I have a theory. There are two types of people that purchased GT5.

As someone who isnt a fanboy and can see what gt5 really is...its a base package with DLC being the options list, you dont have to purchase all of it, its your choice extra tracks, extra cars, new features, there are all places for these

Btw the reason i say im not a fanboy, i own both a 360 and a ps3 with both forza 3 and gt5 both have pros and cons but are still enjoyable

I see where you are going but the problem is that we don't know what the DLC will be or how much it will cost or if it will even be so it's like a base package that MIGHT get options and you have no idea how much those options will cost.

Then we have the fact that it wasn't advertised as a base package that needs addon options... it was advertised as the whole package and the best to boot!

people that hurt the product the most is the ones that pick everything out that is rong all at the same time and say it was a disappointment, insead of saying, it is good, but could do with some minor or major updates, patched, structure. if you say it in a nice way the developers will lisern and make things right, instead of abandoning the game

Because multimillion dollar companies are like little kids and when you hurt their feelings the pack up and hide in the bathroom... yeah that's how it works.

We're not dealing with magical faieries here, we are dealing with an industry that creates a product and who's products are regularly critiqued. The good businesses learn from this critiquing and make a better product the next time.

As if PD was just going to say "well after 13 years in the business, millions invested and all this work under our sleeves, Joey was mean to me and I am not talking to him anymore until he apolgiezes! I'm going home!"
This is my first GT game, I love it.
Saying there are only 2 types of people who bought this game is just flat out ignorant and stupid.
I love the game, even though I don't think everything is refined enough.

The graphics aren't the best. Trees are simple 3D, mostly 2D, some standard cars looks rubbish, some people miss Porsche, some want more tracks, some want more cars, the AI sucks... But! Who cares when you're doing 300km/h in a Zonda R, just using all your brain on focusing on next corner and where the Le Mans prototypes you're racing against are?

Am I right if I say the screen on Shift is getting more blurry the faster you're going? How unrealistic isn't that? In GT5 it shakes like a real car. Go play with the suspension setting and check out how it works in high speeds. = )

GT5 is... unfortunately far from perfect, but it's still the best when it comes to pure passion for driving. =P ^^
Am I right if I say the screen on Shift is getting more blurry the faster you're going? How unrealistic isn't that? In GT5 it shakes like a real car. Go play with the suspension setting and check out how it works in high speeds. = )

Shift's blurriness is an attempt to recreate tunnel vision. When going really fast you actually do get a somewhat similar effect in which you are only able to focus on a small area directly in front of you.

It's kind of ironic that you mention the shake, a lot of people were unhappy with it and mentioned that your eyes have natural shock absorbers and in such a situation, while you would probalby be violently shaking, your eyes and brain would compensate and you would'nt see it like you do in the game.
I got hooked the first time I laid eyes on the f1 after the 100 lap race in GT3. Of course I won the c5r corvette. But I raced that again and again till that f1 was mine.
Man there are a lot of things I want to get at but I don't really have the time to get at every singe comment so I'm going to try and cover it in one post.

Pass or Fail? Only chose one.

So do you non fanboy fans feel as if GT5 was a total failure? It sucked, should not even be considered part of the series, throw it under the bus, its done, lets wait for GT6(If you haven't jumped ship). No?

"Well Kaz said..."

If someone walked up to you, right now, and asked you to head a development team for a game on a next generation console, would you think it was going to be the ****? Can't blame the man for being overzealous about his own creation. Your momma told you you were handsome, right?

I think a lot of you guys had Kaz on a pedestal and are upset because he's not the developing god you started to believe he was.

Expect perfection.

This man ain't Jesus. You're a fool for believing that! Whatever game you could come up with as "The Greatest Game Ever" had flaws. Yet everyone else is the fanboy.

Boy, I tellya, "Ye who cast the first stone..."

GRinnnDING! lol "Its never apart of GT!"

You're trying to tell me in previous GTs you got every car you wanted, tuned the way you wanted by running each race one time?

Actually, now that I think about it, in past GTs I had all that I wanted at like 60%....but I never finished the game after that.

Hypothetical, If you made movies, music or write books, wouldn't you want people to see the entire movie, listen to the whole song, read the whole book? I don't know anybody over the age of 12 that likes spoiled brats.

Also, I assume assume you golded every event and race prior to where your at now, no?

Pass or Fail? Only chose one.

So do you non fanboy fans feel as if GT5 was a total failure? It sucked, should not even be considered part of the series, throw it under the bus, its done, lets wait for GT6(If you haven't jumped ship). No?

False dichotomy. It's not like there is no middle ground.

I see it kind of like Windows Millenium. It should have been so much more but is obviously and unfinished half way there job released to have a release.

"Well Kaz said..."

If someone walked up to you, right now, and asked you to head a development team for a game on a next generation console, would you think it was going to be the ****? Can't blame the man for being overzealous about his own creation. Your momma told you you were handsome, right?

I think a lot of you guys had Kaz on a pedestal and are upset because he's not the developing god you started to believe he was.

Hey you're the one who kept saying "no one said that". Don't get all snippy because your core argument was destroyed that easily.

This man ain't Jesus. You're a fool for believing that! Whatever game you could come up with as "The Greatest Game Ever" had flaws. Yet everyone else is the fanboy.

Again, you keep saying no one said it. It literally came from the horses mouth. Care to make more flawed arguments? Posters like you are a dime a dozen, you pop in from nowhere, think because you have read the forums for a few months you are some kind of tomb of knowledge and know better than everyone else, proceed to tell them how it is and what they are as if they are some kind of ignorant peon, getting it fundamentally wrong the whole way and then get all angry and insulting and dodge when you are picked apart.

So much hyperbole, irrationality, flawed logic and emotional viciousness... it's obvious what you really feel and are saying and your attempt to cover it up in some kind of educated examination of the way things are is pretty poor.

GRinnnDING! lol "Its never apart of GT!"

You're trying to tell me in previous GTs you got every car you wanted, tuned the way you wanted by running each race one time?

No one is saying grinding has never been a part of GT. But massive grinding for the obvious and pure reason of extending an experience that is short of content hasn't been. If you are going to insult people pay attention so you can at least do it on a valid point.

Hypothetical, If you made movies, music or write books, wouldn't you want people to see the entire movie, listen to the whole song, read the whole book? I don't know anybody over the age of 12 that likes spoiled brats.

Would you release a 3 hour movie but it was really 1 hour of film with 2 hours of constant intermissions that just showed the scene you just saw again just so you could say it was a 3 hour film? I would be pissed at being expected to pay to sit through that.

Also, I assume assume you golded every event and race prior to where your at now, no?

Many have golded the entire GT4 and I have golded pretty much every event I have done.

You are obviously trying to wrap up your offended position and opinion as some kind of unbiased editorial and it's totally transparent and not helped by the fact that your massive holes in argument and logic are glaring.

You obviusly came here to say "if you don't like GT you are a whiney 🤬 who is just unhappy because of your own ignorance so shove it" and were hoping for a bunch of support and backing.

Sucks that it worked out pretty much the exact opposite doesn't it?
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Amazing that we're to blame for believing what the developer of the game told us. Amazing. So let me get this straight. Don't believe the devs go to the forum to get your info. Ok let's go to gtplanet and see what they say. "HYPE FOR SALE, HYPE FOR SALE, GET YOUR RED HOT HYPE FOR SALE." Ok so we know we're not going to get the real deal from the forums, after all read the threads now "GT5 is THE BEST RACING GAME EVER" That's what people here are saying over and over and over again when we ALL know the A.I. is flawed, and not only flawed, but now after the fact come to find out it's a GT staple!

Ok let's get the game for ourselves before it comes out? How do you do that years in advance? Simple let's buy the old GT games and play those. Sure that's what I'll do I'll... wait a minute. I can't play the old PS2 games on my PS3, they took out the compatibility. Only some true extreme Sony loyalist would be the first few to buy the PS3's with the backwards compatibility.

Ok well let's just get a used system and used game and play that. So basically I'll pay more trying to find out IF I'll like an upcoming game than the upcoming game is worth. Not making sense. Kinda see where this is going?

Now , here's the crazy part. Even if you decided to wait first reviews , I mean the VERY first reviews had the game able to cure leprosy with a touch and making blind men see. And not until WELL after the game is out we're finding out that no we're not stupid and can't find certain features, they're just not there to begin with. They got us running around trying to figure out how to upload and edit our replays like crackheads only to find out it can't be done without barely a peep from them.

But yeah, it's the people's fault.
I'm a dime a dozen and you're the three for five. Another person who runs out of points on topic so you start attacking the poster.

You're right, I said he didn't say it, you showed me he did and I gave my thoughts and your only reply is to tell me again he didn't say that. Come on bro. And whos taking about GT4?

It feels like I'm wrapping it up because you have nothing else to add regarding the subject. PRETTY MUCH.

Amazing that we're to blame for believing what the developer of the game told us. Amazing. So let me get this straight. Don't believe the devs go to the forum to get your info. Ok let's go to gtplanet and see what they say. "HYPE FOR SALE, HYPE FOR SALE, GET YOUR RED HOT HYPE FOR SALE." Ok so we know we're not going to get the real deal from the forums, after all read the threads now "GT5 is THE BEST RACING GAME EVER" That's what people here are saying over and over and over again when we ALL know the A.I. is flawed, and not only flawed, but now after the fact come to find out it's a GT staple!

Ok let's get the game for ourselves before it comes out? How do you do that years in advance? Simple let's buy the old GT games and play those. Sure that's what I'll do I'll... wait a minute. I can't play the old PS2 games on my PS3, they took out the compatibility. Only some true extreme Sony loyalist would be the first few to buy the PS3's with the backwards compatibility.

Ok well let's just get a used system and used game and play that. So basically I'll pay more trying to find out IF I'll like an upcoming game than the upcoming game is worth. Not making sense. Kinda see where this is going?

Now , here's the crazy part. Even if you decided to wait first reviews , I mean the VERY first reviews had the game able to cure leprosy with a touch and making blind men see. And not until WELL after the game is out we're finding out that no we're not stupid and can't find certain features, they're just not there to begin with. They got us running around trying to figure out how to upload and edit our replays like crackheads only to find out it can't be done without barely a peep from them.

But yeah, it's the people's fault.

I cant even trust what is written on the back of case it was sold in.

It says online has matchmaking and online leader boards right on the back of the case....... not even true lmao.
I'm a dime a dozen and you're the three for five. Another person who runs out of points on topic so you start attacking the poster.

You're right, I said he didn't say it, you showed me he did and I gave my thoughts and your only reply is to tell me again he didn't say that. Come on bro. And whos taking about GT4?

It feels like I'm wrapping it up because you have nothing else to add regarding the subject. PRETTY MUCH.


Isn't 3 for 5 worth more than a dime a dozen? You didn't even get your insult right.

BTW your entire first post was an insult and I picked it apart because it wasn't even a good one, unless you have ANOTHER theory that's not based on a flawed assumption there was nothing for me to do but explain to you how I picked your argument apart.

What, has your argument now gone from "It's your fault becuase no one told you" to "it's your fault because you believed the only one person who can knowledgeably speak on the subject, the owner and head of the team making the game"?

Yeah that's a good argument...

So basically your "theory" has nothing to it and got picked apart, then you got all offensive and tried again and now you just have no where to go so you are going to try and put it on ME that all I did was tell you how I picked apart your argument?

You gave your thoughts by telling people they were stupid and it was their fault they were dissapointed... turns out your thoughts were based on ignorance and now after being all rude and condescending you have nothing to do but tuck your tail and try to act proud. You came in all ready to insult people, well take it like you dish it out.

Nice try. Like I said, dime a dozen, been through plenty of these pretty much exact situations here.

Like I said, see my sig.
You're missing at least once category, because neither describes me.

Your post basically says:

If player has played past GT games, GT5 is good

If player has not played past GT games, GT5 is bad.

I've played them all. I wouldn't say GT5 is bad, but there a lot of things that make you wonder what exactly was PD doing all this time.

+1 Up:sly:
I cant even trust what is written on the back of case it was sold in.

It says online has matchmaking and online leader boards right on the back of the case....... not even true lmao.

That's actually the PSN description you were reading, not the game's.
I bought my first ever playstation for GT1 and so on... so I think i'm in the first group but other than the driving physics and a few other small details I honestly believe this is a step backwards. Luckily for me the physics are what count so i'll continue to play it but I can't help being a little surprised at how retarded most of everything else is given the amount of time we waited.

As for the menus, someone should tell polyphony that playstation's don't come with a mouse, ****ing asshats.
I'm a dime a dozen and you're the three for five.

Isn't 3 for 5 worth more than a dime a dozen? You didn't even get your insult right.

Funniest thread I've seen in a while. Thanks for the laugh.

I have and played GT 1-4 very throughly and loved them, and I never experienced the problems we have in GT5 in those games, such as the long grinding, the huge lack of events, the broken XP system and whatnot. I can go on. I love GT5 as well but the glaring problems with this game were not seen in previous GTs. So it looks like I don't fall into either category.
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I think there's also a line drawn between people who love gaming and those who simply love cars and motoring. If you go into the game with a gamers expectations, there's a lot missing that has been included/done better in other games. Go into it with a car lovers expectations and you're pretty much handed the world on a dish.

I love cars. I do not, however, fell that I've been handed the world on a dish.
There's another divide, people who bought GT5 just for NASCAR. But I doubt there are many people who got it for that
"Wall of text" that makes sense. Let's rock.

The former describes me from this thread's introduction. As a veteran of the Gran Turismo series, adding this one to my lineup was a must because I've waited so long to get my PS3 and my copy of GT5. Even with my doubts at the time about GT5, I still bought it out of love and out of wanting to play a game I've longed discussed online and wanted to play. I have even delayed certain topics and opinions until I actually bought and played the game. That includes blog posts, videos, thoughts here on GTPlanet, and more.

I have to be convinced to get a game. So if I have never played a GT game until GT5, I would have no idea what to think about the Gran Turismo series. How could you convince me to play GT5 if I had no idea of what to expect or envision for GT5? And if I did get GT5 because "it was bad ass," how can I be assured that nobody was lying through their fingers or their teeth on GT5? I didn't get GT5 because it's popular; I bought GT5 because (1) I'm a fan of the series, (2) I've wanted to play it for the longest, (3) I want to enjoy this GT, and (4) I want to be assured of my hopes and preoccupations of GT5. I couldn't give a damn about GT5 just in being "bad ass." I care too much about GT to only get a GT just because of its popularity.

Now sure... I have had my loves and dislikes on GT5. However, I let the game tell me what it's all about and let the game make me decide if it is any good or not. I don't believe in expectations. My only expectation for anything is that I hope to be living and in good functionality to play a game. That's it. Someone who gets disappointed over GT5 would probably question things like the Standard cars and how they are treated. Some people are easily disappointed and easily annoyed on even the littlest things. If you feel easily annoyed even the slightest of details, and you were hoping so much; then you deserve to be disappointed. It wasn't Polyphony Digital's fault that they made a game much different from what you were expecting or have no real idea about. Your own expectations were higher than what the game actually is, and you feel like crap because of lofty expectations. You feel like you wasted your money because of this.

All I am saying is that I am a true fan of the series. As a fan and as someone who wanted to get this game for the longest, even with my own list of disappointments for GT5, I still enjoyed this game as well as still enjoying this game in the present. I got myself into wanting this game. I became sort of bored not having GT5 and a PS3. I became sad even continually saying in videos and blog posts that I will render my decisions on GT5 when I finally. I felt like I have been wasting what little youth I have left just wanting to play and own GT5 (as well as getting my PS3). You see, people- that's heart. That's love of the series. I have been under no peer pressure or anything to get and enjoy GT5. My dedication to play and own GT5 is 100+ percent real. Maybe my dedication isn't the same as others, but I have yet to have any sort of regret of playing GT5 since getting it back in June 2011. And I still don't regret or second-guess GT5 to this day.
I cant even trust what is written on the back of case it was sold in.

It says online has matchmaking and online leader boards right on the back of the case....... not even true lmao.

That's actually the PSN description you were reading, not the game's.

Page 12 of the game manual:

For a quick race and exciting competition, select one of the available online race events and get matched up against other players for heated races. [...] Matchmaking features a variety of race events and pits players together randomly for heated races.

GT5 Prologue, you know, the demo version of Gt5 had this feature.. Damn I'm such a fool for failing to see through all this "hype"... Hey maybe they'll charge us $3.99 down the road for this mode just like it's now gonna cost me $3.99 to test my car's 1/4 mile time.

Oh right, who am I to complain, just like who were we to complain about the inexplicable lack of a save function in endurance races, not being able to change wheels on standards, lack of custom gear ratios, lack of multiple car settings sheets, lack of replay FF/RW, inadequate lobby restrictions, etc.
if it's such a "bad incomplete, dissapointing game" then why are people still playing

/ end thread :)
I can't help but find it funny that a thread created when the game was only 10 days old and that has pretty much run it's course was bumped. lol
As soon as I read the title, I laughed because of disbelief. Everybody has an opinion and simply puts it on the internet as if they discovered something new or to be true at all.

The are two types of people? Any idea how wrong it is to state that? By the way, you are right..... There are men and there are women. End of discussion end of thread.

Hahahahaha internet, what a joke, hahahahahahah