I have a theory. There are two types of people that purchased GT5.

I've noticed that there is a divide amongst the people playing this game. I've narrowed it down to two types.

There are people who played previous GTs, loved them and are excited to play the newest game in the series. This groups know exactly what to expect from a GT game and it seems they can all agree that GT5 was a success. It could've been better, but it accomplished what it set out to do(for the most part).

Then, there are the people who purchased GT5 because they heard it was supposed to be a bad ass game. They thought they were going to get this uber awesome game, when all the got was a new Gran Turismo. These are the people that moan, complain, and nit pick about graphics, grinding and minor details and claim to be disappointed as GT "didn't live up to the hype".

The "hype" is the problem. "Hype" is purely subjective, no one can put hype into your mind(without hypnosis), you accept the hype and buy into it. I've been following GT5 for sometime, and I don't remember anybody on Sony or PD claimed GT5 will "the best simulator ever". I use quotation because those words were not used. They may have said that GT5 will be another addition to the best simulation series, but that doesn't mean GT5 will be the best.

For all the people saying that this game is a disappointment because it didn't live up to the hype, you deserve your disappointment. I don't want to come off as belittling peoples opinion but, no one told you to believe this was going to be the best thing to happen to cars and videogames since someone decided to put a Playstation into a Suburban. Besides the premium/standard car deal, this one doesn't stray too far off the path of the last 4 and a half titles.

Also, Its no secret that they were 4 other games made in those six years, the "its been in development for six years" argument is tired and misinformed.

Comments? Rebuttals? Please add.
There's also a third type such as myself who isn't bothered about standard/premium, graphical quality/glitches, rims etc.. It's more about the structure of the game. I'd go on, but it's been covered a million times.

There are also plenty of people who have been GT fans from day one who feel badly let down in many areas and it's nothing to with hype.

Of course, your points do apply to plenty of others though.
I just think it's people who stayed in touch with GT5, they knew alot of things that weren't going to be great and what wasn't going to be in the game.

Then there are people who only heard about 1000 cars, real time damage, night-driving and weather, 70 tracks, etc. Essentially all the awesome things and stuff that has been mis-interpreted by other internet journos. Making a game that was simply impossible.
I have enjoyed GT5 since I bought it, yeah there are some things that need some work but hey thats what updates and DLC are for. Hype is an interesting subject you bring to light. EA is a master of hype! look at MOH (Medal of Honor) they hyped that came up so much, couldn't wait to buy it! I did participate in the Beta and when the game was released it was not much different from the Beta! EA hyped the MOH game up so much and to my dismay I was extremely disappointed with it. GT5 on the other hand, I am in the category of "played previous GT's, have been Satisfied with it. I have waited for 4yrs for this title since I downloaded GTHD back in 2007. I know over time PD will correct the known issues and improve this game, any work of art is always going to be a work in progress.
I just think it's people who stayed in touch with GT5, they knew alot of things that weren't going to be great and what wasn't going to be in the game.

Then there are people who only heard about 1000 cars, real time damage, night-driving and weather, 70 tracks, etc. Essentially all the awesome things and stuff that has been mis-interpreted by other internet journos. Making a game that was simply impossible.
Well said...
I've noticed that there is a divide amongst the people playing this game. I've narrowed it down to two types.

There are people who played previous GTs, loved them and are excited to play the newest game in the series. This groups know exactly what to expect from a GT game and it seems they can all agree that GT5 was a success. It could've been better, but it accomplished what it set out to do(for the most part).

Then, there are the people who purchased GT5 because they heard it was supposed to be a bad ass game. They thought they were going to get this uber awesome game, when all the got was a new Gran Turismo. These are the people that moan, complain, and nit pick about graphics, grinding and minor details and claim to be disappointed as GT "didn't live up to the hype".

The "hype" is the problem. "Hype" is purely subjective, no one can put hype into your mind(without hypnosis), you accept the hype and buy into it. I've been following GT5 for sometime, and I don't remember anybody on Sony or PD claimed GT5 will "the best simulator ever". I use quotation because those words were not used. They may have said that GT5 will be another addition to the best simulation series, but that doesn't mean GT5 will be the best.

For all the people saying that this game is a disappointment because it didn't live up to the hype, you deserve your disappointment. I don't want to come off as belittling peoples opinion but, no one told you to believe this was going to be the best thing to happen to cars and videogames since someone decided to put a Playstation into a Suburban. Besides the premium/standard car deal, this one doesn't stray too far off the path of the last 4 and a half titles.

Also, Its no secret that they were 4 other games made in those six years, the "its been in development for six years" argument is tired and misinformed.

Comments? Rebuttals? Please add.

This post is s joke right?

You seem to totally forget and ignorw those of us that have been with the franchise since GT(1) and have heard all the promises before and each time witnessed an overhyped under delivered product.

Some of the SAME issues of note since GT3 still haven't been addressed - and already they are touting GT6?

The only reason the GT Franchise is so successful sales wise is because many of us have the crazy addiction to all things Gran Turismo and buy every edition they produce just for the hell of it - even though we know its not going to fully deliver ;)

Now where did I put my Japanese edition of GT5P??? I think I want to fight with foreign menus again :)
Not true. I've played and enjoyed all of the Gran Turismo games, and I have a lot to moan and complain about in GT5. My main complaint is that you dont get credits or experience for online races. This was available in GT5P, why would they take it out for the main game!?
You're missing at least once category, because neither describes me.

Your post basically says:

If player has played past GT games, GT5 is good

If player has not played past GT games, GT5 is bad.

I've played them all. I wouldn't say GT5 is bad, but there a lot of things that make you wonder what exactly was PD doing all this time.
There's a lot more different types of people who bought it. I bought it because I've had every GT since day one and I love the series. It has been a disappointment to me for many, many reasons.

You also forgot the 'fanboy'. You know, the ones who'll defend the game no matter what using the most ridiculous statements and arguments that only other fanboys believe.
I think you are pretty spot on but I also believe it goes further than that, outside the hype and expectations.

There is a real divide between the people who spend as much time as possible looking at all the negatives and things that are missing from the game and the group who simply enjoy the game for what it is and look past the negatives.

It's the old glass half full/half empty debate.
Why is it that some GT fans need to create such fantastical stories to explain why some people find the game disappointing?
I dont remember previous GT games making me drive around the indy oval 5 million times in order to unlock the next endurance race.

But gogogog fanboys
I've been playing Gran Turismo since day one, and will be as long as it remains the best sim racer on a console. Am I disappointed with GT5? Well in many respects I am. But I won't go into further detail (unless I'm asked) as there are many threads covering what's disappointing with GT5. But despite all that, as soon as I've driving, I can't stop. I can't play for less than 5 hours at a time, and I'd play more if I didn't want to be asleep before the sun came up. The only thing keeping me from playing all day is having a family. I'm pretty sure GT5 will remain my primary game for many years to come.
This post is s joke right?

You seem to totally forget and ignorw those of us that have been with the franchise since GT(1) and have heard all the promises before and each time witnessed an overhyped under delivered product.

Did you stop reading at some point? No one told you to buy into the hype, much less repeatedly. Again, if you bought into the hype no one is to blame but yourself. Contrary to popular belief, you do control your own actions.

Not true. I've played and enjoyed all of the Gran Turismo games, and I have a lot to moan and complain about in GT5. My main complaint is that you dont get credits or experience for online races. This was available in GT5P, why would they take it out for the main game!?

If you been playing since 1, you should know that online play is more of a perk than anything else, a new perk at that. Of coarse there are going to be things that needed to be worked out. GT5p everyone said the penalty system was flawed, so the made the online races meaningless so penalties would matter as much.

Also it they were to bring over the cash and xp from GT mode, they're going to have the bring the damage and the cost to fix the damage along with it. Do you really wanna pay for a dicking around on the internet with a friend?
There's a lot more different types of people who bought it. I bought it because I've had every GT since day one and I love the series. It has been a disappointment to me for many, many reasons.

You also forgot the 'fanboy'. You know, the ones who'll defend the game no matter what using the most ridiculous statements and arguments that only other fanboys believe.

your exactly right, people put me on the ignore list and started calling me a troll because i said unfortunately forza 3 is a more complete and finished feeling game than gt5, even though i like gt5 also. The fanboys are rediculous no doubt.
There are people who played previous GTs, loved them and are excited to play the newest game in the series. This groups know exactly what to expect from a GT game and it seems they can all agree that GT5 was a success. It could've been better, but it accomplished what it set out to do(for the most part).
I belong to the group of people described above (including a serious fanboyism), and I, in no way, can agree on that GT5 is a success, except sales wise. Hype has also absolutely nothing to do with the previous statement, at all, as I knew from the very begginning that it will never live up to it. Simply, it's just a huge dissapointment for lacking in som many areas after all these years in production and compared to older games in the series.
Did you stop reading at some point? No one told you to buy into the hype, much less repeatedly. Again, if you bought into the hype no one is to blame but yourself. Contrary to popular belief, you do control your own actions.

Did youbother reading your own post?

You incorrectly claimed there are only 2 types of GT5 buyers - and you where proven to be incorrect.

You are th eone that claimed ALL previous GT players/buyers are in love with GT5 and ONLY new-to-the-franchise players dislike the game and have complaints.

Again - you where called on being incorrect in both your assumptions.

Again - MANY old franchise followers are rightly dissapointed with the failure of the PD team to fix things they said they would fix from GT3...
Did youbother reading your own post?

You incorrectly claimed there are only 2 types of GT5 buyers - and you where proven to be incorrect.

You are th eone that claimed ALL previous GT players/buyers are in love with GT5 and ONLY new-to-the-franchise players dislike the game and have complaints.

Again - you where called on being incorrect in both your assumptions.

Again - MANY old franchise followers are rightly dissapointed with the failure of the PD team to fix things they said they would fix from GT3...

First of all, take off your internet debate hat, this isnt even about right and wrong. When you ready to have an actual conversation, get at me. Save the arguing for your old lady.

'cause they is be fanboise... init? :lol:

How is it that defending a product I like is being a fanboy, but repeatedly buying a product that has repeatedly let you down is not?
First of all, take off your internet debate hat, this isnt even about right and wrong. When you ready to have an actual conversation, get at me. Save the arguing for your old lady.
What argument? Youare the one that ASKED for comments - remember? It is in your opening post.

How is it that defending a product I like is being a fanboy, but repeatedly buying a product that has repeatedly let you down is not?

Defending the product is pure fanboy. Collecting a product is just that - collecting.

People collect all sorts of things - doesnt mean they ar einfatuated with it, just that they have an interest in it. Think of the peopl ewho collect old typewriters - they dont believe typewriters are superior to PC's and word processors and printers, they just have an interest in typrewriters.
your exactly right, people put me on the ignore list and started calling me a troll because i said unfortunately forza 3 is a more complete and finished feeling game than gt5, even though i like gt5 also. The fanboys are rediculous no doubt.

I wouldn't let that bother me, I find fanboys quite amusing at times, some of their comments are so ridiculous they actually have me laughing out loud at times such is their desperation to be right about 'their' game.
I challenge any of you to defend these to points.

1. Not being able to enter an event you unlock at level 23 because the car required is level 24.

2. The amount of times you are forced to "grind" aka run the stupid indy oval over and over and over again because there are not enough events to get to the next level without repeating ones over and over.

3. No online leader boards, matchmaking or benefits for playing. (IT is advertised on the back of the box for crying out loud)

I have never played a racing game that has this dumb of an advancement system.
I've noticed that there is a divide amongst the people playing this game. I've narrowed it down to two types.

There are people who played previous GTs, loved them and are excited to play the newest game in the series. This groups know exactly what to expect from a GT game and it seems they can all agree that GT5 was a success. It could've been better, but it accomplished what it set out to do(for the most part).

Then, there are the people who purchased GT5 because they heard it was supposed to be a bad ass game. They thought they were going to get this uber awesome game, when all the got was a new Gran Turismo. These are the people that moan, complain, and nit pick about graphics, grinding and minor details and claim to be disappointed as GT "didn't live up to the hype".

The "hype" is the problem. "Hype" is purely subjective, no one can put hype into your mind(without hypnosis), you accept the hype and buy into it. I've been following GT5 for sometime, and I don't remember anybody on Sony or PD claimed GT5 will "the best simulator ever". I use quotation because those words were not used. They may have said that GT5 will be another addition to the best simulation series, but that doesn't mean GT5 will be the best.

For all the people saying that this game is a disappointment because it didn't live up to the hype, you deserve your disappointment. I don't want to come off as belittling peoples opinion but, no one told you to believe this was going to be the best thing to happen to cars and videogames since someone decided to put a Playstation into a Suburban. Besides the premium/standard car deal, this one doesn't stray too far off the path of the last 4 and a half titles.

Also, Its no secret that they were 4 other games made in those six years, the "its been in development for six years" argument is tired and misinformed.

Comments? Rebuttals? Please add.

The racing is brilliant and the feel of the gameplay is so far above anything out there that I can't describe how much I love it.

That said, when has grinding been part of Gran Turismo? When have terrible menu systems been part of Gran Turismo?

This game is fantastic, the only things that bring it down have nothing to do with the game and should have been streamlined and worked out. I've probably spent at least 15% of my time playing this game in menu navigation. That is shameful.

The "hype" you speak of is derived from 3 years of delays and the expectations that have arisen from that. The "hype" comes from Kaz telling everyone that he wants everything to be perfect. The "hype" comes from all those defending the delays by saying "it will be worth it."
Just a tip. Fanboy is not a word that is really allowed round here. Discuss all you want but leave out the name calling ;)
I love Gran turismo, i have all of them from 1-5 with extras. iv played all of them. i have played all the other driving simulators and i still think gran turismo 5 is the best game out there. these people who moan about glitches, graphics, and missing features dont know what gran turismo is all about. it is about the experience you get from playing it, not how good the graphics look.

I myself am involved in the IT business and have done some game-programming, and i tell u this now even the basics are't easy to program never mind the details of the graphics and movement of the cars.

As we all know PD isn't a hyper-company that create high graphical games like EA, EA's lates game: Call of duty black ops, this game had the best graphics of the year but, people where completing the game in 1-2 days. no1 has completed GT5 yet, because PD focused on the length of the game, which i prefer. Even Codemaster with F1 2010, they are a hyper-company, creating many games a year created F! 2010: this has ok graphics, but not perfect, but thousands of people bought it and played it non-the-less.

Welldone PD, GREAT GAME :)
The "hype" you speak of is derived from 3 years of delays and the expectations that have arisen from that. The "hype" comes from Kaz telling everyone that he wants everything to be perfect. The "hype" comes from all those defending the delays by saying "it will be worth it."

This. The word perfect has been used a number of times by those responsible for it.
I love Gran turismo, i have all of them from 1-5 with extras. iv played all of them. i have played all the other driving simulators and i still think gran turismo 5 is the best game out there. these people who moan about glitches, graphics, and missing features dont know what gran turismo is all about. it is about the experience you get from playing it, not how good the graphics look.

I myself am involved in the IT business and have done some game-programming, and i tell u this now even the basics are't easy to program never mind the details of the graphics and movement of the cars.

As we all know PD isn't a hyper-company that create high graphical games like EA, EA's lates game: Call of duty black ops, this game had the best graphics of the year but, people where completing the game in 1-2 days. no1 has completed GT5 yet, because PD focused on the length of the game, which i prefer. Even Codemaster with F1 2010, they are a hyper-company, creating many games a year created F! 2010: this has ok graphics, but not perfect, but thousands of people bought it and played it non-the-less.

Welldone PD, GREAT GAME :)

Requiring players to grind is not adding content to a game, it is substituting length for actual developed content. When has grinding been a GT Series feature?
My main point is that if this game had come out 2-3 years ago I would have been fine with it. But with a six year development cycle and to have a leveling system that looks like it was done at the last minute, horrible online functionality, same bad AI from prev GT games, serious lack of events compared to other GT games..... etc etc

If this was any other game that I didn't wait six years for I would have turned it off a week ago.

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