I disagree Yamauchi on the latest...

The way i see it is, if GT wants to seperate itself from the competition then they need to add what others dont have. So far GT has not done anything new other then the damage. That feature however is in most racing game now, its like the norm. GT has been playing catch up and i dont think its going to have anything different then say Forza3.

GT has only a bigger quantity of cars and mabe tracks, but not in features. Where as forza they have the customization, better sounds, AI, and nice online feature. I dont have or own an xbox, but from the looks of it, Forza seems to be ahead of GT in features, at least for now till GT hits. When im talking bout features i mean it in the gameplay sense, not like youtube support and cam support ect. i think those things are gimmicky. So what does GT have over its rivals? idk but not much. I really hope GT exceeds my expectatrions when it releases. its been too long the wait. Im not excpecting anything more then a bigger version of GT4 but with better graphics,online, and damage.


I think the same from the beggining, i spect be wrong, but...

Anything PD makes is good for me... Ive enjoyed EVERY iteration of GT and I dont think it will be any different this time around... All these people stressing Damage, weather, blah blah blah... I want this, I want that.... Oh Forza has this, blah blah blah. Im going to buy the game regardless and I will enjoy every minute of it even if it has all those "important" features OR not.

I too enjoyed every GT, from 1, but in those times GT dont have competition, now its different, i have F3 and they do the "GT work" very very well, i used to be a "only GT, every other thing is trash, boy", but now i look another sims and im glad to do it, i enjoyed every other driving game, even the competition.
I don't really know why people want weather so much. Sure it is realistic but it isn't very fun. I would rather have day/night cycles.
w00t? Isn't very fun? Add a wet track, rain tires (and maybe some wind) to all assists off then we'll talk about fun!!
Nonsense. GTR2 had impact of the tires temperature when the weather changed.

As stated above. In the rain it becomes darker, scenery isn't to be seen quite good and therefor rain is easier to implement then with full detail.

So does f1 ce edition, but they are pre determined sets and not really real modeling.
I too enjoyed every GT, from 1, but in those times GT dont have competition, now its different, i have F3 and they do the "GT work" very very well, i used to be a "only GT, every other thing is trash, boy", but now i look another sims and im glad to do it, i enjoyed every other driving game, even the competition.

I enjoy other games as well... I did not mean by my statement that I ONLY like GT... I have Supercar Challenge and Ferrari Challenge as well which I enjoy greatly... but they dont have the depth that GT or Forza have... in the physics department they are very good though... I have Shift also, but to call it a full fledged Sim is not quite right imo.... I just dont get the focus on features now-a-days... back in the day the most important thing was always gameplay and fun factor... thats not the case now...
If PD has to sacrifice the frame rate or dumb down the graphics to run realtime weather, then I would rather they not include it.
Anything PD makes is good for me... Ive enjoyed EVERY iteration of GT and I dont think it will be any different this time around... All these people stressing Damage, weather, blah blah blah... I want this, I want that.... Oh Forza has this, blah blah blah. Im going to buy the game regardless and I will enjoy every minute of it even if it has all those "important" features OR not.

I totaly agree with this statement! With the first GT I thought how could they ever top this, then GT2 came out and I was blown away, the same for GT3 and so on. We need to stop fretting over what might be and just think about how we all have grown to love it and none of us SHOULD be disapionted when it finally gets here. I know that all this waiting has got expectations so high but I am sure PD/KY WILL DELIVER! Heads up chaps.
I agree with Seismica and paskowitz. It would be nice to have weather and day/night changes in GT5, but you guys have to realize something. Just like you and the government - though most governments don't act like it - computers have a budget, a performance budget. Even a $3000 gaming PC can't do it all, and even though the PS3 is a monster, and will be surprising us with what it can do for years, it can only do so much at once.

Kaz and his amazing team have produced a stellar taste to what GT5 will offer us in Prologue. They've been able to tweak and push the game engine a bit more, to the point that they're considering 20 car races, or more for GT5. The reason that Prologue is so good is because the physics and visuals have the lion's share of the Cell's power. Maybe more power can be dug from the six other SPU processors, but pipeline traffic has to be made available in the Broadband Engine to accomplish this, and you have to make sure the bandwidth within the architecture is there to do it. Maybe the team made Prologue with this in mind, and only used a certain amount of the Cell BE's power, leaving clock cycles in reserve for these other things, but you can't count on this being the case. Weather in particular, realistic weather and its effects on tire grip, are particularly math intensive. Could the team give us rain races with fewer cars? Probably, but we don't know.

I will say that not having weather won't be a step back. Gimping the physics and graphics for it however, would be, and I prefer Gran Turismo the way it is.
About how important features are to a game I have the following to say:

Super Mario had no co-op, no split screen, no online, no DLC, only 2 playable characters, and a 1-hour campaign, yet it was in my opinion the best game ever. Even today it's more fun than many other games.

Resident Evil 4 had single player only, so no online, no co-op, no DLC, a 15-hour campaign, and only 1 playable character (except the mercenaries mini-game), and it was one of the best games ever.

GT3 had no online, no damage, 6 cars on track, the least amount of cars in any GT game, really bad AI, no tracks such as Nurburgring, Sarthe, Suzuka, and Infineon, yet it was for me the best racing game I ever played.

So what made those games so great? Here's the answer, features don't make the game, the makes make the features. Features are good for nothing if the game is bad or poorly designed. So I'm happy to see Kaz isn't concerned about throwing features into the game. I would like to see weather, but only if it improves the game experience. If it's only added to be a selling point, then don't bother with it.
All i want out of this game, is for at least the race cars to sound good! And i mean sound good with standard speakers! (two)

P.S. To the op of this thread, go buy an xbox!

The way i see it is, if GT wants to seperate itself from the competition then they need to add what others dont have. So far GT has not done anything new other then the damage. That feature however is in most racing game now, its like the norm. GT has been playing catch up and i dont think its going to have anything different then say Forza3.

I agree with this. PD will have to introduce to start doing this sooner or later or else they will get left behind by the competition.
Guys, let's keep this in perspective: the most important thing when it comes to sim racing is that the cars and tracks look as pretty as possible. That should be the main focus of any driving game developer. Realistic features--such as day night transitions, and dynamic weather--should always take a backseat to superficial considerations such as graphics (even though day/night transitions have been included in racing games on both the PC and consoles for several years now). Also, even though they could include an option to turn off weather and day/night transitions, PD shouldn't consider it because one of the main considerations in a racing sim is FPS. God forbid a racing game should drop below 60fps. It's impossible to have a realistic racing sim that doesn't perform at a steady 60fps.

I don't really know why people want weather so much. Sure it is realistic but it isn't very fun. I would rather have day/night cycles.

Exactly what i'm thinking!
I guess, the most people just never have driven a virtual, rainy race in a sim racer.

I did it sometimes in GTR2 and it wasn't fun for me.
But i LOVED the night races in GT Legends.
Guys, let's keep this in perspective: the most important thing when it comes to sim racing is that the cars and tracks look as pretty as possible. That should be the main focus of any driving game developer. Realistic features--such as day night transitions, and dynamic weather--should always take a backseat to superficial considerations such as graphics (even though day/night transitions have been included in racing games on both the PC and consoles for several years now). Also, even though they could include an option to turn off weather and day/night transitions, PD shouldn't consider it because one of the main considerations in a racing sim is FPS. God forbid a racing game should drop below 60fps. It's impossible to have a realistic racing sim that doesn't perform at a steady 60fps.


No. The MOST important thing about a racing sim is that the cars handle as REALISTICALLY AS POSSIBLE...
No. The MOST important thing about a racing sim is that the cars handle as REALISTICALLY AS POSSIBLE...


The guy was satirising what appears to be PD's view towards a racing game, and I for one agree with him. It concerns me that what he said really does seem to be how they think...
In a nutshell. Yamauchi is trying to fit 10 litres into a 2.5 litre bottle. The result, a game 'full', but not polished.

PD are trying to introduce more features to counter their competition. They don't like to admit it, but the competition is getting close and is forcing PD to change too rapidly.

It makes it worse when hundreds of people who are relatively new to the GT series are requesting full real time damage for every car, rollovers, livery editors, weather, day/night cycles, 20+ cars in races, 100+ circuits, 1500+ cars including Porsche and also every single Ferrari ever made, but then they say they don't want more than 5 Nissans, because that would be bad in some way. But then they also want a livery editor better than the one in Forza, full body customization for the boyracers out there, engine and drivetrain swaps, private online rooms, online auctions, online 24 hour races with dedicated servers to support them - but for free. They also want the most realistic AI of any racing game ever, but they don't want the AI to be too hard or too easy, and they don't want rubberbanding either. They want photomode quality with the full 60fps for regular gameplay. They won't no lag for the online gameplay regardless of their connection speed/quality. They want realistic sound, but then complain when it doesn't sound the same as Shift. They don't want ingame music, but they do want custom soundtracks even if they don't use them (why people need custom soundtracks i don't know... MP3 player anyone?). The physics must be realistic, but it must be easy to use for the casual gamer. They want rewind, but they want ultra realistic crashing - Why? If you're just going to rewind there is no need for any damage. That and many many more features...

Then they want 5 years of free downloadable content including more cars, more tracks and new features. But then they decide that the PS3 is too expensive and end up not buying the game despite spending 3 years demanding features that they are perfectly happy to do without in other racing games that cost the same amount of money.

My view is, GT5 is going to be absultely brilliant. I just want GT4 in HD and with online features, and maybe a few more cars; but we already have the HD, the online features and the extra cars in prologue. Do we really need all this?
I have to say reading that entry this morning has left me sad. Weather and day/night change are more important than damage imo to the GT series.

I can't see why day/night change can be so hard. Any game with a half decent game engine which uses dynamic lighting can simulate this, so I don't get what all the fuss is about. Is PD and KY being too fussy about how things look in the final game?

I do agree that we only want these features in the longer races as Seismica has already stated, but even in a 20 lap race the weather can change. Take Spa for example. One part of the track can be bone dry, when the rest can be soaked. Same can be said for the Nurburgring as well, so even the shorter races can be effected by weather, but less so by time of day :)

I suspect this pursuit of near perfection is deny us some great features. Only time will tell I guess.

My biggest fear is that if we don't get weather and day/night in GT5 on it's release, then we'll never get it :(

On the surface it may not seem so hard but when you throw in just the level of resolution that GT5 will feature- if it's similar to Prologue it's 1280x1080 or Kazunori Y had hinted that they're working to get full HD (1920x1080), then you throw in 16 car grid, the physics and the AI engine, not to mention the number of polygon in both the cars abd the environmental modeling, the real time damage modeling, then you realize that even for a mid-level PC, it's a pretty daunting task.

The thing is the 360 has essentially the same power as the PS3 (though perhaps with less flexibility). For FM3, Turn 10 decided to stick to 720p (1280x720), 8 cars and even the damage modeling is pre-rendered. Even after holding back some of the feature, they still have to make way for the physics and the AI engine and I applaud them for not wanting to give that up for other more trivial features. And what they end up with is a pretty good compromise. Personally I'm not expecting GT5 to have any more than FM3- just a bit more refined. And PD and Kazunori Y have always had a minimalist approach to all the previous GT games- not so much as to skimping on the features but to make the most out of them.
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Seismica, i could not have put it better myself. The only thing i really want is improved sound, better graphics, some newer cars and possibly a couple of new tracks as well as online and many of these have already featured in prolouge or are confirmed to be in the game. All these livery editors rewind etc would be nice if hey were in the game but it won't bother me if there not. In short as long as the basic improvements are there im happy!Oh yeah and it would be a big bonus if everyone stopped moaning about everything or demanding stupidly ambitious features that they know won't make it into the game!!!
Absolutely perfect Seismica! You have put into words my exact feelings. Sadly I am not educated enough to do it myself.:dunce: My wishlist for GT5; People to stop the complaining and unrealistic demands. The GT series has been great thus far and I am sure it will continue to be a #1 the world over.
Guys, let's keep this in perspective: the most important thing when it comes to sim racing is that the cars and tracks look as pretty as possible. That should be the main focus of any driving game developer. Realistic features--such as day night transitions, and dynamic weather--should always take a backseat to superficial considerations such as graphics (even though day/night transitions have been included in racing games on both the PC and consoles for several years now). Also, even though they could include an option to turn off weather and day/night transitions, PD shouldn't consider it because one of the main considerations in a racing sim is FPS. God forbid a racing game should drop below 60fps. It's impossible to have a realistic racing sim that doesn't perform at a steady 60fps.


You're absolutely right of course... but I think it's hopeless. :)
Especially people saying GT should have realistic handling of the cars, but pretty please it should not include weather/day/night, because of whatever reasons, just don't make any sense. Personally I think PD are unable to implement new features ( damage, weather ...) for online races anyway, we'll still have to deal with stupid unfair penalty system. Yay!
Hope I'm wrong, but if my assumptions are right it's gonna be epic letdown, of course with 60 fps 👍 ;) which no human eyes can actually experience.
What gets me is, they didn't start doing work on damage until a few months ago so does that mean that for the previous 4 years damage wasn't an important thing to put in the game but then all of a sudden it was? I am getting the impression that PD are putting all their work into the damage model and everything else is just going to have to wait. KY said that the damage model will not be able to recreate big accidents so it will not be perfect so why does everything else have to be perfect for it to be included?

I think that this game has been in development for years and it is being relied upon to shift PS3 units. If any part of the game is seriously below par then PD may get criticised ie how can you spend 5 years making a game and this isn't right or could have been done better etc? They seem to have been answering more questions recently and realising what people want far too late in the day to implement. GT5 will be a safe, steady platform and we will get the extras in GT6 when they have more time to work on things and less pressure is on the game.
Spot on cpp214! 👍

The way I see it, PD are stuck with the promise of nearly 1000 cars, all beautifully rendered. So, any graphics demanding feature (like weather and day/night cycles) will be burdened by the need of having it PERFECTLY implemented in all those cars (they have the same problem with damage, and I'm not sure how they will solve it).

Some people here say "... if having weather and day/night lowers the graphic quality of the game, I don't want those features"

I say "... if having 1000 cars makes it an impossible task to have weather and day/night cycles, not to mention damage ... DUMP 500 of them ... or even 800, I don't care! GT3 had less than 200 cras and I spent YEARS playing it!"

PS - I won't mention other GREAT racing games (PS2 and PS3 ) with car lists equal or smaller to GT3 because I'm not willing to start comparisons between GT games and other games. Anyway, I think the GT3 example is enough.
What gets me is, they didn't start doing work on damage until a few months ago so does that mean that for the previous 4 years damage wasn't an important thing to put in the game but then all of a sudden it was? I am getting the impression that PD are putting all their work into the damage model and everything else is just going to have to wait. KY said that the damage model will not be able to recreate big accidents so it will not be perfect so why does everything else have to be perfect for it to be included?

I think that this game has been in development for years and it is being relied upon to shift PS3 units. If any part of the game is seriously below par then PD may get criticised ie how can you spend 5 years making a game and this isn't right or could have been done better etc? They seem to have been answering more questions recently and realising what people want far too late in the day to implement. GT5 will be a safe, steady platform and we will get the extras in GT6 when they have more time to work on things and less pressure is on the game.

I agree that Gt5 should just be the steady platform. The weather can wait for the next game. Finish off what you have started already PD. If you are having difficulty with weather, put it off for the next game.

GTs popular competitor Forza perfected its design and online community despite sub-standard racing gameplay in Forza 2, and only a small selection of cars. As far as i can see there were a lot fewer complaints about that than there is about the features for GT5 so far. But if you think about it, what does Forza have over GT? And before you answer, consider that PD have not revealed much about the game as the basic damage engine that is several months old and GT PSP have been dominating all the news recently. We know nothing of customisation in GT5, the online has been outlined but nothing confirmed (yet nothing ruled out either). We don't nkow what the Gran Turismo/Simulation mode will be like, it could follow a GT4 style format or it could be a little more dynamic and variable so you don't just follow the same path of races everytime.

If GT got weather in the game, it would be just another feature that people shrug off, saying GT are trying too hard and they should focus on more useful features. But what little we know about the game gives us little insight on how PD has prioritised weather. They could have a lot of other features already finished that we do not know about. If not, then a much expanded version of prologue with more content than GT4 and online features is very welcoming.

Spot on cpp214! 👍

The way I see it, PD are stuck with the promise of nearly 1000 cars, all beautifully rendered. So, any graphics demanding feature (like weather and day/night cycles) will be burdened by the need of having it PERFECTLY implemented in all those cars (they have the same problem with damage, and I'm not sure how they will solve it).

Some people here say "... if having weather and day/night lowers the graphic quality of the game, I don't want those features"

I say "... if having 1000 cars makes it an impossible task to have weather and day/night cycles, not to mention damage ... DUMP 500 of them ... or even 800, I don't care! GT3 had less than 200 cras and I spent YEARS playing it!"

PS - I won't mention other GREAT racing games (PS2 and PS3 ) with car lists equal or smaller to GT3 because I'm not willing to start comparisons between GT games and other games. Anyway, I think the GT3 example is enough.

But a weather cycle and day/night cycle does not improve the game, it will not make me do the same race twice, just because on the second go it will rain. More cars to choose from increases playability by a lot. I got sick of GT3, you enter the later races and its a 2 horse race between the 787B and the Toyota GTone, with the Nissan R390 following in their stead. In GT4, with approx 700 cars, you got the same problem, there was limited choice for the AI, so you ended up having championships with 2 or 3 cars that are fast, and the others slow.

With 16 cars per race, PD should have increased the car count exponentially to cope. But instead, as we saw in prologue in the 4WD cup for example it will just use multiple of the same cars. More cars means more variation in the AI, more choice of car to race against them, and all in all a better racing experience because each race will be different. It means there will be less 'rabbits' that take the lead all the time, like the Zonda C12 in the MR cup in GT3.

Reducing the car count will not reduce the workload required for weather. It will for damage, but i'm a little fuzzy about damage. A lot of crap has been thrown around about licensing issues being a problem for damage. But i think its just because putting accurate damage into cars takes a lot longer than first anticipated, hence why they estimated only 170 cars will have proper body damage.

Again, if they keep the majority of the game the same, and add one new feature with each installment i will be happy. We are getting damage; scrap weather and focus on getting damage right, and polishing the existing features like sound and AI, before you start putting unnecessary cosmetic features in the game.
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I spent 600US on hardware, 30US on Prologue, and I will spend the ?70US on GT5. I better get my moneys worth or else I'm totally jumping ship to PC sims.
Why do you need a reason or excuse to jump ship to PC sims? If they offer what you are looking for, why don't you just do it instead of moaning about what may or may not be in GT5?
PD are trying to introduce more features to counter their competition. They don't like to admit it, but the competition is getting close and is forcing PD to change too rapidly.

It makes it worse when hundreds of people who are relatively new to the GT series are requesting full real time damage for every car, rollovers, livery editors, weather, day/night cycles, 20+ cars in races, 100+ circuits, 1500+ cars including Porsche and also every single Ferrari ever made, but then they say they don't want more than 5 Nissans, because that would be bad in some way. But then they also want a livery editor better than the one in Forza, full body customization for the boyracers out there, engine and drivetrain swaps, private online rooms, online auctions, online 24 hour races with dedicated servers to support them - but for free. They also want the most realistic AI of any racing game ever, but they don't want the AI to be too hard or too easy, and they don't want rubberbanding either. They want photomode quality with the full 60fps for regular gameplay. They won't no lag for the online gameplay regardless of their connection speed/quality. They want realistic sound, but then complain when it doesn't sound the same as Shift. They don't want ingame music, but they do want custom soundtracks even if they don't use them (why people need custom soundtracks i don't know... MP3 player anyone?). The physics must be realistic, but it must be easy to use for the casual gamer. They want rewind, but they want ultra realistic crashing - Why? If you're just going to rewind there is no need for any damage. That and many many more features...

Then they want 5 years of free downloadable content including more cars, more tracks and new features. But then they decide that the PS3 is too expensive and end up not buying the game despite spending 3 years demanding features that they are perfectly happy to do without in other racing games that cost the same amount of money.

My view is, GT5 is going to be absultely brilliant. I just want GT4 in HD and with online features, and maybe a few more cars; but we already have the HD, the online features and the extra cars in prologue. Do we really need all this?

My thoughts exactly. 👍

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