Would you rather: have legendary cars cycle at current price or cost twice (or more) as much but be available at all times?

  • Thread starter ebadevil
I mean, a three hour stint is a pretty big ask for a professional racing driver. They do it, but they're also professionals who aren't doing it just for a good time. I think you overestimate what is a reasonable expectation for a normal human to sit down and concentrate without needing to answer the door, take a leak, or just stand up and have a stretch. It should be a challenge, but it should also be fun and you shouldn't need to pee in a cup to get through it.

If that's what it takes to get through it, does it really matter? If you insist on making it artificially hard, then make it so that you only get a set number of saves and they must be taken from a pit stop. If you only have 3 saves in a 4 hour race you're having to average hour long stints, but you get to choose how it's broken up.
My bad, I misspoke. I have no problem with pausing, just saving. Pausing to have a slash is fine.

I just don't think that saving mid race and returning later after an extended period of time is in the spirit of what "endurance races" are meant to be about. Each to their own though!
I don't see a problem with including 3 or 4 hour races without a save function.

As for the actual 24 hour races we've had in the past, I'd prefer they had B-spec mode than a pause.

Let's be honest, you aren't really completing an endurance race if you are doing it in half hour chunks over a 2 week period...
Do you think that real endurance races have one driver doing 24 hours straight by themselves or something? It's teams of multiple drivers, and the endurance of the machinery is as much or more under test as the stamina of the drivers themselves.

Having a pause/save option makes the races more like real life, as if a single driver is going to have to complete the whole thing then at least they can do it in stints with significant breaks in between.

It's still a minimum of four drivers, is it not?
24 hs is a different kind of animal.
Let's put a pause every 3 hs, with a maximum resume time of 24-36 hs, for example.

The other endurance like 3-6-12 hs should be arranged differently and proportionally.
This is purely a hypothetical question. I'm just curious about how much people value convenience and the legendary car dealership incidentally seems like an interesting study.
Here is the deal. It doesn't matter, it would make absolutely no difference as I'd not be able to purchase anything ever either way.
My bad, I misspoke. I have no problem with pausing, just saving. Pausing to have a slash is fine.

I just don't think that saving mid race and returning later after an extended period of time is in the spirit of what "endurance races" are meant to be about. Each to their own though!
To be fair I dont think PD could actually make an AI worthy of a 24hr endurance. Sure they can make it difficult, inhuman, but an entirely realistic racing driver that makes all the human mistakes and makes worth racing against for 24hrs and thinks like a human? With the current gt7 AI, youre not gonna feel accomplished beating them. So At what point does the fact of a hypothetical 24hr race in GT7 become entirely realistic anyways? The AI will never be worth racing against. Either predictably too inhuman or too easy over that long a time.
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I would be just fine with that if they had that feature I think GT6 had where you could pause and save and resume the endurance at a later time.
Yes! That would be great! I believe Nascar games also have this option, the ones on PS2 had it.

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