have been a story like this. Did he do more damage to this kid with a word than he would have to an underage girl in the example I gave above?

It's all hype. I'm outraged at the outrage.

...and you're wrong about the "as soon as slavery ended" bit. N*gger became unacceptable gradually after the civil rights movement - quite a bit more recently than slavery ended.

The N-word is not for white people to use. Ever. Period. End of story. No excuses, reasons, or justifications.

This is rediculous. I used it above and I'm white. Do you think any of our black GTP members were offended? I'll bet not. This stand is a bit extreme.
Anderton Prime
The N-word is not for white people to use. Ever. Period. End of story. No excuses, reasons, or justifications.
How is this racial equality? The base of the word was intended to be used as a degradation and an insult. If someone is going to be offended by it and demand it not be used then that should apply to everyone instead of laying down racial lines dividing who can use what language.

If we can separate what language is acceptable based on the color of someone's skin then the civil rights movement has failed.

NOTHING in our society should be divided by race. The word shouldn't be acceptable by anyone, end of story.
Anderton Prime
It's not extreme so much as it is a safe bet in my opinion.

Well, calling someone a n*gger is not the same as using the word. And calling someone a n*gger is just as bad as calling them a slant or a wetback or a honkey.

It's just stupid. But I don't see why anyone gets offended by it because it is stupid. I mean, if you believe your skin color makes no difference, how can you assign any importance to the word n*gger or honkey?
And calling someone a n*gger is just as bad as calling them a slant or a wetback or a honkey.

Not even close. The N-word is incredibly offensive. Proof can be found in your own post, as you felt it was okay to spell out "slant," "wetback," and "honkey" in full, but needed to put an asterisk in the N-word. Ideally, none of these types of words should be used, but I think it's okay if a black person calls another black person the N-word, or if a Pakistani person calls his friends "P*kis" (and this was quite common in school when I was growing up, especially in high school, when I think the Pakistani students began to learn the full impact of that racial slur, and thus embraced it in order to defeat it).
Anderton Prime
Not even close. The N-word is incredibly offensive. Proof can be found in your own post, as you felt it was okay to spell out "slant," "wetback," and "honkey" in full, but needed to put an asterisk in the N-word. Ideally, none of these types of words should be used, but I think it's okay if a black person calls another black person the N-word, or if a Pakistani person calls his friends "P*kis" (and this was quite common in school when I was growing up, especially in high school, when I think the Pakistani students began to learn the full impact of that racial slur, and thus embraced it in order to defeat it).

I used an asterisk only because people put more emphasis on n*gger than any other racial slur. But it has no more real significance than any of the others (and therefore shouldn't be treated any differently). Think for a moment about what the word actually means. It means "black person" but as an insult. It means "I'm a racist and I don't like you because of the color of your skin."

Well, so what? Why should that bother anyone? To call someone a n*gger is effectively the same thing as calling yourself a racist. I don't see why that should bother anyone - it just makes the person doing the name-calling look stupid.

But that's all this is, name-calling. When did that become news?

(by the way, I've used the word n*gger like a dozen times now in the last few posts and I haven't seen anyone get offended. Did I mention that I'm white?)

Edit: N*gger, in my view, is currently the most taboo word in the English language (to white people). It is the single most feared combination of sounds we seem to have. Until people start to accept that it holds no power - that it is meaningless (even when white people use it), it won't be defeated. Making it taboo only increases its potency. It's far more potent today than it was back when it was used on a regular basis.
I'm sure that most of the people reading your posts are also white. I don't get offended by the use of the N-word, I am just aware of what problems it causes when said by anyone other than a black person. I agree with you that there is no need (or really, no way) to get ignorant white people to stop using it, since as soon as they say it they have revealed a lot about their character.
Anderton Prime
...began to learn the full impact of that racial slur, and thus embraced it in order to defeat it).
This makes no sense to me. By doing this older generations think it is idiotic and then other races do exactly what we are seeing here in order to point out how stupid they think it is. Nothing is defeated and the insulting word is kept alive so that those who aren't "allowed" to use it begin to use the newly embraced form as an insult towards intelligence.

Of course then we have to ask about white kids who grew up in a mostly black neighborhood and grew up using the word all the time because that was just how they grew up. Are they allowed to use it even thought they are white. Or what about people who are a mixed race? What happens then?

Anytime you lay down ANY boundaries based on race you create an opportunity for racial friction.

And can Jewish people wear a swastika in order to embrace it and defeat it? For some reason I don't see that happening.

Or unacceptable from anyone.
And can Jewish people wear a swastika in order to embrace it and defeat it? For some reason I don't see that happening.:dopey:

I wouldn't advise it since you can't tell a person is Jewish by looking at them, so people might get the wrong idea. But if you did see someone wearing a swastika and then found out they are Jewish, you couldn't really get mad at them now could you?
Anderton Prime
I'm sure that most of the people reading your posts are also white. I don't get offended by the use of the N-word, I am just aware of what problems it causes when said by anyone other than a black person. I agree with you that there is no need (or really, no way) to get ignorant white people to stop using it, since as soon as they say it they have revealed a lot about their character.

I'm sure some of the people reading this are not white, and I'm certain that they haven't been offended by my use of the word (maybe by something else I said though... who knows). Do you still think that name-calling by a teacher should be news? You didn't comment on my statutory rape example.
No, I agree this is a bit much on such a story as this, but I can understand why it has been blown out of proportion. And I don't remember ANY instances of a teacher having sex with a student when it wasn't ALL OVER the news the next day.
This is a trip. I seriously doubt this guy is racist. He works in a multicultural school. I think that the kid said it first to be honest. Maybe he doesn't remember because he may use it like "man" or "dude" but that is most likely what happened.

How are you going to fire someone for saying one word and it wasn't even in racist context. It's not like he told him to go back to the cotton fields.

I agree with danoff, when did we all get so sensitive.
Anderton Prime
No, I agree this is a bit much on such a story as this, but I can understand why it has been blown out of proportion. And I don't remember ANY instances of a teacher having sex with a student when it wasn't ALL OVER the news the next day.

I do... it happened when I was in high school.