If Porsche was DLC how much would you pay?

  • Thread starter hugo24
Stu 7005
If Porsche was DLC how much would you pay for it as DLC? There has been footage of Forza 3 with the Porsche interior shown, which has been enough for me to seriously consider buying an XBox 360, and it got me thinking that if GT don't aquire the liscence at launch, but later on did, how much would you pay for the privilidge of driving a virtual Porsche?

At first I was thinking $10 for 3 cars but then I thought realistically even if they charged up to $50 to drive the Porsches in the end I probably would given how much I've enjoyed driving from cockpit view with the Ferrari's.

Most importantly if GT go down the DLC path which I hope they do, I hope they incoperate the new cars or even more so new tracks into the career mode.
First off, DLC is a ripoff, especially when it's released a month later. Paying for **** that should be in the game at the start is a joke. They take out 5% and say hey "Pay us 20 for these cars!"

Secondly, if there are two versions as amar212's post suggests, I'd rather pay for it all on day one. I'll pay about 20 dollars more if it means having the "super version".
You people are nuts saying you'd actually pay $10-$20 for 3 cars or even $70 for 20 cars.

Forza 2 didn't even charge that much. For the first 2 monthly packs, you got 20 cars for $10 & 2 free ones. The last pack gave out 12 cars for $5 with a free one.
First off, DLC is a ripoff, especially when it's released a month later. Paying for **** that should be in the game at the start is a joke. They take out 5% and say hey "Pay us 20 for these cars!"

Secondly, if there are two versions as amar212's post suggests, I'd rather pay for it all on day one. I'll pay about 20 dollars more if it means having the "super version".
If it where up to having a game released a month earlier, then paying more for the DLC in Gt5, then as said above, I will pay.

And if you dont like DLC; Dont buy it!
And if you dont like DLC; Dont buy it!

Right. Or you can spend 20 dollars for a percentage of the game which was intentionally taken out for fools who think they're getting a deal. Buy it, man!
And if you dont like DLC; Dont buy it!

Right. Or you can spend 20 dollars for a percentage of the game which was intentionally taken out for fools who think they're getting a deal. Buy it, man!

we will!

If you thing about it, if all the cars everyone wanted were in, the game would be set back a couple of years because Ferrari have announced a new supercar due 2012 (or something). A line has to be drawn where the game is released and everyhing after can be paid for.

Another thing - if there aren't a few cars, you can't just say they SHOULD be in because they're cars and Granturismo is a car game.
I will pay nothing!

I completely disagreed with that kind of unfair business... If I pay for a game, why this game it's not complete?

If I pay 60€ for a game, why I need to pay more to have it complete? It's not fair!
I won't pay, not even € 0.1 for DLC because I don't have a credit card which mean that I can't pay for DLC.

If there's going to be an expensive full GT5 version with future DLC for free, like amar told us, oh so cryptically, I'm forced to buy that one.

Do you really think that PD is going to release DLC? Is KY going to lower himself to the same level as all the other developers whom release DLC?

I always thought that KY wanted to differentiate himself from all the other devs and race games on the market.

If I had a credit card and PD released a pack with my favourite Porsches and a couple of my favourite tracks, I would consider buying that pack.

Actually, I'm more interested in tracks than cars when it comes to DLC.

But it is so easy to loose yourself in a game that once you start buying DLC and packs, you can easily get hooked and keep buying and make GT5 a very expensive game.
I'll be rather disappointed if the DLC content ends up costing more than 50% of the original price of the game. For $10 worth of DLC I'd be expecting 10+ cars and a track.
I will only pay for DLC that comes out no closer then 6 months of the game's release

$7-$10 for 10 Porsches sounds fair, considering Media Molecule is pumping out Little Big Planet costumes for $2.99 every week it seems like
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It's unfair... if you pay!!!

Life is unfair, get used to it. no?

but seriously.. after 5 years of development, you'd think a game with so much content and time spent on is worth more than 60 $. i mean sony afterall controls the sale prospects of the game and they will be the ones to decide if DLC will cost money. they want as much profit as possible from their highest paying game.
we will!

If you thing about it, if all the cars everyone wanted were in, the game would be set back a couple of years because Ferrari have announced a new supercar due 2012 (or something). A line has to be drawn where the game is released and everyhing after can be paid for.

Another thing - if there aren't a few cars, you can't just say they SHOULD be in because they're cars and Granturismo is a car game.

agree 100%!!! 👍

But if I have to pay . . . I think the recomended price for a normal model is:

- 1,5€ for 1 porsche
- 3,5€ for 3 porsche
- 5,0€ for 5 porsche
I think it's normal if they ask money for their work.
you want to get paid for your work too, don't you?
But I bet the price will not be too high...
Although all hardcore fans would pay a lot (which they could exploit),
there a many non-hardcore fans who wouldn't pay the big amounts.
If they set the price a little lower for the DLC, more people would buy it, and their overall profit would be bigger.
Come on guys, let's not give them ideas! ;)
I would actually pay more for the game itself (like 70$ instead of the usual 60$), just so we don't have to pay for anything else, DLC included.
We didn't have to pay the GT by Citroen, Lotus Evora and Ferrari California, so I wouldn't pay for extra cars.
I paid for the full product not the half so I expect the full product.
we didn't pay for those because

a - PD were taking its time with GT5 and NEEDED to keep us happy


b - they wouldn't dare making DLC for what is essentially a demo
I'm not talking about PD delibrately holding back content to rip us off, but what if post release car manufacturers who weren't included initially, say Porsche or Lamborghini came to some deal which PD were charged for, then I think they'd be justified to charge us for the cars. I should probably also state I was quoting AUS dollar in my inital post where we normally pay $80-$100 for a new game.

I think DLC gives PD a chance to avoid their mistakes of the past. Maybe we will no longer face 6 years between games, but new tracks or the years new release cars as DLC every 6 or 12 months. I think it would be great, but what I don't want to see is LittleBig Planet style, 6 new cars every week for $2 each (unless they are Porsche!)
I wouldn't pay anything because i only use JDM cars, but if you were talking about a toyota markII or 4dr skyline i would pay about $2 per car.
I will only pay for DLC that comes out no closer then 6 months of the game's release

$7-$10 for 10 Porsches sounds fair, considering Media Molecule is pumping out Little Big Planet costumes for $2.99 every week it seems like
Per costume? Or per pack?
For the porsche DLC I will pay the SAME PRICE as DLC for any other car manufacturer .
any crappy manufacturer DLC = $ X.00

I am not paying more because it's PORSCHE
I don't think it's unfair, I don't think it's a rip-off. It's a gap in the market (don't know if this is the right expression) and the devs/publishers take advantage of it to earn an extra buck through DLC. The only thing I don't agree with is the price (DLC) in general. If GT5 costs € 65, and PD would ask € 10 for 20 cars, that's € 0.5 per car. So with 700 cars, GT5 would cost € 350 for the cars alone. The work for making a car ingame or for DLC is the same, so why make the DLC so über expensive? It's not that one person buys these DLC, it could be millions of GT5 fans who buy DLC, that's a huge profit if the DLC is that expensive.

Since it's possible to download software with the PS3, the devs/pub. saw it possible to earn more money from one game but they also provide us with a service that wasn't possible in the past => updates, patches etc... to improve the game, to get rid off the bugs and all for free.

It's marketing! For some of us who don't like it, don't buy DLC but you'll be missing out on all the goodies!

Just don't make it too expensive (DLC that is).

I think that many of you do not agree with my way of reasoning, but that's how I see it.
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