I wouldn't say it's about fooling yourselves, so much as it's about the fact PD is not the only developer to have such devotion. Sleeping at the office, pulling insanely long hours? Yeah, welcome to nearly any creative job.
Citation please. Seriously. I know that a few Japanese studios have this kind of self-slavery attitude towards their work, but rarely mentioned so I can't even google one up. Maybe Dan Greenawalt had a secret suite made up at Redmond that accidentally left open during one developer showcase? Probably not. Artists? Writers? Why not let's drag devoted surgeons into this who are burning midnight oil to save a patient's life, because that's all the same thing, right?
As above, and something Luminis touched on - I don't think PD should get a free pass because they "try really hard" or "have passion" or "it's their first current-gen full title". I don't think any of that really matters - the game should stand on its own merit. Every other game is judged on that - like I said, there's bound to be people who worked for some of GT's competition that surely spent many late hours at the office - so why is it that only GT gets recognized and largely excused because of this?
(snip) I wouldn't buy a car with problems and then constantly overlook them or make excuses because the people who built it were passionate. If I'm spending my money on a product, then I sure should be able to voice my criticisms.
Excused of what? Producing a game which we disapprove of certain aspects of? Are you new here?
There are a number of people here like amar212 and Griffith500 who are quite definite about what they see as flaws which should be fixed in GT5 and Polyphony's development choices which got them there. At the same time, quite outspoken as defenders of that very same developer because of the care and quality put into the same game. Loving a game and admiring a game company which produces it, and having issues with that same game, are not mutually exclusive. Maybe that's news to you.
That develops their games out of love for the subject, and considers their members as family? Uhm... help me out with this.
Tell me again how you spend a lot of time racing pretty terrible AI in Arcade Mode with a selection of Standard cars.
No, because if GT5's bots are terrible, then every game's bots are terrible. Let me quote myself:
I haven't been impressed with any game's bots. Forza's are rowdy brats. Ferrari Challenge's bots will move aside to let you pass just long enough for you to get beside them so they can swerve right back in their line and smash you off the road. GTR's bots slam into each other and grind through chicanes in a horrific mess. And most of the rest are pretty much boring cruise missiles as Gran Turismo has had through the first four games. So I get the feeling that many of these grumpy posters have been racing against other humans for so long, they only vaguely remember how good their game's bots behave.
Gee... humanlike A.I. there? Maybe not.
As for Standard cars, I know you dislike them with a passion. Many of us have posted that we would take serious objection to having them removed because we like them very much, so your opinion is widely shared, but not universal.
Here's an interesting question; what would PD have to do to get you to actually not buy GT6? The damage model is untouched, and that doesn't bother you. You've already said the sounds in GT5 are acceptable. Decade old car models, too. We're still in the dark about the career style of GT mode, and obviously other features, but it's an honest question.
Well, what would get you to abandon your favorite restaurant/bar? Quit watching your favorite show? Leave your wife/girlfriend?
What a weird question, but I'll answer it anyhow. If the driving model and physics of the various cars was crap, that would do it. That's what got me to quit Toca, because Codemasters in a number of their games couldn't seem to come up with a reasonable steering model. In lower powered race cars it was livable, but at a certain point up the scale, the cars became utter hell to control. Not for me.
PC sims like the GTRs are very good at recreating the racing world. By the numbers anyway. Before the arrival of rFactor 2 and Project CARS, and an update to iRenting, the graphics were like a PS2 game in HD. rFactor was so poorly designed that it took me half an hour to find the damned shifting settings, and I had to use the freaking manual! On top of that, the racing was just weird. I've never seen a game in which the car seemed so poised on a spindle while the world rotated beneath it. The GTRs are nice. Sort of. Once again, lame graphics, sounds that are just okay, bots that are just okay but really boring, car models that are like PS2 models in HD, a very sterile clinical driving feel, none of the liveries grabbed me and I felt like every car was a loaner. Not for me.
Need I remind you that Forza 4 was such a jarring experience that I quit after racing it for about seven weeks, my shortest stint with a Forza game ever, and didn't touch it again for
more than a year because the driving model was so difficult and unengaging, and the bots mean, cruel monstors. Now, I did give it a second chance back in February along with some PC sims, and even though my first reaction to it was the same revulsion that made me quit after a few weeks, I tasted a sharp edge that was missing from every other racer I owned, and had me give it a third shot. And needless to say, my PC sims are ignored while I'm still playing Forza 4. Do I love it? Uhh... love is such a strong word.
One quick edit: another thing which would get me to reconsider getting not just another Gran Turismo but another Playstation, is if SONY made the PS5 as intrusive, and dealing with their service as entangling, as Microsoft is The ONE. And I'm not saying it can't happen either. If a certain American leader precipitates a global economic implosion, all businesses may become so desperate for money that they all behave like Microsoft.
There's no right or wrong, technically (regarding Standard cars) - it's a matter of opinion. If you're so in favour of quality taking a back-seat to quantity, that is certainly your choice.
Many of us have, I'm hardly the only one. You have argued this with a number of others in the Standard Cars thread, as I recall.
Nothing escapes me in that quote, especially as Amar's wise enough to bookend it with the personal opinion declarations. But an intangible, subjective "something" is becoming the increasingly common reason for people preferring GT over anything else out there, and I think perhaps that's what Luminis is getting at. After years of being here, I can say it definitely started cropping up more frequently once the competition started seriously challenging (and in many ways, surpassing) GT's "realistic simulator" title.
The funny part is, I won't even argue GT has a special "something". For me, it's undoubtedly different than what it is for others. It's the reason I still want to see the game succeed. But I'm finding less and less objective reasons to place it higher than other games on my personal preference list.
Not a problem, thanks for admitting at least that "it" is there.
And for those who accuse us fans of an almost religious devotion to this series and its creators, we can talk about the essence of Gran Turismo and all its aspects and how we don't get that from other racing games - and have at length.
Except that could apply to literally any game.
The funny part is, I won't even argue GT has a special "something". For me, it's undoubtedly different than what it is for others. It's the reason I still want to see the game succeed.
In the same post, no less...
Other than the old first-gen that ran in the Koni Challenge years ago, and the current Grand Am Mazda 6 (which is a RWD, 400hp diesel, so quite a bit different from the road car), it's hardly a "staple". At least not the same way cars like the E30, E36, and E46 M3's are, the first two of which don't even have any representation in GT5, while the latter gets saddled with a few last-gen examples. Then there's Porsches, or MKIV Supras, the AE86. See, it works both ways.
Some images for your perusal.