I need to kill a debate

  • Thread starter Joey D
Breifly, The Trans Am is the high-end version of the Firebird. Begun in 1969 it is to date the longest running car from the muscle car era (I think) until it retires this year due to various problems. It was known for having styling reminiscent of Maseratis and in some years out paced the Corvette. Important models were the 1973 SD-455, 1989 Indy Pace car and the models used in the first 2 smokey and the bandit movies. To britains i doubt it will go over well because superb handling was never the biggest thing about the car. it is all about machismo. i know it's short comings, but it is my favorite car. guess i'm loyal.
I don't think Trans Ams were exported to the UK. I think Camaros may have been, and they are nearly the same.
According to most Automotive magazines the GM F-body is marginally quicker in the 1/4 mile and lapping certain race tracks than the Mustang. I personally think the 'Stang is better looking.
However, the differences are so close that winning or losing could concievably come down to driver skill.
I have been a "Ford guy" my whole life but IF I was in a Mustang and A Camaro SS or T/A pulled up and revved on me I would probably let him go.
I have blown the doors off both Camaro and T/A with a Country Squire Wagon and a Vintage T-bird. (in a Straight line)
(of course the wagon was running a 429 SCJ.)
I believe that both standard blocks are equally easy to work on, except for setting the timing.
It takes two people to set the timing on a Chevy, cause the distributor and harmonic balancer are on opposite ends of the engine block. Fords have both on the front of the block.
As far as Chevy parts being cheaper, that is true. But most of the Fords I have owned have not broken often or have been really hard to break.
I suppose parts would be more expensive if you don't have to sell many.:D
Or if it is because of demand due to more wanting to have GM engines in their project vehicles.
Um, the F-bodys and the Fairmont platforms are what really need to be killed.

I'm neither Detroit-Lover nor Obsessive Import Fan, but these 20-year-old bodies with live rear axles are about as prehistoric as it gets.

Besides, who cares...if you like Fords, you're naturally going to side with the Mustang, and if you're a GM fan, you like the Camaro/Trans Am. Oooh, I'm faster than you by 0.5sec in the 1/4 mile, Thus I'm a better car?!?! My over-powered farm tractor is better than yours...basically the point of this thread.
Uh, and as an aside, in my 10 days in Spain in 1998, I saw 3 different Firebirds, and no Mustangs. So the Firebird somehow is a somewhat popular imported car in Europe.

Can anyone vouch for that?
Mustangs do not look better than Trans Am's in my opinion unless they are Roush's or Saleens, if you look at a Ram Air Trans Am you are looking at a beast of a car, nevermind the hp and other stuff. I say the only Mustang that ever looked better than the Trans Am's minus the Roushs and Saleens is the Mach 1 and the various Boss Mustangs. I do agree that Ford needs to get rid of the Mustang, I mean sure it sells a lot of cars but the car itself is crap. But personally I would love to get a 87 Mustang LX with the 5.0 V8 and whoop up on the Iroc Z28, which isnt all that hard anyway....


Originally posted by pupik
Uh, and as an aside, in my 10 days in Spain in 1998, I saw 3 different Firebirds, and no Mustangs. So the Firebird somehow is a somewhat popular imported car in Europe.

Can anyone vouch for that?

When I went to London in 1998, I saw zero Mustangs, zero Camaros, zero Firebirds, zero Blazers, zero Explorers, and zero Corvettes. The real highlight of the trip car-wise was the new Plymouth Voyager with Ontario plates and the BMW 5-series with New Yorks.
Street likes power in a car, because he seems to think he would like racing (did you hear he races? Think again. he's 15 years old, with no car, formerly owning a dodge neon before he could legally drive go figure), so he goes for a more powerful car, While I go with something that has a design that I like, yet still has a resonable amount of power

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Yes sadly I did have a Neon (no offense to neon_duke). I sold it though and made 900 bucks on it. This is what I do, I buy cars then sell the for a profit. Its good money.

No I don't race. I raced for like 3 months then realized that it was a stupid thing to be doing. Members here on GTP made me realize this.

And me 15? I wish I was still 15. No worries in the world. Ah I miss those days.

Who doesn't want power in a car? I mean come on the Enzo looks like **** but I'd buy it based on the 600hp and cause the great Schumacher helped design it.

And since my question was answered that the Trans Am is slightly better in the stats. Why don't we quit the arguements and have this thread closed. I should have thought about this before I posted it. That damn blue thing needs to be bigger :lol:
Oh ya when I was in Germany there were a few Trans Ams and Camaros. No mustangs though. Mostly over in European like there own cars, which I don't blame them. Europe probaly makes the best cars in the world.
The Cars

This is from supercars.net. I know they site isn't the best but I was looking for something there ane thought I should compare the cars. You'll see that they are close but the Trans Am and the Camaro has more torque and power then the Stang.
Originally posted by streetracer780
Who doesn't want power in a car? I mean come on the Enzo looks like **** but I'd buy it based on the 600hp and cause the great Schumacher helped design it.

Yes, people think it looks bad now, but people thought the F50 looked bad when it raised it's head too. If you look at the three cars side by side, they look strikingly the same. I think once the final version is out, people will start to like it just as much.

I have no complaints about the power :D
But when you say the Mustang is just better just because makes no sense.You have no proof that the mustang is a better car. That's like me saying a Civic is the best car ever, just because. ANd then you go off comparing two cars the aren't even alike. The Saleen to a Trans Am. They are two very different car. You can have your opinions even though they may be wrong.
you arent reading what SpammapS is writing. if you would read what he is writing, this thread wouldnt have gone over a page.

he is saying that the TA has more power than the mustang, but he likes the mustang better. there is more to like about a car than its engine.
Originally posted by streetracer780
But when you say the Mustang is just better just because makes no sense.You have no proof that the mustang is a better car.

he is not trying to prove that the mustang is a "better" car. he is just saying that he likes them better.
You haven't been in our little chats. Have keeps saying that a Mustang is a better car all the way around.

He told me that Trans Ams were only for Dirty Mexcians and weren't a real car guys car.

I know what spam is saying
I mean come on thats not only racist but untrue. Every one I've seen that drives a Trans Am is white.
o.k the trans am have more power but is more heavy.
the only 2 mustang faster tham camaro's and trans am are
boss 302 & shenlby gt 500.
remember ford are 5.00 ltr vs g.m 5.7 .
that mean more hp & torque =more power =speed.
and the trans am have one rare & hard to find car 6.6 ltr.
this look like bandit one.
wow a 6.6L ! thats nice. If I got a Trans Am I'd want one like from Smokey and the Bandit.