Dumbest trends ever:
1) Rap. Everyone seems to be blasting it out of their speakers, and it all sounds like crap.
2) The "N1ggah" style. Pants-falling-off-your-ass, t-shirt hanging down to your knees, chains and rings everywhere, etc. etc. It looks dumb, it's expensive, and you're not a rapper, you're a freaking teenager from the suburbs.
2b) "N1ggah", "dawg", "'Sup yo", and all these other wonderful additions to the English language. "N1ggah" is "Negro," aka the offensive word for someone who's black. WHY IS THIS COOL?
3) Anime. I'll probably be flamed to a crisp for this, but the anime shows that everyone is watching have just become a boring and retarded trend. Naruto, Pokemon, Digimon, DragonBallZ, and who knows how many others. They are not cool, and most of the people watching can't read Japanese. Get out of the trend already. If you want a good cartoon, go watch Looney Tunes.
4) Ricers. THE dumbest and most ghetto activity on the planet, ricing is a curse on the automotive world. There is no such thing as a Kia Rio Type-R, people. Stop buying stickers and save up for a real car.
I'll post more when I get back.
EDIT: Sorry for the 1337-ness, but the swear filter decided that word needed to be cut, so I had to change it slightly.