I have no sound after installing update 1.12

  • Thread starter D1gitaL
Many of my friends have had this happen. Very many. Too many.

They say the way to fix it is to leave the room and rejoin, but I host.

God, I hope it never happens to me!

It hasn't worked to fix by simply leaving. I tried 6 times one night. Went from not hearing the engine or tires, to hearing just the engine, then to nothing again. Its an odd experience driving around hearing everyone else's car but your own. Very irritating. Hopefully PD has a hotfix for this soon.
When I had this (it was on Sierra) I turned up my volume very loud and could basically hear very faint/distant cars racing then slowing down etc... so I could be wrong but to me it sounded a lot like what you hear in the lobby before you select "Go to Track".
I'm getting no sound as well and ruined my races because its a distraction looking at the rpms to see where to shift.
I posted this in another thread, it's what I think the sound issue *might* be:

When I had this (it was on Sierra) I turned up my volume very loud and could basically hear very faint/distant cars racing then slowing down etc... so I could be wrong but to me it sounded a lot like what you hear in the lobby before you select "Go to Track".
And I noticed before when the sound goes out, the engine of the car has a deep improved sound I must say. Maybe its a sneek peak of what the sound patch may be on the next update.
We've had this happen in our league practice rooms as well. Two separate nights, two different drivers. Only solution was to rebuild the room. With a league event scheduled for tomorrow night, this is going to cause havoc for us.

i have had this problem and went to tuning, changed exhaust saved then went back in changed back to original then went to track and sound was back. i did this maybe 4 times and it worked each time so maybe this is some help. i know its not a fix hope its fixed soon very annoying!!!
All these issues make me wonder how much complicated is to develop on PS3 with its hardware and RAM limits... I suppose that is some sort of issue regarding poor PS3 capacity in general.
This just started happening to me today, keeps coming on and off, really annoying and now have to go back to automatic gear box. Really hope they sort this out sharpish.
Just had our regular Sunday championship race meeting and it was ruined by lack of sound and invisible cars - sadly meeting was a fiasco.

Come on PD - the bugs you introduced with update 1.12 need to be fixed!
Lost car sounds (engine and tires) after a second online race, but can hear the opponents' cars, music and bumps. First race is fine, offline is fine.
If you can just change the car and change it back, the sounds should be back as well.
But it might not last.
Come on PD get it fixed
I am getting very, very tired of every second lobby I am in having some sort of sound issue with at least some of the people in it. And it is usually me :-(

There is still no discernible pattern to when or why it happens. The only constant is that it only occurred after 1.12.

Surely with nearly everyone having observed this PD must actually be aware of it by now.

So why isn't the problem being promptly addressed then?
I am having the sound issue where i can't hear the tire sound, just the engine and bleep sound after each lap, can hear the menu sounds. It's like the newest update just screwed up or disabled some of the sounds in the game. This started happening to me only after 1.12 was installed. Happens just when playing online.

I'm getting this as well. It's the weirdest thing not being able to hear the tyres squealing. I am spinning out a lot more not being able to really tell where the limits are. It's usually gone when you rejoin a track or sometimes after a while in the lobby.
i get the no sound glitch to. the game sounds work but the car sounds and the circuit noise dont. i can hear everyone elses cars but nothing from mine
I have had no personal sound issues. But I've been in a few lobbies where a drivers car(not mine) had no sound.
Very odd Drag Racing a silent car.
There doesn't appear to be many with this issue. What does everyone think may be contributing to the sound issue? Has anyone had this issue and solved it?
Here is what i have tried so far:
-Cleared cache
-Restarted game
-Restarted PS3
-Changed cars
-Changes tire
I am considering reloading all of the updates....
There doesn't appear to be many with this issue. What does everyone think may be contributing to the sound issue? Has anyone had this issue and solved it?
Here is what i have tried so far:
-Cleared cache
-Restarted game
-Restarted PS3
-Changed cars
-Changes tire
I am considering reloading all of the updates....

Every room I've been in since the update has had someone encounter this problem (no sound). Leaving/rejoining doesn't seem to fix it, clearing cache sometimes fixes it, switching cars sometimes fixes it, restarting everything sometimes fixes it, but I haven't seen any reliable workaround yet that fixes it every time. I've had it happen to me, but only when I'm in someone else's room and never when I'm hosting the room. This is a very frustrating bug that's having a rather large negative impact to online racing.
I had this problem online last night in every room I entered no matter how many times I restarted the system, or the game, or cleared the cache, or whatever.

It has to be a server side issue since it only happens online and any action on the client is irrelevant to the clearing up the problem.

I did have it come and go when people entered and exited the room, but it never stayed on. One thing I did notice though was that I would a static "click" on downshifts, so the sound is there but not being properly played.

I hope this gets fixed soon because it makes online nearly unplayable for those who get screwed by it.
@BrandonW77 :It is frustrating and odd that the sound issue only affects some. I haven't had a complete race since the hotfix, which is about when I experienced the issue for the first time. I have heard from others that they have no sound issues when they are hosting and I will may that tonight with my regular group if reloading the updates doesn't work.:gtpflag:
Never had this issue, but I did do a fresh install just after 1.11 dropped. None of my friends have done this, and they are constantly having this issue,,, coincidence? Hmmm
@Voodoovaj :Unplayable is accurate and unfortunate.
@Smuttysy : That sounds like a coincidence worth investigating. When you say "fresh install" do you mean re install the game itself? How did you save your game information?
@Voodoovaj :Unplayable is accurate and unfortunate.
@Smuttysy : That sounds like a coincidence worth investigating. When you say "fresh install" do you mean re install the game itself? How did you save your game information?
Deleted the game data file, not the saves, then left it installing and updating overnight. Any replays I wanted to keep were exported before deletion too.
There doesn't appear to be many with this issue. What does everyone think may be contributing to the sound issue? Has anyone had this issue and solved it?
Here is what i have tried so far:
-Cleared cache
-Restarted game
-Restarted PS3
-Changed cars
-Changes tire
I am considering reloading all of the updates....

I have done all of that and it still comes and goes