If Porsche was DLC how much would you pay?

  • Thread starter hugo24
I dont see PD being one for holding anything back to put as DLC (this isnt EA! :sly:). I think that they will put everything they have into the retail game then maybe work on DLC later which will probably take them years!

Holding stuff back which is ready to just get nearly half of the games retail price back in DLC is criminal.

so if it were a toss up between Dewoo or Porsche, you are honseltly telling me you wouldn't pay more for Porsche DLC? Thats the same as saying the cars offer the same driver satisfaction.
I don't think it's unfair, I don't think it's a rip-off. It's a gap in the market (don't know if this is the right expression) and the devs/publishers take advantage of it to earn an extra buck through DLC. The only thing I don't agree with is the price (DLC) in general. If GT5 costs € 65, and PD would ask € 10 for 20 cars, that's € 0.5 per car. So with 700 cars, GT5 would cost € 350 for the cars alone. The work for making a car ingame or for DLC is the same, so why make the DLC so über expensive? It's not that one person buys these DLC, it could be millions of GT5 fans who buy DLC, that's a huge profit if the DLC is that expensive.

I agree, and I'll take it one step further and say its actually CHEAPER for them to make a car for DLC than for the actual game, so profit margins are friggin massive. Because they dont have to burn a bunch of discs, print off a bunch of box cover art, get the cases, pay someone (or buy some machine, I dont know how it works) to package them, then pay for shipping to hundreds of stores.

I dont know how you can call it honest when they can make a game with 700 cars for $60 but then charge you even $0.50 for a single car after that.

I only like DLC when its either dirt cheap or if it signicantly adds to the game (maybe 10% more cars and tracks, or in non racing games, a 20 hour game adding an extra 5 hours of gameplay).
You have a good point there 80Y 2C2 , but I didn't mean crappy as in KIA, DEWOO, DAIHATSU etc... I just dont like the idea of paying a fortune for a PORSCHE DLC (nothing against PORSCHE) but I think ALL DLC should cost the same and its up to you to buy which content you want.
Probably the same as I would pay for any other DLC. $5-$7 for 10 cars seems reasonable, and $2-$3 for a track.
fair cop...but I think they would charge extra (not that they should because it's all electronic and neither of them is greater in material value) for the better cars. I know if I were faced between 10 toyotas for $10 or 5 paganis for $15, I know which one I'd buy. (the paganis)
I don't know how licensing fees work but you very well might have to pay more for one group of cars than another.
Like I said before:

*snip ... Do you really think that PD is going to release DLC? Is KY going to lower himself to the same level as all the other developers whom release DLC?

I always thought that KY wanted to differentiate himself from all the other devs and race games on the market ... *snap
Do you think that PD is going to offer us DLC? Isn't it so that PD gave us 3 cars for free in GT5p? Maybe he will do the same thing with GT5.
Like I said before:

Do you think that PD is going to offer us DLC? Isn't it so that PD gave us 3 cars for free in GT5p? Maybe he will do the same thing with GT5.

Based off the interpretation of Amar's cryptic post, there will be DLC and 2 versions of the game, one cheaper one where you have to pay for DLC and one more expensive where you get all DLC included.
realistically? nothing, zilch, zero. RUFs are enough for me...even if they are old models. Now Fiat Abarth 500 yes ;)
If I had to pay for DLC,no more than a couple of bucks per car or track.

Really hoping that PD does not implement pay type DLC.
Per costume? Or per pack?

Per pack

But honestly though, I dont think Porsche is so special to have it's own DLC. They should be included in the game from the get go. Any cars and tracks that come from DLC should only be DLC because PD did not have time to include it.

Right now it looks like PD is sitting on their hands, polishing GT5 so an addon pack of Porsches anytime soon would be unacceptable

But of course I'm a "GT Sucker" and I would get the DLC no matter the price or release date :indiff:
Based off the interpretation of Amar's cryptic post, there will be DLC and 2 versions of the game, one cheaper one where you have to pay for DLC and one more expensive where you get all DLC included.
Yep, you're right but not entirely.

If you get the more expensive GT5 version with all the DLC included, that means that PD has already finished all the DLC PD wants to release.

I thought that if you get the more expensive GT5 version, you can have all the future DLC for free.
First of all, I bought GT5p thinking that I will probably only have to spend 20-40 dollars more for the full version. As it has took so damn long for the game to come out, it looks like we might just be buying another disk, 50-60 US dollars. The time they took to create this, you would think what in the world else more can you add on. I can only think of adding new things that weren't available when the game was finished. Now DLC is another damn step that I say better not be expensive and excessive. Porsche shouold be included in the game, I would say Porsche is missing a big market for their cars if they have in it this game. Look at most of the other supercar manufacturers, they've been in these games consistently or at one point in time. Sure I would probably buy DLC being a GT fan, but I already got holes in my pocket from buying the game, and steering wheel. 180 dollar value. I originally bought my ps3 and HDtv for gta4 which was well worth it and I will not push the blame of purchasing these on GT.
Doubtful, you'll probably have to spend $60 regardless if you bought Prologue or not.
Well, there are other costs to creating DLC which may explain why they cost more per content than a game. For instance, the added bandwidth for downloads needs to be paid for, and servers must be maintained for the DLC content. There is the cost of producing the content itself, which is probably similar to the cost of the content that ships on disc on a per part basis.

But there is also another cost, which is actually quite expensive. Opportunity cost. Opportunity cost describes possibilities that are missed in pursuing one choice over another. For instance, by going to college, I'm missing out on income of several tens of thousands of dollars that I could have made by going straight into a full time job. So, with respect to DLC, the opportunity cost involved here is that Polyphony would be spending man hours and other resources working on adding additional content to a game that has already been released, rather than spending these resources on their next project. This is why DLC tends to cost more per unit, than the content already included in a game.

As for whether the game could be considered complete or not, I could be wrong (naturally), but Polyphony doesn't strike me as a company that would release an unfinished game and then make people pay for content that they purposefully left out to use as DLC. That doesn't make much business sense either, because that would cause them to lose sells to competitors (not just racing games, but games in general). After all, given a choice between a complete game and an incomplete game for the same price, most people would chose the complete game, unless there is something special to them about the other game that they feel is more valuable.
I expect Porsche to be there from the start. I'd be pissed if they weren't.

BTW, what happened to all the backlash against DLC back when it was first announced ~2-3 years ago, because this is exactly what's happening. Kaz's GT Vision is pretty much coming true.
You guys saying you'd pay $15-$20 for 3 cars are nuts. If the game ships for $60 with over 600 cars, you are willing to spend a third of the cost of the game on 0.5% of the number of cars in the game. For $20 I personally want 20 cars or more.
it should come wit the game and if they get the license later, it should be free, given that we will have a useless copy of GT5P, so it levels, no?
Like I said before:

Do you think that PD is going to offer us DLC? Isn't it so that PD gave us 3 cars for free in GT5p? Maybe he will do the same thing with GT5.

Do you think if Toyota released some GTR beater, PD wouldn't utilize the powers of the internet?

I think theres a line between what is reasonable and what isn't when expecting us to pay for DLC. Things that are reasonable - New supercar sensations, new brands, classic cars. Unreasonable things - existing cars, new liveries, new but boring cars.
If Porsche was DLC how much would you pay for it as DLC? There has been footage of Forza 3 with the Porsche interior shown, which has been enough for me to seriously consider buying an XBox 360, and it got me thinking that if GT don't aquire the liscence at launch, but later on did, how much would you pay for the privilidge of driving a virtual Porsche?

At first I was thinking $10 for 3 cars but then I thought realistically even if they charged up to $50 to drive the Porsches in the end I probably would given how much I've enjoyed driving from cockpit view with the Ferrari's.

Most importantly if GT go down the DLC path which I hope they do, I hope they incoperate the new cars or even more so new tracks into the career mode.

Sure it wold be nice, I would pay 5-10 dollars for 5-10 cars. (so about dollar a car, 2 dollars max i would pay.

But, for me Porsche a great car, I would rather drive a Zonda, or even Tunned Clio, I won't cry about not having it in game, but it would be a nice addition.
I'm afraid all these post saying you would pay for cars and tracks have let PD know they can withold cars and tracks, then later do countless DLC (like LBP ) and charge ala cart for cars, paint schemes,liveries and etc.etc:grumpy:
I'm afraid all these post saying you would pay for cars and tracks have let PD know they can withold cars and tracks, then later do countless DLC (like LBP ) and charge ala cart for cars, paint schemes,liveries and etc.etc:grumpy:
It's not like they don't already know this. DLC has been a main part of console games since 2005, I doubt PD is just noticing people buy it now.
I think there is a seperate market for luxury cars that we'd all love to drive but in reality will never be able to afford, driving a Ferrari in Prologue is probably as close as I'm ever going to get (especially since Monte Carlo has outlawed the ferrari tours grrr). The fact Ferrari was free in Prologue was awsome, but in reality I would have paid for the Ferrari experience because I know I probably drive them 50% of the time I play Prologue. If PD already ahve the liscence then it's criminal to put it in as DLC, but if the the price of DLC helps them obtain the liscence I'm all for it. As I've said paying for crappy cars or cars they already have liscence to make I'm against up to point.

I would rather they release the game now with 96 tracks or whatever they rumour to have, than wait 1-2 years for them to add in tracks such as Bathurst or the Canadian F1 track, and insteadpay for themlater as DLC.
It's not like they don't already know this. DLC has been a main part of console games since 2005, I doubt PD is just noticing people buy it now.

Yes I'm aware of that, Just don't think it's the smartest thing in the world to before the fact, say I'm willing to PAY extra for this and that.:dunce:
I'd pay for DLC, but what I don't want is to be buying a pack of 10 cars and only one or two are even interesting. I'd sooner pick each car individually.
It seems that most people are only interested in downloadable (DLC) cars.
I, on the other hand am more interested in new real live tracks. Some Porsches should be nice but I'm not even remotely interested in Lamborghinis.

Pffff, actually, I don't care what kind of DLC PD has in store for us. I can't pay for DLC's, so if amar's cryptic message has been decoded correctly, then I have to get the expensive full GT5 version with all future DLC for free. Even if it's free, I'm not going to download every DLC. Only the ones I'm interested in i.e. real tracks and 911's.
I will pay nothing!

I completely disagreed with that kind of unfair business... If I pay for a game, why this game it's not complete?

If I pay 60€ for a game, why I need to pay more to have it complete? It's not fair!
not to mention that we're still waiting the game
I for one expect and hope to see purchased content within 6 months from GT5 being released. My main stance on this is that GT5 will most likely be around until at least 2015. This way they will be able to release new car models etc. during this time period.
Also understandably I am sure there are cars and or tracks that they may have not had time to completly finish or get the license for. Who is to say that between now and the next 5 years or so they might be able to added items that do to license restrictions etc. they was not able to get in before. Also future SEMA winners etc. could be added. As far as cost goes. I agree with most that car packs or track packs would be the way I would like to see it handled. A US dollar per car in my view is to much. I would imagine that at least 500,000 people would purchase most of the downloaded content offered especially if offered in car packs. I also do not think that if they offer a special version that we would get unlimited upgrades. There would most likely always be special models etc. that would have to be purchased.
A track add on with more than one version perhaps a few bucks.

Anyways to answer orginal question of this topic. It really depends on the model and year. My limit would maybe be $25.00 for 25 car pack especially if race tuned version of stock models are included. Meaning the info is included that would allow you to race mod you stock Porsche. Also DLC regardless of what you think should be included with the release has to be better than never having the chance to purchase add on features.

To those that have purchase D/L content for other games what features are there that would prevent you from sharing you game saves with someone else ( meaning they could easliy aquire the same content ). Although I suppose the add on content data is not part of the game save. Therefore I would guess that add on cars could not be traded or sold to other players?

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