idiotic trends

  • Thread starter SS69
Well, it makes more sense than the trend two winters ago in which all the girls on the East Coast wore a denim microminiskirt (the non-hemmed kind, so they are all scraggly) and a pair of knee high fur boots that looked as if they came off of a now-dead Eskimo with frozen feet. News at 10 - if you actually covered up your legs during a snowy January you might not need the mukluks to avoid frostbite.

I still see that around here from time to time :yuck:.
Im very image conscious so I analyse all of my moves out in public. So when it comes to fashion if you have to go out of your way to wear something in a certain style its gay*. If it draws too much attention its gay*.

*No not homosexual gay but UK gay. As in stupid.

As for the rats tail that was in fashion in london a year ago but now its gone. Rats tail is a perfect example of a fresh head haircut.
Only the UK uses the word gay for stupid?

Most people will defend themselves by saying "I follow my own fashion", and even if they do (which they probably don't), they will just be grouped as a follower to some trend out there. Really, it's quite useless to defend yourself.
Hmmmm do I fall into any trends... erm... it really depends on how you decribe what a trend is and how far something goes before its considered a trend. I know I dress the same as some perople but whever its a trend or not im not too sure.

I hate the trend where Chavs think "chillin" on a BMX on the corner of a street is bad ass, now maybe this is a new version of being a jiggalo but they look really really bad.

Then again that is my opinion... Gotta rememebr that.

Oh and Sage, in the 2nd post of the thread you put spelled.

Its spelt mate.
"Spelt" is an hideous neologism. "Spelled" is correct. Well, BOTH are correct, but Sage's use of spelled is not incorrect.

Only the UK uses the word gay for stupid?

No - and neither does the UK. Young_Warrior and his acquaintances may, but I wish he'd stop blaming his sloppy use of language on "UK" language, because it isn't. It's "teen" language, at best.

"Gay" in the UK means "Happy". "Fag" means a cigarette. People who "Smoke 30 fags a day" are not notorious homosexual murderers.
"Spelt" is an hideous neologism. "Spelled" is correct. Well, BOTH are correct, but Sage's use of spelled is not incorrect.

Wooops sorry I stand corrected. No wonder I failed English Lit...

No - and neither does the UK. Young_Warrior and his acquaintances may, but I wish he'd stop blaming his sloppy use of language on "UK" language, because it isn't. It's "teen" language, at best.

Not all teens use that you know... I would call it "Chavish". :lol: Alot of people though, and including me, do use "my bad" whenever a mistake is commited. (I didn't just then so maybe im learning.)
Here in East London plenty of guys have their trousers REALLY low with their asses hanging out. Idiots.
Do they carry around a pipe-wrench as well?
Here in East London plenty of guys have their trousers REALLY low with their asses hanging out. Idiots.
Somehow, I've seen this "trend" hang around for many years. I recall seeing teenagers do it around 1991 or so. Sadly, it never really went away where I live.

If there every were a need for a humanitarian mission, it would be to drop belts from C-130 aircraft to those who have absurdly large and loose pants.
What year you in? Do you know where dizzee rascal or wiley lives?
No, I don't know where they live. But I know that Dizee Rascal went to a school not too far from mine.

Do they carry around a pipe-wrench as well?

No, they wear New Era caps (with the stickers and tags still on), mostly NBA teams but I've seen a few baseball ones (mostly New York Yankee ones) but the funny thing is that (most of them) don't know anything about the teams they're wearing. Also, they wear Akademiks tracksuits (which look pretty cool and unique, but then you realise about 10000 other people have exactly the same outfit) or some other brand that's 'in', Lot 29 comes to mind. I saw a guy that had a tracksuit on with the tags still on.
Well, it makes more sense than the trend two winters ago in which all the girls on the East Coast wore a denim microminiskirt (the non-hemmed kind, so they are all scraggly) and a pair of knee high fur boots that looked as if they came off of a now-dead Eskimo with frozen feet.
Girls here still do that, and quite often too. What’s really bad is when they do it here in the spring, when it’s 85 out (and they’re wearing spaghetti straps). Smart!
Girls here still do that, and quite often too. What’s really bad is when they do it here in the spring, when it’s 85 out (and they’re wearing spaghetti straps). Smart!
Yep, you see a lot of the trendy/stupid clothing here (Boston Univ) including that one, and the collar up thing, as well as berets and other such stuff. Also the "faded" pants that look like someone painted two stripes down them.

It's not attractive, but most of these things make me laugh more than anything else...

Not all teens use that you know... I would call it "Chavish". :lol: Alot of people though, and including me, do use "my bad" whenever a mistake is commited. (I didn't just then so maybe im learning.)

There's a girl in my karate club that's in Yr 9 and she says 'my bad' all the time. What's worse is the dodgy voice she puts on when she says it.
Here in East London plenty of guys have their trousers REALLY low with their asses hanging out. Idiots.

A good friend of mine does that, and he gets sarcasm thrown at him every time
I see him like that. So, constantly.

I don't know what trends are about - I'm not observent enough, plus I'm not bothered. No-one ever mentions it anyway.

Oh, Young_Warrior: the question you asked about Dizzy Rascal or whatever it was is exactly the sort of thing that should go in a PM. Hence Bee's post.
There's a girl in my karate club that's in Yr 9 and she says 'my bad' all the time. What's worse is the dodgy voice she puts on when she says it.

:lol: Right now its like an automatic response for me.
No, they wear New Era caps (with the stickers and tags still on), mostly NBA teams but I've seen a few baseball ones (mostly New York Yankee ones) but the funny thing is that (most of them) don't know anything about the teams they're wearing. Also, they wear Akademiks tracksuits (which look pretty cool and unique, but then you realise about 10000 other people have exactly the same outfit) or some other brand that's 'in', Lot 29 comes to mind. I saw a guy that had a tracksuit on with the tags still on.

Thats kinda the point. I mean they could wear football caps but the football logos are too messy as in they have too much detail. Not minimalistic enough.

Also know there are special Uk caps.

And people who say "my bad" thats very american.
Thats kinda the point. I mean they could wear football caps but the football logos are too messy as in they have too much detail. Not minimalistic enough.
It's not minimalistic if they have about 20 or so logos on there.
Explain this post please. It's not appropriate to write something of this nature without explanation, tongue-out-smiley or no.

There are some ridiculous trends out there, and always have been. Most people who follow fashions fail to observe the correct rules of clothes selection in order. These are:

1. Do not look like an idiot.
2. Wear fashionable clothes.

Don't over react Giles. It's a joke, I just like faded pants a little. That's all. Jeez. :indiff:

Everyone is stuck up nowadays. Answers why I don't visit here as often as I did 3 years ago.
And people who say "my bad" thats very american.

My bad,My bad,My bad,My bad,My bad,My bad,My bad,My bad,My bad,My bad,My bad,My bad,My bad,My bad,My bad,My bad,My bad,My bad,My bad,My bad,My bad.

There I guess im fully american now then. :)

How steiotypical of you Y_W.
I didnt mean it like that. I ment it as in it originated from america. The first time I heard someone use it was when I was a little boy watching some american pro weight lifters on a beach in jamaica compete and they said it everytime they messed something up.
Dumbest trends ever:

1) Rap. Everyone seems to be blasting it out of their speakers, and it all sounds like crap.

2) The "N1ggah" style. Pants-falling-off-your-ass, t-shirt hanging down to your knees, chains and rings everywhere, etc. etc. It looks dumb, it's expensive, and you're not a rapper, you're a freaking teenager from the suburbs.

2b) "N1ggah", "dawg", "'Sup yo", and all these other wonderful additions to the English language. "N1ggah" is "Negro," aka the offensive word for someone who's black. WHY IS THIS COOL?

3) Anime. I'll probably be flamed to a crisp for this, but the anime shows that everyone is watching have just become a boring and retarded trend. Naruto, Pokemon, Digimon, DragonBallZ, and who knows how many others. They are not cool, and most of the people watching can't read Japanese. Get out of the trend already. If you want a good cartoon, go watch Looney Tunes.

4) Ricers. THE dumbest and most ghetto activity on the planet, ricing is a curse on the automotive world. There is no such thing as a Kia Rio Type-R, people. Stop buying stickers and save up for a real car.

I'll post more when I get back.

EDIT: Sorry for the 1337-ness, but the swear filter decided that word needed to be cut, so I had to change it slightly. :irked:
Rap isn't a trend. Mainstream "popular" rappers are trendwhores taking advantage of rap, however.
Rap isn't a trend. Mainstream "popular" rappers are trendwhores taking advantage of rap, however.

Rap (b. 1979 - Sugarhill Gang) died a sudden death at the age of 13 in the year 1992, when Kris Kross tried to make us jump-jump. The sucessor was "Hip-Hop", and it's reign mostly hasn't been kind to our ears, nor performed any unique stunts or much of anything musically original since that time.

Certainly not a trend, unfortunately.
Oh god, that stupid flip up collar thing has caught up at my school too. I guess its because the uniform is a golf shirt, it looks rediculous...All the damn preppy kids are doing it..Also whats been p*ssing me off, is the really preppy kids growing mohawks and painting their nails black, that really gets on my nerves. I mean they're the preppy kids who want to look punk for the attention. Most of them don't even like rock nor punk, its really p*ssing me off...The same thing goes for chicks that are totally not punk nor gothic, who try to look like it while failing miserably. I saw this one chick wear a white t-shirt that read: "PUNK" on her chest....The word Poser would do her Justice...She also had black nail polish on. The next day I saw her and she was wearing bright colours and had pink nail polish on, clothes that look like they were bought from old navy...You people see what I'm getting at?
Rap (b. 1979 - Sugarhill Gang) died a sudden death at the age of 13 in the year 1992, when Kris Kross tried to make us jump-jump. The sucessor was "Hip-Hop", and it's reign mostly hasn't been kind to our ears, nor performed any unique stunts or much of anything musically original since that time.

Certainly not a trend, unfortunately.

Woah, wait a second. Hip Hop was first born around the late 80s, and has always been considered the anti-mainstream rap. It's not so much that they are "anti", it's just that they've always been a subculture to the mainstream since what most Hip Hop artist rhyme about differs from what sells. Hip-Hop has always been enforcing a positive message, wether it be to respect your parents, or just about having a good time with friends. Artist like A Tribe Called Quest and De La Soul are perfect represenations of Hip-Hop and what it's all about. Mainstream rap/Gangster rap is what you're thinking about. It's selling the Gangster image and what first appeared it's ugly head in the early 90's (Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, etc.).

After graduating high-school I thought alot of the trends I dealt with there would disappear, but they're still everywhere I look.
- Popped Collars
- People dishing out money to buy "faded" clothing
- The whole gangster image
- This new "Metrosexual" thing. Guys in tight old navy stripped shirts followed by tightly worn faded jeans.
- The image of the "Emo" culture
- Skateboarding has been a bit of an on again - off again trend
- Hats worn at some inane angle.
The list goes on...
I see a lot of hating/distaste about people's personal dress choices in this thread.

Have any of you considered that perhaps someone else thinks what you are wearing is trendy/hip? When you go into a store, we all are guilty of following the trends to some degree.

It's one thing to laugh or snicker about what people wear, but express this kind of hatred towards the person wearing it is pretty intolerant. Just becuse someone dresses a certian way, doesnt meant that they don't share some of your opinions/views.


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