Trust me, nobody thinks what I'm wearing is trendy or hip. For the past 32 years or so, summer or winter, I've been wearing pastel colored or white Oxford buttondowns over khaki-styled pants (most days), or over Levi's blue jeans (Fridays and weekends). I used to wear camp moccasins most of that time (say 28 of those years) but a few years ago I switched to those cheap suede slip-ons from Lands' End.skip0110Have any of you considered that perhaps someone else thinks what you are wearing is trendy/hip? When you go into a store, we all are guilty of following the trends to some degree.
MdnIteNothing wrong with wearing flip flops in the Summer![]()
Ghost CWoo, trends I hate. This could go on for days.
Faded jeans: Want faded jeans? Go to the Salvation Army and buy them used, give the leftover $80 to charity. Yes, it's been mentioned before, it bugs me, leave me alone.
I'm done for now. I may post more later.
Ghost CHats with the stickers/tags still on them: I don't know where this came from. Were you guys looking at yourself in the mirror when trying them on and thought "Hey, this is cool" while on drugs? Please, remove the tags. The stickers aren't as cool as you think.
mplacki1) Rap. Everyone seems to be blasting it out of their speakers, and it all sounds like crap.
2) The "N1ggah" style. Pants-falling-off-your-ass, t-shirt hanging down to your knees, chains and rings everywhere, etc. etc. It looks dumb, it's expensive, and you're not a rapper, you're a freaking teenager from the suburbs.
2b) "N1ggah", "dawg", "'Sup yo", and all these other wonderful additions to the English language. "N1ggah" is "Negro," aka the offensive word for someone who's black. WHY IS THIS COOL?
3) Anime. I'll probably be flamed to a crisp for this, but the anime shows that everyone is watching have just become a boring and retarded trend. Naruto, Pokemon, Digimon, DragonBallZ, and who knows how many others. They are not cool, and most of the people watching can't read Japanese. Get out of the trend already. If you want a good cartoon, go watch Looney Tunes.
4) Ricers. THE dumbest and most ghetto activity on the planet, ricing is a curse on the automotive world. There is no such thing as a Kia Rio Type-R, people. Stop buying stickers and save up for a real car.
I'll post more when I get back.
mplackiDumbest trends ever:
1) Rap. Everyone seems to be blasting it out of their speakers, and it all sounds like crap.
2) The "N1ggah" style. Pants-falling-off-your-ass, t-shirt hanging down to your knees, chains and rings everywhere, etc. etc. It looks dumb, it's expensive, and you're not a rapper, you're a freaking teenager from the suburbs.
2b) "N1ggah", "dawg", "'Sup yo", and all these other wonderful additions to the English language. "N1ggah" is "Negro," aka the offensive word for someone who's black. WHY IS THIS COOL?
4) Ricers. THE dumbest and most ghetto activity on the planet, ricing is a curse on the automotive world. There is no such thing as a Kia Rio Type-R, people. Stop buying stickers and save up for a real car.
FamineOn that topic, true overheard conversation between two Chav girls:
"Awwww. I want wonnadem gold crosses like."
"Yeh. Them's ded nice. Do you wonna plain won, or wonnadem wiv a little man onnit?"
G-T-4-FanI think the fact that some rappers are wearing crosses and stuff like they believe in god. I mean it seems soo fake....a bling bling cross is the last thing the church meant with the cross lol. It transforms religion into money again, a bling bling cross sucks IMO![]()
TheCrackerThe Catholic Church just loves it's bling - have you seen the inside of a catholic church recently or pictures of the Sistine Chapel?
Your local catholic church has more gold in it than Usher's bathroom.
The Pope out-blings Russell Simmons