idiotic trends

  • Thread starter SS69
What's up with the sandals trend?

I think about 98% of all the girls in my school wear those horrible old navy/other crap foam flip flops.
Those flip flops, I hadn't worn those things since like grade school, but I started wearing them again last summer. They are great. I wore them all the time. Too bad I couldn't wear them at work. :D
Only time I will ever wear "flip flops" is when I go to the beach.
If we didn't have a costume at our school, girls could wear their tight jeans and everyone would be happy.... but we need to wear these ugly clothes.
oh man i wear flip flops all the time but the funny thing is that i never noticed it was a trend till i started wearing them; not trying to say i started it, i just never notice it before. dont even get me started on emo, its more rediculous than goth. the guys all look way to feminine and ive also come to notice that most emo's have bi-polar. another trend i thought about today was guys wearing pink shirts; and even worse, the guys who buy the pink shirt that says, "real men wear pink." this brings up the question of, when did men stop being men?
Have any of you considered that perhaps someone else thinks what you are wearing is trendy/hip? When you go into a store, we all are guilty of following the trends to some degree.
Trust me, nobody thinks what I'm wearing is trendy or hip. For the past 32 years or so, summer or winter, I've been wearing pastel colored or white Oxford buttondowns over khaki-styled pants (most days), or over Levi's blue jeans (Fridays and weekends). I used to wear camp moccasins most of that time (say 28 of those years) but a few years ago I switched to those cheap suede slip-ons from Lands' End.

Literally, I haven't changed my style of dress in all that time. It's comfortable, it fits my frame decently, and it is suitable for 95% of the occasions or situations in which I find myself.
Nothing wrong with wearing flip flops in the Summer :D

No, but there IS something wrong with people who wear sandals, but have feet that are more disgusting to look at than childbirth. Men are the most common offenders, but I've even seen women who have dirty, poorly-maintained feet that make me want to vomit. Ingrown nails, fungus, and bloody blisters are not suitable for public display. And to those who don't shower: I'd rather sniff my toilet bowl than pick up the wafting scent of your stinky toes.
I don't even own flip flops. Usually i wear a pair of sneakers, and sometimes i wear sandals with socks. I don't like people looking at my toes, even though there's nothing wrong with them, but i just don't like it.
One more thing i despise: Fat girls who wear skin tight clothing and mini skirts. No offense to overweight people, but looking at all that fat everywhere makes me sick.
I second that.

I skateboard..... my gma bought be faded jeans.. I took them back. LOL

I have now worn out 4 pairs of shorts....

N1ggah is a bad word at this house.

30 degrees out and girls are still wearing flip flops. Wonder why you're cold? If your feet are cold, you'll feel colder. Retards.... (Not sure how true that really is)
Woo, trends I hate. This could go on for days.

Faded jeans: Want faded jeans? Go to the Salvation Army and buy them used, give the leftover $80 to charity. Yes, it's been mentioned before, it bugs me, leave me alone.

Shirts six sizes too small on guys: Wonderful. It looks good on girls, not good on you. Especially not brightly colored and fruitily-striped polos. Please refrain from actively trying to get your ass kicked.

The new anti-rap sentiment: It's actually not that new. It's been going on for a year or two now. "Oh...You listen to....RAP?!" Yes, wanker, I listen to rap. I'm sorry, let me be cool and listen to emo/punk/ska/whatever the hell the latest trend is like you. It's one thing to not like rap because you don't like the music, it's another to not like rap because nobody else does.

Anti-Baggy Trend: I mentioned this already partially with the tight fitting shirts. You don't like baggy clothes? That's fine, but please realize baggy is not a trend anymore, it is a style unlike your pink-with-white-stripe polo shirt with your collar up which will be "out" in two weeks.

Sixteen chains hanging from your clothing: This one is mostly seen on people 13-16, who usually wear all black. This trend was originally started by rednecks with three foot long wallet chains back in the mid 90's, and has since been stolen and used by goth/emo/whatever the hell they are kids and turned into something even more pointless. Now the chains don't even serve a purpose...Except maybe for me to strangle them with.

Torn clothing: See - Faded jeans.

Mufflers sticking 10" out from the back of the car: I hate you all. I have to see this almost daily and it bugs the everloving piss out of me. Sometimes I just want to jump on the end of the exhaust because it's such an eyesore.

Mesh shirts: Nothing wrong here, as long as they're on a girl who's weight is proportionate to her height. Fat girls and guys need not apply.

8XL t-shirts on guys weighing 150lbs: I like baggy. Baggy is good, up to a point. Then it's just stupid. I hope this trend fades out soon, as the tards are giving me a bad name.

Hats with the stickers/tags still on them: I don't know where this came from. Were you guys looking at yourself in the mirror when trying them on and thought "Hey, this is cool" while on drugs? Please, remove the tags. The stickers aren't as cool as you think.

I'm done for now. I may post more later.
Ghost C
Woo, trends I hate. This could go on for days.

Faded jeans: Want faded jeans? Go to the Salvation Army and buy them used, give the leftover $80 to charity. Yes, it's been mentioned before, it bugs me, leave me alone.

I'm done for now. I may post more later.

Honestly wtf is so bad about it. Is it hurting you? No. If you don't like the way it looks DONT STARE AT IT SO GODDAMN MUCH THEN AND ***** ABOUT IT.
I don't get the point of faded jeans, but whatever. I wouldn't buy em, but i don't care if people wear em either. My jeans get faded by lots of usage though.
If Ghost C calls "baggy clothes" a trend, then faded jeans qualify as a trend also.
Ghost C
Hats with the stickers/tags still on them: I don't know where this came from. Were you guys looking at yourself in the mirror when trying them on and thought "Hey, this is cool" while on drugs? Please, remove the tags. The stickers aren't as cool as you think.

That whole 'wearing-a-hat-with-tags-still-on-like-i-just-stole-it' is just plain pikey.

I suppose it's a take on the old 'box-fresh' trainer style - instead it just looks like you can't afford to buy one.
1) Rap. Everyone seems to be blasting it out of their speakers, and it all sounds like crap.

Im sorry you feel that way but I like rap and if everyone else is blasting it out s you say they most like it aswell. Just because you dont like it you dont need to say its crap. I dont listen to grunge rock or emo or whatever theyre called nowadays but I dont go around cussing peoples taste.

2) The "N1ggah" style. Pants-falling-off-your-ass, t-shirt hanging down to your knees, chains and rings everywhere, etc. etc. It looks dumb, it's expensive, and you're not a rapper, you're a freaking teenager from the suburbs.

And then theres boys that wear makeup and nail varnish. Does that say they arent going by any trend but rebelling against the government by wearing che guevera T-shirts etc when yet they have fallen into a trend and someone out there is profiting off them

2b) "N1ggah", "dawg", "'Sup yo", and all these other wonderful additions to the English language. "N1ggah" is "Negro," aka the offensive word for someone who's black. WHY IS THIS COOL?

Why do you care? If you actually where black Id think you would understand.

3) Anime. I'll probably be flamed to a crisp for this, but the anime shows that everyone is watching have just become a boring and retarded trend. Naruto, Pokemon, Digimon, DragonBallZ, and who knows how many others. They are not cool, and most of the people watching can't read Japanese. Get out of the trend already. If you want a good cartoon, go watch Looney Tunes.

If they want to watch it let them. Its not hurting anyone. Anything new thats become popular quickly or is the most popular will be seen as a trend. If it stands out and theres a few people doing it it will be labelled as a trend. Most things start off as a trend. Your life is a trend and everyone here has fallen into some sort of trend even duke.

4) Ricers. THE dumbest and most ghetto activity on the planet, ricing is a curse on the automotive world. There is no such thing as a Kia Rio Type-R, people. Stop buying stickers and save up for a real car.

Why is it ghetto?

I'll post more when I get back.

Please dont. :sly:
I feel I ought to mention, before this thread gets locked, that EVERYTHING POSTED HERE IS ONLY OTHER PEOPLE'S OPINION. That's the whole point of a forum. It won't change your life in any way - don't blow a proverbial fuse because someone's posted something that you don't like.
I think the fact that some rappers are wearing crosses and stuff like they believe in god. I mean it seems soo fake....a bling bling cross is the last thing the church meant with the cross lol. It transforms religion into money again, a bling bling cross sucks IMO:yuck:

Edit: Although I must say, it's not hurting me cause I'm religious or something, cause I'm not religious really. But damn, it's so stupid to see:lol::yuck:
Dumbest trends ever:

1) Rap. Everyone seems to be blasting it out of their speakers, and it all sounds like crap.

2) The "N1ggah" style. Pants-falling-off-your-ass, t-shirt hanging down to your knees, chains and rings everywhere, etc. etc. It looks dumb, it's expensive, and you're not a rapper, you're a freaking teenager from the suburbs.

2b) "N1ggah", "dawg", "'Sup yo", and all these other wonderful additions to the English language. "N1ggah" is "Negro," aka the offensive word for someone who's black. WHY IS THIS COOL?

4) Ricers. THE dumbest and most ghetto activity on the planet, ricing is a curse on the automotive world. There is no such thing as a Kia Rio Type-R, people. Stop buying stickers and save up for a real car.

Amen brother.

In regards to #1... kids listening to rap these days don't know what good rap is... 50 Cent, Lil' Jon(?), G-Unit, any rapper who mentions anything about the "VIP" = GARBAGE... they need to listen to some early 90s Snoop Dogg or Dr. Dre, Mobb Deep, Tupac. Biggie... these guys had actual LYRICS, what a concept!! It seems too complicated for rappers now-days to come up with anything other than being 'in the club' or in the 'VIP'... hilarious... and sad. I've actually laughed out loud at some of the 'lyrics' in todays rap. Every single thing about older rap is WAY better than the (popular) crap that is put out now-days.

So there. :irked:
yea i was about to say that. i meant it for people to agree to disagree. thats the point is for people to talk about trends THEY dont like, not for someone to get pissed and try to defend the trend they have. everyone is obviously going to have different things they like or dont like. as for me i like faded jeans and polos, and i can see the fact why people hate them. the thing i dont like is people who go to hollister and pay 80$ for jeans that looks like they pulled them off a homeless person. i just pay about 30-40 at the most for slightly faded jeans, i let time do the rest. i dont agree with the pants with rips all over the place and stains all over them. if you want pants like that go talk to a construction worker; i bet he'll sell them to you for a reasonable price.
On that topic, true overheard conversation between two Chav girls:

"Awwww. I want wonnadem gold crosses like."
"Yeh. Them's ded nice. Do you wonna plain won, or wonnadem wiv a little man onnit?"
Y_W, the whole point of this thread is for people to mention trends that annoy them. So there's no need to get your panties in a bunch because most of your 'lifestyle' happens to fall on someone else's 'annoying trend' list.
On that topic, true overheard conversation between two Chav girls:

"Awwww. I want wonnadem gold crosses like."
"Yeh. Them's ded nice. Do you wonna plain won, or wonnadem wiv a little man onnit?"
I'd burst out laughing if I heard that!
I think the fact that some rappers are wearing crosses and stuff like they believe in god. I mean it seems soo fake....a bling bling cross is the last thing the church meant with the cross lol. It transforms religion into money again, a bling bling cross sucks IMO:yuck:

The Catholic Church just loves it's bling - have you seen the inside of a catholic church recently or pictures of the Sistine Chapel?

Your local catholic church has more gold in it than Usher's bathroom.

The Pope out-blings Russell Simmons
The worst actual trends IMO are

1. Guys with painted nails... usually black. These are what we (in Spain) call Gothics.

2. Guys who shave their legs... if you're not a swimmer or a cyclist, leave the hairs alone.

3. Wearing your underwear on the outside... that's one of the most basic rules of clothing: it's called underwear, because you wear it under your clothes.

4. Reggaeton, in any form

and that's my 2 cents for now... :)
The Catholic Church just loves it's bling - have you seen the inside of a catholic church recently or pictures of the Sistine Chapel?

Your local catholic church has more gold in it than Usher's bathroom.

The Pope out-blings Russell Simmons

Well ok u got a point but it still annoys me to death, only now I realise I cant explain really why;)

LOOOOLLLL FAMINE!!!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


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There aren't too many trends that really bother me all that much. The sports look doesn't go well for me. I don't see why someone would want to dress up like they're about to go out onto the court and play B-Ball for the lakers... still, it doesn't bother me that much.

There have been a bunch of trends that I really really like however.

I love the midrift on girls, very happy about that one. Though some people don't have the sense to know that they can't pull it off.

I'm was a big fan of the thong coming above the waist on girls.

I like the new, super tight athletic clothing look on girls. Like they're going jogging but in style.

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