IED explosives in Watertown, Mass. One Boston Bomber dead!

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If you are wondering why this thread is such a mess... There is absolutely no news coverage. I've been following the MIT shootings leading to this. Below is all of the information I know..

Currently there are somethings going down in Watertown, Mass.

Two men have been reported by police for firing on police officers and are reported to have hand grenades and IED devices. The suspects also have automatic rifles. They stole a State police SUV before flipping it.

One man has been taken into custody to Beth Israel Hospital, and one officer is down.

Another has fled the scene while leaving a IED on the streets.

There has been an EOD squad with a robot and I'm sure that they'll try to defuse it.

If you are wondering where i'm getting this information. I'm listening to the Boston Police, Fire and EMS Live Audio Feed. I have recording of the audio but I'm not sure if I should upload to Youtube.

[EDIT] Second suspect is in custody.

[EDIT 2] There is so much information right now that I can't keep this updated right away. One officer said that there potentially may be a second suspect out there.

[EDIT 3] Second suspect is not in custody.

[EDIT 4] FBI is on the scene. They have blocked off the streets effected by the men. There has been a reported explosion.

[EDIT 5] Code Black at Hospital.

[EDIT 6] They are the Boston Bombers, one of them may have been killed.

[EDIT 7] I don't think these news programs can be trusted. They say the bombers have been apprehended but now they say there is still one more suspect... Not sure.

[EDIT 8] One is the Boston Bomber. The guy in the white hat is still at large.

[EDIT 9] The missing guy is Sunil Tripathi. A article popped up claiming that he was a missing Ivy League student.


Mods. If you think this is a jumbled mess feel free to edit or make a new thread.

[Update] It's 2:25AM here. I need sleep. Mods feel free to edit or make a new thread.

Video streams:

Matthew Gregoires picture from twitter.

I will warn you. Somethings on the Twitter accounts covering this may be NSFW.



That is a picture of a wall being penetrated by a shotgun I believe. This guy is in the middle of all of it and has been reporting.

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Massachusetts is not the place to be.
Thanks for.updating. ill stop posting in the other thread.

Scary times in my city for sure.
Boston is in a world of hurt right now. I have no idea what to even try to make of it, I have a friend in Watertown who owns a tattoo shop.
To save googli g.

Code black= bomb threat.

Controlled explosions are confirmed in watertown
MIT officer shot? Any connection to Aaron Schwartz's death?
@OP I think the guy in the white hat is in custody. I've seen footage of the arrest and the guy lying face down on the floor seemed to have a lot of hair.
2:25AM. I am going to get some sleep. Not all of my information is correct or complete. Go to a official news source.

And also. More and more sources are coming in and it's getting less and less accurate.
Motion detectors set off in commercial buillding. Swat possibly on seen.
Officers sweeping streets and baxkyards ober multiple blocks.
Suspect #2( white hat ) confirmed hold up in building. Swat reportedly surrounding building. ( 411 am est)

Mass state pd cln just confirmed all this.

Rumors of a controlled explosion to come soon have been stated to be 100% untrue.

" we believe this to be a terrorist."
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Several undetonated explosive devices believed to be on the streets. "Incredibly dangerous"


Suspicious paxkage found on mit campus just now.

No danger to mit.

Watertown might get completely locked down. No final decision yet..
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