There are far more than 2 types... I am the type who has played most of the previous GT games and thoroughly enjoyed them but also have been growingly unhappy with areas in which GT is clearly stagnating. I am a racing fan in general and love everything from shmashemup burnout style games to rallisport to LFS.
I compare them all and am not at all afraid to call it like it is whether than means being brutally honest about falts or praising features.
I am a fan of progress, not a fan of a franchise and that seperates me from a lot of what you see around here.
Now as for the types of people, I see multipel types, but the type I see the most prominently is the type who mistakes a reasonable theory for proof of fact.
What you are doing is just that. You have examined the surface of the issue, built a theory around it and decided that since it's reasonable, it is true.
The problem is there are many reasonable and conflicting theories so obviously that test is not enough to determine if something is true or right.
Now as for your post:
There are people who played previous GTs, loved them and are excited to play the newest game in the series. This groups know exactly what to expect from a GT game and it seems they can all agree that GT5 was a success.
Already incorrect. Plenty of people played the previous GT games and are shocked at the shortcommings of GT5. I will remind you that most of the "hype" which we are supposed to not have believed was actually created out of the beliefs and expectations of many long term GT fans.
It could've been better, but it accomplished what it set out to do(for the most part).
One would have to know what it set out to do to make that claim. No one but Kaz really does and the fact that many groups exist touting simultaneously how GT5 has met it's goals and visions and also that it has fallen far short shows hw flawed this assumption is.
Then, there are the people who purchased GT5 because they heard it was supposed to be a bad ass game. They thought they were going to get this uber awesome game, when all the got was a new Gran Turismo.
There are definitely people who came in uneducated on the subject. Many of whom were mislead eithe by published incorrect facts, bullshots, missleading press conference statements, wish wash ansers from Kaz, gaming convention presesntations and project plans... the list goes on.
These are the people that moan, complain, and nit pick about graphics, grinding and minor details and claim to be disappointed as GT "didn't live up to the hype".
This is the biggest flaw... they are not at all the only ones... I will mention here something that everyone needs to remember:
Often the most dedicated fans are the strongest critics.
This is true in many realms and video games is certainly no exception... just go ask Sonic Team.
The "hype" is the problem. "Hype" is purely subjective, no one can put hype into your mind(without hypnosis), you accept the hype and buy into it.
The hype is a large part of the problem for sure as it always is. But one must pay attention to where that hype comes from if you want to start assesing blame.
I've been following GT5 for sometime, and I don't remember anybody on Sony or PD claimed GT5 will "the best simulator ever".
Multiple press releases include statements like "we are constantly working to ensure the best experience and product for our fans".
Then there are lies of omission... it's one thing to not outright say it blunty, but when your words and images paint a picture you are careful to portray it's a kind of lying and it certainly makes you responsible for building the expectation. I point you to all the premium material we have seen and the very little standard up until launch. I also remind you we are indeed missing many features entirely that were talked about like youtube upload and 18MP photo mode.
As important as what they DID say is what they didn't clarify. Obviusly you don't have to list every negative thing about your product, but when there is a clear and reasonable expectatin that things will be a certain way (and you can't tell me that PD didn't know what we were all getting excited about this whole time) and you carefully skirt and ignore that subject, you are as guilty as anyone for the hype.
I use quotation because those words were not used. They may have said that GT5 will be another addition to the best simulation series, but that doesn't mean GT5 will be the best.
See above.
For all the people saying that this game is a disappointment because it didn't live up to the hype, you deserve your disappointment.
That's not true because much of the hype started with PD and wasn't stopped by them. It was directly contributed to and not in any way quashed when it was obvious that it was out there. Before you try to say it's not their responsibility to do so, it absolutely is. They are the only real source of info, if they don't disseminated it reasonably, that's on them as much as anyone.
I don't want to come off as belittling peoples opinion but, no one told you to believe this was going to be the best thing to happen to cars and videogames since someone decided to put a Playstation into a Suburban.
You just got here. I wouldn't speak with such certaintly. This forum (as well as the GT commmunity in general) for the last few years has been basically that: 80% or so people telling you GT5 will be the best thing since sliced bread. I would know, I have been here wading knee deep in it for years.
Besides the premium/standard car deal, this one doesn't stray too far off the path of the last 4 and a half titles.
Massively lower events, massive disparities across the board be it cars, tracks what have you, no where near solid 60fps, graphical anomalies and issues left and right (see shadows/particle effects), massive number of poor decisions in terms of game play and menu/GUI layout, signifincatly limited tuning options, many tuning, settings and description errors. The list goes on... it absolutely does not continue the trend of the past titles, in fact it's the only one that is noteably dissapointing on many fronts, look at the bug/glitch thread, look at how poor online is... this is the first GT to not at least stand strong against let alone blow away the competition on all fronts.
This is all dismissing that the "premium/standard" deal is quite deep and broad... it's far more than how a car looks... it affects how you can drive it (cockpit view) whether it can benefit from visual feedback like rain on the windshield, what and how you can tune it, what and how you can change and paint it... it affects the vast majority of the experience on multiple fronts.
Also, Its no secret that they were 4 other games made in those six years, the "its been in development for six years" argument is tired and misinformed.
And it's no secret that like windows, GT builds on it's predicessors shoulders. While the game code was done from scratch, 80% of the cars and many tracks are simply imports from previous GT games and even a lot of GTPSP assets were used (as is apparent in car description errors). To say other products came out in the meantime is like saying that Windows Vista was a different product than Windows 7 when we all know it was just basically an earlier version of 7.
You can't dismimss the 6 years if much of the "other" work done during those 6 years got used in GT5 in some way.
Comments? Rebuttals? Please add.
You aren't the first and you won't be the last to try and simplify it this way, but a word of advice, don't put forth a thery and then use that theory to tell people how they are wrong and why they should/shouldn't feel bad. You have a theory, not a fact and when you use your theory as fact, it makes you look bad.
See my sig.