And again this forum stoops to a new low. Would most of you please grow a pair....
Talking about weather impacting on tyre grip for example. No simulator holds that much detail and the coding needed would be just a waste of time. You won't have it, get over it.
As for whinging about the cost of your console, grow up. People paid a lot more money for their consoles then $600 so shut up. Just pointless whining to draw attention to yourself.
As for "I can get real time weather on my phone", you have to be kidding me if you think they are even related.
Bloody hell, the mind boggles.
It is also reasonable for Polyphony to use current weather for the racing location because we have live internet access on our Playstations. Realistically, getting the current weather at the N'ring in Germany right now is a google search away. Automating that and replicating high wind, low wind, sunny, cloudy, rain or snow "templates" would be the next step. Is it doable? Certainly.👍
When GT has so many things they still need to do more important than weather? I find weather would be a great feature, but if it's at the cost of improving any of the following then it should be scrapped: Damage, Visuals, Physics, AI, Sound, Car Customisation, Online Gameplay and last but not least, Porsche.
Yes, agreed also. How they manage penalties have to be worked at. This feature will mature over time.
Exactly what i'm thinking!
I guess, the most people just never have driven a virtual, rainy race in a sim racer.
I did it sometimes in GTR2 and it wasn't fun for me.
But i LOVED the night races in GT Legends.
Just make sure you do all you drunk driving in GT and off the real roadWell, let me just clear a few things up that I guess maybe were misinterpreted (probably my fault) about what I wrote last night in the original post.
If you think I'm whining, so be it... but I wrote this venting my frustration towards the fact that I purchased this system in order to play this game, and its release date is continually pushed back to the point that I can now purchase this system for less than half of what I did when it came out. Yes, my fault for not waiting, but i've also enjoyed playing other games on the system as well, so I dont count it as a total loss.
I think we can all agree that we started playing this game because it was the best available, and I want it to remain so, I'm guessing anyone who is a member of this website does. The game needs to stay current/beyond the other games in the market, and I believe that adding features will keep it ahead of the pace - be it weather, time of day, driver changes, online events or anything else thats been mentioned. As far as I'm concerned, PD has worked miracles with this franchise already, and I hope they continue to.
Why don't I play PC Sims? I consider myself a casual GT player. I'm not really a hardcore sim kind of guy. I have no problem sitting around with a couple buddies slamming beers and playing GT here and there. I come home drunk from the bar and race online sometimes, and if i'm getting into the game big time I will set aside four hours or whatever to do the endurance events or hammer out the career races. I also don't really have the room for a wheel, computer and all that. I play GT in my bed most of the time!
Thanks for the spirited conversation anyway. I like reading all the points you've made.
Oooh... I don't agree with this at all. So, would you throw out everything but race cars? Maybe a handful of street cars? No Ferraris? I don't want another Forza 3, or a GT3 in HD. Once again, full agreement with Seismica.I say "... if having 1000 cars makes it an impossible task to have weather and day/night cycles, not to mention damage ... DUMP 500 of them ... or even 800, I don't care! GT3 had less than 200 cars and I spent YEARS playing it!"
Oooh... I don't agree with this at all. So, would you throw out everything but race cars? Maybe a handful of street cars? No Ferraris? I don't want another Forza 3, or a GT3 in HD. Once again, full agreement with Seismica.
I want a good selection of cars, the more the merrier. BUT ... I want the best possible game to drive them on.
If the number of cars becomes a problem and is in fact what makes me:
a) wait YEARS for a game;
b) lose features that have a direct impact on the realism of the driving experience;
Then the number of cars is in fact hurting the overall gaming experience. That's all I'm saying.
And if you think GT5s overall gameplay will be damaged by extra cars, then you are wrong and you should go and sulk.
We can't be sure at this point, but i suspect around 850-900 cars are already fully modelled and ready for the games release (including the physics of the car).
Reducing the car count will not allow the game to be released sooner at this point (plus most of the time was spent completely remaking the physics code from scratch after Gt4... They started from scratch you know, they threw out all their Gt4 code). On the up hand, because of the high quality of the cars in GT5, you can expect GT6 to only need maybe 200 more cars and an update to the overall physics engine, so that will only take around 2-3 years to be released after GT5, depending on whether or not PD decide to release DLC for GT5.
And if you think GT5s overall gameplay will be damaged by extra cars, then you are wrong and you should go and sulk.
GT3 vs Gt4; well aside from the huge amounts of extra content offered in GT4, it gave you better physics, more tuning options, 24 hour le mans races (with B-spec so you can do driver swaps in endurance races just like in reality) etc.
If you still think GT3 is a better game you cannot be helped, GT4 offered much much more and if you wern't satisfied with the step up from GT3, you will never be happy with what GT5 can offer you.
you should go and sulk.
We can't be sure at this point, but i suspect around 850-900 cars are already fully modelled and ready for the games release (including the physics of the car).
Reducing the car count will not allow the game to be released sooner at this point (plus most of the time was spent completely remaking the physics code from scratch after Gt4... They started from scratch you know, they threw out all their Gt4 code).
GT3 vs Gt4; well aside from the huge amounts of extra content offered in GT4, it gave you better physics, more tuning options, 24 hour le mans races (with B-spec so you can do driver swaps in endurance races just like in reality) etc.
If you still think GT3 is a better game you cannot be helped, GT4 offered much much more and if you wern't satisfied with the step up from GT3, you will never be happy with what GT5 can offer you.
When GT has so many things they still need to do more important than weather? I find weather would be a great feature, but if it's at the cost of improving any of the following then it should be scrapped: Damage, Visuals, Physics, AI, Sound, Car Customisation, Online Gameplay and last but not least, Porsche.
Do you honestly believe they still need to improve the visuals? I'd be ok with GT5P graphics, to be completely honest.
No, but to implement dynamic weather there is talk of reducing the quality of the graphics to keep the game running at 60fps.
As for dynamic weather, well as I said looks like PD are unable to do it intime for the March 2010 release without compromising other ongoing projects... so they keep giving excuses like it's not needed, the hardware isn't powerful enough or whatever, it's just obvious lack of innovation there.
Ok, first of all, I went for the definition of "sulk" and what I found is this:
"to show anger or resentment by being silent"
So, I guess this phrase ...
means that you think I should go away in silence. In other words, stop posting.
I will eventually, but first I think I need to clarify a few things, mainly from what you posted:
I'll start with this
You can't be sure, but I hope you are right. I hope all those 850-900 cars are indeed ready. Because PD cannot afford to lower the number of cars, 90% of the fans would cry "heresy". *1
And I'll even give you this. If only 200 of those cars have damage properly implemented ... so be it ... it's lame, it's a shame, *2 but I won't care. I don't want to wait another couple of years until they finish their work on the other 800. I'm not going to "go and sulk" because of it.
About the bolded part ... that was their greatest decision in recent years.
But, about them spending "most" of the last 5 years working on the physics, I have to say that neither you nor I can be sure about it. However, GT5P, released 2 years ago, is their last (although small) game, not GT4. And GT5P's physics were a big improvement over GT4. What they have been doing these last 2 years, since GT5P's release ... no one knows for sure. But I suspect it has mostly to do with cars, not with physics. *3
I'd say the opposite. If you think:
GT4 had better physics than GT3
GT4's B-Spec was a relevant addition to a racing game, and not the DENIAL of what a racing game is all about.
GT4's 24 hour races were a replication of endurance racing, and not a complete joke about 6 cars scattered in the Le Mans and Nordschleife tracks, under day light for 24 hours
... then YOU cannot be helped *4
I played GT3 non-stop for 3 years, did several careers from scratch, tried and raced every car that game featured. I played GT4 for about 3 months, shelved it in the summer of 2005 and never looked back.
In short, I can't deny GT4 was BIGGER then GT3. But I can firmly say that, from my point of view, as a "racing games gamer" it wasn't BETTER. *5
I'm with HUN200kmh on this. GT3 occupied me for much longer than GT4, heck I even played GT Concept more than GT4!
Also for the sheer amount of cars I couldn't care less, always end up driving the 10-20 cars I'm interested in / enjoy most... Skylines, Lancers, 787 Mazda, Lupo Cup car, RX7... that's about it, now give me a Gallardo to that and I'm a happy camper.
What Gran Turismo really needs is options, options ... and more options. I don't mean just weather and all that, but also things like turning HUD on or off and an adjustable view would be nice too. That's not really innovative, but would help to create a better feel of comfort and immersion, something bugging me since GT1.
As for dynamic weather, well as I said looks like PD are unable to do it... so they keep giving excuses like it's not needed, the hardware isn't powerful enough or whatever, it's just obvious lack of innovation there.
Corrected for you.
*1 - Hence why he said "We can not be sure, but I speculate" There was no need for comment. Also, accusing the rest of the GT populace about something they would do about something that hasn't happened is also "speculation". Your attitude is not needed here.
*2 - So you either want all 950+ cars with damage, or none at all eh? Or would you rather have them cut down the number of cars to be only the number they have damage for? Both of these tell me that you're not looking for a "driving simulator" Which is what GT is. It's a DRIVING simulator. Not a "racing simulator". It's a shame that more people don't get this. What matters is how well the cars DRIVE! That's it. Not all this BS about "dynamic weather", "realistic damage", "the best graphics", etc. If the cars handle like sh** then the game will flat out suck.
*3 - So is that's why we know for a fact that they have gone through at least 3 physics models? Probably more than that even? Prologue Spec I, Prologue Spec II, and Prologue Spec III, and now the new one? Plus, (can't confirm) but I am pretty sure that the Physics and car modeling are both done by two separate sectors of the company.
*4 - Your opinion, not a fact. You may believe all of those things are false, however, it does NOT mean that they are. Also, such personal attacks are a violation of the AUP, even if it is just in retaliation to something he said. Report it, don't do the same thing he did in order to try and "get even."
*5 - So what? What does you playing GT3 for 3 years straight have to do with the quality of GT4? I still play GT4, I haven't touched GT3 since GT4 came out? So what? That has nothing to do with the quality of GT3. Once again this is your opinion, and your self proclamation of being a "raging games gamer" does not make you entitled to make such a call as of the quality of GT4, or any other game for that matter. Please do not state opinion as if they are concrete facts. Another violation of the AUP.
You think there is no need to comment other's speculations ... I think that to comment on the speculations posted by others is very much what being part of a discussion forum is all about.
And you did it yourself in your post, because when I say what I think would be the reaction of the GT fanbase if something speculative would happen, I cannot be doing anything else than speculating myself. Unless, of course, you think I have the power of seeing in the future. Or that I claim to have it, therefore speaking about possible future events as facts ...
Well, I don't have that power, and didn't claim I had it.
Two final notes on this:
1 - I don't know what means the word "populace" you used, so I refrained from using it also.
2 - Your attitude and agressiveness towards me, tottaly uncalled, isn't needed here.
Since I said "so be it" about having 200 cars with damage and 800 without it, I really don't understand what you are asking me. But, of course, it would be preferable that all cars had damage implemented. About everything else you say here, that's your oppinion, you're entiled to it, I agree with a few things you say, dissagree with others.
3 physics models? We know that for a fact? I wasn't aware of that. My best guess is that they created, nearly from scratch, a new physics model, first appearing in GT HD, and then GT5P, with several revisions. That's why I agreed with seismica about the physics being completely new and not a revision of what we had in GT4.
Sorry if I don't take your affirmation as a fact, just speculation. Anyway, maybe you have info I don't, and I'm not really interested in arguing about what a physics model is and how many PD have made in the last four years, so let's just leave it as it is.
I didn't do any personal attack, as I didn't take the "you cannot be helped" line from seismica as a personal attack against me. Maybe that's just because I'm not a native english speaker and so I am unaware of the "attacking level" of a "you cannot be helped" line. I replied to him, stating our obvious dissagreement, by using the same woirds he used. I didn't complain about them, I didn't think they were offensive (I still don't think they are offensive anyway).
Now, did you report me? Did you report us both for saying "you cannot be helped" to one another? If indeed you think we violated the AUP in anyway, I think you should.
Again, did you report it? I think you should, if you think you are facing an AUP violation.
But maybe you should, before reporting me, read a litle more carefully what I wrote. I will repeat it, and write in red color the part you apparently missed:
In short, I can't deny GT4 was BIGGER then GT3. But I can firmly say that, from my point of view, as a "racing games gamer" it wasn't BETTER.
To end all this ... (from my own end, of course, you'll do as you please) ... I'll just say that I did carefully review what I wrote in this thread. I think that all I wrote, if read without malevolence, is not offensive to anyone, doesn't try to make my oppinions appear to be facts and shows nothing more than my view on a few issues surrounding the imminent release of GT5, especially my firm belief that the enormous amount of cars included/promised to be in the game has had a very serious impact on the time needed to develop the game and to implement many game features (like: damage, weather, day/night cycles) that may, indeed, not be implemented or at least not fully implemented in the final build. We will see. As for me, I'm hoping and desiring the best possible outcome. If I weren't, I wouldn't be here in this subforum reading GT5 threads with GT5 discussions.
Also, the 5 years physics engine. Prologue was the result of just over 2 years of work, and looking at Forza, which has slowly improved its physics basing the code of previous versions, their's is also around 5 years old,
Well if you are giong to go down that road, PD has been at creating driving physics engines for almost 15 years now... Like comparing 360 sales to PS3 sales since they started at seperate times, it's pretty apples to oranges comparing dev time on these two games. PD may have scraped all the old code from previous GT games, but they didn't forget their experiences and lessons learned.
I'm late to the discussion, but I don't see what the misunderstanding is about. I completely understand what Kaz is saying.