PD are aware of the issue, and believe it to be related to the introduction of additional gauges.
A fix is expected but in the mean time please disable your additional gauges.
I think that you've been fed some incorrect info.
Unless the Gran Turismo website mentions anything regarding the sound issues (I haven't checked), there has been no official acknowledgment from PD of a sound issue.
PD are aware of the issue, and believe it to be related to the introduction of additional gauges.
A fix is expected but in the mean time please disable your additional gauges.
Like I said I put what I was told. If it doesn't work, I am sorry. I was only trying to help.
This has to be one the most ridiculous things I have ever heard.
This has to be one the most ridiculous things I have ever heard.
I have *NO* additional gauges on any car so how does it affect my sound drop outs?. Also I consider adding gauges to be the #2 most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!
Nah, I think someone has been into the red cordial again ;-)
A truly insightful and helpful post. It's nice to know that there are people in the World, like you, that even though they have severe mental retardation issues they still try and contribute something useful, even though, it is well beyond their meagre capacity.
I am not in the mood for this crap. I guess the fact I tried to help means you can insult my intelligence. I think I am done with this thread.
Fallen I am not, in any way, casting any criticism on you at all. I know you are only reporting what PD has said publically.
I am sorry, and do sincerely apologise, if you have taken my comments personally. In no way did I intend that.
And what makes you think this was insightful and/or helpful? Drop the insults, if you can't respond to someone without them then don't respond at all.
"Gran TurismoShock horror it's actually been acknowledged on the Facebook GT page. I need a sit down (just search Gran Turismo on Facebook if the link doesn't work)
I accept your apology. I am sorry I burst out like that. I had a rough day in the SNAIL thread and was not really ready for anymore.
Thanks for letting us know what you've tried so far. 👍 To add to the "not a viable workaround" list, we always run with Standard race quality, the thought being even though it can make those with slower internet a laggy hazard in the race, at least they will be prevented from DC'ing. That's the thought, anyway, no idea if that's how it works in practice.I haven't found anything that makes a profound improvement yet. Just like you, I've tried mics on and off. Tried the race quality setting on high and very high, haven't tried anything lower than that though.
Might be a slight improvement if the host of the room isn't actually on the track at all. But it may have been a coincidence, we only had a chance to try this once.
As far as I can tell, the host is never affected by the bug. So go online by all means.Thanks for the heads up. I'll be steering clear of online until this bug is squashed!
This will work very well, because the host does not encounter the bug.. apart from seeing other player's cars without hearing them, perhaps.i open a lobby to test the sound and the sound return.